#//nah let him cook he's had a few bottles of wine thanks to kim
elkenbulwark · 10 months
+ talk about ren.
"That fuckin' idiot. You know what happens when I say maybe it's not the right idea to plop is'ass in a chair with a dragon jaw poised overhead like a can-opener? Know what he says to that? 'Overreacting, Biv, AS USUAL'. And the lot of'em who would've said he's the fuckin' 'wizard' that's always fuckin' up and keepin' us late, and pissin' off folks with spell splatter...but they decided they gots a bone to pick with me for bein' right. For bein' cautious! That's not their brother, so how fuckin' dare they get on MY case? For FAMILY business? Fer a bit of HESITATION? S'it really worth it to sit there and pat your own ass over the fact you took up fer somebody's ~FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION~ ooooh (gag me alfuckin'ready) when in the next breath that independence you so wanted to see cuz you're so fucked up in need of it yr'self is layin' DEAD at your feet? For a lil ass pat from somebody what's whole world is just a rendition of words in books from a slew of unreliable narrators?
Well fuck me then. Fuck me 'cause they think so poorly of me for darin' to get the least bit outraged over it. My job was hard enough as it was...and now he's even weaker and twice as stubborn. I can't-...I can't protect'im. No matter how hard I fucken' try. Not when he doesn't want it no more, not when even if I tries he's too frail, not when everybody round us decided he's the fuckin' one what needs the most encouragement to venture out with reckless abandon despite what all's 'appened. I hate watchin'-...knowin' what's gonna befall him and with nothin' to do bout it. Cept get a good shove or a rockin' of knuckles when I done nothin' but live fer'im this whole time. When he runs off to be with some coward what's only solution to deal with conflict is to run off and hide in the shadows, what then? He doesn't understand... and I don't think he ever will. And where does that leave me?
The whole fuckin' world is turned right side up-down and I have no clue what's goin' on even though I'm 'posed to all the time-...if he'd just listen to me. Just ... not even in the do what all I say way, just hear me out on the real fuckin' concerns I gots and just consider it instead ah blowin' me off aways. Now my cheek's hurtin' on account of him gettin' fussy and bashin' out at me, and of course he landed his hit too. Sometimes...I just wish there were evenin's with his stories and nobody 'tween us causin' a fuss like what it used to be. We was close once, y'know. Alls each other had. Then somethin' changed. And I'm still not sure if it was him or me."
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