#/ when u see this pon i am so sorry (sort of) i swear i'll give compensation
ofdetonation · 2 years
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@starshinc​​  inquired :      [ AID ]      ╱      even  more  injury  memes. [ AID ] :      for receiver to find sender covered in blood and delirious.
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𝗧𝗛𝗘𝗥𝗘  𝗔𝗥𝗘  𝗙𝗘𝗪  𝗧𝗛𝗜𝗡𝗚𝗦  𝗧𝗛𝗔𝗧  𝗦𝗛𝗔𝗞𝗘  𝗞𝗔𝗧𝗦𝗨𝗞𝗜 .      even over time,   his nightmares decreased in frequency,   altering their severity      ⸺      he scarcely dreams of his time as ground zero anymore,   of the times he would look at his hands covered in blood not of his own,   bits of ash and smoke clinging to once well-maintained costume.     his dreams of other concerns,   fears,   they were becoming less and less common too.     it guarantees a more restful sleep on more frequent occasions      ╱      the years may not have always been kind,   but he  always  had that.     he would always have the past that was left in the past,   a haunting that cannot continue if he knows how to handle it.
tonight,   though,   he finds himself  restless.     crimson eyes stare up at the ceiling as the quiet snoring of his cats take up the space izuku would usually be in,   hands twitching,   mind running through every ill-ending scenario he can think of.
izuku is quirkless.     that isn’t the core issue,   of course      ╱      it was late,   an odd hour in the morning,   and there was no contact from the other about it.     katsuki reasons with himself in his head ;     maybe he worked so hard he passed out at the support lab,   dozing off with noodle on standby.     maybe he forgot to message.     (  that doesn’t sit right.     katsuki can’t recall a point where izuku just  forgot  to leave him a text      ⸺      it happened to be one of the things they got into the habit of doing,   and it often kept katsuki’s mind at ease.  )     but izuku’s quirklessness plays into the grander issues he starts to think about ;     what ifs disturb katsuki further and further,   driving him further away from rest,   the circles under his eyes prominent as kuma lifts herself from her bed to check on him.
he can’t stay here.     he  has  to know what the hell was going on,   even if it meant being up at 1:37 in the morning      ⸺      he’ll kill izuku later if it’s a false alarm.
the cool evening air eats at katsuki’s patience as he makes it out the door,   hoodie slipped over his shirt as he presses his hands together,   warms them.     there was no snow yet ;     there was a slight trickle of rain,   however,   the blond scowling when he sees it the moment he’s out of the apartment complex      ╱      he doesn’t turn back.     (  it would be a waste of time to go back for a stupid umbrella.     he could tolerate the damn rain if it meant figuring out where the  hell  izuku was,   undeterred by its miserable cold touch.  )     he glances around briefly to then start making his way on their usual path to and from the agency.
the rain starts to soak his hoodie,   flatten his hair ;     his boots give him the benefit of avoiding being soaked from puddles as he paces further along,   eyeing his surroundings and listening for anything.     any  little detail that might clue him in to where izuku was,   or if noodle was nearby,   so he might take him to the other      ⸺      the rain obscures his vision and the lights from the nearby streets don’t help any.     the darkness only makes it harder for the bakugou to distinguish colour.     even if he was lucky,   green won’t stand out in this weather.
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❝    izuku ?    ❞     he calls out his name into the darkness,   waiting for a response to be echoed back,   a bark to help him locate them.     nothing.     ❝    noodle ?     where th’hell ...    ❞
a shiver shoots down the blond’s spine as the rain intensifies,   grumbling at the way it seeps into his bones ;     his hands come back together and he attempts a few sparks to warm them up,   to combat the incoming cold,   but it doesn’t bring much relief.     among his attempts to keep warm is a concerned crimson gaze shooting down every alley he walks past,   occasionally making a detour that he knows they  sometimes  take in case there was media about      ╱      even when he loops back to his original point,   there seems to be no sign of izuku.
the concern builds,   grips at his lungs and steals his breath as he keeps persisting forward with his search.     this wasn’t good weather to be caught up in.     beyond that,   if noodle was close by,   then he should’ve heard  something,   gone for help.     unless ...     the weather was extremely cold      ⸺      it wouldn’t be so farfetched that noodle might’ve needed to prioritise between finding help and providing it.     (  he can’t imagine that poor dog was handling the weather too well.     even with a long coat,   being caught in this ...  )     katsuki grips his phone and tries giving izuku a call instead,   pressing it to his ear.     nothing.     he tries again to listen out for the other’s ringtone.     when he doesn’t hear anything,   his brows furrow,   snarl apparent as he keeps pressing forward.
finally,   finally,   he finds something.     (  not that it was any good ;     the sight of it sends katsuki’s panic through the roof,   eyes wide as he lifts it up,   examines it.  )     it wasn’t much to work with,   a part of izuku’s hoodie he’d worn today,   but it meant he couldn’t be far off now.
❝    izuku !    ❞     a pause.     ❝    noodle !     c’mere !    ❞
through the rainfall,   katsuki manages to catch wind of a bark      ╱      he sprints in the direction,   listening out for the continued barking,   skidding to a halt in front of an alleyway where the barking was clear.     the sight ⸺
izuku is  covered  in blood.     noodle is resting on his chest,   likely trying to prevent hypothermia from setting in with the way the weather’s been,   even looking relieved to see the other standing in the alley entryway.     izuku barely looks in focus and katsuki can’t determine if it was because of an injury,   loss of blood,   ending up with hypothermia anyway,   or ⸺     all of the above,   if he was unlucky.     and ⸺     dammit,   his hoodie is soaked,   it wouldn’t help anything if he tried taking it off to help warm him up ... !
❝    fuck,    ❞     katsuki dashes over,   kneeling down in the soaked ground with his hands immediately ushering noodle off for now      ╱      he  needs  to find the wounds.     he needs to apply pressure,   if they’re as bad as they seem to be,   hand pushing the other’s fringe out of his face.     he looks ...     horrible.     ❝    izuku,   it’s me.     katsuki.     stay with me.    ❞
when he finds one of the wounds,   katsuki ends up slipping off his hoodie to use the fabric to his advantage,   pressing it against the open injury and watching it mingle with the rainwater that already immersed itself within the cotton.     (  how long had he been like this ?     can he even walk,   let alone stand ?     and  noodle,   he ⸺  )     the blond hears noodle barking at him,   looking at the dog and seeing him settling between them,   looking at katsuki.     it was likely because he’s putting himself at the mercy of the cold.     he remains undeterred.
that didn’t mean the rain was enjoyable.     fuck,   it was freezing,   even as he keeps the pressure up with one hand while the other fumbles for his phone.     he’s glad the damn thing had waterproof casing and water resistance.     he just needed to call emergency ...
katsuki knows that he  has  to stay as calm as possible,   as to not freak izuku out through the delirium and bleeding.     he knows he has to relay everything to the emergency services as calmly as he can so they understand what he’s saying,   what aid they need to provide when they make it on-scene ;     but his hands are shaking.     even though he puts a stoic wall up in front of izuku,   perhaps noodle would recognise it better at this stage      ╱      there is a sense of terror instilling within him.     fear,   distress.
❝    i’ve got someone with a serious injury.     he’s bleeding,   delirious,   ‘n not respondin’ very well to stimuli.    ❞     katsuki presses the phone between his ear and shoulder.     with his newly freed hand,   he reaches to make sure izuku doesn’t move      ⸺      hand pressing on the centre of his chest as he stares at him,   stern.     don’t try it.     ❝    we’re in an alleyway just a bit away from the bakugou agency.     he’s got a therapy dog,   ‘n i can get him to alert when yer nearby.     his name’s izuku midoriya,   blood type o,   and he ⸺    ❞
impatient,   frustrated.     katsuki snarls through the phone.
❝    y’don’t need my stupid  fuckin’  details.     now hurry th’fuck up and get someone on scene before he bleeds out ‘n i got a good goddamn reason t’kill each ‘n every one of you.    ❞
he hears them hesitate before assuring him help was on the way.     it doesn’t bring any sense of relief that he  thought  it would.
they tell him to keep talking to izuku,   to try and keep him as engaged as possible while the paramedics work on arriving within the next five minutes.     he doesn’t feel ready to move his hand off izuku’s chest lest he attempts to move.
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❝    dammit,   why can’t y’stay outta trouble for longer than one fuckin’ second,   huh ?!     why’s it that yer the most trouble-centred person i’ve  ever  fuckin’ met,   ‘n y’don’t even have a quirk to fuckin’ cause trouble  with,   you ⸺    ❞     bastard.     you fucking  bastard.     the tremor in his hands becomes more clear,   now ;     were it not for the rain,   maybe the other would be able to tell the difference between the freshwater droplets washing down his face and the salty tears that mingle among them,   borne of frustration.     ❝    ...     you piss me th’fuck off,   y’know that ?    ❞
there are,   indeed,   few  things that shake katsuki.     his past no longer haunts him in the same way it used to,   and he isn’t tormented every night      ╱      these are things he is grateful for,   things he could move beyond.
but this ?     this shakes katsuki to his very core ;     a living nightmare playing on loop,   the sight of izuku covered in his own blood and unaware of the world around him,   barely able to understand his life was in danger.     if he fought back,   then he lost.     he lost and the villain that hurt him had to have been  sure  he would die      ⸺      unbeknownst to katsuki’s intuition,   the nagging concern that something wasn’t quite right.
no.     he  can’t  let this shake him.     not tonight.
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