#& if u don’t like that it’s a virtual wave of I luv u
luxekook · 4 years
in too deep ☼ knj
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☼ dedication: this fic is a bday present for the loml tay aka tay bay bay aka @interludemoonchild​!!!! luv u long time <33 (sorry this isn’t about hobi skksksks)
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☼ pairing: marine biologist namjoon x assistant reader
☼ genre: idiots to lovers, fluff, angst, crack
☼ summary: you had always grown up being told tales of terrible jobs with tyrannical bosses. but now, you’re left to wonder why you hadn’t heard more tragic stories of all-too-wonderful jobs with all-too-beautiful bosses... did falling for your boss only lead to heartbreak and a two weeks’ notice? or could it yield the possibility of romance?
☼ word count: 3.1k
☼ warnings: pg15, cursing, chaotic energy, pining, miscommunication, mentions of quitting, lots of sea nerd stuff, namjoon is smart af but an idiot in love, the reader isn’t any better, crabby bois, arguments, completely cheesy fluff, short make out sesh, mention of sex
☼ banner creator: heathy bby @shadowsremedy​
☼ beta reader: the amazing and astoundingly talented phia @meowxyoong​
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“Kim Namjoon!” You cry, swatting the blue-clawed crab away from your feet with a broom, “What did I tell you about bringing your goddamn crustaceans into the office?”
The man in question hustles out of his office looking disheveled, “You’ve seen Carl?” He sinks right down to his hands and knees to peer under your desk. “I’ve been looking everywhere for you, little buddy!”
You stare disappointedly as your boss picks up ‘Carl’ from his hiding place and cradles him to his chest. “Namjoon,” You sigh exasperatedly, folding your arms.
He looks up at you and blushes, “Sorry, Star. I just feel so bad leaving them downstairs at the lab. It’s so lonely and dark down there.” 
While your stomach flips at the mention of his nickname for you, your eyebrows furrow in confusion, “Well, why don’t you just stay down there with them?”
“Because you’re up here…” He mumbles something incoherent. 
“What?” You lean forwards, your ears straining to catch the garbled syllables.
Namjoon clears his throat, looking everywhere but at you, “Because it’s nicer up here.”
“Don’t tell your investors that,” You laugh, thinking of all the fancy and shiny equipment housed in the aquatics lab a few floors below. Working for a top-tier marine biologist sure had its perks - namely the state of the art kitchen with a full espresso bar. 
“Star, I would never!” He looks affronted by the mere mention of such a thing. “Now, apologize to Carl for scaring him.” 
You scoff, but just one glance into Namjoon’s sparkling brown eyes makes you crumble instantly. “Fine,” You begrudgingly shoot the crab a look, “Sorry, Carl.”
“See, Carl?” Namjoon croons, “She’s sorry!” As he turns back to you, you can immediately tell he is about to launch into Marine Biologist Mode™. 
“Carl is a blue crab - a Callinectes sapidus, to be precise. That scientific name literally means ‘savory beautiful swimmer’.”
“Savory, huh?” You quip, relishing in the scandalized look Namjoon shoots you.
“Don’t listen to her, Carl,” He whispers, stroking a finger gently down the crab’s shell. “Now, where was I? Ah, yes… He’s named for his pretty sapphire-tinted claws, and he’s one of the most harvested species of his kind. So, don’t even think about it.”
You burst out laughing as he eyes you, “Okay, Joon, I’ll leave my pot of boiling water at home.”
Namjoon splutters out a choked laugh, looking at you like you are the most exasperating thing he’s ever come across. And, you probably are.
When you came to work for the distinguished marine biologist four months ago, you found him literally buried beneath piles of research papers, files, and National Geographic magazines. Apparently, he had tripped into his filing cabinet and everything had fallen off of the shelves onto him. The man had been a right mess. It was no wonder he had put an ad out in search of an assistant.
In your new role, you slowly but surely introduced some structure and organization into Namjoon’s life as best you could. The first thing you did was update his office. The man still had an honest to god lava lamp on his desk. You were still baffled at how he had managed not to break the fixture before your arrival.
Swiftly following the disposal of the cursed lava lamp, you ordered new file cabinets - and had them nailed to the wall. Virtually, you did even more. You restructured his online platforms and updated his schedule to include more than just scattered notes like “Meeting at 10AM, i think? Or was it 10PM?”
To his credit, Namjoon adhered to most of your suggestions and changes, but apparently he still refused to grasp the ‘no creatures in the office’ rule.
Overall, Namjoon was a great boss - kind, understanding, sweet, and a tad eccentric. His love for all things sea-related shone through the gentle way he handled his specimens, the passionate tone of voice he used while speaking on any related topic, and the stars in his eyes at the mere mention of discovering a new species.
It had been all too easy to become infatuated with him. Especially when he called you “Star” and left you to interpret the meaning on your own. 
You remember the exact moment that you fell in love with him so vividly. It had been last month, just three months into working for him. Namjoon had been going off about fucking sand of all things.
“…Sand speaks of history, of science, of travels. Each grain of sand holds thousands upon thousands of years of movement, of erosion. For example, the beach outside of this building is tan because of the iron oxide tinting the quartz and the feldspar to a light brown color. But, there are other beaches that are black, white and even pink in color! It’s fascinating! And to quote the goddess of marine biology Rachel Carson: "In every curving beach, in every grain of sand, there is a story of the Earth…”
Yeah, you are head over heels for your boss. And that’s why you needed to quit.
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The end of the workday arrives too quickly - a common theme it seems when you love what you do and who you work for. Namjoon walks beside you down to the parking lot. You sneak a glance at his face and note that he seems deep in thought.
Your mind slips to the image of you and Namjoon going home together to a shared house overrun with fish tanks and models of sharks. It’s all too easy to picture, and all too painful to acknowledge the impossibility.
“Star,” Namjoon’s voice jolts you from your fantasy. You blink up at him, realizing you’re both stopped beside your adjacent cars. Namjoon smiles at you, “I’ll see you tomorrow? It’ll be Friday, finally...” 
It seems like he wants to say more but stops himself for some reason. You pause, waiting for him to continue, but he just blushes and brings a hand to the back of his neck bashfully.
“Yeah, Friday,” Your tone is less enthusiastic. You planned to hand in your two weeks’ notice tomorrow. It’s a complete strategy on your part so that you can have the whole weekend to cry and shove at least one gallon of ice cream down your throat.
You wave goodbye to each other and enter your respective cars. You watch Namjoon pull out of the parking lot before you and pause to rest your forehead on your steering wheel. You were so screwed.
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Twenty-four exhausting hours later, you find yourself with your fist poised over Namjoon’s wooden office door. Are you actually doing this? Are you really going to quit the only job you’d ever loved? 
Yes, you are. You love Namjoon too much to stay here surrounded by his charisma and his beauty. You love him too much to try to complicate his workspace, his sacred ground. You love him too much to ask him to blur the lines of colleague and lover.
You need to leave - for his sake and for yours. It isn’t like he still needs you. He has been following your routine with vigor and always keeps his office organized now. Your tasks have been dwindling for weeks. 
It’s time to move on. God, even the tension today had been off the charts with you and Namjoon skirting around each other like you were both walking on eggshells. Clearly, he is also feeling like you are in the way.
With that in mind, you straighten your shoulders and finally knock on the door.
Your ears strain for any sign of an answer. Your breath catches in your throat as you try to sustain the meager amount of courage you had mustered up inside you. Twisting open the handle, you push the door open and are immediately met with an empty office. Damn, he must be downstairs.
You chuckle at the sheer idiocy of your panicked state over knocking on an empty office door.
This is perfect anyways. You can hand Namjoon your two weeks’ and then evacuate the building in one sweep. Shutting down your computer and grabbing your things, you trudge out of the room and towards the stairs.
The journey downwards seems akin to walking the plank as you take each step slowly, dreading the inevitable. 
Ciara has it all wrong: you do not love it when you One, Two Step. 
The entrance to the lab looms overhead. The steel double doors look more like the gateway to hell rather than a nice entrance to a marine facility. You don’t break your stride as you march through the doors. If you had, you might not have kept going.
The familiar light humming of the tank filters meets your ears as you peer around the rows of shelves containing colorful fish and scuttling critters.
“Joon?” You call, the nickname slipping past your lips before you can stop it.
“Back here, Star!” His answer sounds from the very back of the lab. Of course, that’s where the crabs are housed.
You make your way past the tanks of clownfish and the pools of stingrays to where Namjoon sits hunched over the shallow tank containing four green-tinted crabs. 
“That’s it, Nala.” Namjoon croons as the smallest of the four crabs swims around the tank, “You show your brothers how fast you are.”
“Talking to your subjects again, boss?” You can’t help but tease the man you've grown to love as he fawns over his work.
Namjoon blushes slightly and nods, pushing his glasses up to rest on the bridge of his nose, “Studies have shown that it helps them develop.”
“I thought that was humans?” You say, shifting your weight back and forth. The letter in your hand seems to burn more each second you hold onto it. You couldn't take it anymore.
As Namjoon opens his mouth to reply, you thrust the letter into his chest and say, “Never mind. This is for you. Please read it later.”
With that, you fast-walk your way back to the entrance of the lab. The sound of the envelope tearing open only forces you faster. Fuck, it had been idiotic of you to assume that he would actually listen to you and open it later. Namjoon is as impatient as they come. Of course he wouldn't wait.
“Star!” His strangled call startles you, “What is this?”
“We can talk about it on Monday!” You reply, somehow already close to tears. Why is this godforsaken lab so big? You pace down the aisles of tanks and breathe a sigh of relief as the exit comes into view. 
Then, Namjoon comes barreling around the corner, cutting off your escape. The man looks baffled as he clutches your written resignation in his hands. His chest heaves as he holds the torn pages out towards you, “What. Is. This. Star?”
You bristle. I guess we’re doing this now, you thought. Stiffening your shoulders, you muster all the false bravado you can manage, “It’s my two weeks’ notice, Namjoon. I’m sure a smart guy like you can read.”
“Okay, allow me to rephrase,” Namjoon stalks towards you, tossing the crumpled letter over his shoulder. “Why did you give me this?”
“The letter explains everything,” Your eyes dart around, both in search of a viable escape and in avoidance of his intensity.
“Sure it does,” He scoffs, his eyes blazing with disbelief. “I want to hear it from you.”
Your back hits the cool glass of the tank behind you. You’re trapped between the contrasting temperatures of the water and Namjoon’s body.
“Joon,” Your voice shakes, “You don’t need me anymore. You’ve done everything I've asked of you and then some. You’re organized. You’re on time. You’re put together. I barely have enough tasks now to fill a day, let alone a week. It’s time to move on.”
“Time to move on?” Namjoon echoes before barking out a humorless laugh, “I don’t need you anymore? That’s really what you think, Star?”
“Don’t call me that.” The nickname snufs out any trace of fight left inside you, and you plead, “Just let me go, Joon.”
“Never,” He growls.
“I don’t understand what you’re not getting,” You sigh, exasperated and drained, “You’ve surpassed my expectations and erased the need for my position. I think the saying ‘the student has become the master’ applies here.”
Namjoon gapes at you before he snaps, “You’re the one who’s not getting it! Have you ever considered that the student might just be in love with the teacher?”
Joon rakes a hand through his hair as you become the one to gape open mouthed at the frustrated man.
He continues, “I wake up earlier every damn day because I can’t wait to see you at work. I organize all of my things because I just want to see you smile at me when you notice. I spend an hour each night picking out what to wear the next day because I want to impress you… Don’t you see? Everything I do is for you, is because of you. I want to be the best version of myself for you.”
Your mind struggles to compute the seemingly impossible notion that the object of your affections returns your love. “Did you,” You gasp out, “Just say that you loved me?”
“Yes, you complete jellyfish! I love you. I am in love with you! And it’s not like it’s not obvious! I call you ‘Star’ because you are my starfish, my sea star. You are the one who keeps the balance to my ecosystem of chaos. You are the key species that keeps everything afloat.”
“And you thought that was obvious?” You yell back at him, “How on earth would I immediately have known the intense analysis behind your nickname for me, Namjoon the science buffoon?” You huff, scrambling to process the amount of information that had just been thrown at you. 
He needed you?
He loved you back? 
He nicknamed you after a fucking marine invertebrate?!
Namjoon blinks in surprise, “Did you just insult me with a Bill Nye pun?” You don’t deign to give him a response. Namjoon chuckles before grinning sheepishly, “Okay, fine. You make a good point.”
“I know I do,” You pout. “You can’t just spring this on me, Joon. Why haven't you told me this before?”
“Because I was nervous that you would leave me, that you wouldn't return my feelings. Obviously, the first point is moot. What about the second?”
“You’re asking if I love you back?” Your body sags against the tank behind you, “How could I not, you crab-loving, walking mess of a—”
Namjoon captures your mouth with his, kissing you with fervor. His hands wind their way up to cradle your face between them like you are the most precious thing to him. 
Pulling back slightly, Namjoon rasps out, “So, you’ll stay?” 
“Hm, I don’t know,” You crack a wry smile, “What’s in it for me?”
“Well, let me show you,” Namjoon replies before whipping his shirt off. You gape open mouthed at the expanse of beautiful tan skin in front of you. 
Was that a hint of a tattoo swirling over his left shoulder?
He reaches down to tug at the hem of your dress, insinuating he wants it off. A nice concept in theory; however, with one look around at your surroundings, you slap his hand away. “Namjoon! Not in front of the fish!”
“But, Star, these aren’t fish! These are squid, and they are classed as cephalopods—”
You put a hand over his mouth, “Allow me to clarify: I will only fuck in a creature-free zone.”
Namjoon murmurs something beneath your palm. You give him a warning look before removing your hand. He immediately repeats himself, “My office?”
Your eyes narrow, “I know for a fact you have at least three crabs in there.”
Namjoon pauses, looking suspiciously shifty, “There are only seven…” 
You wait for it.
“...teen.” He finishes.
“Kim Namjoon!”
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Two Years Later
The short walk down the aisle ends too quickly as you find yourself standing in front of a teary-eyed Namjoon. Five of his friends stand behind him in a row, while the sixth stands proudly as the officiant.
They really are out here looking like a whole boy band, you muse. But, you only have eyes for their leader. 
Namjoon stands before you, all tall and handsome in his tux; and as Officiant Jin™ begins the ceremony, you can't help but wonder how you got so lucky.
Finally, the ring exchange is introduced dramatically by Seokjin who spouts something about circles and never ending love. “Let us now have the rings brought forward and presented by the ring-bearer!” He booms, raising his arms up like he is summoning a great force.
Ring-bearer? You rake your mind for a prior mention of a ring-bearer… You thought Yoongi as the best man would have the rings.
Suddenly, Namjoon produces a silver whistle from his pocket and blows it once. You stare at your soon-to-be husband like he has sprouted another head.
And then you hear it: the sound of legs and claws scuttling across the floor towards the altar. 
“Tell me that is not what I think it is,” You whisper-yell over to Namjoon, who looks way too pleased for your liking.
Your fears and exasperations come true as Namjoon swoops down to pick up Carl who has two shiny rings tied to his shell with a ribbon.
“Oh, Kim Namjoon,” You sigh as you watch him remove the rings from Carl and hand the crab off to a disgruntled Taehyung, “What am I going to do with you?”
“You’re going to marry me,” Namjoon grins.
And marry him you did.
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a/n: jellyfish have no brains, lolz. idk why making joon call the reader a jellyfish made me crack tf up but IT DID.
© luxekook. please do not repost, modify, edit or translate.
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eliphante123 · 5 years
Playing tw tag game w/ my oc
I haven't been tagged, yet but this looks fun. I've seen people post this from @edda-blattfe and they're pretty honest with their answers, so why not try it, myself. Also, I brought my oc to answer with me (I want to spice it up a bit) Taniya: happy to answer ^-^
~Dire Crowley appears before you~
Question 1: Welcome to Night Raven College! Did you enjoy the trip here?
Me: i don't know how did i get here but wow
Taniya: hmmm...yes and no
Me: why?
Taniya: if you were me, you know why -_-
Question 2: Wonderful! All students here must choose one of the seven dormitories to reside in during the school year. Which one do you choose? Why?
Me: I’m mostly interested in Ignihyde because of technologies and stuff
Taniya: look at my ears and tails, it’s obvious I’m from savanaclaw
Question 3: Now that you’re officially a student, what would you like to learn first?
Me: history about magic, I luv magic
Me: 0_0'
Taniya: also I can easily get things from up high since that I'm short and I can easily clean my messy dorm room just like one of the movies *smiles*
Question 4: I’ll leave you to settle in now. Before I go, do you have any questions about the college?
Me: one question, *fangirling scream* why did you accept hot guys in your college?
Taniya: is there a potion for making me taller? 0w0
~Crowley out~ 
Taniya: hey! I’m talking here!
Question 5: Which dormitory leader are you excited to meet? Why?
Taniya: I'm fine with everyone *whispers* except Leona and Azul
Question 6: Azul offers you the chance to fulfill your heart’s desire. What is it, and do you accept?
Taniya: don't you dare go near with that sea demon
Me: why? he's going to make my wish come true
Taniya: yeah but I'm warning you that guy is bad news
Me: just because you hate fish, doesn't mean you hate him, as well. Also, what about you? do you want something in your heart's desire?
Taniya: of course not! I won't make deals with someone who can impossibly grants people's wish and I still don't trust him, especially the twins
Question 7: Which of the boys are you friends with? Why?
Me: of course, Taniya!, ortho, ace, and kalim are cool to hangout
Taniya: most of my friends are Leona, Ruggie, Jack since we lived at the same dorm and the rest are ortho, idia, trey, kalim, lilia, and silver because they're ok to talk to
Taniya: aww
Me: ur welcome~
Question 8: C’mon, we all know everyone at the school is attractive. Is there someone (or more) you’re crushing on?
Me: WELL DUH! EVERY BOYS ARE ATTRACTIVE! and *looks at Taniya with a smirky face*
Taniya: what?
Me: is there someone you have a crush on?
Taniya: me? nah I'm not interested with guys
Me: ohohoh but there is and I know who~
Taniya: oh yeah tell me
Me: it’s obvious you two are like almost a couple but you just don’t realized it. He’s tall, cunning, handsome face and he's a third year
Taniya: dude every third year are tall, cunning, and handsome
Me: but you know him, right? you're always with him whenever he needs you *smiles*
Taniya: I’ve been hanging out with bunch of guys in my life and even if I do, none of them are my type but what you're refering to....
Me: *waiting for her to realize it’s Leona*
Taniya: hmm....nope doesn't ring my bell
Me: girl you need to learn more about love life
Taniya: no thanks
Question 9: The hallways are a terrifying place to be after hours. Who’s the last person you wanna be out there with?
Me: ready?
Taniya: ok
Me & Taniya: 1, 2, 3...GHOST!!!
Me: nailed it
Question 10: Would you rather listen to Jamil’s puns, work at the Mostro Cafe with Jade and Floyd, or clean the dungeons with Lilia?
Me: I'm fine with Jamil's puns
Taniya: I'll just go help cleaning the dungeon with Lilia
Question 11: Everyone loves karaoke night at the Cafe! Do you sing? If so, which song would be your go to?
Me: yeah I can sing but I don't know which song that fits me, I guess It'll Be Alright by Cody Francis
Taniya: I can sing as well and the song I would sing is Faster Car by Anders Lystell.....wait a minute! since when did the Cafe have karaoke?
Question 12: Riddle invites you to a tea party with the rest of Heartslabyul. Do you attend?
Me: yes, I love tea parties
Taniya: me too, so we don't have to get our heads cut
Me: oh yeah....
Question 13: Choose a champion!
Me: I know who's a champion
Taniya: same here
Both: ME!!! *looks at eachother*
Taniya: actually we're the champions
Question 14: Favorite headcanon(s)?
Me: I don't have a favorite but I like all of it
Taniya: canons x self-insert/oc's
Question 15: Unpopular opinion?
Both: nope/nada
Question 16: You forgot to send Maleus an invitation. Your survival plan?
Me: pretending I'm not invited either and next time, I will invite him to my "I'M SORRY FOR NOT INVITING YOU" party
Taniya: who's that?
Me: you know that horned guy that lives in the diasomnia and always been forgetten in every invitation.
Taniya: oh that guy, was he in the party, last week?
Me: idk but it's better to not mention about it to Maleus because he might gonna zap you with his spinning wheel staff like a grilled potato
Taniya: .....ok, I'm with your plan
Question 17: Be honest, would you trust Rook to shoot an apple off your head?
Me: ohhh yes, I want to see if he really shoot that apple
Taniya: no, I would probably be dead for 1.5 second -_-;
Question 18: Lilia, Ace, and Kalim invite you to hang out with them. Do you go?
Me: Absolutely
Taniya: eh why not
Question 19: Where is your favorite place to chill on campus?
Me: chilling at the Mostro Cafe while wearing my headphones on
Taniya: outside the campus roof or I could do parkour for fun
Me: ohh can I come?
Taniya: sure, if you know how to climb a high building before
Question 20: Ortho asks if you’ll help him drag Idia out of his room so he won’t skip class. How does that work out?
Me: I would convince him to go out because he’ll miss everything that is going on
Taniya: why not we use Idia’s unfinished vr headset then trick him that you, me, and ortho help fixing his vr and telling that we created an adventure virtual reality game called “NIGHT RAVEN SIMULATOR” for him, as a test subject, to practice interacting with other students. We just have to remove the lenses, make very convincing that everything is just a simulator/game, and lure him out from his room to attend his classes
Me: but what if he notice our trick?
Taniya: don’t worry I’ll tell the other students/teachers that we have to play along with his virtual fantasy and not let Idia to suspect anything and everything that is reality
Me: but what if it fail?
Taniya: *sighs* if it fails, well at least we can do is getting him to experience of going out for one last time
Taniya: at the end of class, we’ll send him back to his room and tell everyone never mentioned about our “getting idia out from his room” plan
Me: ok that really is too much work but that’s actually smart of you
Taniya: well it’s that least I can do to help a friend to boost his confidence
Me: aww *hugs her*
Question 21: Who would you rather train with, Jack, Sebek, or Ashton?
Me: is it alright to say none of them?
Taniya: training with Jack, ok but with Ashton, no way
Question 22: You’re locked up in Mr. S’s shoppe after hours, who’s with you?
Me: do I really have to pick? then ace and kamil, we’ll get in trouble in the morning
Taniya: Ruggie, I guess? he’ll help me find a potion that can grow my height
Question 23: Leona fell asleep…again. This time on top of you. You have potions in 15 minutes; what do you do?
Me: I don’t mind sleeping with him, he’s kind of cute and comfy to begin with
Taniya: I’ll gently push him off and draw his face with a permanent marker while he’s asleep. When he wakes up, I’ll pretend nothing happened until someone notice his face
Me: that’s kinda devious
Taniya: that’s what he get for sleeping on me
Question 24: Would you rather go on a magic carpet ride with Kalim, let Vil give you the Pomefiore spa treatment, or play on Azul’s grand piano (with his supervision)?
Me: magic carpet with kalim!
Taniya: a spa treatment would be nice
Me: why don’t you join us?
Taniya: you know I have aerophobia! I won’t go anywhere that involves flying
Me: *whispers* you’re no fun
Taniya: I heard that
Question 25: Grimm feels a little left out. Comfort him?
Me: yes, I’ll give him a stuffed mouse to play with
Taniya: I’ll bring him along with me on a journey
Me: ohh like what?
Taniya: as a dorm assistant, I’ll hire him as my helping buddy to do the work in my dormitory    
Me: that’s nice
Ok that's all you want to see here and wow this is really long. For the tags, I bet almost everyone are already been tagged since I've been posting this kinda late so.... I guess @nerdgod555 , @ocean-water-tea , and @mint-sugar-1121 if anyone wants to do this game just go to @edda-blattfe and you can find that mention tw tag game. Hope u enjoy our crazy journey bye~ 
Taniya: good bye~ *waves her hand* ^-^
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