snape-goat · 2 days
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4 years after graduation wasn’t long enough for Filch to forget the silhouette of a spidery student skulking around in the dark.
I saw a post (can’t remember by whom) that said something along the line of Snape probably getting mistaken for a student by Argus Filch when he first started teaching at Hogwarts. I thought it was funny, so I put it into a drawing🌝
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snape-goat · 10 days
it's kinda hilarious how in book 7 voldemort's having a terrible time being all upset that he can't catch harry potter and the death eaters are having a terrible time being terrified that voldemort will take his temper out on them
...and meanwhile fenrir greyback doesn't care and is just living his evil best life and having fun biting people
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snape-goat · 4 months
Don't want to call anyone out by name, but I saw someone post a Snape AI image without even acknowledging it was, I guess trying to pass it off as their own work. A lot of people liked and reblogged it probably without realizing. He had two ears on one side of his head though :/ Obscured by his hair, but there were definitely two of them. Kind of feels bad when I'm currently working really hard on a short valentines day Snape comic to see that get a lot of notes and attention. Makes me feel bad for all of the other artists who put time and effort into making earnest drawings of Snape. Makes me feel especially bad that if people are typing Snape fanart prompts into AI image generators, it's probably scraping the art of people who actually draw Snape.
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snape-goat · 5 months
Did Snape have a pet when he was attending Hogwarts as a student?
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snape-goat · 5 months
fuck you *ponifies Snape*
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in all seriousness though, this was really fun to do. I know he has a "canon" design (see Professor Flintheart MLP) but my Severus design doesn't with that lol so
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic was my entire childhood and the reason I got into writing and drawing and everything and it feels so good to be doing full pony pieces after so long. Expect more.
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snape-goat · 6 months
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Gingerbread Cottage
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snape-goat · 6 months
tiny harry giving severus a flower crown made of snakeroot and oleander and severus trying very hard to stay serious
"these flowers are deadly. you know that, do you not, mr. potter?"
"only if you eat them."
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harry is getting creative (beware!)
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snape-goat · 6 months
Facts about Snape, professor addition
Obviously head cannons
Severus is always exactly 7 minutes late to all staff meetings. Yes, it is on purpose. Yes, every single one of the other Professors have tried to end the annoying habit. Nothing has worked.
Dumbledore has received so many complaints from parents that if he reads "Snape" he automatically sends in the OWL and NEWT test improvements in Potions.
His first year was a rough start, but by Severus's testing averages went from Slughorn's A-E on the lower side average to high E's and O's. The Dreadful fail rate also dropped to two or three students a year.
Severus has asked to be fired no less than 200 times. It hasn't worked.
At potluck events, it's a competition to see who makes the dish that Professor Snape will eat/eat the most of as they get better every year. Professor Sprout is the reigning champion. And Severus will only ever bring napkins from coffee shops.
He has never mixed up any of the Weasley -- even the twins -- ever. It drives Fred and George insane.
He has a coffee pot in the classroom and will fight anyone who tries to take it away from him. Umbrige learned that lesson the hard way.
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snape-goat · 7 months
Snaters: It doesn't matter that Snape changed! He was a racist Death Eater once, so who cares if he became a better person later? You should always judge people only on their bad actions. The fact that he played a major role in the downfall of Voldemort is irrelevant!
Also Snaters: It does matter that James changed! He was a bully once, yes, but he became a better person later. That counts! Why judge him only on the bad things he did? He was a great friend and sacrificed his life for Lily and Harry.
I mean, okay.
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snape-goat · 8 months
y'all, I'm struggling rn
I just read Snape's Worst Memory from canon for the very first time.
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snape-goat · 8 months
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my sole remaining aspiration is to find a food that tastes as good as Ghibli food looks
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snape-goat · 8 months
10 Reasons why Severus Snape is a Mom
1)  Sometimes, saying darkly sarcastic and cynical things and hoping they soar over the children’s heads is the only thing that will get you through the day.
2) Doing the same thing over a thousand million times and not allowing it to drive you insane is the definition of parenthood.
3) I. Can. Hear. Everything. You. Are. Whispering. Back. There.
4) Sometimes shouting is the only thing that stops them from trying to do something that is going to end badly.
5) Sometimes it ends badly anyway and you have to clean up the mess.
6) No matter what you do, even when you’re doing your job correctly, everyone thinks you’re the bad guy.
7) Who cares about your past or that tattoo you got that one time when you were young and stupid? Well, maybe someone will care, someday…if this doesn’t kill you first.
8) Who can ever sleep when the children are always…UP TO SOMETHING?
9) Black is your battle armor.  And it helpfully absorbs most stains.
10) There’s always that racist, crazy person at the PTA meeting who honestly tries to argue that certain people ought to not be allowed at the school, and you can’t fucking leave, even if you want to. I’m looking at you, Sharonmort.
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snape-goat · 9 months
21 year old Severus Snape waking up to an eleven year old slytherin quietly calling his name from the doorway outside his personal quarters. He throws on a robe and stumbles to the door, bleary eyed and thoroughly exhausted.
“Yes?” He manages to get out, praying to every higher power that he won’t need to actually contribute energy into a human conversation at this ungodly hour.
“…Sir…I—I frew up”
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snape-goat · 9 months
Why do people give Sev crap for creating Sectumsempra? I mean... it was violent and over the top but when he used it he only cut James' face, right? Like he controlled it? And aside from how violent it can be when not controlled, you could argue many basic spells can become violent if too much power or lack of control is put behind it like is it the actual spell that's violent or how you wield it... and also... if you were relentlessly bullied would you not eventually take to learning some self defense? Honestly. It's the equivalent of a kid getting beaten up four on one in Muggle school and after several times thinks, shit, I'll just carry a knife then. A knife has the potential to make a tiny cut, or to be deadly. That doesn't mean every person who carries a knife is out to kill or maim someone.
Oh, and let's remember that if the teachers had ever done anything about the Marauders, Severus probably wouldn't have had to invent defense spells and taken matters into his own hands anyway.
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snape-goat · 9 months
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Even a prince has summer homework.
I am falling asleep drawing this but I was determined to sketch something today no matter what.
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snape-goat · 10 months
I love looking at Harry Potter merchandise from the early 2000s. Lately I've just been searching Snape on ebay and getting a kick out of scrolling through pages and pages of old toys. One thing I keep noticing is that in this early official art, Snape is often depicted as having long black nails XD I screenshotted several examples here. Honestly I kind of love it. Makes me contemplate adding that touch to the way I draw him. Though it seems kind of impractical for potion making XD But what do I know.
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Makes him look very disney villain ish LOL. Very fitting of the Snape of the first few books.
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snape-goat · 11 months
My Little Harry Potter Doodles #1
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I heard that drawing parties were a good way to practice digital art so I joined one. Here was what I came up with. I am not set on any of these designs but I'm still very happy with them.
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