#/for ya'll HOTD fans this is set in the time period of ep 1 (aka pre ending of that ep)
midnightsaboteur · 2 years
Open Starter (House of the Dragon Verse)
Daemon Targaryen - 31, heterosexual, prince 
The distinctive click of his bedroom door opening told Daemon all he needed to know. His chambers were the best protected in King’s Landing aside from those of the King himself, and on that night he’d given just one name to his guards for who would be allowed admittance. Even without that fact in mind, Daemon could still tell it was them from the sound of their heels on the stone floor. So, as they approached, he kept his gaze upon the view from the window rather than turning directly to face them. 
“Hear that?” Daemon asked when he sensed them getting close, words breaking the silence. It was a trick question and one that might have been obvious given the serenity ruling over the city below. “There’s nothing. Nothing at all for anyone to be worried about. The sin, the depravity, the filth that used to sully every night in this city with loud and brash displays... they’re gone. And it’s all thanks to me.” As he spoke, a firm hardness underlined his tone and it was only when he’d finished that Daemon turned to face them, a hardened glint in his gaze whilst tension was also evident in his arms and his shoulders, the mood undoubtedly explaining his next question. 
“So... tell me why none of those cunts on the Small Council see fit to reward me?” 
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