#//this is referencing sprite's runaway arc but knowing more than the name isn't necessary information
blackthorn-legion-irl · 11 months
[Video post and all reblogs are blocked from Fuchsia, Cerulean, and Den.]
[Saffron is standing with a tall man in a striped shirt - the Anguished One - outside the house, out of earshot of even Fuchsia's ridiculous hearing.]
Saffron: ...so, what you're telling me is - that after that whole thing about communication - you want me to keep a secret from the others?
AO: Regrettably, yes. For their own safety. If they knew---
Saffron: Let me get this straight, then. Sprite has run away, you aren't telling me anything more than that for my own good, sure. But you want me to not tell the others, because Fuchsia and Cerulean would spiral out of control and it would tear us apart. To aid in this, you will be adding hidden clauses to the firewall to make them think that everything is okay. And if---when. It has to be when. When Sprite is back okay, you'll catch them up gently with an apology. ...logically, I understand. It just hurts. The one person it's worst to lie to is yourself, I believe - and even being separate like this for now, I'm... as Saffron, I'm not, but as a part of Blackthorn, I am lying to myself here. Even though I know the alternative---
AO: What do you know about the Sinnoh lake guardians?
Saffron: I would ask why this is relevant, but I know we have... what's the word. Similarities. Okay. Uxie is knowledge, that's me. Mesprit is emotion, that's Fuchsia, though Cerulean has aspects of that too. Azelf is willpower, that's Cerulean - though that seems to be a weaker link for them. The three pixies can balance out one of the legendary dragons Dialga or Palkia, but not both. In the theoretical situation where both were summoned, Giratina may emerge to help balance the scales. All three have similar movesets, as normal for a trio, with some moves differing. They have the same abilities, typing, and base stat total, although in a competitive sense they aren't equally used due to playing different roles that may or may not be obsoleted by others.
AO: One relevant point you missed - as part of the moveset, each of them has a self-destructive move. I'll be explaining this next bit to the others as well, so don't worry about them not having the same self-insight, but you'll see how it's relevant to this particular situation.
You, Saffron, are as you said, most similar to Uxie. Your relevant self-destructive move is Memento---
Saffron: ---which sucks---
AO: ---which is generally less effective as the affected can just switch out. But in the same way, it means you have less of an incentive to use that move, which fits with both Uxie's more defensive nature, and you being the most stable of you three.
Fuchsia is most similar to Mesprit. You're right in that Cerulean also embodies some emotion, but their emotion is more passive, while Fuchsia's is more active, and so more fitting for Mesprit. Her self-destructive move is Healing Wish, which I'm sure you can see how it's relevant.
Saffron: ...yeah. Fainting oneself to heal another - I absolutely see it.
AO: And you know that she'd do that just trying to help even if there's nothing she can do. Like in this situation.
As for Cerulean - while they might feel like the weak link here, think about it. They are pain, and fear, and cowardice - and yet they, yet you all succeed anyway. They are the willpower to push you through it. Their move is Explosion. One that's born of so much pain could become desensitised and cause it without meaning to. Or could lash out.
Saffron: ...the cornered rat will bite the cat.
AO: Exactly. So, you see, if any of you get fully separated from the whole, you're all at risk. Saffron, you balance out the other two with working on logic rather than emotion, and they vice versa for you. They balance each other out with active vs passive. If any of you were lost, the imbalance would cause the others to spiral out of control. As for Den - while in theory she could survive without you three, she would be much less of a person. You're essential to her function, and she's essential to your existences, being the origin. And as you three balance with her...
Saffron: In this analogy she's one of the dragons... That has to be Giratina.
AO: She doesn't see herself as such, so this is more supporting evidence, but - yes, she is effectively Giratina in this situation. You three take over subconsciously a lot more often than you think, and she's banished to the other side of her own mind - which is, of course, torn and distorted. If her mind splintered, it would damage both sides. Any of you three separated or lost to the void, and none of you would be able to function properly. This is also why we can't just, 'layer merge' I believe was an analogy used - data would be lost in the process.
Saffron: ...so, to sum it up. We have certain traits due to an analogy that works out too well to be a coincidence, and those traits mean that I have to keep a secret from my... ah, what is a good name for us, anyway? Siblings? Doesn't matter. What you're saying is I'm the only one stable enough at present to be able to handle this... barely. And that I have to pretend that everything is okay over there? It makes sense. But it doesn't mean I like it. And what if, if---WHEN things work out okay and you tell them, they're distrusting of me as a result? I'm worried Cerulean will internalise it... like so much else...
AO: ...that we will have to work out at the time. I'll take the blame though, of course - none of this was your idea. And though you'll have to jump through a few hoops - if you think it's best you do have the means to check on the situation.
Saffron: ...okay. It'll hurt---it already hurts. But I'll do what I have to. Fuchsia would burn out trying ineffectually to help. Cerulean would be eaten by self-loathing. And Den would shatter beyond recognition.
I know that all I can do is look after the others, and hope. So that's... what I have to do.
...please. Whatever poke-gods are out there listening, who can hear me. Keep it safe.
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