#//since this starter isn't super graphic or gorey i won't be putting it under a cut but future replies may go under a read-more <3
gas-stxtion · 2 years
Closed starter for @modestmuses 
Jack doesn’t know how much time has passed since Spencer came and grabbed him at the gas station. It feels like it’s been hours, but for all he knows it could’ve been just thirty or so minutes.
What he does know, however, is that this is probably the closest to being in hell that he’s ever been. Which, considering the life he’s lived for the past few months, is a bit of an achievement.
He’s more than a little delirious from the sheer amount of blood he’s lost, and he knows if help of some kind doesn’t arrive soon, he’s as good as dead. Spencer’s already more than overpowered him, and he knows he has very little chance of making it out alive.
That doesn’t mean he’s making it easy for Spencer, though.
“Still don’t believe I’m here to kill you, Jack?” Spencer says, planting his boot on Jack’s chest and digging in his heel, just to fuck with his likely bruised and fractured ribs some more. His tone is calm and casual, as though he’s just discussing the weather, but Jack knows him well enough to tell that he’s pissed.
Jack can barely speak between his wheezing cries of pain, but he’s determined to reply. If he’s going to die here, he isn’t going to give Spencer the fucking satisfaction.
“N-No,” he chokes out. “You’re too much of--” Spencer snarls and puts more of his weight on Jack’s chest, and Jack can feel something crack, but he barely manages to finish his sentence anyway “--a fucking bitch.”
Spencer stares at him for a long moment, his expression unreadable, then abruptly he lifts his foot from Jack’s chest. Jack barely has a moment to suck in a breath before it’s quickly knocked out of him once more when Spencer aims a sharp kick to his side, knocking him closer to the gaping hole in the ground Spencer had forced him to dig. For a long moment, he simply lay there on his side, struggling to breathe and focus.
His mouth tastes like copper, and he tries not to think too hard about that.
Spencer is saying something, a vicious growl in his voice like an angry dog’s, but Jack hardly registers the words as his exhausted, aching eyes fall on something lying near the hole.
The shovel. The fucking shovel. Spencer had been taunting him with it all fucking night, just barely missing him each time he swung it his way.
“Stay still, Jack,” he’d said. “I wanna see how close I can get.”
If he can just get his hands on the shovel, he might have a fighting chance.
With what little strength and adrenaline he has left, Jack starts to drag himself over to the shovel. It hurts like hell, and he’s sure that he has more than a few new broken bones to add to his collection, but he has to try. He expects Spencer to stop him, but it doesn’t happen.
Instead, he vaguely registers the sound of a gun cocking. The haze that is Jack’s mind right now clears long enough to hear Spencer ask incredulously, “Who the fuck are you?”
Jack doesn’t look up to see who Spencer might be talking to, his hands shaking as he finally grabs the handle of the shovel.
Fucking finally.
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