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christiianss · 5 years
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- ̗̀✰ •【 MIGUEL BERNARDEAU / CISMALE / 24 】announcing the arrival of his royal highness, ( CHRISTIAN MEYER ), the ( PRINCE ) of ( LUXEMBOURG ). I’ve heard that he is ( RECKLESS ) & ( UNPREDICTABLE ) but can also be ( ADVENTUROUS ) & ( EMPATHETIC ). ( CHRISTIAN ) is arranged to marry (  AGNES EMMANUELLE LEMAIRE ). Rumor has it ( HE HATES EVERYTHING HIS FATHER STANDS FOR ). We hope you enjoy your stay at London!【 OOC: riley, 19, est, she/her 】
hello lovelies! my name is riley and i’m super super excited too meet all of you and write with all of you! i’ve wanted to play miguel bernardeau for a while and thought this was the perfect opportunity to bring in my wild child christian ! a way too long intro post under the cut!
christian, the second trueborn child to the king and queen of luxembourg, never really liked his title. he didn’t like the way his peers treated him in primary school when they knew who he was, hated having security detail watch his every move. 
he would often do things that his parents asked of him, but he didn’t like being a royal one bit. he’d go to lessons with a heavy heart, but would pay full attention -- he was never one to do things half-assed.
as he grew up, he matured a little, no longer throwing temper tantrums but learned to rebel in his own way. he’d sneak out of the castle, not to go out and party but to jump on a train to france or spain or italy and soak in the culture.
in his mind, he wanted to believe that luxembourg was just boring, that his father’s monarchy and rulership was flawed and that other countries had it better, knew better ... but while he could never confirm this theory of his, he learned a lot about history and culture of other countries. 
he became an adventurer: someone who blended in with the commoners, who grabbed at tourist maps, who became obsessed with photography. every spare minute he had from the few familial duties he had, was spent reading history books and planning his next adventure.
in school he was absent-minded, coasting by with good enough grades to get into the university of oxford (of course, his family’s name helped with that). he studied history and politics there, where he actually thought he had a calling. he liked school ... not to mention, it allowed him to have several months away from his parents. it was during this time where he created his global, holistic viewpoint about government and politics, and really started to loathe the policies for which his father stood. he’d seen firsthand how corrupt his parents could be to create such a ‘fruitful, happy’ society when he knew the backhanded deals that went on behind closed doors.
so he kept ‘acting out’, traveling to all corners of the world, taking breathtaking photographs wherever he went. he started working with magazines like national geographic to highlight different lifestyles, and partnered with some nonprofits to create awareness campaigns. he was in the middle of a tour in tanzania when he was called upon to attend the summit. christian is not particularly happy to have been pulled away from his adventures and sent directly into a swarm of politics, but he is excited to get the opportunity to discuss global matters with some incredibly influential people.
he’s a bit of an enigma: if someone where to observe his whereabouts and his hobbies, they’d think he was super wild and into drinking and partying. while he enjoys a drink and a party from time to time, he really rebels in a more benevolent manner -- that is still pretty reckless, of course.
he’s incredibly friendly. he likes meeting people, getting to know them genuinely, learning about their adventures, their country’s policies, the works. his friendships are some of the only things that keep him grounded from the crazy things he does -- he is loyal to his friends to a fault, perhaps overly protective of them.
he’s definitely a romantic; from all the traveling and reading he’s done, christian wants nothing more than someone to share his adventures with. he’d say he’s in touch with his emotions, and wants to find love. needless to say, he wasn’t the happiest person when he heard his own wife would be chosen for him. he is having trouble accepting this fact, but ultimately believes that maybe he does have a path in politics and can be someone to help his country in the future, when his father’s throne is taken over. 
his camera and his journal are probably the two most important objects in his life. they contain photos and memories of some of the greatest adventures he has ever had.
to say he is a lover of art would be an understatement. he loves every aspect of it: classical, traditional, modern, architecture, art history -- you name it. he’s an art junkie who loves frequenting museums -- so far as to say he is acquainted with some curators of museums like the victoria and albert, moma, and the musee d’orsay.
childhood friends: kids who grew up learning how to tie their ties together, who learned their table manners with the same tutors, and eventually attended the same boarding schools. they have always been close, have always understood the eventual pressures of their familial duties. they have each others’ backs, no matter what.
friends who have been close their whole lives, everyone thought they were to be betrothed: title speaks for it all; they could have wished for it too, but things didn’t work out. they remain close and look out for each other.
muse ( romantic or platonic ): the subject of some of the photos that christian snaps, never really in sight, but someone who simply inspires him. someone who inspires him to do exactly what he cannot, trapped in the confines of the castle - travel the world, explore.
doubter: christian’s shenanigans are not particularly royal material. this person doubts christian’s abilities to have political responsibility (and for good reason). 
exes: on good terms, bad terms, who have become friends again bc of the summit, someone who christian neglected and who made him realize how rare love is, who knows !
anything !!!! 
hmu on im or on discord @ riley#9660 i’m so excited to meet u all!!!
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