#// I've been a little absent and I probably won't be on much this weekend either
hiswill · 3 years
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Are you doing ok? I hope that your new job is not too exhausting, that you are getting enough rest and have time to do the things you love. Please, take care of yourself. Also! How are your new kitties? May we see them?
Hi there! I'm doing okay, yes, even though I've been largely absent and haven't been replying to comments in a timely fashion, etc. So... all external signs point to my not doing well, but I am, in fact, doing well. I promise. ^_^
The new job is similar to the old one, but very different as well, and is in a different time zone than I'm in physically, so my personal schedule is five kinds of messed up between when I get up, go to bed, eat, work, etc., and weekends and weekdays are massively different from each other. But I am thankful for the job and like my tasks and coworkers, etc., so no complaints.
I haven't been able to find much time at all for social stuff, writing, or comment replies, though. In fact, I have not written a single word for any WIPs since December, and it's... weird. Not a good weird, either. But whenever I have time to write, my cats decide that I should do something else instead.
(Right now, in fact, Aleksander has brought me his fleece and would like it if I would wrap him up like a baby and hold him with it, but I am putting my foot down so I actually reply to an Ask for once!)
The new kitties have broken my laptop camera, regularly delete replies before they are sent, and once posted a chapter before I could edit it. They are delightful, but not helpers in any true sense of the word, haha!
Here they are:
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On the left is Aleksander, and on the right is Gilgamesh. They are 9 months old now. And no, I'm not moving. I just had the boxes and needed something to put some fabric in that I'm mailing out to charities soon. (Well, I say soon, but the boxes have been stacked up above my head since November, so we'll see if that fabric ever goes anywhere.)
Thank you for the concern, and for the Ask. Most of my pics of the kitties have my face in them, so I probably won't post many, but they are adorable and I love the little stinkers.
Here's hoping I have time to write soon! I've been asked for some Hazy snippets and so on, and would love to get something out into the world. ^_^
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