#// kairos is the archetypal 'what happens when the hero breaks down?'
springtwirling · 2 years
@thecursedhellblazer​   ( from here )
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“Read what room? ‘s far as I’m concerned, I’d say we’re in an alley.” 
An amused chuckle spills from his lips; a sound like someone that is either constantly tipsy or always on the verge of being high, and is living life through a dream-like lens, and yet to others sounds dangerously sane. Perhaps more sane than anyone else ever has been in history. But then the chuckle ends and he places a perhaps overly decorated with jewelry hand against his hip, pushing back red tinted fabric.
“Tha’s fair... thos’ people’re probably gonna end up with th’ worst hangov’r of their lives wit’ how they were drinkin’ like it was the end ‘f the world... ‘r the beginning ‘f a new era.” The pirate captain shrugs again, unperturbed by the thought of either. Metaphorically or literally. Not like it bothers him any, at the end of the day. “There’s a lack ‘f class when it comes ta drinkin’ these days. It’s borin’. Though, can’t say I don’t enjoy the sudden brawls.”
He doesn’t approach just yet, keeping his even distance in case the man is actually a threat... or deems him a big enough one to lash out. The elegantly carved coin hanging around his neck glints in the dim light, a reflection of an intricate pattern that is partially obscured by thin ropes holding it secure. Likely John would be able to recognize a coin to buy a ticket out of the Underworld when he sees it. After a moment, his head tilts, a playful smirk reaching his eyes.
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“Oh aye, certainly no’. But, yanno, trick ‘f the trade: if yer friendly ‘nough, ya end up bein’ from anywhere ya say ya are. Some places it’s the reverse. Love those places. Get ta insult whoev’r I want. Fun times. Anyway. Do ya want someone ta help patch ya up? Ya migh’ not want ta list’n ta my advice, so next best option is patchin’ ya up.”
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