bareshares2020 · 4 years
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http://rafamonzo.tumblr.com   / http://tanaka-clan.tumblr.com
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bareshares2020 · 4 years
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© Peter Schillinger
from the series “33 Childhood Memories”
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bareshares2020 · 4 years
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bareshares2020 · 4 years
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Jumy-M Early Night Hours / 宵過ぐるほど (BW)
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bareshares2020 · 4 years
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bareshares2020 · 4 years
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RIP Diana Rigg (1938 - 2020) Here as Emma Peel in The Avengers (1960’s)
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bareshares2020 · 4 years
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Hans Vandekerckhove —The Road Never Ends (oil, canvas, 2004)
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bareshares2020 · 4 years
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bareshares2020 · 4 years
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#Don't give a damn about my bad reputation.
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bareshares2020 · 4 years
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© Henri Coudoux
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bareshares2020 · 4 years
Similar to infamous, notorious is an adjective meaning “widely and unfavorably known.” Evidenced in the late 15th century, notorious originally meant “well known,” true to its ultimate Latin root, notus, meaning “known"
14th century, infamous is an adjective rooted in the Latin infamis, “of ill fame.” We use it to describe a person, place, or thing known for “having an extremely bad reputation.”
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bareshares2020 · 4 years
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I was born in April.
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bareshares2020 · 4 years
Famous murals from around the world 🎨
Explore some of the world’s best murals, courtesy of MSN!
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Lonac, “Nitpicking” – Rijeka, Croatia
Croatian artist Lonac created this photorealistic mural of a man (his father) focused on the model of a ship for the MMSU Rijeka Spajalica public art project. He used around 100 cans of spray paint with some 50 different color tones and worked seven days to create this piece.
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Hosier Lane – Melbourne, Australia
Perhaps one of the most famous street art locations in the world, Hosier Lane in Melbourne is essentially an open canvas, meaning that any artist can go and add to the murals. The result is an impressive mishmash of different styles. You can get lost in this eclectic lane and revisit many times, having a completely different experience each time.
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Multiple artists – Incheon, South Korea
Incheon’s mural, painted over silos, is the largest outdoor mural in the world, according to Guinness World Records. The mural resembles a set of 16 books and shows the story of a boy growing into an adult.
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Artist unknown, “I love you so much” – Austin, USA
Perhaps not an impressive street mural per se, this phrase, graffitied on the side of Jo’s Coffee on South Congress Avenue in Austin, Texas, has become one of the most famous pieces of street art in the world and an attraction in its own right. Apparently, the owners of the coffee shop, who are a couple, got into a fight and one of them painted this love declaration on the side of the building.
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Petit Champlain Murals – Old Quebec, Canada
Old Quebec is known for its beauty, and the Petit Champlain trompe l’œil murals are no exception. The area between this neighbourhood and Parliament Hill is home to remarkable works of art, including Fresque du Petit-Champlain.
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Muralis – Sherbrooke, Canada
The thing that makes Sherbrooke’s murals special is that Easter eggs are hidden in all of the paintings. Visitors to this city in Quebec are invited to try and find them thanks to an app—which also makes the murals come alive!
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bareshares2020 · 4 years
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Artist’s Sketch of a Swallow, Thebes, Egypt, ca. 1479–1458 B.C.
Limestone, today at Metropolitan Museum of Art, 6.6 x 10.6 cm 
Source: Metropolitan Museum of Art / internet archive / public domain
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bareshares2020 · 4 years
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Notorious and incognito.
Favored words. You know you like those too! Empowering words! I'm TRYING the positive.
I think of this like an inverse spiritual theory.
I feel depression intently. Don't you think this is warranted now? Some?
Ruth died though. Not good for us. Not at all. Notorious for us. Yet just more worldwide notoriety for what's left of America.
This is not American.
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bareshares2020 · 4 years
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Jesus was a cool guy, a hippie, a revolutionary like a Lennon or Stravinsky, a Lemongrass Teacher who ate plants and refused to hunt for sport, for murder. He wore sandals, fed his people, supported his pupils.
How different from a Bodisatva? From a third eye. From a center.
Aren't We all ego gods? Roaring out righteousness and derision? Killing each other?
If we embrace all gods we'd be easier to get along with. All colors, tribes, philosophies, beliefs? Rules?
The trouble with the south violence magnifies.
I landed a few minutes from Atlanta. I like my life now but this year has been a shitshow, reality TV times 1000, even worse RBG died.
Now, look who gets another justice in? Kavanugh was creepy enough. God let the Biden win. Ignore the destruction of postal sorting machines, feigned ignore of scientific studies and facts. If this is my only prayer to any god? Help us. But god doesn't. We help ourselves. Let's face it. We're on our own.
But if you want to believe, go ahead.
The bill of rights isn't wrong.
The threat of violence permeates this culture tv stickpins show us what to think. We kill everything we touch. Burn what we own. We ruin our planet, exploit one another, buy and sell one another, enslave one another and how is this godly? Honorable?
Jesus would not have suppprted a death penalty, his mother couldn't have been a virgin and I doubt he walked on water.
Jesus tossed us like a discarded card.
A diguarded card. Discarded Art. A Reject. Loser. Albino. Junkie. Black. Iranian. Persian. Mexican Moslem. Immigrant alien Mistake. Inconvenience. Homeless. Burden. Gay. Wrong. Liberal. Hippy. Peacenik3. Promontory 5. @&"7$xc. Jesus's password.
Jesus wasn't resurrected into a cloud. Perhaps transformed into ether, into matter, into the energy form that transforms, lifts up, loves. Hurley gurly men. Drag queens. Prositutes. Perhaps dung beetles or scabs. The poor.
Jesus favored whores and murders as companions, you know. So, sluts and pro-life women would have been welcome in his camp.
Didn't he tend to roam? Nomadic? Traveling Bones.
Jesus wouldn't have supported your religions you hateful dread fear mongers. He wouldn't have voted Republican or lived suburban in suburbans and BMW's.
I think of him in the Flinestone car, peddling away in the desert, across rugby fields, on an ATV in Florida with no teeth and tobacco stains on his wife-beater t-shirt.
He wore a wife beater into the synagogue? Turned a table. Admonished greed and prejudiceJudgmentHypocrisy.
As a woman who has generated her share of negative pr-I have created the suspicions of my own sincerity.
I have disappointed millions like the paper Jesus will. This is a bare fact from Bare Shares.
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Substantial Sunnier-side of Depression: the dead character actor pics.
_________________Georgia on my blind_______
Fiddle Dee Dee, a ridiculous expression, aside, I forced myself to evacuate my crash site in Jack Town. I threw up my hands and said Fuck this behavior. Love yourself longer, stay alive.
I adore the historical mansions nearby, the new hysterical women I live with, the elegant architecture, jazz history, blues legends, film industry fairy dusters musicians and legends sprinkled all around ATL.
I left legends in Mississippi. One I may have loved. I'm not sure. I hope so. I hoped not, but you know what bullshit hope means-nothing substantive, MEA culpa full of shit.
Walked in Midnight Splinters advocates protest downtown, marches fill the streets while covid spreads in large gatherings and Walmart's.
Southern governors shackled their states to bags of Washington chameleons and to frauds. I am bored with masks and mandates but I'm considerate of other people. Just because I've wanted to die doesn't mean I can endanger their lives.
This Jesus card from the back of a mahogany pew floated through a drainage ditch. Afterthoughts.
Jump back on the cross where you belong!
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