nuzzlepml · 7 years
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when you wear daddy’s hoodie 💗💅🏽💓💕💖💞🌺🌸💅🏽
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nuzzlepml · 7 years
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heteros explain this
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nuzzlepml · 7 years
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nuzzlepml · 7 years
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snazzy coat and sassy face
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nuzzlepml · 7 years
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nuzzlepml · 7 years
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nuzzlepml · 7 years
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basically me all the time
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nuzzlepml · 7 years
Attracted in Threat
Dan is a pastel who is running from a bad person and meets Phil Lester, the only person who can keep him safe for the night.
🎀 "I'm not going to take that," Dan hisses in utter disgust at his so called 'friends'. His friends were making some bad decisions, and it disturbed him. They shouldn't be taking drugs. Dan wasn't into that, his whole life he was taught to do the opposite. "I think I'm going to leave," Dan tells them, hoping they'd snap and beg for him to not leave and that they'll stop. He sighs and walks out of their house, looking back and expecting to see them, but no luck.
🎀 He kept walking, his eyes glued on the path ahead. He just wanted to forget about that, but he glances behind him to see a man. Almost as if he wasn't there, he just sat there and stared into nothing. "Can I help you?" Dan asks in a confused tone, hugging himself. He may be a bit short, but he won't be afraid to pepper spray.
🎀 "Nah, just staring at the road. Don't worry kiddo," the man hisses in a unfriendly tone. Dan doesn't like that, he doesn't like the feeling he's receiving. He notices the man is holding something. He feels something inside him burst as he begins to run full speed. He slides underneath a hole in a fence, running past the small dogs barking at him. He frantically knocks on the door, praying to god that they will answer. He notices the man get closer.
☠️ "What the fuck?" Phil hissed, he sits up from his bed, a tired look. He doesn't bother to put on a shirt and grumpily heads to the front door. He throws the door open and a small boy collapses into his arms, crying frantically. "He's going to hurt me, please! Let me inside!" the boy cries. Phil raises an eyebrow before he notices a figure in the distance run away full speed.
☠️ "Come in," Phil finally says, allowing himself to take pity for once. "Let go of me as well," he says and the boy right away pulls away and blushed. Phil moved away and allows the boy to walk in, his whole body still shaking.
☠️ "What in gods name is going on? Who the fuck are you?" Phil crosses his arms and the boy shivers. "Please don't hurt me. I just came back from a party and that man was there and he had a weapon so I ran and he followed and I entered this yard and all," Dan whispers out.
☠️ "No offense, but your friends are jerks if they didn't go home with you. Or at least walk with you. I mean, it's London and at 12 a clock it's not a good place to be in, specially for you. I know you are probably tough, but people don't care about that. They care about you and looks," Phil tells him.
🎀 "I get it, I'm a complete idiot. Please let me stay here for the night. I'm scared to walk home," Dan murmurs, he knows he just met this guy. He also knows this guy is hella intimidating. Due to all the tattoos scattering his arms and chest and back. He also notices piercings and the dyed blue fringe. But he seemed to have a nice outlook. As if he was someone completely different on the inside. Well, he hoped.
☠️ "I'll let you stay on a couple of conditions. One, your name. Two, your age. Three, do you have a phone to call someone and let them know?" Phil says and crosses his arms. He glances over the pastel boy. He expected someone shy and girly, but instead he gets a fighter almost. Someone not afraid to speak their word. He won't stereotype, and he knows this pastel boy is simply just a boy like anyone else.
🎀 "My name is Dan, I'm 18 years old. I do have a phone but I don't get signal out here. Unless you have wifi. But it's not like anyone worries anyway. Is that okay now?" He asks, unsure if he can stay now. He just wanted to sleep.
☠️ "I don't really have a place to stay. The couch is hard and my bed is well - my bed?" Phil chuckled and ruffles his own hair with a yawn. "We can share? It's not like we are gay or anything," Dan murmurs. Phil raises an eyebrow at Dan. Is he assuming already his sexuality? I mean, even Phil wasn't considering his sexuality or caring.
☠️ "I'm actually pansexual, so don't assume," Phil answers, which shuts Dan up for a moment. "Oh, I'm bisexual so it's okay," he murmurs back. Phil laughs for a moment, "Didn't need to hear that it's okay. I know it's okay," Phil replied.
🎀 "So can we share, pleeeeeeease?" Dan accidentally whines out, earning a raised eyebrow from Phil. "If you start whining then no. My names Phil, by the way," Phil tells him.
🎀 "Phil, can we please just sleep? I'm really tired. I'm also going to cling onto you stranger. Because I'm really scared right now, and it's not getting better," Dan blushed. Did he just admit he's going to cuddle this guy? I mean, he just met him and all. But Dan really wanted those inviting muscled arms around his small body. Why was he imagining that? He just met the guy. "You're a cuddler? Oh, fantastic," Phil says sarcastically and grabs Dan's arm, leading him to the room. Dan flops beside him once Phil is on his side of the bed. He jumps at the slight window tap and lightning.
☠️ "Phil, can you check the window?" Dan whispers quietly. Phil groans before sitting up and peeking into the window blinds. His breath hitched as he sees the man far away, just staring at them. "I need to call the cops," Phil scrambles around for his phone. "Shit, I left it downstairs and the windows are in clear view to him. He'd see me and leave, the point would be usele-," Phil feels something grab onto his waist and cuddle into him in fear, almost suffocating him by how tight Dan was holding him.
🎀 "Phil," Dan begins to cry, "I don't want to die. I don't w - want to leave. Police aren't going to help much," he murmurs into Phil's chest. Phil's breath hitches, why did he pity this boy? He'd be peacefully asleep - alone... he'd be alone right now. Like he always is. Dan cries more, too afraid to speak. Phil takes a deep breath before he has enough gut to wrap his arms around the boy.
☠️ "I know you're scared. Try and sleep, it'll be okay, I promise," Phil swears. He doesn't know why he cares about this boy. Dan takes a deep breath and let's Phil lay back down. Phil feels Dan nuzzle into his neck, which makes shivers appear on him. He didn't know Dan  was that 'soft' guy that everyone loves. He didn't mind it, he just wanted peace. Soon, he feels Dan slowly breath in a pattern which shows he's asleep. Phil finally allows himself to drift to sleep, praying nothing happens.
🎀 Dan's eyes slowly flutter, his eyes lock with the sleeping punk that saved his tail last night. He bites his lip before pulling away from Phil and peeking out the window. The person was gone, and now kids ran around and people walked. He gasped the air he held in from fear and smiled. He looks back at Phil, and nudges him. "Mmph," Phil groans back, still fighting to get up. "Philllllll, wake up," Dan whines and nudges him again. Phil ignored him this time and Dan grunted in frustration. He finally straddles the punk and shakes him, "Philllllllllll, the cliche stalker is gone," he whimpers.
🎀 "Amazing, maybe it's because McDonalds is having a special and he couldn't resist," Phil grunted back finally. Dan giggled at that, he actually liked Phil's humor. He liked Phil in general, letting all of this happen shows how nice Phil really is. "Philllllllllllllllll," Dan whines when he falls back asleep. Dan groans before crossing his arms. "How does your mom wake you up for school? Oh, how old are you by the way?" He asks. Phil finally wakes up, his eyes still low.
☠️ "I'm 22," Phil tells him and attempts to fall back asleep but Dan shakes him again. "You're like that boyfriend that I didn't ask for," Phil huffs in annoyance. Dan laughs at that, "I forgot to tell you that I'm a whiny person," he smirks.
☠️ "So it seems," Phil grunted back. "Philllll," Dan whines again earning a groan in frustration. "What?" He finally answers. "I don't want to leave yet," he murmurs.
🎀 "Okay, good for you," Phil remarks tiredly. "Can I stay a bit?" He asks and Phil grunts back a lazy 'whatever'. Dan completely ignores that he's just straddling the man, but once he realizes he takes advantage of it and cuddles back into Phil. "Philllll, I like your cuddles," he finally admits. "You're a life saver."
☠️ "Mmph, so you've said," Phil answers grumpily. His eyes still shut, simply allowing the pastel boy to cuddle him. Like he actually minds, let's be honest here. "You better  wake up soon, because I'm totally taking you somewhere as a thank you," Dan tells him. Phil grunts, "Might take me awhile." Which makes Dan smile at more time with cuddling the punk that he met yet is amazing at keeping people safe.
🎀 "Admit it, you like cuddles now," Dan says into Phil's neck. Phil grunts and yawns, "From you, there is an exception. Hence why I'm letting you cuddle me right now." Dan smirks at this. Only for him huh? "Only for me? Really now?" Dan remarks.
☠️ "Well, you're the only person actually cuddling me."
The end.
*I tried writing and actually doing something with my tumblr for once* don’t repost anywhere or claim you wrote thanks.
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nuzzlepml · 8 years
I’m speechless
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The one who posted this wonderful gif is oppa86oppa (i just really loved the gif and i didn’t know who made it because i found it in the gif search)
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nuzzlepml · 8 years
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phil pineapple apple phil
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nuzzlepml · 8 years
After Midnight
Summary: Dan is a bit upset about not being able to spend New Year’s Eve with Phil, so he goes to Louise’s in hopes of lessening is sadness. Just when he thinks that wasn’t going to do the trick, there’s a small surprise waiting for him at midnight, making his sadness vanish completely. 
A/N: Just a little fluff to brighten up your day! ^~^
Warnings: None
Word Count: 2,516
Read on ao3!
New Year’s Eve, 2016
Dan couldn’t remember the last New Year’s Eve he spent without Phil, but he supposed tonight would mark the first time in awhile since it’s happened.
It wasn’t uncommon for Phil to be around less and less during the holiday season, as he usually spent a lot of time with his family up North, while Dan spent very little time with his own family. He visited them for Christmas Eve and stayed through Boxing Day, and after that, he would go home and wait for Phil to come back about a day later.
This year, however, Phil was only back for six days before stating that he wasn’t going to be able to hang around this New Year’s Eve with him.
Keep reading
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nuzzlepml · 8 years
What upsets me
What upsets me is going on vine and seeing constant dan vines Where the phil ones at? I'm honestly triggered sometimes
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nuzzlepml · 8 years
Reblog This If You Think Dan Howell's Natural Hair Is Beautiful
I don’t trust anyone that doesn’t reblog this
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nuzzlepml · 8 years
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Apple bottom jeans boots with the fur
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nuzzlepml · 8 years
Phan is like a grade You suspect a bad one or a good one. But mostly you get a surprise in the end.
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nuzzlepml · 8 years
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nuzzlepml · 8 years
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my take on a d&p color palette
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