#// anyway now i'm gonna turn off my desktop and get on my laptop to Write.
madeluminaryarchive · 2 years
here's a list of characters that i would write if i was not a coward: the twelfth doctor, lilith borderlands, troy calypso, viago de riva, gabriel boutin (netflix), and roland dragon age absolution. <3
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dgcatanisiri · 2 years
I'm basically rambling out loud about the writer-y things that I'll never manage to do, so there's a cut to spare those unconcerned.
I know I keep bringing up that this ridiculous length of my Buffyverse continuation, and how I keep adding to it, but dagnabbit, this is something that kept me going for a long time, and I have an actual genuine enthusiasm for making my development of this universe in some manner be a legitimate THING, even if it's just knowing where things would go, even if they never leave outline stage.
It's also kinda nifty, or at least I think so, to include a few "what if" scenario type miniseries into things. Y'know, things of the "but what if things played out differently?" variety. Like, with the Buffy books, one of my disappointments with them was when the trilogy of "what if Dark!Willow was never stopped?" was put out, but ended up turning back around to the original episodes' ending all the same - the trilogy was about exploring what made this all different, but then just went back to the same original conclusion? (My understanding is that this was editorial mandate and not what the author had wanted, which I fully believe.)
So I get to have these little side stories that actually explore the concept of "everything changes" (or, well, would if I were doing more than brief outlining everything, but, hey, in fantasy world, I get to put all these together). These could never really have happened back in the day, since the actors would need time to breathe and all, and doing a full season of the original show AND a mini-series or two at the same time would definitely have burnt out the actors, but since this is all fantasy, I get to do it anyway!
And I also have bits and pieces that introduce concepts and characters I originally used much later into things - so now it's all a grand connection.
It also means that I'm gonna end up going through things and revamping my original ideas - y'know, oh, I had this idea I don't really like that I can swap out for something better, oh I realize now that this idea kinda fizzled out, maybe I can replace it... Granted, that's gonna be merry hell when I get to the stuff that I'm spinning off to its own separate thing, cuz it ate up time here, and it got these characters an extended major role there, and now it's all going over to its own thing, so that's a major subplot I've got to take out and replace...
I enjoy the writing challenge to it all, apparently having set this aside for the better part of a decade was a good call in coming in with original ideas, but it does frustrate me that this is never going to go beyond my own outlines, cuz... I want to have these in a finished product form!
It also makes me all nostalgic for that virtual continuation/series boom that happened in the mid-2000s. I found a few of them that are at least still accessible and made to save them to my external (which, granted, I may need to start looking into having a backup for my backup, since the thing's gotten to needing a repair scan after every time I transfer it to my laptop and back to my desktop, which does fortunately fix it, but... Well, I have anxiety issues in general). And sure, quantity isn't quality, but y'all know how it is with lost media - it's not necessarily about how good it is so much as saying you have it.
All of this does, however, make me picture that fantasy DVD case for all these things and how monumentally sprawling and out of control it would be to actually account for all these things.
And, y'know, this is just me focusing on the Buffy side of things. I've got a whole bunch of Star Trek spinoffs I could put this focus on, plus a handful of handfuls of others that I'd totally be down for putting together as well.
Dammit, just let me spend my time putting together all the writer-y things I want, from the fanfic-ish to the original! I don't function well as a human being anyway, this would all be to the benefit of us all!
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