#//making emmet a literal conartist when he's supposed to represent truth is p funny
hoofpeet · 2 years
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😔[Gravity falls au] Woah, TWO pieces of media with triangle imagery???
-As kids Emmet was better at battling, but Ingo was generally considered the smarter/more mature. Regardless they were very close and always talked about how they wanted to be the strongest trainers in all of Unova :]
-Emmet held onto the idea of being a conductor/trainer, while Ingo drifted towards more ‘realistic’ goals. 
-Around age 20 they get in a pretty bad fight over this and part ways. Ingo goes to college somewhere and Emmet runs off to trainhop across the country
-Emmet spends the next few years slowly becoming more and more of a greasy little conman. Lying/stealing/scamming etc.
-Meanwhile Ingo moves to a remote part of the country after becoming interested in legendaries. He starts researching the distortion world/giratina. 
-Eventually this leads to him getting wrapped up with Volo, who claims to want to help him make a portal to the distortion world. He successfully builds some sort of portal thing, but figures out that Volo’s shadier than he realized.
-Emmet’s trainhopping journey leads him to Ingo’s town, and he shows up to reunite with his brother :]
-The whoopsie happens 😔
-Emmet gets pissed and challenges Ingo to a pokemon battle, situated precariously close to the active portal. He’s trying to remind Ingo of their childhood dreams, but only ends up accidentally knocking him over the yellow line. Ingo gets sucked into the distortion world, which breaks the machine.
-Emmet assumes Ingo’s identity and takes up his portal research. He builds the battle shack and turns it into a really greasy tourist trap. He gives out little stickers for beating him at a fight, which is like the pokemon world equivalent of a bootleg gym battle
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