hyunverse · 2 years
single parents club ★彡 bang chan
bang chan x fem!reader
about — in which you stumble across a fellow single parent on a shopping trip.
word count — 1545 words.
warnings — feminine nouns used for reader.
note — thank you sooooooo much for requesting nonnie, and thank you for the patience!
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Saturdays are one of Chan’s favourite days. For many reasons. 
One, the coffee shop down his block — Stanco Cafe offers 10% off on coffee every Saturday from 8 am to 10 am. 
Two, there is no traffic on Saturday mornings. 
Three, it’s his outing day with his daughter. Ever since Aera was three, it has been a routine for them to have a father-daughter day out every Saturday. 
Chan absolutely adores his Saturdays with Aera. Especially with the reality that Aera was getting older — the little baby who used to fit in his arms is now a four-year-old girl capable of buttoning her own clothes. He loves how Aera would go on and on about how her week went in kindergarten, with chocolate ice cream residue on her cheek. She would babble about how Uncle Felix and Uncle Hyunjin made fun of her new haircut the whole week, and how Uncle Jeongin sucks at tying her hair. Chan loves everything and anything about his Saturdays, it’s that one day he would cherish and feel light-hearted all day. 
It’s a Saturday again. Somehow, Aera had successfully convinced Chan into going shopping again. For three weeks straight Aera had consistently asked to go shopping — in which Chan sighed about, saying that his baby girl was getting older. Old enough to want to go on endless shopping trips. Aera had rolled her eyes and said, “of course I’m getting older! I can’t get younger!” The man swore to god that he needed to stop letting Hyunjin babysit his daughter. The sass was sticking to her. 
Aera’s in the fitting room alone, with Chan standing outside, leaning on the oak door. The moment the pair stepped into Oshkosh, Aera managed to grab multiple items (mostly pink and ruffle-y) in a few minutes to try on. The little girl with pigtails insisted on going into the fitting room alone, saying that she knew how to dress herself up. Hearing her words honestly made Chan feel like crying, in disbelief that his little princess was growing up so fast. He swore just a few weeks ago he would have to wake up in the midst of the night due to her loud cries. Nevertheless, he let Aera have her own fun, telling her that she could go into the fitting room by herself, under the condition that he would stay right outside the whole time. 
The moment you step into the store, you could tell that it was going to be a rough shopping session. The lights are much too bright for the grumpy one-year-old boy in the stroller. You sigh — it’s not like you wanted to go shopping, not with a baby of course — but you had no choice. The babysitter you trust wasn’t available, and Haru was outgrowing his clothes quickly. You needed new clothes for him quickly, and so you prayed the little boy would cooperate. 
“Give mommy a few minutes, okay baby,” you mumble, peeking into the hooded stroller, “we’ll go home right after I finish buying you new clothes.”
You only got ten minutes of silence. 
A loud cry interrupts your shopping session. You breathe in a heavy breath, looking around in embarrassment. Haru lets out loud sobs, eyes shut as he wails. You stop beside a rack close to the fitting rooms, quick to carry your son into your arms. Assurances slip past your lips as a way to comfort the little boy, your hand feeling his diapers in case it’s full. It isn’t. It’s not Haru’s feeding time either — so it’s fair to say that you have no clue as to why he’s being grumpy. 
You sigh in desperation, “come on Haru. . . work with mommy here. What’s wrong, hm, baby?” you say, knowing full well you won’t get a response in return. 
It takes a few minutes of witnessing your frustration until Chan goes over. His eyes are glinting with sincerity and slight concern. 
“Hey,” he greets you, offering a warm dimpled smile, “you alright?”  
You feel your head shake before you could fully process what to reply, “uh, not really. My son’s a little grumpy today.” 
“Oh,” he nods, “um. May I?”
Chan extends his hands towards you, offering to take Haru from your arms. See, if it was any other man, you probably would’ve turned the other way but something about the man standing in front of you made you feel safe and trusting. After only a second of hesitation, you pass your crying son towards him. He rocks the crying baby in his buff arms, humming melodic tunes.
“I think he’s feeling a little hot,” he says, placing Haru back into the stroller, “wait a minute.”
Curiously, you watch the unknown man reach into his backpack, gaining even more curious when he takes out a white portable fan. He clips it onto the handle of the stroller, eyebrows furrowed as he adjusts the wind level. 
“Okay, I think this is the right setting,” he mumbles, patting your (now calmed down) baby. 
To say that you’re impressed would be an understatement. 
“You can take the fan, it comes in really handy sometimes. It’s an extra one I happen to have, so I really don’t mind,” he looks up, so you could finally truly look at his face.
He’s mesmerizing — his jawline looks like something Pygmalion would sculpt. His eyes are a pretty colour, and the dimples when he smiles make him appear oh-so warm. He’s the definition of handsome. 
“Thank you,” you say after you realize you’ve been staring, “god, I don’t know how else to thank you. You’re so good with kids.”
Chan rubs the back of his neck, flashing a humble smile, “no worries, for real. I have one of my own, that’s why.”
Your eyes widen at his statement. Meeting a young parent like you is a rare occurrence — in fact, you’ve never stumbled across one before. A part of you feels soothed that you’re not the only one going through the hardships of a young parent. 
“Oh, you have a kid of your own too?”
“Yeah,” the man nods, “a daughter, actually. Her name’s Aera.”
His smile gets wider at the mention of her daughter, and you could feel your heart swell at that. Right on time, a little girl in a pink tutu opens the fitting room door, a similar dimpled smile plastered across her cute face. 
“Dad!” she cheers, “can I get this dress?” 
Chan ruffles her hair, “of course you can, princess. C’mere.”
He takes the dress from Aera’s grip, glancing back at you. 
“How about your boy? What’s his name?”
“Haru. Thought it was a cute name, so I named him that.”
“Is that a baby?” Aera perks up, standing on her tip-toes to look into the stroller, “oh, he’s so cute, dad! So adorable! Can you get me one too?”
Both you and Chan turn red at her remark.
“Um,” he clears his throat, “maybe later, Aera. And stay quiet, you’ll wake the poor baby up.”
He turns back to you, offering an apologetic smile which you return with a small chuckle.
“Thank you, by the way — I didn’t catch your name, just realized,” you say.
“It’s Chan. And you?”
“Y/n,” you reply, “god, I don’t know what I would’ve done if you didn’t come to my rescue. Couldn’t get a babysitter today, and I’m a single parent so I had no choice but to bring Haru with me today.”
His eyebrows raise at your statement, “oh? You’re a single parent as well? Me too. It gets hard sometimes, doesn’t it? What not with us being young and all.”
You feel even more seen at his confession. 
“It gets so hard, please. Sometimes I feel like tugging all my hair out, actually.”
He laughs, before his eyes widen and he hurriedly whips out his phone.
“Hey, um,” he unlocks his phone, “there’s this groupchat I’m in that’s full of single parents near us. It’s really helpful, they usually suggest babysitters and stuff. Comes in especially handy when I go outstation and have to leave Aera. How about you give me your number and I’ll add you to it?” 
You get excited at the thought of meeting other people going through the same things as you, so you waste no time typing your number into his contacts. He watches you throughout the whole ordeal, admiring you. Chan has gone on a few dates after Aera’s mother got up and abandoned them, though none caught his eye the way you do. He can’t help the grin that appears as he admires you. 
“Thank you so much Chan, you have no idea how thankful I am for you. It’s been nice meeting you, seriously — but I kind of have to go now, before Haru gets up and gets grumpy again.”
He nods. Head thinking whether he should just ask you out on a date with him or if it was too early to do so. Right before you’re about to stroll away, he grabs a hold of your hand, a hopeful look in his eyes.
“Y/n, this might feel so odd to you, but uh — would you like to maybe, grab lunch together sometime?” 
You’ve never said yes to a date so fast.
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tk-productions · 4 years
Mystic Sisters- Ch.4 You & I
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Yua’s pov
Every. Single. Day. I saw Haru at school, or at the train or at Mystic cafe. Wherever I went it seemed he was there too. It was hell running into him everywhere. I swear he’s stalking me at this point.  I tried avoiding him but he always popped up unexpectedly looking into my eyes the same way he used to. Weeks went by without either of us saying a word, we just stared at each other not knowing who would make the first move. Today was another day of us not talking to each other. I sat in the corner at Mystic cafe sipping on a iced tea waiting for my sister to finish 
her shift. After Haru ordered his food he made small talk with my sister. He said something to make her laugh and I rolled my eyes and turned my attention back to my tea. 
“I’ll be back in 10 minutes” he told Hikari then walked out of the cafe still laughing at whatever they were talking about.
“ Haru!” I called out as I followed him out of the cafe.
He stopped and turned around to face me but stayed completely silent.
“Oh so you're not gonna say anything?” I said getting irritated.
“What do you want me to say?” He said like he did nothing wrong.
“I just want an explanation on why you left.”
“I don’t need to give an explanation.”
“Why do you always do this? You run away when things get tough. You've been back for weeks but haven't said one word to me.” I yelled out of frustration.
Haru said nothing, he just looked at his watch, went back to the cafe and grabbed his food and walked past me like nothing.
“You're such a jerk and I hate you Haru. I fucking hate your guts!” I cried out looking at his back. It was like I was talking to a brick wall. Haru stopped walking for a second then just continued without looking back.
 I stormed back into the cafe with mixed emotions. Should I feel angry, sad, or relieved that I dodged a bullet?  I was so angry I wanted to rip his throat out.  OMG why am i thinking like this? Ripping his throat out? Come on Yua. Suddenly I felt really thirsty so I grabbed my iced tea and chugged it.
“Yua-chan are you okay?” Hikari asked, sitting across from me placing another iced tea in front of me. 
“No, I'm over here imagining ripping Haru’s throat out .” I said suddenly feeling stressed.
“No that’s completely normal.” she joked. “But seriously what’s wrong.”
“I just want to talk to Haru but he keeps pushing me away. How can he tell me he loves me, leave and show back up like nothing happened.” I sighed in frustration.
“Hey don’t beat yourself up over this. It’s his fault. He’s the one that left not you. You just have to find a way to talk to him and not rip out his throat.” I nodded, taking another sip of tea. She may be younger than me but she’s always right.
“Your shift is almost over right? Let’s go to the bookstore on our way home.”
“Yay!” she yelled excitedly, drawing attention towards her from the other customers.  
“Sorry.” she said quickly heading back behind the counter. Only Hikari would get excited over books I laughed to myself.   
I really didn't know why I was so hung up on Haru. Maybe it’s because he’s the only guy I loved. Or maybe it because he left without giving me an explanation. My mind kept drifting off thinking about him as I tried to do my chemistry homework that's due tomorrow. My eyes grew heavier as I tried to focus. “Maybe I should take a break.” I yawned resting my head on the desk. 
“Just a quick nap.” I yawned again before drifting off to sleep. 
Haru and I were cuddling under a tree and I felt so relaxed and happy. I looked at him and smiled. But he didn’t smile back.
“Is something wrong?” I asked reaching out towards him.
“I don’t wanna be with you anymore Yua.” He told me pushing  away.
“What? We just got back together the other day. What could have changed?”  sitting up  turning to face him. “Why do you keep hurting me like this? Did you ever even really love me?
“I gotta go. I’m sorry Yua,” Haru replied to me getting up walking away leaving me like he always did. 
“Haru come back here!” I called after him “Haru!” but he didn’t answer, he just kept walking.
I opened my eyes and all I could feel was anger.  I was so angry but I couldn’t let a dream drive me crazy. I took a deep breath and grabbed my phone to check the time. 
“4am? Ugh! I didn’t finish my homework!” I said frustrated.
Finally the bell rang signaling it was time for lunch. I didn't know if I could sit through another minute of balancing equations. I sat my books out for the next class before heading to the library to meet hikari and Hisako. I found the girls sitting at a table in the back of the library laughing quietly to themselves.  
“What’s so funny? I could use a laugh.”  I said as I joined them at the table.
“Hisako fell out of her chair in class today then slipped on her chair getting up.” Hikari said laughing so hard she had tears in the corner of her eyes.
I laughed a little before looking at Hisako. “Are you ok?” I asked.
“Yea I’m fine. Thanks for asking Yua. I'm never visiting Hikari before her class again though” Hisako replied to me with a smile.
Hikari started talking about buying more clothes at the mall, I smiled nodding as if I was listening before zoning out watching the rain fall from the window. The rain reminded me of something Haru did before we broke up.
Haru and I were at our favorite spot during lunch and I couldn't stop talking about our anniversary that was just around the corner. 
“I planned the whole day out first we're gonna go eat breakfast together---” I rambled on and on about our date but Haru didn’t even look like he was paying attention.
“Are you listening to me?” I asked, crossing my arms over my chest. 
“Huh.” he said caught off guard. “Yea I’m listening.” he replied.
I gave him an unsure look. “Ok then what did I say?”
Haru laughed before looking at me with his beautiful eyes and sexy smirk that I absolutely loved. Completely changing the subject Haru told me. “Close your eyes and turn around for me.”
“What? You're changing the subject.” I called him out.
“Just do it please.” He asked. I squinted my eyes curiously at him before turning around and closing my eyes  just as he said. I slightly jumped as I felt something cold touch my neck.
“Ok you can open now.” He told me and I can tell he was smiling.
Opening my eyes I looked down to see a beautiful necklace. I turned around and faced him, smiling like an idiot. “The two hearts are us right.” I asked, holding onto the pendant.
“Yea and I also had our names carved into it.” He replied.
My smile grew bigger. “I love it.” I told him.
“Good. Don’t ever take it off no matter what happens between us ok.” He said seriously.
“I won’t.” I smiled as I leaned in for a kiss.
 I smiled at the memory “Those were truly the good times.” I said messing around with the necklace still around my neck. I know I said I wouldn’t take it off. But new Haru makes me want to.
“What are you talking about.” Hikari said looking at me before smirking “It's Haru isn’t it?”
“I am not but nice guess.” I said sarcastically. 
“Yua just get back together with him and stop torturing yourself.” Hisako said stealing some of Hikari’s grapes.
“Nah he belong to the streets.” I joked.
“But so do you.” Hikari sassed.
My smile disappeared as I looked at Hikari in shock. “I do not. I am a proper lady thank you.”
“Keep telling yourself that.” Hikari said sarcastically while laughing. I rolled my eyes at her. “I swear sometimes you act just like Haru.” I mumbled before getting up.
“Where are you going?” Hisako asked.
“I have to go to class early.” I told the girls goodbye and left. Okay so maybe I didn't actually need to go to class early. I needed to talk to Haru and work things out between us. I wondered mindlessly through the school hallways looking for Haru. Somehow I ended up in our spot. The spot where we spent most of our time together. Not much had changed. There was a new mural done by the art club that made the space brighter. I walked over to the window staring at the rain heavily falling down. I played with the necklace again still thinking about that day. Just as the bell rang I felt a gust of air go by. I turned around watching the older boy walk up the stairs not even acknowledging me.
“Haru!” I called out but he just kept walking leaving me like he always did. 
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personuhh · 6 years
What your favourite Persona ladies say about you:
Ann: You love badass ladies and would kick a thousand asses for Ann Takamaki. Kamoshida’s palace is your favourite just because in the end you get to see him b u r n.
Makoto: You like Makoto a lot. You would die for Makoto. You’re gay as hell.
Futaba: You’re a dork, and you find Futaba’s geekiness extremely endearing. You firmly believe Futaba’s palace was the best.
Haru: You love Haru’s aesthetic. You put every in-game activity aside to rank up her confidant and don’t regret a second of it.
Ohya: Do you exist
Kawakami: You are full of sin. 
Takemi: You like the goth aesthetic. But mostly her legs.
Hifumi: You think Hifumi is cute. You don’t know anything about shogi.
Shiho: You are extremely protective over Shiho. You wish she was a main character and ship her with Ann.
Chie: You love Chie’s dumb haircut and you think she’s badass. You maxed out her social link immediately and are miffed about her post-P4 character being strictly about her love of meat. You’re also gay as hell.
Yukiko: You ship Yukiko with Chie and think she’s a loveable goofball. You think Yukiko’s laugh is adorable.
Rise: You’re still kind of peeved how different Rise is in her social link vs. in-game.
Naoto: You want Naoto to step on you. You hate Akechi. You’re gay.
Nanako: You are Yu Narukami. You cried the entire way through the end of P4.
Marie: You like bad poetry and tsunderes. You had a scene phase.
Yukari: You are full of sass. You will fight anyone who says Mitsuru is the best P3 girl.
Mitsuru: I mean, how can you not like Mitsuru? Look at her. You like powerful women. You want Mitsuru to step on you. You’re EXTREMELY gay.
Aigis: You have an extremely dry sense of humor. Tired and gay.
Fuuka: Oh man are you ever glad they changed her voice actress.
Chihiro: You flipped shit at her P4 cameo. You’re into girls with glasses.
Minako: If Atlus doesn’t put her in Dancing Moon Night as DLC you’re ready to riot.
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starlightkeybright · 7 years
persona 5 not quite writings, more ramblings/summary of an AU i thought of earlier
high school teacher AU with the PTs but mainly with akira and goro akira is just a standard PE teacher, he loves being outside and encouraging the kids to exercise and all that goro is a teacher teacher that teaches criminal justice then there's the others; ann teaches english, ryuji is another PE teacher but also coaches for the track team, yusuke is an art teacher, haru is an economics teacher but also has like a "garden club" where she has a patch on the school grounds where she helps students grow random plants especially vegetables, futaba is the computer/keyboarding teacher that often has subs for her class but she's there enough for it to be ok, and makoto is a math teacher and helps kids see that math isn't all that bad and also on the side/at another location she teaches self defense courses and some of her students are students there as well anyway akira and the PTs are a whole group of friends and they go out together to hang out and sometimes party, akira often goes on one off dates with each of them and the rest do that as well with each other akira and goro actually started dating over the summer, it took some convincing on akira's part to get goro to go out with him in general, goro was very the "alone teacher", he got along enough with the others but wasn't really friends with them, y'know, but akira pushed him into being friends with his friends, so the friend family gets one more finally when they start dating, akira gets the go ahead from goro to let the others know and they're all super supportive of it and also promise to not spill the beans when school starts so when summer is over and everyone goes back to school, akira starts making it a habit to keep going to visit goro during class, even if it's for a minute or for some errand he was "forced" to run for someone else the kids are smart little shits though, and some get suspicious on why a random PE teacher keeps coming into class to hang out, and they fucking notice the looks and hear the hints akira is a little fucking tease, he could say something that's completely normal but the WAY he says it makes some kids go "...wait, was that a innuendo" goro is embarrassed by it all at first, but he starts having fun with it too, so they end up making a competition about it they start having sass offs and they almost get heated and it's the fucking middle of class and the kids are all "ooooo!!!" at certain responses and shit and it's all one big game goro then starts his own habit of going to visit akira, when he has a free period and nothing to do, he goes outside to where akira is with his kids and sometimes just sits and watches, sometimes he catches akira on a 5 minute break and they just talk, but of course the kids are noticing all this cue the fucking rumors going around school with all the kids and them thinking at first that maybe they hate each other but then thinking "wait, what if they're a couple" "nah, they're just being weird men" and of course some of the kids know that akira and goro are friends with the other teachers from the interactions they spy, so they ask the others if they know anything, but the PT group swear that nothing is going on slight sidetrack, but akira going to harass the others during their classes and some of them going out to talk with him akira helping for a bit with the plants with haru, akira giving some advice to the track team with ryuji, akira going into the studio and asking yusuke very loudly if he should strip and model for the kids (of course he legally can't but some of the kids want it), akira stopping in ann's and makoto's classes to make some teasing remarks about whatever they're currently teaching, akira stopping into futaba's class whenever she's there just to go "OH HEY, YOU'RE ACTUALLY HERE TODAY" goro sometimes goes to sit and have some coffee with makoto and discuss different topics, goro going to help haru with her plants, goro stopping by the studio to compliment the students' work, goro stopping in ann's class and helps for a bit with a certain topic, goro also sometimes watches the track team (sometimes with akira), goro going into futaba's class sometimes to help the sub get control of the kids and sometimes to practice some keyboarding himself anyway, most of the school year goes like this and the kids and just on and off with the rumors and theories about akira and goro and whether or not they're together then during spring break, akira proposes to goro, even though it was a little fast and all, but he feels so confident and so right being with goro (they also moved in together before the xmas break), that he just wants to seal their friendship/relationship properly and of course goro says yes goro debates on wearing his engagement ring when they get back to school cuz the kids will just go crazy about that and ask him a million questions, so instead he keeps it safely in his pocket during school hours akira however is fucking loud and proud and wears his ring no matter what and the kids do question him but he won't tell them anything concrete after about a couple weeks of the kids going crazy over akira's ring and goro's lack of a (visible) ring, akira decides to end this shit once and for all he goes into goro's class one day like usual and sits down off to the side and just watches goro for a while goro is a little suspicious cuz akira seems much happier than usual and he knows that he's up to something, but doesn't want to make a big deal out of it in front of the kids finally at a random point during class when goro isn't talking, akira suddenly gets up and looks at the class and he goes "hey uh, everyone? there's something i want to tell you" and goro's just frozen at his desk and he knows EXACTLY where akira is going and he debates hardcore on whether or not he should stop him, but he knows it's already too late, he has the kids complete attention "so there have been many rumors flying about about a possible relationship between me and mr akechi here. don't think i didn't notice, they've been going on all damn year. well, today i'm here to put a stop to those rumors" the kids are listening so fucking intently and also some of them are already being loud and asking questions, but he quiets them down "ok, ok, so. some of them think that me and mr akechi are dating, like we're an item. and you know what? no, we're not" cue some kids disappointed as fuck but goro is already putting his face in his hands cuz he knows what's coming up "we're engaged actually" cue the kids FUCKING EXPLODING WITH ALL SORTS OF SOUNDS AND YELLING AND SCREAMING AND THEY'RE ALL SO FUCKING HAPPY BUT SO FUCKING CONFUSED AT THE SAME TIME "WAIT, YOU WERE DATING? YOU'RE GETTING MARRIED? WHAT?" akira steps over and makes goro stand up and goro is still covering his face with one hand and his face is so fucking red but he's smiling anyway akira then just smiles at goro and goro rolls his eyes and digs his ring out of his pocket and puts it on and akira holds his hand up to show his AND THE KIDS EXPLODE FUCKING AGAIN haru is the closest to the classroom and she comes in all concerned cuz why the fuck are the kids screaming so much and she sees them standing there with their rings on and she's just "OH! you guys decided to announce it, i'm so happy for you!" and the kids turn to her just "WHAT THE- YOU KNEW?" and akira explains which teachers knew about the two of them and for how long AND THE KIDS ARE SO DONE AT THIS POINT, LIKE WHAT THE FUCK, THEY PLAYED THEM SO HARD word quickly spreads afterwards about it so eventually the whole school knows akira and goro get constantly teased for a week or two straight by the kids "look mr kurusu, your fiance is coming over" "mr akechi, your fiance wants to talk with you" "so are either of you changing your names? are we going to have two 'mr kurusu's or two 'mr akechi's?" "mr akechi, can you ask your fiance to leave the bedroom talk in the bedroom?" (akira "boy, this is not bedroom talk, you would know when i do bedroom talk" goro "oh my god, please stop") backing up a bit, akira takes goro out to dinner the night he made the sudden announcement as an apology, he knew goro would be/was uncomfortable with bringing light to their relationship at school but goro just shakes his head and smiles, saying "i was worried, but once you started, there was no stopping you. besides, even though i did feel that bad feeling in the pit of my stomach, it went away pretty quickly. to see them so happy about us, so happy for us, i just...i almost cried, believe it or not. i'm so lucky to have someone like you and i'm lucky to have such good students. i feel more sure now about our marriage" "what, you were having second thoughts?" "shut up, you know what i mean. i'm happy to get so much support and i'm happy to be with you for the rest of my life" "i'm happy about that too"
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cupkayke · 7 years
The character ask thing: Boueibu A's aka Akihiko, Akoya and Atsushi (if that's too many you can just pick who you want)
WI already answered Aki, so here I’ll do the other two A’s!
NOTP: I don’t really have NOTPs like at all so this question is always really hard, but I guess I’m pretty ‘meh’ about Akoya with Kinshiro. Like, could I see it working? Maybe. Do I think they’d actually be attracted to each other in the first place? Probably  not...
BROTP: Everyone Brotps Akoya with Ryuu and I agree with the sentiment. Pinks gotta have their silly rivalry. Could definitely also see Akoya being besties with Aki and/or Haru, once the third years graduate.
OTP: Here I go again with my OT3s but AkoIoRyuu is my jam. But I suppose I’ll talk more about the OT3 in the poly question. If I had to pick ONE, I do really like AkoRyuu because the angst dynamics have a lot of potential and they just seem like they’d be really... explosive. Passionate. Ooh la la. That’d leave poor Io alone though so it kind of makes me sad lol.
Second Choice Pairing: AkoRima, considering that seems to be everyone’s OTP with Akoya. I like the dynamic well enough; it seems like Ibushi would pay a shitload of attention to Akoya and Akoya would eat up every second of it but idk I feel bad saying this but Ibushi as a character still doesn’t really stick out to me :/ So like... I’m pretty blase about all the ships including him.
Fluffy Pairing: Yumotoooooo because smol fluff child. Despite pretty exclusively shipping Yumoto with a/both Beppus this would be the only ship involving Akoya that I could see being tooth-rottingly cute. Akoya screams sophistication and like old-school romance or fiery passion and Yumoto would be the only one who could probably bring out his softer, cutesy side. Let Yumoto brush and play with his hair? Yas. Snuggle pajama party? Yas. 
Angsty Pairing: The aforementioned AkoRyuu. Because holy smokes I feel like I am alone in pinkship land but like two words; hate fucking. I have a fanfic premise for them built around an enemies to frenemies to frenemies with benefits to friends with benefits to boyfriends and it just sounds so delicious. Imagine the snark, the sass, the spontaneous makeout sessions. Y’know these boys would be passionate and put in 110% to whichever emotion they were processing. Which likely would be a combination of annoyance and lust. Damn I need to write this thing. Along with my twelve other fic ideas -cries-
Polyship: AkoIoRyuuuuuuu and now I get to talk about it. Like okay. Take the fiery spark that is Akoya and Ryuu together and add in the mutual pining for Io (the other element to the pinkship) and then lo and behold Io is a willing participant...? Io would balance the pinks out, bringing a level head to their sometimes rash behaviors yet spoiling them silly when he’s feeling particularly mushy. The pinks would probably have their strengths and weaknesses in meeting Io’s needs- like Akoya knows about the finer things and would definitely look good on his arm at any fancy business events whereas Ryuu would be the more lowkey one and their strong friendship would form a foundation for Io’s emotional support. Idk they have such potential for their dynamics and again, there need to be more fics with them. And by that I mean fics that aren’t AUs (because I swear it seems like half the boueibu fics are AUs and... I’ll shut up before I start ranting).
Weirdest Pairing: Um, Akoya/En? Akoya/Atsushi? I can’t see either of those really happening but then again in weird ways they may work. Unfortunately I can’t put words to it, though.
NOTP: Atsushi/Yumoto? Idk I see more brother/senpai/parental dynamics from these two and I just... cannot see it romantically at all. Hm, maybe I do have some NOTPs. But does anyone ship this anyway? Lol.
BROTP: The obvious En/Kinshiro when they aren’t shipped romantically. Atsushi has his best friends and they’re all so precious. Also weirdly if the boys started hanging out at Yumoto’s house more instead of in the onsen I could see Atsushi getting along well with Gora. They seem to have a similar personality.
OTP: Enatsu all the wayyyyyyy. If we’re picking a non-poly ship, that is. Like isn’t that everyone’s OTP with him? Maybe? Best friends blossoming into boyfriends is my shit. It’s adorable. Atsushi takes care of En in all the best ways and En helps Atsushi lighten up a little.
Second Choice: I ship Enatsu more than Kinatsu so I guess Kinatsu is the second choice here. Still cute dynamics but with a more unrequited love becomes requited vibe on Kinshiro’s end. It does feel weird to me though to have these two as a standalone ship because then... where does that leave En??? And in my boueibu-verse everyone gets paired off and is happy but I just cannot decide which pairings I like best lol (someone save meeeee)
Fluffy Pairing: Kinatsu has more potential for just sheer fluff like I can’t. Kinshiro being the delicate thing that he is needing reassurance and attention and Atsushi, having learned his lesson with the curry thing, won’t let anything fester or settle and they talk things out and cuddle and go on cute dates and aldsfjasldkfjal;sdkj -explodes- okay maybe they’re cuter than I thought they were.
Angsty Pairing: ...actually, literally the same answer, but twist Kinshiro’s response to a jealousy angle over En and you have the makings of some drama right there. Or the OT3 could have Atsushi be caught in the middle for even more potential angst.
Polyship: Enatsukin? Kinenatsu? Enkinatsu? What is this ship name even? BUT YES THAT ONE. I ship this OT3 even more than the other polyships I like and that’s saying something. Because this way, none of these three are left alone and both En and Kinshiro get Atsushi’s caretaking and empathetic nature and Atsushi gets the strong friendship foundations he has with both of them and they all have this mutual trust going on once En and Kinshiro come around to the idea and deal with their feelings for one another as well as for Atsushi. 
Weirdest Pairing: I can’t quite wrap my brain around Atsushi/Arima but then again it kinda works to put the two ‘mom’ characters together. And the two sass masters. Like, it fits but it’s weird to me.
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goldenjhoe · 8 years
I love you
It wasn’t easy working for big hit entertainment and having a best friend that was also working with big hit entertainment. It meant that you both hardly ever saw each other even though you both worked at the same company. You didn’t have one set job at big hit, you had to do a range of things to ensure that the idols had comfort at the dorm and on tour. You had just finished preparing snacks for bts when they all barged through the dorm door. They had just finished dance practice. You placed the snacks on the kitchen counter went to greet them expecting your best friend to be there. Jimin, Jungkook and Tae came racing through the door for food while Jin shouted after them, Namjoon following after them laughing.
“Where’s Hobi?” You questioned, slightly worrying.
“He had a date after practice.” Jimin informed you with a mouth full of food.
“Some chick asked him out for coffee and today was the only time he was free.” Namjoon continued.
“Oh.” You mumbled, trying to hid the disappointment on your face. You’d be lying if you said you didn’t have a crush on Hoseok. You’d been friends for a way over 5 years and you had always kept in touch no matter what happened. You were going to confess your feelings to him but you chickened out and he left to become an idol.
“I see you didn’t know?” Jin questioned.
“No, he said we’d go watch a movie or something together.” You mumbled.
“There’s always next time.” Tae reassured you. 
“Today was the only day I was free.” You sighed. “Oh well at least he’s having fun.” You smiled putting on a brave face.
“Don’t lie Y/N, we know your feelings towards him.” Jin stated.
“Don’t try to deny them either, we’ve noticed the little things you do for him that you don’t do for us.” Namjoon joined in. 
“I don’t know what you mean.” You blushed.
“We don’t blame you, Y/N. He’s a loveable horse.” Jimin smiled, making everyone laugh. “You should tell him." 
"I tried once but I didn’t have the confidence to tell him so I chickened out, I was going to tell him before he left to become an idol.” You confessed, feeling defeated. “Anyway, I better get cleaning and stuff." 
It had been a couple of hours since the guys had come back to the dorm, Hoseok  still wasn’t back either. You had cleaned the kitchen, the bathroom and the living room. All that was left to do now as make the guys some real food. The only thing that made you feel better was cooking and you knew Jin would never say no to some food. Just as you began preparing the food, Hoseok came through the dorm door, a big smile on his face.
"Something smells good.” He hummed walking into the kitchen before he noticed you stood at the cooker. “Y/N!?" 
You spin around before smiling brightly at him. He quickly made his way over to you and wrapped his long arms around your frame. You wrapped your arms his body, inhaling his aftershave while your head sat snuggling into his neck.
"I’m so sorry, I forgot about us meeting and having some fun. I promise I’ll make it up to you.” He pleaded, his fingers delicately holding your chin to look up at him. This made your heart flutter and you felt yourself falling for him more.
A week had passed since you felt yourself falling for Hobi even more. He decided to make it up to you by inviting you to their comeback party. You had just finished putting your makeup when your phone began ringing. It was Hoseok. 
“Hello.” You smiled hearing his voice.
“Y/N, I don’t think I’m going to be able to make it tonight. I’ll see you at the party but Haru wants to see me before, I’m sorry I hope you understand.” He sighed, slightly cringing at having to pass you off again.
“Hobi, don’t worry about a thing. I’m sure I’ll be more comfortable at home.” You fake smiled,  trying to sound confident. “Have fun.”
You quickly hung up not wanting to hear anymore. You quickly wiped the tear that slid down your face without you knowing. You changed into some comfy shorts and a big jumper before going into the kitchen grabbed some chocolate and headed onto your sofa to watch some chick flick. 
You had just finished watching your second film when there was a knock at your apartment door. You kicked off the covers and wiped your face from the tears before getting up and answering the door. You opened the door to be greeted by Jungkook and Jimin. 
“What are you guys doing here?” You questioned letting them into your apartment. One thing about working with the guys was that even though you weren’t close they still cared deeply about you. 
“We didn’t see you at the party and I thought I should come check up on you.” Jimin smiled, hugging you. 
“It was my idea.” Jungkook corrected. 
“I was born in Busan first.” Jimin sassed before sitting on the sofa.
You and Jungkook followed and you tool a seat in between them.
“How come you didn’t show up?” Jungkook questioned, handing you a tissue at your obvious red puffy eyes.
“I was meant to be going with hobi oppa but he blew me off for Haru, even after he promised me.” You mumbled. “He’s only known her for like a week and he’s already picking her over me. I’ve known him since high school and I’m his best friend. If that means anything anymore.” You cried.
“I think this is more than just that, don’t you think?” Jimin sighed, wrapping an arm around you. “You really love him huh?" 
You nodded your head softly as more tears fell down your cheeks and into Jimin’s shoulder. Jungkook gently ran his hand up and down your back in an attempt to calm you down. 
Over an hour had passed and you had finally calmed down, the tears had stopped falling but your eyes were still puffy and red. Jimin stull had an arm wrapped around you and Jungkook was sleep with his head on your lap.
"Jimin oppa, you should go home.” You looked up at the clock in the wall noticing it was just past midnight.
“Not until I know you’re going to be okay.” He smiled.
“I’ll be fine, go home and get some rest and take sleepy maknae with you.” You giggled.
There was a sudden light knock at the door which caused you to stop laughing, Jungkook stirred in his sleep, moving an arm and draping it over yours and Jimin’s thighs. Jimin pulled away from you to answer the door. It was Hoseok. 
“I don’t think it’s a good idea for you to be here, hyung.” Jimin mumbled.
 "Please chim, I need to see her.“
Jimin reluctantly opened to the door to a pleading Hoseok. He quickly made his way into your apartment and made his way over to you. He fell to his knees and flicked Jungkook’s head waking him up. Jungkook rubbed his head before Jimin pulled him off the couch and out the door. 
"Call me if you need me.” He stated before leaving with the grumpy maknae. 
“I’m so sorry, Y/N.” You began playing with the lace of your shorts not wanting to look at him in case you started to cry again. "I don’t know what to say, I really promise on making this up to you.“
"You said that last time.” You whispered. 
“Well this time I mean it, this Haru chick was a waste of time. I felt nothing for her, she wasn’t my type and she wasn’t what I was looking for.” He explained. 
“So I’m just a back up.” You mumbled.
“Don’t ever say that, the reason why I didn’t feel anything for her was because….” Hoseok placed his hand under your chin making you look at him. “Was because she wasn’t you. I’m in love with you, Y/N. I’ve been in love you with for a while now and I’ve just never had the confidence to tell you how I truly felt. I started talking to Haru thinking I could get over you because I knew you didn’t feel the same and I’ve seen the way you are with Taehyung. I just needed you to know how I felt." 
"Taehyung?” You questioned. 
“The way you laugh with him, smile when he enters the room. How you always sit near him.”
“I laugh with him because he’s funny, we get along because we’re both hyped up over the cyphers, I smile when he walks into a room because you’re with him. I sit near him because I don’t want to look to obvious.” You stated. 
“Obvious?” He questioned. 
“I put more effort into doing things for you than I do the other, I don’t sit near you because I don’t want to fall in love you even more because I know I can never have you.” you sighed. “I’ve been in love with you from the start, hobi. When you said you were seeing someone my heart crashed and I couldn’t be around you. I knew it was awful of me to be like this and I should have been happy for you but I couldn’t be happy knowing it wasn’t going to be me making you laugh and smile.” You confessed, looking deeply into his eyes. 
Hoseok ran his thumb over your bottom lip before gently pressing his smooth lips onto yours. This took you by surprise but you quickly kissed him back, your lips fit perfectly against his. You wrapped your arms around his neck pulling him closer to you. You didn’t want this to end. He placed his hands on your waist and gave them a small squeeze causing you to moan into the kiss giving him perfect access to slip his tongue against your own. He pulled you off of the couch and pushed you against the wall, you moaned as his lips attacked your neck.
You felt his hard member press against your thigh, you began taking his black jacket off as he began pulling your shorts down. 
“I’ve been dreaming about this moment for ages.” He hissed against your neck as you ran a hand over the bulge in his jeans. You managed to escape from his hold and ran into your bedroom, removing your baggy shirt on the way there. You heard Hoseok growl as he watched your hips sway, he quickly made his way over to you and pushed you onto the bed. 
“Don’t think I’m letting you escape that easily.” His lips trailed down your neck, hips knees pushed your legs open for him to slide in between them. His hands holding yours about your head, his lips trailed down your chest and stomach leaving a wet trail. 
He soon let go of you hands and pulled off your short and panties in on swift motion. He gently pushed your legs apart and sighed in satisfaction when he saw how wet you were for him. 
 "Look how wet you are. Is this for me?“ You nodded your head not daring yo speak because you knew you’d sound weak. "I didn’t hear you.” His hand came down on your thigh, a loud smack echoed through the room. 
“Yes.” Your voice was just above a whisper. 
“Good girl.” He smirked. “I’d love to taste you right now but I think that can wait." 
He quickly removed all his clothes as you watched patiently, he took off his boxers and he hissed at the cold air hitting his erection. You gasped at the size of him, you’ve thought about how big he would be bit you never imagined him to look this good naked. He crawled between your legs and kissed your lips softly. 
"You’re on the pill right?" 
"Yes.” You nodded reassuringly.
“Are you sure you want this?" 
"More than anything.” You smiled, running a hand through his soft hair. He began teasing your entrance with the tip of his dick before slowly sliding into your core. You whimpered in discomfort as he pushed more into you.   
“Fuck, I’m sorry. I should have prepared you, I’m sorry.” Hobi apologised, guilt written all over his face. 
“It’s fine, neither of us could wait. Don’t stop, the pain will soon dissappear.” You mumbled against his neck, trying to hide the pain. He pushed all the way in and slowly pulled out, he continued to do this until you weren’t in pain anymore. 
“Faster.” You moaned against his neck. 
Hoseok checked to see if you were sure before he started to move his hips faster. A small grunt left his lips as the pace picked up. 
“You feel so fucking good, baby.” He moaned.
Even though it was your first time with Hoseok, you didn’t want it to be slow, you wanted it to be rough and full of passion. Hoseok flipped the two of you over so yo were now on top, a smirk confidentiality on his face the whole time. You brought your hips down and sank onto his length. You moaned at how he perfectly fit you, after the pain had subsided you were in complete pleasure. You rocked your hips up and down, your head dropping back and your boobs bouncing. 
“Don’t be quite, baby. Let me know how good I make you feel.” Hobi moaned, his hands firmly pressed into your hips helping you ride him. You moaned his name as your fingers pressed into his chest. 
The sheets were tangled around your hips and Hoseok’s thighs. You slightly dug your nails into his chest as he hissed, he fit perfectly against you. His member brushed against that sweet spot inside of you.
“Oh my god, do that again.” You moaned loudly, your head falling back.
You had to admit that you’ve thought about this before but having it actually happen to you was something completely different. Hoseok was completely different to how he usually is, his bubbly happy go self was gone and was replaced with something much darker and more lust filled. His eyes turned darker with lust as he saw how good you felt. 
“Tell me how good you feel, baby.” He demanded, his hand coming down hard against your ass. The sound echoed through the bedroom as you moaned. 
“You feel so fucking good. Oh my god.” You moaned loudly, your thighs beginning to spasm. “So much better than I imagined." 
Suddenly, hobi flipped you over onto your back and began thrusting into you harder than before. "Oh, so you’ve imagined me doing this to you.” He smirked, leaning down so his head was touching yours. 
“Oh hobi, don’t stop."You moaned against his lips. 
You were in cloud nine and you didn’t want this to end. His dancing hips were definitely putting you in complete pleasure.
"You feel so good wrapped around my cock.” He grabbed your legs and placed them flush against his chest, your feet hanging over his shoulder. This gave him a better angle and allowed him to push deeper into you, his member hitting that precious spot inside you, causing you to arch your back and moan louder than before.   
“Shit, I’m close.” Hoseok moaned, his head falling back. 
“Me too.” You moaned feeling yourself get tighter and closer to the edge. 
“Look at me, I want to see your face when you Cum.” He demanded, his hips moving faster bringing you closer to your orgasm.
 Your eyes met his lust filled brown eyes and you instantly came undone, your orgasm hit you causing you to moan louder, if that was possible. You moaned loudly as you felt Hoseok find his own orgasm, his hips pushed inside a few more times before pulling out of you and collapsing beside you. 
“Wait here.” He quickly got up from the bed and went into the bathroom, he came back with a damp towel and his boxers back on. He quickly cleaned you up before taking the towel back into the bathroom, he came back into the bedroom and grabbed his tshirt handing it to you. You pulled the shirt over your head before grabbing Hobi’s hand and pulling him into the bed to cuddle. He wrapped his long arms around you and kissed you softly, you placed your hands against his bare chest feeling his heart beat fast, you kissed him back softly trying to catch your breath. 
“So you love me huh?” He teased, his usual self was back. 
“Shut up.” You giggled.
“God, you’re so beautiful.” He smiled, running his thumb against your cheek making you blush. "I love you.“ His lips soon found yours and you shared a passionate kiss before slowly drifting off to sleep wrapping up in Hoseok’s arms. 
I would really like your guys feed back on this as it is my first one shot with smut, I hope you enjoy :) 
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