ghosthsniper27 · 5 hours
Mixed a heartbeat recording from my collection with an old Film911 stethoscope clip. Might be a good idea for a concept.
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ghosthsniper27 · 7 days
Who are the real male dark-cardiophiles here, as matters of respect women and preference: I do not engage with women like that. For me is a Man to Man activity as I appear to be and in real Life.
Who are actually really dark-cardiophiles and cardiophiles?
This topic was raised, because of certain groups of people and/or Individuals are not accepting of other people’s preferences and understandings that there are safety measures, as different people are into different things.
DM me in private, because just like last time, certain groups of individuals and/or individual are harming other group or groups by Outcasting them.
This Includes Role-Play, real-life, and other applicable Scenarios.
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ghosthsniper27 · 12 days
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When your drunk friend wants to show you the results since he’s been hitting the gym 🤩🤩🤩
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ghosthsniper27 · 13 days
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Two ripped marines
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ghosthsniper27 · 15 days
There's something I want to try with you. Look, I'm going to hold this stethoscope by the earpieces and swing it like a pendulum. Can you guess where I'm going with this? That's right, just keep your eyes on the diaphragm. Follow that pretty cursive L back and forth, back... and... forth...
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Yes, exactly like that, you're doing such a good job. Aren't you feeling relaxed? Now, listen carefully. In a moment, I'm going to quit moving the stethoscope, and I'll use it to auscultate your heart. Here's the important part—are you paying attention? Whatever I say about your heart will become the absolute truth. If I tell you your heart rate is 30 beats per minute, I'm going to hear it throb every other second. If I say you're tachycardic, your pulse is going to race. It's going to skip when I tell it to. If I order your heart to fall completely still, well, you get the idea. Do you understand? Good, because I'm going to stop the pendulum in three... two...
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ghosthsniper27 · 15 days
Strange and Mysterious Things exist... If there was an "Off Chance" That there is certain tech that could remotely control someone... especially that hot muscle pumping action at center mass... I dare them... if it really does exist... i'm bored...
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ghosthsniper27 · 15 days
In a cardiophilia experiment would you rather be the subject or researcher? What would be your ideal scenario?
The subject for sure!
I'd like a "clinical" style of experimentation with emphasis on causing arrhythmias that affect blood pressure to a significant degree. That's where the reliance and trust in the other person would come forward.
I'm pretty open-minded about the exact scenario, though a private and personal scenario is heavily preferred.
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ghosthsniper27 · 15 days
Strange and Mysterious Things exist... If there was an "Off Chance" That there is certain tech that could remotely control someone... especially that hot muscle pumping action at center mass... I dare them... if it really does exist... i'm bored...
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ghosthsniper27 · 17 days
IG: mrbradford7
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ghosthsniper27 · 17 days
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ghosthsniper27 · 17 days
For @borrowed-rhythm and @makeitbeat 🫀🫀💗💗
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ghosthsniper27 · 17 days
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ghosthsniper27 · 17 days
Definitely worked him up good this time!! Lots of pops pay attention from 19 seconds to 25 ish. Lots of skips.
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ghosthsniper27 · 20 days
Mac Robinson
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ghosthsniper27 · 21 days
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Rafael Villar via Instagram
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ghosthsniper27 · 21 days
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Jordan Torres (by Silas J. Forest)
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ghosthsniper27 · 21 days
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Jordan Torres (by Silas J. Forest)
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