l0kisbitch · 5 months
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IYKYK why this is funny
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l0kisbitch · 10 months
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Ha I posted so y’all don’t think I’m a dead account. I’ve been here, secretly, in the shadows. Jumping from fandom to fandom.
it’s anime. We’re into anime. We are screaming, crying, throwing up, etc. they killing my homies and my poor old heart.
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l0kisbitch · 3 years
aloha my fellow imbeciles
I’m alive but I’m dead.
Haven’t posted on here in idek how long (honestly forgot tumblr existed and then I got into anime hehe)
Imma do a lil ✨life✨ update:
Since the pandemic devastated the United States of our toilet paper supply we now have to pluck leaves from a nearby tree to simply wipe. Jk.
or am I 👀
Well I think the last thing I said was regarding my hand accident back in March of 2020 (literally right when everything shut down lol)
I ended up needing surgery in June to graft a nerve into my pinky cause I fööked my shit up. I have no feeling in a good portion of my right hand anymore but I do have movement !
I have a gnarly scar on my right elbow bc they had to cut it open and untangle all of my lovely nerves (also no feeling here)
In between my accident in March of 2020 and my 2nd surgery in June of 2020 I adopted two 4 week old puppies (pandemic puppers) because their momma rejected the litter of 4 and so my responsible 20 (now 21) year old headass decided hey? Why not get two free puppies, work from home, and raise them as your own??
Yea I can’t even begin to tell you how much chaos has occurred in the last almost year and a half with my two idiots. But LOOK AT THEM:
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My golden boi is Óðinn (he was the biggest) and my blue eyed boi is Hā́idēs (he twas the runt) 🥺💕 they were born on/around 4/20/2020 and I got them on 05/12/2020
Now I have separation anxiety when I’m gone for more than 8 hours from them c:
You’d never know they were brothers from the exact same litter but they are a weird combination of lab/pit/sharpei and I just eeeee I love my babies even though sometimes they make my eye twitch rapidly from the chaos they can and will cause.
First they’re sour, then they’re sweet.
But anyway! My boys and I moved from the apartment complex I was in in July 2020 and now we live in a house with some other friendos and all together we have 8 dogs and 3 cats because we are ✨insane✨
I’m saving money bc I wanna look into getting my own house but also I’m trying to go to college next fall because I hate myself !!! Yay !!!
My life really isn’t that exciting other than the chaos I cause among my friends (I’m an instigator it’s what I do) who are all mostly Marines so it’s easy to get them to start throwing hands with one another and then we all go drink so it’s nice.
I’m back on tumblr though bc I’ve recently made the very poor but wonderful idea to start watching anime and oh hohohooooo fuck. It’s bad. I’ve got a real bad problem.
I hope all of my 31 followers are doing swell because man am I hanging on by a thread held by my dogs c:
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l0kisbitch · 4 years
I've away from here for so long ago let me update you on my life lol:
I got a full time job.
I moved out of my parents and into an apartment with my friend.
I've been getting some good dick.
My neighbor is hot asf.
I lacerated my right hand open on Saturday evening in an atv accident and had surgery to stitch it back together.
I realized I like graham crackers.
Working from home is not as fun as it seems when nothing wants to work.
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l0kisbitch · 4 years
Rise Of Clownery. 🤡
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l0kisbitch · 4 years
Fury: *Sees a group of people doing something stupid*
Fury: God, what fools.
Fury: *Realizes it’s the Avengers*
Fury: Wait, those are my fools.
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l0kisbitch · 5 years
I know IT’s got powers but I find it absolutely hilarious to imagine Pennywise having to manually inflate all of those balloons.
Like, just picture him sitting down there in the sewers with a bunch of helium tanks and balloon packets and he keeps accidentally popping them with his claws, getting increasingly more aggravated
*pop* “fUCK”
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l0kisbitch · 5 years
Shifter: Prologue
Warnings: blood, angst, character death, some biggo curse words my guys, um yea?
Pairing: Eventual Bucky x Reader
Authors Note: oh hello there. This is the prologue to give some background on everything. I apologize in advance if this is confusing, bad writing, so so many errors, etc. It’ll get better (?) from here, hopefully. we thank @maladaptive-ninja-returns for getting me here. :)
Summary: You and your people have spent over five hundred years hidden from the human eye when Hydra decides to take revenge on two different groups that will tear them apart at the seams, forcing you out of the shadows and into the arms of someone youve been trying to avoid for many years. Not to mention with the looming threat of the world always ending hanging over everyones head, like mistle toe during Christmas, and you just might be the only one who holds the key to saving it.
So what exactly happens when the avengers find out those bedtime stories their parents used to tell them are real? Those Twilight books did nothing to prepare them for the nightmare thats about to unfold- literally.
*there will be mentions of certain movies along with infinity war with events that will more than likely go in order from the first avengers movie but fuck endgame we aint pullin no russo stunt today bois.
- - -
Planet Earth is a dark place.
 It’s filled with any and every synonym to the word ‘bad’. For thousands of years my sisters and I have watched mankind grow and every century we’ve seen the horrors they bestow on one another, we’ve seen their weapons go from feeble sticks and stones to machines that can fire on command wiping out entire cities.
Death and destruction is what this planet thrives on. 
Humans used to worship the Gods, bringing them gifts in hope for a better life or thanking them for life, to which the Gods responded to, they built alters and temples to showcase their love for them. But they’ve forgotten, turning to their own greed and malicious actions to live their life. Killing one another to gain more land and rule with an iron fist, cities built and later turned to ruins after some great war that claimed innocent lives. 
History will always repeat itself and eventually mankind will be the downfall of this once beautiful planet. 
It wasn’t until those who developed abilities did they realize this world is changing at a much faster rate than they thought. Instead of accepting this change they rejected it, only this time they were enslaving the ones with powers, abandoning them, killing them. They believed Captain America was the first to gain new powers but they were wrong. Gods were they wrong. 
My kind have been here since my mother gifted me new life. We were called the Shifters, those deemed worthy of another life after falling victim to the horrors of death. We were given the task of taking the souls of the damned to Hell.
Elizabeth was the first Shadow Walker. My father gifted her when her life was taken by the hands of a man during the night, his own creation which he loves dearly. His brother, however, wasn’t pleased when he realized what his daughter was turned into, but grew to accept it. She was given her own coven to protect the lives of the innocent. 
Wynter was the final creation known as the Winged One. She was pure, a light in the Dark Ages. She and her feathered friends took the souls of those who lived their life doing right by others to Heaven.
We were feared, respected, and worshiped. 
Until our kind betrayed us, exposing themselves and becoming drunk with power.  Turning their backs on those who created us and decided to make mankind into what we were, starting wars, killing one another just like the humans, trying to dominate the world. We became no better than the ones we tried to stop.
The Gods became angry but before they could serve a punishment the humans found ways to permanently end our lives. 
So we went into hiding, becoming nothing more than a bedtime story. They painted us as the ones who caused death and destruction.
We became a myth. 
Gods help you if we have to come out of the dark.
And we did.
- -
"Wh...who are you people" she gasped, false fear glistening in her amber colored orbs. "I haven't done anything, please, let me go! or at least let my son go, he's only five, he has no quarrel with you!"
The men laughed as the young child cried out in pain from the hand gripping his small arm.
"It's okay, James, mommy is right here. I won't let them hurt you." She spoke softly to the small child hoping to ease his own fear.
"Oh my dear child, we're not the ones going to hurt you." The lead man chuckled. "Rather someone...more dear to you."
The young womans eyebrows furrowed in slight confusion, words she mean't to speak now stuck at the back of her throat.
"Sp-" The man was suddenly cut off as the front door burst open pieces of wood flying across the room, five bodies quickly entered their weapons drawn.
"If you want to live, I'd release the child and my sister." A voice spoke from the group, shadows draped intricately across their faces.
"Ah, impeccable timing, (Y/N)" The man spoke with an even tone yet his eyes held an unspeakable amount of rage. "I see you've brought the calvary however, I'd put the guns down."
The man gestured to the toddler now with a gun rested against his temple. (Y/N) let out a sharp breath putting her hands up and slowly placing the gun to the floor while the others, behind her, followed her movements. Quickly her friends were forced out of the shadows and onto their knees while their hands were tied behind their backs.
"Roll call shall we?" The man smirked gesturing to those around him. "A sad excuse of a shield agent the one and only, Daddy dearest. How are you today?"
If looks could kill then this man would be six feet under.
"Two of my greatest creations are back from the dead. How surprising." He sneered his eyes flickering to you then back to the two men. "Not so much fun being in this position again is it Axel? Alistair?"
"Fuck you" the twins spit, their chocolate colored hair couldn't begin to hide the rage that lurked in their multi-colored eyes.
"Wynter. The third and final sister of this band of misfits." The man smiled his gloved hand reaching out and grabbing the youngest sister by her jaw. "We'll see who is left after this won't we?"
"What do you want, Resnikov." (Y/N) spit.
He snapped his fingers and two men, clad in black, came forward. One grabbed (Y/N) sitting her in a chair directly across from the very pregnant Elizabeth, the other dragged Wynter forward placing her next to the eldest sister both with guns against the back of their heads.
"You see, (Y/N), this all started when Hydra was forced to dispose of their two greatest assets all because someone decided to disobey and those two retaliated. Not long after a certain black haired beauty escapes- taking those bodies with her." A low growl slipped past your lips, your jaw clenching as the man stepped closer to you with each word. "Skip forward a year or so later, our number one asset suddenly remembers who he is- all because of America's golden boy- and decides to make his own escape as well."
"That second part doesn't exactly involve me now does it?" You snap your hands balling into fists.
Resnikov chuckled lowly. "No, but it does involve her."
He points the tip of his gun at the woman across from you, her eyes darted between you and the man. Tears welling in her eyes, sorrow filled her orbs but also acceptance as if she knew what was coming.
"P..pleas-" she begins to stutter but is cut off with a loud smack, her head turning to the side from the hit. A cry sounds from the toddler who struggles in the arms of the hydra agent trying to get to his mother.
"Shut that fucking child up!" Resnikov yells pointing at the young child. "Before I personally put a bullet in him! I’m telling a damn story and he is ruining it!"
The child whimpers cowering away from the man.
"Now where was I?" He cleared his throat turning towards your sister.
"I wouldn't say that you're to blame but your husband and that thing in front of you certainly are." Resnikov hissed. "You see, Elizabeth, the events that are going to occur in this house isn't going to end with laughter and warm memories. They're going to end with pain and lots- I do mean lots- of bloodshed." 
There was stretch of silence throughout the room until the man clapped his gloved hands together.
“Lets play a game.” He smiled maliciously. 
“Did you just quote Jigsaw from those gory movies?” You spoke, cocking an eyebrow.
“I did, thank you for noticing.” Resnikov said. “I told you, Jerry, that at least one of these freaks would get my reference.”
The guy holding a gun to the toddlers head shrugged. “I didn’t know if they would get it. Some people can’t stand those stupid movies and given the ages of half these people and what they come from, I figured they wouldn’t care much for it.”
“Alright, can we get back to this game or whatever deal you’re about to throw at us.” You snapped bringing the attention back to you and the situation at hand.
“Right, right.” Resnikov straightened his jacket out his smirk plastering itself onto his face. “Here’s what’s going to happen. You have five minutes to decide who is going to die.”
There was another stretch of silence as the information sunk in. It wasn’t much of a surprise that someone was going to lose their life at the end of this.
“But here is the catch. My men aren’t going to do it.” He smiled seeing the color drain from everyone's face. “(Y/N) is. And your only options are Elizabeth or Wynter. I’d hurry up though, if you haven’t chosen when the five minutes is up, they both die a painful death.”
“When I get out these, you’re a fucking dead man.” The rough voice of the girls father echoed in the silent room, his eyes alight with fury. Resnikov waved his hand and soon enough your father was sprawled out on the floor unconscious.
“(Y/N) look at me. You can’t take Elizabeth away from James. She’s pregnant.” Wynter said softly, tears welling in her eyes. “She has a family. I’ll be okay.”
“No!” Elizabeth yelled out, her voicing cracking. “Don’t you dare try and sacrifice yourself, Wynter. It has to be me.” straining her words to get a point across.
“Well isn’t this cute.” Resnikov chuckled. “Tick Tock.”
“Shut up!” You snarled turning your head to look at him causing him to take a slight a step back at the look in your eyes.
“(Y/-.” The words were barely out of Wynters mouth when James suddenly pulled himself from one of the soldiers. The events that followed happened so fast no one had time to register what happened until the sound of a gun going off echoed throughout the house and the toddler flew forward hitting the cold hard floor, blood already pooling around him staining his pale blonde hair. His bright blue eyes stared straight ahead as the life in them became a vast ocean of emptiness.
Your ears rang, unable to take your eyes off the sight of your nephew laying before you, the entry wound in his back told you he was struck through the heart. When you finally willed your eyes to move around the room you could hardly breathe, Elizabeth was screaming his name over and over. Tears ran down her cheeks rapidly. Your youngest sister sat sobbing, grief clearly seen in her hazel eyes. The twins sat there silently, in shock before anger once more took over, they put up a fight that didn't last more than a few seconds before they too were out cold, much like your father.
Fingers snapped in front of your face causing you to blink and pull away. Only then did you feel the warm wetness running down your cheeks.
“H- He was a child!” You croaked but Resnikov only shrugged.
“It’s life. Oh and you’ve got about a two minutes before these two lovely ladies suffer the same fate.”
“You’re the real monster.” Wynter spit out. While Elizabeth continued to stare at her lost child. 
“Actually there’s a total of four monsters in here.” He smirked, waving his gun around. “One of which better hurry the fuck up and choose.”
“(Y/N) you listen to me and you listen well. It’s going to be me.” Elizabeth hisses, her fangs beginning to show. Wynter went to open her mouth but the look from her oldest sister caused her to shut it quickly. “My son is about to walk to the other side with no one but himself. You, of all people, know how cruel the Damned can be. I will not let him walk alone.”
“Liz, I can’t do it.” You choked out, your voice cracking as your evergreen orbs filled with tears once more. 
“Then I’m sorry I have to do this.” She smiled sadly, the tears had yet to cease, your eyes widened as you shook your head rapidly.
“Elizabeth n-” Your voice was cut off as she spoke the one word that change the fate of the world forever.
In half a second all hell was unleashed.
You struggled with your own mind as your other half came to the surface- not that she wasn’t there already, itching to be let free and take out those who harmed her family. It didn’t take much for her to push you to the back of your own mind- it never was. Once she surfaced whoever deemed worthy enough to call her name had complete control.
“It’s time, Khaos.” Elizabeth sobbed in a broken voice. “I’ve known my end was near when the dreams came. But know this, he won’t forgive you easily. It’s gonna be one hell of a rode when this is over. Don’t let (Y/N) blame herself, this is my choice. It has to be me.”
“I know, my child.” Your voice was slightly deeper, rough and had an almost evil tone to it. “This isn’t going to painless, I’m sorry, but Death is never easy.”
“It’s okay, I’m ready.” The oldest sister whispered stretching her hand out slowly, silently tears began to streak down her cheeks once more, trying to prepare herself for her sudden end. Khaos nodded, meeting Elizabeth’s hand with her own, her pitch black eyes held empathy for the life lost and the one- two- about to be taken.
Elizabeth cried out in pain as her veins began to turn black, crawling slowly from her hand and up her arm before spreading across her body. She let out a choked scream as blood began to fill her lungs, spilling out of her mouth, as she slowly, painfully, felt the life being sucked out of her.
“I..I love you..all” Blood splattered across your face as the words left her mouth, her body convulsing but her hand never leaving yours. Her brown orbs flashed their true color before glazing over, all signs of life having been sucked out. 
You gasped, finally gaining control of your mind and body, your eyes stayed glued to your eldest sisters veins as they faded from the charcoal black to the light blue that sat beneath her pale skin. Tears welled in your eyes at the scene that laid around you. 
“Thank you for your hospitality, but it seems my time is up.” His sly grin stretched wider, madness glinting in his eyes. “Have a Merry Christmas ladies and gentlemen!”
Wynter suddenly appeared in your line of vision, forcing you to look away from Elizabeths body. “Y- you have to go, now. It wont be long before he comes. Resnikov must’ve set the alarms back up or alerted someone before him and his men fled.”
She spoke quickly grabbing your arm and shoving you towards the window where the twins were standing, grief mixed with panic swam in their orbs. You turned quickly to look at the two pairs of eyes that held no hatred for you. 
“W- what do I....” You trailed off not knowing what to say, you could feel your brain malfunctioning wanting to reject itself over what you just did. Your father stumbled over to you engulfing you in his arms. 
“Whatever you do” He started pausing as multiple sets of car lights flashed through the front windows. “Don’t blame yourself and do not let him catch you.”
“Don’t look back (Y/N)” Tears fell from the aging agents orbs as he released you. Car doors slammed shut, voices becoming louder, boots, rushing towards the front door, battling the thick snow.
Just before more agents could enter the room, the sound of glass shattering filled the silent air, three bodies were pulled into the shadows leaving no trace they were ever there.
“aym het shodaws eb wtih ouy.” your voice echoed softly in the darkness only reaching the ears of your father and remaining sister.
aym het shodaws eb wtih ouy- may the shadows be with you.
i’m too lazy to ‘make’ a language so stick with me switching words around like a dumbass. i was going to use Romanian but that wouldn’t make sense bc people speak that so now we’re here. Khaos is the main characters ‘alter ego’ if you didn’t catch that, but y’all smart so i know y’all did, but i will be using italics for when Khaos is speaking or in control. if its confusing ill make it clear in the scene.
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l0kisbitch · 5 years
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the relief & pure joy i feel when i search someones blog and this pops up, Unmatched
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l0kisbitch · 5 years
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im thriving.
You’re married to your phone background/lockscreen how fucked are you
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l0kisbitch · 5 years
I’m considering coming out to my family as non-binary, and so today I brought up the subject of non-binary gendering/transgendering with my Dad as a casual conversational topic. He’s told me that if somebody is born a boy then they “should stay a fucking boy” and not trans to a girl or be a boy some days/girl other days/genderless other days.
I told him that I think gender identity should be something one can choose for themselves, and he says that nobody thinks like that and anybody who is trans/non-binary will just be shunned by every member of society they meet. He doesn’t think that people support n-b/t communities, because he doesn’t. He says to me that not staying one’s natural gender is wrong and against the point of being born a boy/girl.
Every person who reblogs this will have their URL written in a full-size writing book and when it is full I will show it to my father to illustrate to him the amount of people who believe that being non-binary is a valid gender identity.
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l0kisbitch · 5 years
Oh hello there, didnt see you.
because im fucking hiding from you all since im still working on the damn prologue chapter to Shifter.
I will have it out soon i pROMISE but with my work days having been increased since we've had people leave and what not its been hard finding time to just sit down and write. I literally just worked 9 days straight with yesterday being my only day off. Most of those shifts started in the morning and didnt end until 8-8:30 at night and then i had to drive about ~20 minutes home. Im also working on getting back into painting seeing as it has been mONTHS since ive picked up a paint brush or a pencil. Its been really hard battling my depression and it sucked the life out of me and my hobbies. But now that I am working and have to keep moving its actually helped me to try and get back into the things i enjoyed doing. Within the next 2 weeks i plan on having a painting for my mom finished and another piece added to Shifter before we start the actual story line.
Now as i procrastinate more on the writing ill quickly poof away and only hope my lover @maladaptive-ninja-returns doesnt hunt me down and eat me as a well balanced breakfast for not giving them the chapters i promised
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l0kisbitch · 5 years
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I feel like we don’t talk about the OG text on this meme enough
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l0kisbitch · 5 years
Friendly reminder that this blog is pro-choice and if you don’t think a woman should have full control of her own body, then kindly unfollow me right now and go to hell
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l0kisbitch · 5 years
I find it ridiculous how strict they’re making abortion laws, charging females with fucking murder, and yet they usually sentence rapists and sexual assaulters with some very light sentences.
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l0kisbitch · 5 years
someone please tell me I wasn’t the only American who thought the watergate scandal had to do with broken water pipes or some shit when they were younger
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l0kisbitch · 5 years
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Reblog with a gif of the character you got!
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