cuervocanto · 2 years
“Loving me isn’t easy, I have sharp edges, I have missing parts.”
— Donte Colins
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cuervocanto · 2 years
Continued from (x)
The assassin was in a similar state of disheveled, though more than likely intentional. The top buttons of his poet shirt were undone, his chest was exposed to the crisp air of the keep, and the vest he wore earlier was nowhere to be found. His hair, too, had been taken down from its usual pins and allowed to fall wherever it wished--which was, more often than not, directly into his face. 
“I would comment on your poor sleeves, but I think I like this look more,” he teased, and offered Atreion his glass, half-full of brandy.
“When your presence at social events is relegated mostly to listening for gossip on the sidelines, it is not so hard to slip away unnoticed, yes?” He adds, shrugging with that laissez-faire façade of his. “The Lady Ambassador can rest assured: I came, I saw, I picked up enough blackmail that we will be trading in favors for weeks. Surely she could forgive me for seeking some fresh air?” 
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cuervocanto · 2 years
@cuervocanto​ liked for a starter!
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        “You’re not… from an alienage, ARE you?” 
She certainly had never met an elf like HIM before. 
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“What gave it away? Was it the clothes? The accent? The smell of resignation and suffering?” 
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cuervocanto · 2 years
Days passed. After much bickering and more, the Crow arrived back home, mysterious stranger in tow. The Inquisitor, quite unphased by dimension hopping and strange goings-on by now, must have determined that Ravus was not, in fact, a demon, and so they gave the man full leave of the fortress. 
“There is, of course, the matter of getting you home. Another problem entirely, yes? But come. I’m sure you are exhausted after our little hike,” Zevran intoned, cocking his head for Ravus to accompany him away from the main throne room. Together they stepped out the great hall and onto the crisp grass, the sun’s warmth the only respite from the biting chill of the mountains.  “I imagine you have many and more questions,” the elf hums, amber eyes watching Ravus with curiosity.
⋞⁘♔⁘⋟     Truthfully, Ravus couldn’t decide what was more unsettling; the fact that he was there in the first place, of that this Inquisitor individual, who seemed to be a very important person of note, seemed entirely unshaken by the story he had given as explanation. Was this sort of incident common in their world?! What a burdensome prospect… 
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“I do,” Ravus muttered, following in lead with Zevran. On a typical day, a man of his nature was the last sort of person Ravus would willingly choose as company. His blunt and carefree aloof nature… reminded him of another. Perhaps that was why. That person was not one that he cared to have on his mind; especially not as a reminder when addressing the one local who had seen him from the beginning of his arrival in Thedas. 
Where could he even begin, though… 
Mismatched eyes panned to Zevran, once again noting his ears. He had seen others with similar points since they’d made presence… wherever they were… That was impossible, though, was it not? A moment of courage piqued and Ravus’ eyes narrowed. Hand raising, he reached up, carefully taking ahold of the tip of one of the elf’s ear, giving it a slight tug to see if it was actually a costume accessory.
Zevran’s eyes wandered, scanning the courtyard for familiar faces and surveying the goings-on, so he scarcely noticed Ravus’ wandering hands until it was too late. As soon as Ravus’ fingers grazed the tip of his ear, he halted dead in his tracks, his eyes fluttering closed for a moment. When they opened once more, it was to affix the stranger with a look that was both mirthful, and just one ounce of murderous. 
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“Ah, let this be your first lesson, then. Point of order: unless you intend to invite me into your bed, the ears, they are off-limits, yes?” 
The assassin’s tone is such that no casual passersby would mistake it for anything but small talk. 
“Does this pass for an icebreaker where you are from?” 
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cuervocanto · 2 years
//Hello to the new folks o/ Ravus-mun is trying to embarrass me by digging up my old shitpost promo LOL but I promise that I am serious most of the time.
My activity is gonna be pretty sporadic since I am most active in FFXIV. The best way to start an rp is to send in any old ask meme, or DM to plot! 
Also good afternoon to everyone else \o. Hope you’re having a lovely day. Thread replies and a new theme coming soon! 
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cuervocanto · 2 years
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cuervocanto · 2 years
//Well, as of today, ya girl is formally diagnosed with ADHD. 
They’re gonna get me on a treatment plan. I feel...relieved. 
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cuervocanto · 2 years
what social media platform (if any) would he interact with the most?
In all seriousness, I think Zevran wouldn’t be too big on social media. I think he’d probably have a WhatsApp for the relative anonymity. He’d have a twitter account too. He wouldn’t tweet anything, but his likes would be full of nudes, digital art, and political discourse. Edited to add: idk if this counts as social media, but he absolutely has an OF.
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cuervocanto · 2 years
hmmm [ SHIELD ]
Pinned against a wall prompts
Zevran barely had the chance to react before the revenant was upon their party, cleaving the air with a sword so heavy he could feel the wind sail past him. The assassin dodged once, then twice, dancing just past the range of the blade, but their stage was shrinking, and the monster was pushing forward relentlessly. The assassin was backed into a corner. Zevran looked up to see the revenant raise its sword high in the air...
Just as the accursed blade came crashing down, Zevran's back met the wall with a grunt. Before him was Lyna, meeting the blade with her own, and the clattering steel echoed through the stone room.
In the moment, Zevran would leap back into the fray as if nothing happened, the thrill of battle pounding in his ears. But hours later, after everyone had gone to bed, the gesture would haunt him. Why do such a risky thing for him, he'd wonder. No answers came to him that night. Wasn’t he disposable? Why go to such lengths? Why...?
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cuervocanto · 2 years
Make your muse as a drink
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Antivan Sunset, a crisp drink with fruit flavors that are to die for. Perfect for celebrating each day like it’s your last. 
Tagged by: @ravusnightblossom​ thanks friend! Tagging: Whoever hasn’t been tagged! Just steal it and say I tagged you. :*
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cuervocanto · 2 years
lads if i ever have to type “pin against the wall” ever again in this lifetime, it’ll be too soon, but i really hope you enjoy these!! if you think of more that you would like to be added, let me know! please do NOT add more in the reblogs, it is VERY likely that i can and will be making a second part to this list! now go drink some water and i hope y’all enjoy the memes!
[ KISS ]:     sender pins receiver against the wall and kisses them passionately.
[ ANGER ]:     sender pins receiver against the wall out of anger.
[ CHALLENGE ]:     in a motion designed to challenge the receiver’s authority, sender pins receiver against the wall.
[ TRAINING ]:     during a sparring match, sender ends up pinning the receiver against the wall.
[ HEAT ]:      while in the middle of a make-out session, sender pushes the receiver up against the wall, unwittingly heating things up even more.
[ SHIELD ]:     in order to protect them from physical harm caused by a third party, the sender shoves the receiver against the wall and shields them with their body.
[ COVER ]:     while hiding from persecutors, sender pushes the receiver against a wall and uses their body to hide the receiver’s face from view.
[ HIDE ]:     while on the run, the sender hastily grabs the receiver and pins them against a wall that’s hidden from public view to avoid being seen.
[ STOP ]:     in order to stop the receiver from walking away, the sender guides them back and pushes them against a wall.
[ FIGHT ]:     while in a physical fight, sender shoves the receiver against the wall in an effort to gain the upper hand.
[ RESTRAIN ]:     sender pushes the receiver back against the wall to stop them from physically fighting the sender.
[ STEADY ]:     sender gently catches and guides the emotionally distressed receiver against a wall in order to physically steady them.
[ CLOSER ]:     while pinning the receiver against the wall, sender glances down at their lips, suddenly aware of how close they are to one another…
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cuervocanto · 2 years
mentally still in march 2020 when we thought it would just be a two months holiday from school
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cuervocanto · 2 years
To win a war, you must be willing to do whatever it takes. To fight, to kill, and, if necessary, to die. The path you’ve chosen is paved with the dead. Walk it with your eyes open, or not at all.
Master Matoya, Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward (via autumnslance)
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cuervocanto · 2 years
⋞⁘♔⁘⋟    As Zevran made the comment about having him bound, Ravus’ jaw clenched in annoyance. How dare someone make such a threat to him? He briefly considered voicing some bitter comment along the lines of how he’d love to see him even try to do that, but…considering they seemed to be in a reluctant truce for the moment, he figured that was an unwise idea. He would reel in his irritation this time. 
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As they came upon the camping ground, Ravus paused and peered around. This area didn’t look like a haven. “How do you keep the demons at bay without the usage of wards? Is this truly a safe place to halt for the evening?” 
Even as he spoke his question, he glanced around, watching the agents who seemed to be springing into a routine that had to be rather familiar for all of them. The speck of a chivalrousness in him said he should assist them, but the bitter side of him was unwilling to lift a hand for a group of armed strangers who were technically holding him hostage. 
“Would a fire not be wise to keep predators at a distance?” Not to mention warmth. Ravus liked warmth.              
Days passed. After much bickering and more, the Crow arrived back home, mysterious stranger in tow. The Inquisitor, quite unphased by dimension hopping and strange goings-on by now, must have determined that Ravus was not, in fact, a demon, and so they gave the man full leave of the fortress. 
“There is, of course, the matter of getting you home. Another problem entirely, yes? But come. I’m sure you are exhausted after our little hike,” Zevran intoned, cocking his head for Ravus to accompany him away from the main throne room. Together they stepped out the great hall and onto the crisp grass, the sun’s warmth the only respite from the biting chill of the mountains.  “I imagine you have many and more questions,” the elf hums, amber eyes watching Ravus with curiosity.
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cuervocanto · 2 years
“  i don’t think my legs work again yet.  ” (Eleniel, somethingxgreater)
Morning after sentence prompts
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Zevran laughs.
“I have that effect on people, yes?” He pulls a leather boot on, lacing it up with nimble fingers. 
“As much as I would love to stay, our enemies, they are not likely to assassinate themselves. But feel free to rest as long as you like. This is, after all, your fortress.” 
0 notes
cuervocanto · 2 years
morning after starters
“  last night was nice.  ” “  lets do this again some time.  ” “  i’ll leave my number.  ” “  i gotta go, sorry.  ” “  can’t you at least stay for breakfast?  ” “  i’ll make coffee—don’t go anywhere.  ” “  next time, maybe i’ll buy you dinner first.  ” “  if we do this again you better buy me dinner first.  ” “  i don’t think my legs work again yet.  ” “  i don’t wanna get up.  ” “  no don’t move, it’s too cold outside the covers.  ” “  there’s no way i can hide these marks…  ” “  this was probably a mistake.  ” “  this can’t happen again.  ” “  you always say that, and yet we wind up right back here.  ” “  are you watching me sleep?  ” “  you look cute all frazzled like this.  ” “  why are you looking at me like that?  ” “  keep kissing me like that and we’re gonna end up back in bed.  ” “  something wrong? ” “  i’d stay if i could, i promise.  ” “  so if i put my number in your phone, you actually gonna text me? ” “  i made breakfast.  ” “  how do you take your coffee?  ” “  fuck! i’m late—  ” “  did you turn the alarm off?  ” “  if you don’t turn that alarm off i’m gonna throw it out the window.  ” “  i can’t find my shirt.  ” “  babe, we slept in.  ” “  i know you’re awake.  ” “  i’ll stay.  ” “  why don’t you stay?  ” “  i like waking up with you.  ” “  i like having you here at night.  ” “  you know, if you moved in we wouldn’t keep having to say goodbye like this.  ” “  so when are we gonna actually go on a real date?  ” “  do i smell bacon?  ” “  you made pancakes?  ” “  come on, come back to bed.  ” “  you weren’t there when i woke up.  ” “  i thought you left.  ” “  do you want me to go?  ” “  just let me sleep for five more minutes.  ” “  you’re really beautiful/handsome. even if you drool.  ” “  you talk in your sleep, ya know.  ”  
ACTIONS:  1. for one muse to surprise the other with breakfast in bed 2. for our muses to go another round in the morning 3. for your muse to join mine in the shower while getting ready for the day 4. for one muse to stop the other from trying to sneak away 5. for one muse to invite the other to spend the rest of the day with them  6. for one muse to convince the other to stay in bed the rest of the day 7. for our muses to have sex in the kitchen instead of finishing breakfast 8. for our muses to spoon 9. for one muse to wake up with morning wood  10. for one muse to wake the other up with oral  11. for lazy morning sex  12. for one muse to wake the other because they’re having a nightmare  13. for one muse to distract the other from getting ready by kissing/groping them 14. for one muse to kick the other out of their home  15. for our muses to wake with no recollection of the night before  
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cuervocanto · 2 years
//Wow, it’s been a long time, hasn’t it? 
I’ve been walking down memory lane lately and was pleasantly surprised to see my dash alive and kicking. That being said, I don’t think it’s kind for me to drop in on people unannounced, so I’ll just say that if you’re reading this, hello! I hope life has treated you well. I’m glad to see you’re still here.
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