#// you know when your cat brings you food because they think you're too useless to feed yourself
knifechased · 10 months
Pocky day was over. Almost a week. Still, Linn had a couple of boxes she just couldn't finish alone; hell, why not try to offer the blonde some? The biscuit sticks are conveniently shaped, fitting perfectly in his mask holes. Linn would bet her last bit of fur that Killer must like them at least a bit.
And so she drags herself nervously to the masked one, chocolate-flavored Pocky in hand - these are a classic. Can't be wrong with them. The doctor cleared her throat to get his attention.
❝ Killer? I still have some Pocky. And yes, before you point it out, I am sure Kid would help me eat them. I just think he had more than enough sugar for the next month already. ❞ The last sentence sinks into a whisper. White paws fumble one stick out, holding it in front of his covered face.
❝ I am sure you like them, no? It's chocolate. I also have other flavors, j-just in case you like another type. ❞
                    【 November 11 — Pocky Day. 】           @medicus-felini
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          Admittedly, the Mink doctor has caught him at an unfortunate time. He's halfway through moving the band equipment from the stage on the main deck, back down to its usual home in the dedicated music room situated in the lower part of the hull. Nobody had bothered packing anything up after performing last night, which, he supposes, was fairly inevitable; with how much everyone had been drinking, half the crew hadn't even properly made it back to their beds and ended up passing out cold drunk on the wooden floorboards. Tidying up and putting away the instruments had been a chore best saved for when they were sober enough to carry heavy equipment.
Killer is supporting the weight of two amps when she approaches him, one under each arm. The wheels on their cases had mysteriously broken off and shattered recently, and though he has no evidence to prove his theory, he suspects it may have been the doing of a certain infamous duo using them for racing down the hallway again. Carrying the equipment was easier than troubling himself with fixing the busted transporters.
Peering at Linn's paws through the holes in his mask, Killer ceases his footfall, yet his grip on the amps remains. Though she may not have specifically stated that she would feed him, he has, without realizing, misinterpreted her suggestion. Unknowingly, he has taken this as an offer to give him the snack by hand, since he's obviously too busy to do it himself. And since she is correct in her assumption that he's a fan of the biscuit sticks, he's going to accept her invitation.
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            ❝ Sure, the original is fine. I like most of them. ❞
He's immediately then leaning down towards the cat Mink, moving his mask to her face as he expects the delivery of the chocolate treat towards the circular coin-sized hole situated just before his lips.
Should she look carefully enough, she should just be able to make out the glint of ice blue eyes through the light filtering in through his helmet; his expression calm, nonchalant, expecting, as if this occurrence were typical for them.
He merely sounds casually conversational when he speaks again.
          ❝ Have you tried Pretz? ❞
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moodyclouds89 · 2 years
Yandere ran haitani x fem reader [part 8]
[A/n: I should really make a schedule on when I update my series😭 sorry for the wait!]
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"Are you serious!?" 
You just nodded and took a sip of your drink.
You called Yuna over the next day and told her everything about the call you got last night.
"I was thinking of reporting it to the police."
"I don't think that would do much. Isn't bonten hard to trace and catch?" You sighed knowing she was right. 
If the police couldn't find any traces of them throughout the years then how would they be able to trace yoshi now?
"I feel so useless now! I can't do anything to help yoshi get back and have to just sit here and wait while the police tries everything they can"
Yuna felt her heartbreak seeing you so stressed and worried. 
"Don't stress yourself too much y/n, let's just hope that the police will manage to catch them and bring yoshi back safe and sound" you nod at her words and hold onto that little hope you still have.
Yuna left soon after and you were once again left alone, well not exactly since ren was still here with you.
You got up from the couch and decided on taking a nice warm shower. 
Days have passed since that call. And during those days you felt scared living alone.
You don't feel comfortable around your own home now. The feeling of someone watching you while you do your daily home activities makes you want to crawl under your covers and hide. You couldn't eat without looking around and still feeling like something is there.
And your belongings, they sometimes go missing. For example your favorite perfume that you bought not so long ago has gone missing for weeks until later it randomly appears again.
At first you didn't pay any attention to it. But it suddenly got worse to the point that you're scared about your safety.
And you know that its ran and his co-workers.
You've seen them wandering/driving around your neighborhood and sometimes you see those exact same black cars you saw months ago follow wherever you go.
You never knew ran would be this crazy. But you wonder.
Why is he doing this? Does he not want you to be happy? Does he want to ruin your life?
What does Ran Haitani exactly want from you?
Does he hate you so much that he will do anything to make your life miserable?
But you got it all wrong.
The reason behind all this is not because he hates you but it's because he still loves you. Of course you don't know that, you still don't know that your ex still has feelings for you and that he would do anything to get you back and love him like old times.
Ran will make sure that nothing gets in the way of his love for you. He hates seeing you happy with someone that isn't him. He doesn't care what he has to do or the consequences that will later come.
All he wants is you
You and only you
So what he comes in the middle of the night when you're sleeping just to watch you sleep peacefully not knowing he is there?
He doesn't care that he sends rindou or sanzu to watch over you when he can't. Or follow you around when you shop for groceries or cat food.
And yoshi?
Well he has other plans for him. 
But now his main focus is you.
So what a surprise it is when you hear a knock at the door late at night. You open it thinking it was yuna dropping some things off only to find him.
Beautiful lilac eyes staring right back at you. The same eyes you fell in love with back then but soon moved on.
The first time you saw him again after years was on that date with you and yoshi. But now seeing him up close you could feel shivers down your spine.
"What the hell are you doing here?"
"Is that a way to speak to your lover?" He teases with a smirk.
"Ex lover you mean?" 
His playful expression instantly fades away and morphs into one you couldn't understand.
He walks inside your house and you follow right behind him with a scowl.
"Hey what are you doing? Get out!"
"I just want to talk"
You stared at his figure as he sat down in the living room. 
"Come sit and let's talk"
"I'm good I'll stay over here"
He hums and looks around the place.
"What a nice place"
"Thanks, yoshi help with decorating" he bit his lip and grip the seat when you mentioned your lover's name.
"Is that so?"
"Mhm, speaking of Yoshi, where is he?" He rolled his eyes.
"I came here to talk to you and all you do is whine about him. Yoshi this yoshi that C'mon stop worrying he's fine!" You flinch at his outburst. You could tell that the mention of your boyfriend pisses him off. He leans back on the couch and looks you in the eye.
"Now let's talk about us"
"Us? What about us ran?"
He sighs and takes out a cigarette and lit it up.
"You know, our relationship. You know I was really dumb back then" he says before exhaling the puff of smoke. 
"You were" you mumble underneath your breath. You sighed and looked at him.
"What about our relationship?"
"Well, I was thinking about us. And how we could've worked out if I wasn't-"
"Ran…listen you broke up with me first. You made it clear back then that you didn't love me anymore and now I've moved on and I'm happy with someone-" 
"Are you?" 
"Y/n I know I was a dumb teen back then but I have change. And I love you and want you back, so how about leave yoshi and be with me instead!" You looked at him like he was insane. You scoff and glared at him.
"But I don't love you anymore ran! Just please give yoshi back and leave me alone!"
It was silent for a moment. He didn't utter a single word and you felt uneasy.
You don't love him anymore?
What kinda sick joke is that?
"Well then…" he says and gets up from the couch. He drops the cigarette before stomping on it.
"I really wanted to talk it out with you but I guess I have to get you back another way."
You step back as he starts walking closer to you.
"What do you-" you bump into someone's chest from behind you and you feel your breath hitch.
"I'm sorry love"
Before you could say anything else you felt something hit your head which caused you to fall on the floor and blackout.
"She really doesn't like you huh"
"Shut up sanzu and get her in the car"
He watched as his brother and sanzu carried your unconscious body away.
"I didn't want to use this on you but you didn't leave me no choice love" he said before following right behind the two and getting in the car.
Ran haitani truly is obsessed and deeply in love with you.
Taglist: @luno614 @q-the-rockaholic @no-signal @wakasagurl @crown5 @cosmo-infatuation @jelly1ce69 @jhohannamae @gulfkfl @thevillagehiddenintheinternet @yeosatinyngz @shouaddict
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girl-in-the-tower · 3 years
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Ramshackle Dorm - Birthday Party Venue
Kore: Woah, to think the ghosts would go all out like this just for today! Even though I told them that they didn't have to bother with it, they wouldn't listen, at all... It's... It's kind of embarrassing to be fussed over like this! If it was Grim I would have understood but this, uh...
Ah! And I'm supposed to have a guest over today as well! Hm, I guess some tea should be in order... maybe some cakes as well... I wonder if there's any sugar left...
Ace: Yo!
Kore: Ah, just a moment- Oh, it's just you, Ace.
Ace: Ha? What's that supposed to mean? 'It's just you'? It's super rude to greet your dear guest like this, you know?
Kore: Is that so? But calling you a guest is...
Ace: What's that?
Kore: Hm...
Ace: Well, doesn't matter because my feelings were hurt either way! So I'll help myself to this krumkake to make myself feel better! Let's dig in~
Kore: Hey, that- Aaah, that was meant to be for Grim. He kept complaining all day yesterday that he should have a cake all to himself too since it's a special day so I woke up extra early just to make it for him. Now he's gonna be mad...
Ace: Haa? A whole cake just for that furball? You've got to be kidding me!
Kore: What are you talking about? You know how much he likes krumkake.
Ace: Nah, I doubt there's really anything that guy won't eat... But that's not the point. You're spoiling him too much. He's gotten really fat, you know?
Kore: It's fine. I still make sure he exercises and he looks cute round like that too, so it's not a problem.
Ace: No, I definitely still think there's something wrong here. Mainly with your head.
Kore: Haaaaaaa, you wanna pick a figh-
Ace: Oh, I almost forgot! Here you go!
Kore: ... What's this?
Ace: Isn't it obvious?
Kore: Well... Huh? Wait a minute- That can't-!
Ace: Ta-da! It's a limited edition Griffons varsity jacket that's been all the rage with Magift meatheads like you~
Kore: No way!! This is- This is-
Ace: Cool, righ- Hey!! Don't jump on me like that! You almost knocked me off the chair!
Kore: Sorry, hahaha! I was so happy I just couldn't contain myself! To think that I would be able to actually get my hands onto something so valuable!
Ace: Yeah, we figured you'd like i-
Kore: This season has really been a blessing from above for them, you know? Everybody is in top shape and playing at their best! I heard their new manager actually made them go through this super difficult training regime that has been working wonders for them. Though it's only speculation so far!
Ace: Uh, Kor-
Kore: If you ask me, it's definitely also thanks to those new brooms that they ordered for the team. The wood is apparently from the Valley of Thorns and super-resistant so they go all out without worrying about breaking them. For the moves that the team is pulling, they really need that propulsion time! Even a second helps when you're in a headlock. I remember back in the vs Mandrakes game that they switched brooms in between-
Ace: Heeeeey! You Magift boar woman! Can you hear me?
Kore: Wh-Why are you yelling like that?! I'm right next to you!
Ace: Haaaa, when you start talking about Magift you might as well be in a completely different world... No wonder they all think of you as the Magift Encyclopedia. I bet you have hundreds of useless pieces of information like that stuck in your head.
Kore: You-! Huh? What's this?
Ace: A-Ah! That!
Kore: It's rice pudding- Ah! It's homemade from the Mountains!
Ace: Hm? Ah, ye-yeah... That came with the jacket...
Kore: Eh? They put pudding in jackets when they sell them?!
Ace: O-Obviously! Don't tell me you didn't know? Bwahaha, man, you sure are clueless...
Kore: ... It's my favourite flavour too...
Ace: Alright, next to the first question!
Kore: Eh?! Question?! Is this a quiz of some kind?!
Ace: I guess you could think of it like that, so anyway- Your first question as today's birthday girl issssss: "If you were stuck on a deserted island, who would you take with you?" Hm, here it says that you can't pick members of your own dorm, but given that you guys don't even have a dorm, I'm not sure that the restriction applies. Not that it matters since you wouldn't choose Grim anyway, right?
Kore: Huh? Why not?
Ace: You're serious?! You'd pick that furball?! Hey, we're talking about a deserted island here so think carefully! Don't you want to get off it?!
Kore: Well, obviously I would... But...
Ace: But?
Kore: I can do that on my own.
Ace: Huh?
Kore: Survival is all about securing shelter, food and formulating an escape plan. If it's a deserted island I assume there would be some fauna and animals too, so we could feed ourselves through fruit gathering and hunting. It might be hard if we don't have any tools, however, but I think Grim's claws would be sharp enough to cut through the skin and meat fairly easily. I make sure he takes good care of them after all.
Ace: I-I see...
Kore: If there's no drinkable water then we'll have to boil some from the sea in order to deal with the thirst. Grim's flames, when properly utilized, would be able to do such a thing. Not to mention that he could start fires to keep us warm at night and to cook food to sustain us! Also, it could be a great emergency signal if we end up at sea and need rescuing.
Ace: You want to use him as a flare?!
Kore: That sounds so mean! I would only do that as a last resort, however! Grim's pretty sensitive about having his belly scratched so I wouldn't do anything to make him uncomfortable like that!
Ace: Haaaa, I get it, I get it! So you're saying that the furball has his practical uses too. But I can't help but worry about some flaws...
Kore: Flaws?
Ace: No matter how much you feed that glutton, his stomach will never be full, you know! Whatever provisions you managed to gather, he's sure to inhale them with the first occasion!
Kore: Wah- That's a horrible thing to say! There's no way my Grim is so selfish!
Ace: My Grim?! What is he?! Your child?! And he's totally selfish, you know!!
Ace: Ca-Calm down!! I take it back, ok?! You can bring the furball with you!
Kore: Hmph.
Ace: Seriously, getting this angry over that cat...
Kore: Isn't that normal? Grim is my special person, after all!
Kore: The person you care for a lot, like they're part of you, right? Like Cay-senpai said!
Ace: I-I see, so that's...
Kore: Being on a deserted island isn't ideal, but at the end of the day I know I can be ok on my own. Farmwork, housework - those are things that I'm used to from the Mountains. Life isn't so easy back home, but we all make do with what we can - magic or no magic. Even if I'm stuck in a bad situation, I can manage to get through so I don't need anybody else.
Well, that's what I thought before I came to this place anyway...
Ace: ...
Kore: Besides you're wrong about something!
Ace: Huh?
Kore: In order to survive it's not just physical attributes that are important, but mental ones as well. And in that case, Grim has the real trump card!
Ace: He-He does?!
Kore: Mm! You see, Grim, he... has the cutest paws and the fluffiest fur in the world!
Ace: HUH?!
Kore: Mm! Every time I feel like giving up or am reaching the end of the rope, all I'd have to do is give his paw pads a little squeeze or lay on his tummy and my mood would instantly clear up again! In a situation full of despair like that it would make a world of difference, you know?
Kore: Well, that too! It's important after all!
Ah, this pudding is really good actually...
Ace: Haaaa, I give up... Your boar mind is way too difficult to understand...
Kore: HUH?!
Ace: Anyway, let's get on with our next question and- Ah.
Kore: Hm? What is it? You suddenly stopped in the middle of the sentence. Did the falcon get your tongue, hehe?
Ace: It's a cat, not a falcon! And I only stopped because- uh...
Kore: What?
Ace: "You're offered the chance to pick another dorm, which one would you choose?"
Kore: ...
Ace: I swear, that Headmaster doesn't even think of these questions at all...
Kore: Yeah, there's no way I can answer that...
Ace: I figured. So instead! "Please share your opinions on the dorms!"
Kore: Ah!
Ace: Nice, right? You can definitely count on me when it comes to quick thinking, you know?
Kore: ... I guess.
Ace: You guess?!
Kore: I'll start with Diasomnia then!
Ace: Hey, don't ignore-
Kore: Hm, I'm not really sure about the atmosphere there but- Don't you think that their interior decor is pretty fancy? I haven't seen stuff like that in magazines for quite a while, so I feel like it's definitely something that must have required a lot of work! It's kinda dreary though, what will the windows not letting enough light and the greenery around it could stand to be looked after better, hm...
Ace: So you're only interested in the decor, huh? Alright, what about Ignihyde?
Kore: It's too technological.
Ace: Huh, I guess that you're right. For somebody like you, it would really be a struggle living there...
Kore: ...
It's even more depressing than Diasomnia, so I feel like I would be stuck in a bad mood without enough sunlight, you know? Though I must admit, it really is super clean inside! That's a very important detail! Clean homes are necessary for good health!
Ace: There you go again, sounding like a mom... Next is Pomefiore!
Ace: I know~?
Kore: No, no, you don't get it! It's so flashy it actually scares me! All that pomp and glamour! The rugs themselves look like something from the fall collection that sold out about twenty years ago and the chandeliers are bound to be at least four times Theo's salary! Walking through those hallways is like stepping on opulence! A continuous loop of flashiness!
Ace: HEY! Get a hold of yourself! Let's go over to- Ah, Scarabia...
Kore: It's so hot there!!
Ace: Oh, yeah, you're super weak to heat so you'd definitely hate it there. Right?
Kore: Mm, hate is... I think that if it was the old me, I would never have even stepped in there. But now I feel like... Yeah! I definitely think that I can give it another try! Scarabia is pretty rich too, but it feels more homely? There's a lot of people gathered around and there are banquets and feasts pretty often too. It's always lively and warm... In a way, I imagine that's what a home would feel like...
Ace: ...
Kore: I can't say the same for Octavinelle however. Hmph!
Ace: Bwahaha, that's true. It really feels like you'd get scammed in there pretty quick.
Kore: Not even that! But building a dorm underwater? I admit the decor is pretty nice and classy, but the atmosphere is too cold! There's a lot of types that I can't get along with at all so it would definitely be a miserable time for me. No, I definitely don't want to set foot there ever again!
Ace: I totally get it~ All that commotion after the exams was enough for me too. Guess the same goes for Savanaclaw too, then?
Kore: ...
Ace: HA?!
Kore: I-I refuse to believe that anybody who loves Magift is a bad person!
Ace: There's that meathead in you talking again! Are you seriously that obsessed with it?! I feel like there's a sickness that applies in this case!!
Kore: He-Hey!! That's way too- I understand that what they did was bad, and I definitely haven't forgiven Kingscholar-senpai yet, but there are definitely good points to them as well! I think!
Ace: So you're not even sure?!
Kore: A-Anyway, as for Heartslaybyul-
Ace: Don't go changing the subject!
Kore: - if I had to pick that would be my favourite.
Ace: Huh?
Kore: I love Scarabia too, a lot, but at the end of the day all that rich atmosphere is scary. I really don't feel like I would belong there at all. I'd stick out like a sore thumb among everybody else - more than usual at the very least. But in Heartslaybyul, even if Rosehearts-senpai is strict, I feel like everybody is sort of content with the oddness. There's not much that stands out about it, but I think that's what makes it so appealing, you know?
Ace: ... So... what you're saying... Is that we're a shabby dorm full of weirdoes?
Kore: I-I wouldn't go that far...
Ace: But that's the gist of it, isn't it?!
Kore: Ummmmm...
Ace: ... Alright, I get it.
Kore: Huh?
Ace: You know, it just so happens that there's one more thing I have to tell you about.
Kore: One more thing?
Ace: Yup! You see, there's this tradition where the presenter has to give the 'gift of fortune' in order to make sure this ends up being a great birthday! And it just so happens that you're lucky enough to have me here today to deliver the goods~
Kore: Huh? What are you-
Kore: ...
Kore: ...
Ace: Oh man, the look on your face is hilarious! Oh, let me take a quick picture to show the others too!
Kore: ...
Ace: Ok, so then- He-Hey! Don't- AUGH! MY FOREHEAD!
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etlunainmorte · 4 years
Christopher wailed helplessly for seemingly the sixtieth time that evening. He has been brought by an unknown force to many places he hasn't even seen, and in a space of only thirty minutes, it was safe to say that he has traveled all four or so corners, and nooks and crannies, of the planet Earth.
And now, he found himself standing at the edge of the cliff, staring down from a height where he could fall down, down, down into the deep, vast ocean where the waves crashed wildly, with no hope of coming back up alive.
"WHOA, WHOA, WHOA!" Christopher was truly about to stumble down when a strong hand grabbed his already wrinkled coat, saving him from his demise.
"I GIVE UP!" The doctor finally cried in defeat. "I GIVE UP!"
"Come again?" Came the threatening voice of the man behind him. The man who was responsible for all of these unwanted travels.
"Ah, I can't quite hear you." Vergil simply answered. "The waves are too loud. But, where shall we go next? The Himalayas? The Amazon? Or perhaps the - ?"
"And you swear it?"
"Very well." Vergil replied, and after another slash of the Yamato, Christopher and him were back to Swan Lane in mere seconds.
Christopher collapsed on the ground, almost worshipping the dirty asphalt for seeing and feeling it once more. Then, fishing the necklace from his pocket, he turned around to see the eldest son of Sparda looking down at him.
"Here, man, take it!" Christopher said as he handed the trinket back to Vergil.
"And I hope you learned your lesson." Vergil spoke as calmly as he could as he took the thing from Christopher's hand. He knew that the man would have no reason to lie now, and should he find him doing it again, he'll take it upon himself to make him face even greater consequences than ever before ( he was strongly debating whether to leave the doctor on an indigenous island tribe who still used poison darts to assault invaders but, he took mercy upon him and avoided the place altogether ).
"Yes! Yes! I swear I will be good!"
"Very well, then." Vergil nodded, then turned on his heel.
Christopher waited for Vergil to disappear and only then did he finally try to get up. Thinking with gusto on what to have for breakfast ( for it was, indeed, almost morning ), he simply walked back home without calling for a taxi ( luckily, he didn't drop his cellphone on the way to Nairobi ). Opening the door and going straight to his kitchen, he opened his fridge and found,... nothing.
Thinking that his eyes might only be tired from seeing too much within a single night, he closed the fridge and blinked several times. Then, he opened the fridge once more. Still nothing.
"What,... the hell?" Christopher muttered under his breath.
His hunger almost consuming him, he began ransacking the shelves for anything to eat, anything at all. But, it was useless.
Someone stole all of his food!
Collapsing on the chair, he tried to stifle his screams of frustration as he grabbed fistfuls of his hair when he saw a piece of paper on the table right in front of him.
Curious, he grabbed the paper and read the words written on it.
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Kittee an I ate all yer foods
It was yummee
Bydawei (Y/N)'s pupels tot me da alfebet last kreesmas and I learnt how ta wraite
Thankz fer da meal!
Yum yum yum
- Griffin
Can we go bak next time? Da mufens r hella delishas! Will bring Nitemerr too! He sez he wants ta see ya!
And at the bottom of the letter was a drawing of a frazzled - looking bird, with fierce - looking red eyes, in different shades of blue. And beside it, an illustration of a black cat with red eyes with the words, haha! Kittee gos mrreow! written next to it.
That damned poet's pets,... ate all of his damned food!
🌸 Three Wishes 🌸
The start of the new year proved to be very fruitful for you. First of all, Christopher Lancaster has moved to a different city that was very far from Swan Lane ( you found it strange that Griffon and Shadow seemed to be saddened by this fact ). Avery and Roman finally shared the good news to everyone ( you were not that surprised, actually, but all of you were very happy for the couple, nonetheless ). Your grandmother and Fleminger started seeing each other more and more and they both looked very happy ( once, Fleminger even visited the kindergarten you were working at and gave a musical instrument to each child, not to mention the more than generous sum he donated a week prior ). Dante left alone for Gaoltown on a mysterious gig he didn't want to share with others ( he didn't divulge the full details of the commission but, Morrison did spill that the client this time needed more than an Exorcist, and because of that, you have a strong feeling of what the Devil Hunter would be facing there ). Lady and Trish took turns watching over Dante's shop at Morrison's behest ( said they have this ladies' night thing going on and that they were working so hard because of this ). Nero went on more Devil Hunting missions with Nico ( Kyrie started tagging along, cooking foods for them and assisting Nico with Breaker repairs ). And Vergil? Let's just say he was busy with something,...
What about you and V?
For one, you have witnessed how V's demeanor changed for the better. As a matter of fact, he felt so different now compared to how he was the first time you've met him. Now, he smiled a lot, ate more than ever before, and most importantly, he finally allowed himself to loosen up a bit and have fun. 
Also, you're very happy to see how well he has gotten along with your students ( he insisted on visiting there every once in a while, either to play the violin or to read fairy tales ), that, over time, the children has gotten attached to him. So, he finally made the decision to apply there as a substitute teacher ( he can't focus on a full time teaching job because he was still active as a Devil Hunter ), and, honestly? You were beyond thrilled and excited. You even began looking forward to the days when it was his turn to teach because, every time he whips up fun tales for the children to listen to, he would always ask Griffon and Shadow to act out as the main characters ( the demonic bird was already asked to play as an astronaut who got lost in space, a pirate who can't swim, and a Genie who can't cook barbecue, and the demonic feline was already made to play a mermaid who turned into a hair brush, a warrior who came out of a durian, and a witch who turn swine into fish ). On some rare cases, the generous poet, along with his pet demons, would play tirelessly with the children for hours on end until the familiars got so tired, they turned into their stalemate states a few times.
And what about outside your work? Honestly, you couldn't ask for anything else, for you felt so content and satisfied with V by your side. He has even taken a vast interest with your full - time occupation as a pianist ( being a surprisingly talented musician, himself ). He never missed any of your concours and he has become your biggest fan ( he would always kindly ask to play something with you if you're not busy ). 
At times, you didn't know, or couldn't figure out, what you did to deserve such a very loving, thoughtful, and wonderful person. Your wounds of your past has now fully healed, thanks to V, and everyday, you look forward to seeing him and spending the rest of the day with him. You never stopped thanking the Heavens for granting you this wonderful opportunity of being together with the most loving, caring, and gentle man you have ever met.
Indeed, with V by your side, you have become the happiest woman on earth.
February 14, 2020
" ... and we can handle the rest. No worries!"
You still couldn't understand. Your partner's back! And what's more, she's with Vergil!
Vergil Sparda, of all people!
The two were graciously asking you to take a rest from teaching, taking over as teachers for the day to make up for the lost time ( your partner has been absent for quite a while ). And honestly? The two were doing a pretty good job ( you were a bit scared of what the students would think of Vergil, turned out he was fond of children deep beneath his stoic and intimidating shell, and they easily fell in love with him ) that you instantly felt confident of their skills.
But, work matters aside: Vergil was, indeed, the man who has been visiting your partner since last year! The man has been trying so hard to win her affections over the holidays, hence his absence from Devil hunting missions! And you saw that he has finally succeeded! The smile on his face said so!
And your partner? She looked positively radiant! And she should be! She's finally together with someone who deserved her love and kindness!
Finally, she would no longer feel heartbroken and lonely, and she could focus more on her violin now!
"It's alright, (Y/N)." Vergil reiterated as he handed a stuffed tiger to a little girl. "We can take it from here."
"Thank you, Vergil." You said, smiling at him and feeling so grateful for his initiative and generosity.
"No. Thank you. For taking care of my brother." The eldest son of Sparda answered. "I have never seen V so happy. And content. And full of life. He has changed, and for the better. I'm sure mother would be so proud of you, and she would feel honored to have you as a new member of the Sparda family,... little sister."
"Oh! I," you mumbled, suddenly feeling the heat creep up your cheeks and ears at the thought of marrying into the Sparda family. " ... thank you so much, Vergil."
"Come on, (Y/N), it's the fourteenth of February!" Your partner playfully told you as she held onto your arm. "You know what it means, don't you?"
"I don't know about that!" You lied with a shy smile, already feeling excited for this wonderful day.
"Go on! I'm sure he's waiting for you outside." Your partner let you go and practically pushed you out of the room with a mischievous look.
Giving the couple one last look before going out, you waved at them and said, "Thanks, guys!"
"You're welcome, (Y/N)."
"No problem, partner!"
Wearing a smile that could only be described as full of love and happiness, you went outside the colorful kindergarten building and, indeed, saw V waiting for you outside. And what's more, he was atop a jet black motorcycle that made your eyes widen in awe.
With a devilish smirk, V gestured for you to join him and said, "Nero persuaded me to get my own vehicle, since we would not be getting Nico's services for the next couple of months."
"That,... looks positively badass!" You admitted as you received your helmet from him. "Is this what you're trying to learn last month? How to ride a motorcycle?"
"Indeed." V answered as he felt your arms wrapping around his mid section. "Surprised?"
"Yeah!" You answered as you watched him wear his own helmet.
"Where to, my sweet lady?" V asked, his deep voice laced with mischief and excitement.
And with a little smirk of your own, you said, leaning onto him, "Wherever your heart desires, my dear poet."
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🐦 Griffon's love letter is brought to you by my one and only little chicken, @lilttlechicken . Thank you so much for the help and support! 🐦
🌸 Thank you so much for the love and support, guys! By the way, there is a running joke / trend in every chapter of this fic. Let me know in the comments section if you noticed it, and I might give you a little gift. ;) 🌸
🌸 @la-vita , @dreaming-gamer , @birdgirl69 , and @v-vic . 🌸
"V,..." The poet heard Dante's voice from a distance. "V! Wake up!"
V opened his eyes and saw the worried look on Dante and Griffon's faces.
"V," Dante muttered as he grabbed the poet's shoulders, helping him sit and trying to wake him up by shaking him a bit. " ... are you okay? What happened?"
"I thought you're done for, V!" Griffon, who gently landed on his leg, sounded like he was crying in despair.
V felt his eyes getting heavy and hot with unshed tears, and there was a growing pain in his chest that was beginning to feel more and more like a massive inconvenience. His hand reached up and clutched it, feeling emptier and lonelier than ever before.
"I saw her." The poet began, his voice hoarse and raw with emotion after such a shocking and harrowing experience. "As a dancer, a musician, a teacher, a patient, a partner, a lover,... " Looking into Dante's eyes, he let out those words that nagged and gnawed on his conscience, begging to be freed after such a long time. "It has always been her, Dante."
"What do you mean by that, V?"
"It was (Y/N). We were always together. It has always been her. And her alone." Taking a deep breath, he finally set those tears of his free from their deep, jade prison and declared, with a clear voice, "(Y/N),... is, indeed, my soulmate."
Leaving the poet for a while, Dante stood and marched directly towards the one who caused V all this misery.
The one woman, dressed from head to toe in black, who mourned for the lost of her love.
For many centuries.
"Azalea," Dante began, looking down at her and trying to get through her intimidating shell one more time. But, he still couldn't. " ... what happened to V? What did you do to him?"
The woman named Azalea returned Dante's worried gazr, her pair of gold rose eyes that shed so many tears seemingly penetrating the depths of his own soul.
And with a look that made the Legendary Devil Hunter realize how weak he really was before her, she spoke,...
"I opened,... his eyes."
V and Dante will return.
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ofendlesswonder · 6 years
Ahhh, you're back!! "Be my wife" for supercat please
22. Be my wife.
“You look like you’re about to pass out,” Alex says, hip leaningagainst the kitchen counter of the kitchen Kara’s shared with Cat ever sinceshe’d moved in six months ago. “Are you about to pass out? Can I please videoit if you do? God, that’d be great in the wedding video.”
“Can you please not use the word ‘wedding’ until after she saysyes?” Kara’s voice is more than a little strangled, high with nerves, and shedoesn’t think she’s going to pass out but she does think she’s going to be sick.
“Oh, come on, Kara, you know she’s going to say yes. She’s crazyabout you.” Logically, Kara knows that – knows that the last two years havebeen the best of her and Cat’s lives, that Cat loves her and they’ve talked about a long future together moretimes than she can count but now that the moment is here, now that there’s aring sitting heavy in her pocket, she’s terrified that Cat is going to turn herdown. “Unless you pass out at the dinner table. Then she might say no.” 
“Alex, stop torturing your sister,” Maggie calls from where she’sstirring a pot at the stove, pointing a wooden spoon threateningly in herwife’s direction. “She’s nervous enough as it is.”
“But it’s so fun,” Alex pouts, and Maggie rolls her eyes.
“Oh, Rao, I’m going to mess this up, aren’t I? And she’s going tobreak up with me, and I’m going to die alone and unhappy because I let the loveof my life get away, and - ”
“Hey.” Alex cuts her off, clamping a hand on either one of Kara’sarms and squeezing firmly. “Look at me.” Kara does. “You’re not going to messthis up, okay? You’re gonna do great. And even if you don’t, she’s going to sayyes anyway. Because she loves you. So you’ve got nothing to worry about. Justrelax.”
Kara nods, but she doesn’t know how to relax, not really – notwhen there’s a nervous energy thrumming through her veins, her heart beatingfaster than normal and she can’t sweat but if she could she knows her palmswould be damp.
Kara’s faced death countless times, faced hundreds of foes, humanand alien alike, saved the world more times than she can count but it’s this,the thought of proposing to the woman she loves more than anything on thisEarth and beyond, that stops her in her tracks.
This is thehardest thing that she’s ever had to do.
Which is ridiculous, but she just… she loves Cat so much, loves their life together, loves being together, and she’s terrified ofsomehow messing that up.
She knows that Cat’s been married before, more than once, that ithad never worked out and she doesn’t want that to happen to them, doesn’t wantCat to think that every one of her marriages has to end in failure.
“I think I’m gonna throw up.”
“Relax,” Alex insists.“It’s all going to work out.”
“And you’re not allowed to throw up,” Maggie turns the spoon onKara. “If I spent two hours helping you make – well, no, actually, just making because you’re being too much ofa useless bisexual to be of any help– this meal for Cat, you’d better fucking eat it.”
“Yes, ma’am,” Kara chirps, because Maggie’s tiny but sometimesshe’s also kinda scary – Kara’s seen her playing too many games of monopoly tonot have a healthy dose of fear over Maggie’s dark side. “Can I do anything tohelp now?”
“Nope, I’m pretty much done.” Maggie turns off the stove. “And Catwill be here soon, so we should make ourselves scarce.” Kara almost pleads withthem to stay but bites her tongue, instead hugs them both goodbye. “Good luck,”Maggie whispers into her ear, and Alex gives Kara’s shoulder one last squeezebefore they both disappear out the front door, leaving her alone.
The waiting is torture.
It’s barely been five minutes before she hears a key in the door,but to Kara, it feels like an eternity, her mind running a mile a minute,thinking over all the possible outcomes that this evening could have.
“Kara?” She hears Cat call as she closes the door behind her. “Areyou home?” Kara’s too paralyzed by the fact that Cat’s here to be able to form words. “And have you been cooking?”
Kara’s not exactly a chef – before she and Cat got together, herdiet had mostly consisted of microwave meals and takeout – and although she’sgotten a little better in the time they’ve been dating, she’s still limited bywhat she can do in the kitchen.
“You have been cooking,”Cat murmurs when she appears in the kitchen doorway. “What’s the specialoccasion?”
“I… I just wanted to s-surprise you. Maggie helped.”
“Well, it smells amazing.” Cat pads over to her, stares down intothe pot and hums appreciatively before she leans up to press a kiss to Kara’slips. “What’s the matter?” She asks when she leans away, peering up at Kara’sface. “You look… strange.”
“I’m fine.” But her voice is too high, and Cat frowns, and oh,Rao, she’s already messing it up. “Do you want to eat?”
“Not until you tell me what’s wrong.” Cat stops Kara from dartingaway with a hand around her wrist. “And don’t lie and say it’s nothing.” Karaworries at her bottom lip, and why is she badat this? “Because you never cook for me and I’ve never seen you look likethis, so something’s going on. Tell me,” Cat implores, and Kara sighs, takesCat’s hand and pulls her over to the couch, because maybe if she sits down herlegs will stop feeling like they’re about to buckle beneath her.
“Nothing’s wrong, it’s just, I’mjust… really bad at this,apparently.” She sighs again, runs a frustrated hand through her hair, and shewrites for a damn living so why haveall her words suddenly deserted her?
“Kara.” Cat’s voice is soft, patient, and she squeezes Kara’s handgently. “You know that you can tell me anything.”
“I know. You’re amazing. You know that, right?” This is easier,talking about Cat, about how much she loves her. “You’re just… you’re so good and you have such a big heart and Ilove every single thing about you, and I have no idea how I got so lucky.”
“There’s not a ‘but’ coming, is there?” Cat asks, suspicious, andKara violently shakes her head.
“No! There are no buts. Although I do love your butt.” Cat rolls her eyes. “I just… I had this whole speechplanned, you know? And it was a really good speech, too. I think it would’vemade you proud. Except I can’t remember any of it right now, not a single part,even though I practiced it so many times. Like, so many times, only I couldn’twrite it down in-case you found it so I can’t even look at it right now to remind myself - ”
“You’re rambling.” Cat’s eyes are sparkling, an amused smile onher mouth and in that moment Kara knows thatCat’s figured out what’s going on here. “And as much as I love your nervousramblings… is there something you maybe want to ask me?”
Kara’s relieved that Cat’s putting her out of her misery, butevery ounce of eloquence still fails her when she opens her mouth.
“Be my wife?”
“That’s the best you’ve got?” Cat asks, but she’s laughing, hereyes shining. “Pulitzer-prize winning journalist Kara Danvers’ proposal is just‘be my wife’?”
“I’d like to see you do any better,” Kara pouts, and Cat’seyebrows raise at the challenge.
“Kara Zor-El, you are the most extraordinary woman I have ever metin my entire life. Every single day I wake up and marvel that out of all theplanets in this universe, you fell to mine. That out of every city in theworld, you chose to live in mine. That out of every company in that city, you chose mine. That no matter what I threwyour way, you took it in your stride and never quit. I don’t know how you fellin love with me, but I’m so thankful that you did. I never thought I’d feellove again, but you changed that for me, changed my life, and I don’t know what I’d do without you. You make mestronger, you make me better, and I want to spend every single day for the restof my life by your side so, Kara, will you marry me?”
“Wow,” Kara breathes, her throat tightand her eyes hot with tears. “Okay, that was pretty good.” Cat laughs, loud andlong, at tugs at Kara’s hands to bring her close.
“Come here.” Cat kisses her, hot andhard and deep, and Kara groans and reaches for Cat’s hips to pull Cat into herlap. “Yes, I’ll be your wife,” Cat breathes against her lips when they part,and Kara’s heart feels like it’s going to burst out of her chest with how fullit feels. “Dreadful proposal aside.”
“Hey!” Kara pouts again. “It wasn’t that bad.”
“It was pretty bad,” Cat smiles,forehead resting against Kara’s. “But it was very you.”
“Awkward and rambly?”
“Exactly,” Cat chuckles. “Is there aring? Or did you forget that part too?”
“Oh, shoot.” Kara fumbles for herpocket, for the little black box nestled within it, and her fingers tremble asshe opens it.
“It’s beautiful,” Cat murmurs when shesees it, and Kara lets out a breath of relief. “Put it on.” Kara does, slidingthe ring onto Cat’s finger and pausing for a moment to admire the sight of it,perfect and sparkling. “I love it.”
“You do?”
“I do. And I love you.” Cat kisses her again, open-mouthed and messy and leaving Karacraving more. “I know that there’s food waiting,” Cat whispers it against theskin of her neck as she kisses her way down it, “but how about we leave ituntil later and go straight to dessert?”
Kara’s response is to lift Cat in herarms, speed them to their bedroom, and strip off Cat’s clothes until she’swearing nothing but her ring.
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