#//dude she's almost as insane as kylar ahdhdbd bbg what am i DOING TO YOU????
queen-adele · 5 months
does kylar like your job at briars?? was he against you having a job? i thought you'd be house-bound the moment he knocked you up 😭
Haha wellllllll
Noooo~ He's not the biggest fan of it~ He knows it stresses me out and gives me little staycations at his house when it gets super stressful~ He's so sweet!
But at the same time, you know how Bailey is. It's not like I'm gonna get too far from the orphanage for long. Luckily for me, the orphanage also takes care of Ashe and Oake, so if I happen to "go missing" for a few days I know my babies are well taken care of ♡
Kylar also wasn't happy about keeping the boys there but the poor thing is only one guy against Bailey and all of his thugs 🙄🙄
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