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Study questions video games’ effects on violent behavior
A new study backs previous findings that there is not enough evidence to support the view that violent video games lead to acts of violence.
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The White House • November 6, 2019
JUST CONFIRMED: 158 judges and counting ⚖✓
As of this afternoon, President Donald J. Trump has appointed—and gotten confirmed—158 life-tenured federal judges who will defend our Constitution, personal freedoms, and the rule of law. A few of the highlights:
President Trump’s nominees alone fill one-quarter of the seats on our nation’s Circuit Courts of Appeals.
His nominees fill two of the nine powerful seats on America’s Supreme Court.
He has seen more Circuit Court judges confirmed by this point in his presidency than any past president in United States history.
“Few legacies will be longer lasting than this judicial one,” Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) wrote today. “These new judges are principled constitutionalists who have demonstrated excellence and professionalism throughout their legal careers.”
 President Trump: More than 150 federal judges—and counting!
Once elected, this President wasted no time fulfilling his pledge to nominate judges who put impartiality and independence above activism from the bench. On day one, the Trump Administration went to work with the Senate to fill crucial vacancies. Fast forward to now, and the result is nothing less than a historic transformation of the judiciary.  
The American Founding was built on the idea of separation of powers, President Trump said today. “This system was designed to protect citizens against the unjust concentration of governmental power . . . [but] when judges assume the role of a legislature, the rights of all citizens are threatened.”
What that means today: “The impartial and objective judge, who is a faithful servant of the law, is essential to the survival of American liberty.”
In just three years, President Trump has nominated and had confirmed two Supreme Court justices, 44 Circuit Court judges, and 112 District Court judges. Today, that historic pace is only accelerating: The President is set to have more judges confirmed this year alone than in all of 2017 and 2018 combined.
The average age of these new circuit judges is less than 50 years old—a full 10 years younger than the average age of former President Obama’s circuit nominees. That fact is important. President Trump understands that appointing good, fair judges is one of the most important legacies a President can leave. And thanks to the extraordinary number of young, talented judges he’s selected, that legacy is likely to last for decades to come.
Even more important than how long judges serve, of course, is what they do once they get on the bench. President Trump has always nominated judges who have a proven track record of standing up for the rule of law as written, not as imagined. 
This quote from President Trump’s speech today may be the most important: When judges write policy instead of applying the law, they impose sweeping changes on millions of Americans without the benefit of legislative debate, public rulemaking, or the consent of the governed. As a result, these highly political rulings inflict painful damage on our security, society, and economy—imposing unworkable edicts on businesses, workers, families, and law enforcement. 
His promise: “I will do everything in my power to halt judicial activism, and to ensure the law is upheld equally, fairly, and without political prejudice for all of our citizens.”  
Ted Cruz: “Trump has achieved historic impact with THIS action.”
Watch and share: The left imposes with judges what it can’t at the ballot box.
Photo of the Day
Official White House Photo by Joyce N. BoghosianPresident Trump, Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh, and Anthony M. Kennedy, retired Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, in the East Room of the White House | October 8, 2018
Privacy Policy | Contact the White House | UnsubscribeThe White House · 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW · Washington, DC 20500 · USA · 202-456-1111
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Real Talk: Impeachment Is Going Poorly For Democrats and The Media
“Inside of newsrooms, broadcast studios, and Twitter, impeachment is going according to plan,” Mollie Hemingway writes in The Federalist. “Outside of those bubbles, it's not.”
Just how badly is it going? “The impeachment inquiry, such as it is, has tremendous struggles. It’s been conducted in secret, with heavy control from Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., the man who falsely claimed for years he had evidence of Trump’s treasonous collusion with Russia to steal the 2016 election.”
Click here to read more.“President Donald Trump is keeping his word and getting America out of a bad deal. The poorly negotiated Paris climate accord imposed unfair, unworkable and unrealistic targets on the United States for reducing carbon emissions,” Sen. John Barrasso (R-WY) writes in USA Today. “Countries like China got a free pass.”“President Trump has appointed, and the Senate has confirmed, 158 life-tenured federal judges . . . Few legacies will be longer lasting than this judicial one. These new judges are principled constitutionalists who have demonstrated excellence and professionalism throughout their legal careers,” Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) writes in Fox News.As part of her signature Be Best initiative, First Lady Melania Trump is visiting Boston Medical Center today “to highlight a treatment program for infants born with Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome,” Travis Andersen reports for the Boston Globe.“For all the demands from talking heads that the US deploy military personnel to police tribal disputes along the borders of Turkey, Iraq and Syria, the real border crisis facing the US is happening in our own backyard. Fact is, the situation in Mexico poses a far greater threat to American security. Our Southern neighbor is rapidly becoming a narco-state run by cartel drug lords,” Sean Davis writes in the New York Post.
Privacy Policy | Contact the White House | UnsubscribeThe White House · 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW · Washington, DC 20500 · USA · 202-456-1111
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Pelosi’s Impeachment Rules Guarantee a Partisan Circus
“A provision slyly added at the last minute is all but certain to deprive President Trump of the ability to defend himself,” Betsy McCaughey writes in the New York Post.
“House Speaker Nancy Pelosi insists the impeachment procedures adopted last Thursday are ‘the fairest possible.’ Don’t believe it,” McCaughey says.
“Section F, quietly devised by Judiciary Committee Chair Jerold Nadler, stipulates that unless the president surrenders executive privilege — a power even the Supreme Court has ruled is vital to his office — he and his lawyers will be denied any ability to call or question witnesses.”
McCaughey calls it straight: “With a Senate conviction and removal from office highly unlikely, because real evidence of wrong-doing is lacking, the only goal of House impeachment is to damage the president.”
Click here to read more.This week, Advisor to the President Ivanka Trump visits Morocco, where she will promote her women’s economic development program, Darlene Superville writes for The Associated Press. The program, called the Women’s Global Development and Prosperity Initiative (W-GDP), aims to reach 50 million women in the developing world by 2025.“As I drove out of the White House complex Thursday and ended my role as President Trump’s special envoy seeking peace and normalized relations between Israel, Palestinians and Israel’s other Arab neighbors, I was both wistful and excited,” former U.S. Special Representative for International Negotiations Jason Greenblatt writes for Fox News. “Under the president’s leadership, we have moved forward to bring regional leaders closer to the long-sought goal of peace.”Under President Trump, “we will no longer go abroad in search of monsters to destroy,” Brian Kennedy writes in The American Mind. “It takes immense political courage” to defy the Washington establishment, Kennedy says. The President is on track “to rebuild the American military for the bigger challenges that lie ahead. That by itself is a great achievement.”
Privacy Policy | Contact the White House | UnsubscribeThe White House · 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW · Washington, DC 20500 · USA · 202-456-1111
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The White House • November 5, 2019
WATCH: Someone in Washington is keeping his promises
Lost in House Democrats’—and the media’s—obsession with trying to “win” the pointless Beltway news cycle is this: There are actual, real problems that the American people want Washington to help fix. And today, only one party is even trying to fix them.  
The left’s rage hasn’t deterred President Donald J. Trump one bit. Less than 3 years after Election Day 2016, his record on the policies that matter most speaks for itself:
The United States Military is stronger than it’s ever been.
America’s unemployment rate today is near a half-century low.
Medicare is being protected for seniors, not robbed to pay everyone else.
ISIS’ territorial caliphate is decimated, and its horrible, violent leader is dead.
Historic criminal justice reform is giving more citizens a second chance.
Our troops are coming home, not fighting endless wars around the world.
That’s just the short list. And no matter how hard Democrats and their media allies fight to remake America into a socialist, open-borders nightmare, President Trump and conservatives will fight ten times harder to protect the American way of life for all of us.
NEW: Drug prices fall at fastest rate in 50 years
Here’s yet another story you won’t see in the headlines: Under President Trump, prescription drug prices are decreasing at rates not seen since the 1960s.
The reason the media ignores this success is that it contradicts the left’s economic narrative. In their view, American healthcare was broken until Obamacare fixed it. (Of course, the fact that Democrat-Socialists are now calling for a “Medicare for All” takeover of healthcare reveals that their own policies have failed, but never mind that.) Any problems with healthcare today are solely because of President Trump, they claim.
The stats don’t lie. In the eight years before President Trump’s inauguration, prescription drug prices increased by a stunning average of 3.6 percent per year. Fast forward to today, and prescription medicine prices have seen year-over-year declines in 9 of the past 10 months, with a 1.1 percent drop as of the most recent month available.
This past June, in fact, the United States saw its largest single-year drop—a 2 percent year-over-year decline—in prescription drug prices since 1967.
That’s no coincidence. Through crucial reforms that most of the media ignored, the Trump Administration has continued to push through generic drug approvals at a record pace. When these drugs enter the market, they boost competition across the board, bringing the direct-to-patient costs down for everyone along with them.
American patients first—that was President Trump’s most important healthcare promise, and he meant it. Because of that, even without Congress’ help, America is better off today than it has been in a long time.  
Prescription drug prices are falling at historic levels. Here is the real story.
Photo of the Day
Official White House Photo by Shealah CraigheadPresident Trump, joined by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-KY, departs Air Force one in Lexington, Kentucky | November 4, 2019
Privacy Policy | Contact the White House | UnsubscribeThe White House · 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW · Washington, DC 20500 · USA · 202-456-1111
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