#;; algaenotwar
desafia · 3 years
@algaenotwar​  ||  s.c.
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              she doesn’t mean to stare.  well—  she does.  sort of.  but not in an impolite kind of way  (  social cues are so forgotten most of the time she doesn’t remember it’s considered strange or off-putting  ).  she just missed being outdoors,  being among plants and migrating butterflies and the warmth of the sun.  she wants to learn to be connected to it again.  and so she’s found herself watching him while he works,  trying to memorize and understand what he does that makes the plants respond so well to his touch   (  a green thumb,  she’s pretty sure that’s what they call it  ).  she’d gotten so absorbed she hadn’t been watching xiomara properly.  she realizes too late the rabbit has snuck her way into the garden to nibble at the leaves.  “  no,  mala—  ”  bare feet carry her forward and into sight as she reaches out for the creature.  
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thclcstgirl · 4 years
@algaenotwar​ gets an overdue DNR starter 
She could still see the look on Bellamy’s face as he walked away from the door. Could still see the resigned disappointment as he took in her face, realized that his sacrifice in the mountain was about to be sacrificed willingly. She could still see the disbelief on Monty’s expression, stuck for so long on Harper but crossing her own face too as though to ask how could she. It had been a while since the two boys- not boys, not anymore, men now- had walked away, long enough that Jasper and Harper felt safe leaving the hall, going to say their goodbyes to Monty and Bellamy in confidence that they wouldn’t be dragged along against their will. 
She hadn’t planned to go with them, hadn’t thought she could face Bellamy and stay here, but her heart couldn’t stay regardless. She took one last, long drink and started for the door, almost running into a familiar body, one she’d spent the majority of her time with over these last nine months. “Monty...” Her brows furrowed over her eyes. “If you’re looking for Harper, she went with Jasper to say goodbye... I was just going to join them.” She swallowed against the uncertainty in her throat. “Actually, I was going to join you. See if I could still come. We can still catch them.” She said, reaching for his hand, assuming he’d want to hurry. 
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azhefa-archived · 4 years
monty: i made this friendship bracelet for you roan: you know, i’m not really a jewelry person monty: you don’t have to wear it roan: no, i’m gonna wear it forever. back off. 
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soncha · 4 years
i just think @algaenotwar is neat
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klarsynt-arc · 4 years
@algaenotwar​ is getting all the things uwu
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          ʜɪs ʀᴇʟᴀᴛɪᴏɴsʜɪᴘ ᴡɪᴛʜ sᴋᴀɪᴋʀᴜ ɪs sʟɪɢʜᴛʟʏ ᴛᴀɪɴᴛᴇᴅ. he can still hear the haunting cries of luna echoing in his mind. it’s a sound he never wants to have to experience again. he knows everyone lost to A.L.I.E. but...the rig was supposed to be a place of peace. no more violence. no more killing. they separated themselves from the coalition for a reason. and still, the darkness was brought there  &  he knows the majority of his people would be glad to not see them again. he knows how unwelcome they are, as a whole, in luna’s eyes. they have too much fight in them  &  are disillusioned with good intentions. despite all of that, however, emil sees some value in their knowledge. they have technology which could benefit his people. he did not tell anyone his plan to try  &   trade with them when he left for polis. it is probably best to keep this information to himself as their wounds are yet to heal. 
“  your ships have parts i would like to trade for,  ”  he doesn’t even know if this skaiskat is someone qualified to be talking to. but he is the first one he could find  &  the others seem busy with politics.   “  is this possible?  ”  their ships aren’t exactly flying anymore so how important could a lot of the mechanical pieces be?  they might have tools to fix the pipes  &  gears on the rig too. delphi has been rather skimping out on their metal scraps. 
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                          YOUNG BLOOD ﹥   5 SECONDS OF SUMMER.
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                     ❛     lately our conversations end like it's the last goodbye . . .     ❜     there’s a sigh from her lips,    fingers fidgeting softly around each other,        ❛      then,   one of us gets too drunk and calls about a hundred times.        ❜    it was usually her,   not that she’ll admit it.     /      @algaenotwar  hit the  ♡
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kindwar · 5 years
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         ‘    i told you i’m not having this argument with you.    ‘    fingertips stoke the glass of the cyro-pod that was meant for her,    meant to keep her forever young and    alive.    but what was the point of being alive if he wasn’t by her side,     ‘   if you’re not going to sleep,    neither am i.   ‘   a small step close,   fingers running across his cheek now,    ‘  you are my forever,   monty green.   i am never leaving your side.   ‘     /   @algaenotwar​
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strengthfought · 5 years
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Lou didn’t mind giving Monty and Harper their time alone, in fact, she loved an excuse to have both kids. Now that Jordan was 2 years old he was moving around more on his own and Delia loved getting to play. They’d even both been good in the morning letting Harper and Monty sleep in without fuss. Lou was serving them breakfast when Monty came out.  “Look who it is, Jordan.” She tells the boy picking him up and walking over to Monty. She hands the boy over, using the closeness to give him a sweet kiss. “You’re in time we were just about to eat. He didn’t want to eat much last night so maybe he’ll be good for you and do it.”
good morning. // @algaenotwar
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survivormoves · 6 years
my current feels: monty’s concern when he saw the collar around murphy’s neck and reached out // but also monty as he grabbed murphy’s arm and yanked him along when he took too long to process the fuck was happening
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crankcd · 6 years
♪ beep boop returning the favor !!
somewhere in never land - all time lowsmithereens - twenty one pilotsfor you the moon - basement
bonus non fbr:the shipped golden standard - fall out boy
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azhefa-moved · 6 years
monty & roan aka the ‘we saved humanity and no one acknowledges it’ club @algaenotwar
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thclcstgirl · 4 years
  headcanons. / DNR Fox for most of S4 is hanging...
fuck mY HEART
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azhefa-archived · 4 years
@algaenotwar​ vine vc: back street’s back alright 
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         “  tried farming once,  ”  gruff voice rumbles out somewhat absently as he carefully works to follow the man’s instructions. the earth seems so fragile right now, everything does, but the smell of soil feels like hope. they have lost so much. barely any of his people lived through the bunker and perhaps he has his own failure in the conclave to blame. but six years of guilt and self loathing is enough. all he can do now is work to rebuild. it feels good, to have his hands covered in dirt instead of blood.  “  in my exile,  ”  he continues, icy hues flickering towards monty a moment before looking back down to the greenery he is tending  “  didn’t exactly go to plan.  ”
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cryolived-blog · 6 years
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To  say  that  this  was  hard  for  him  would  clearly  be  an  understatement  at  this  point.  Saying  goodbye  was  never  easy—-—  even  though  that  might  sound  foolish  coming  from  a  boy  who  had  never  really  been  without  the  people  around  him.  Truth  to  be  told,  a  door  closing  was  never  something  he’d  enjoyed.  It  was  the  closest  to  some  sort  of  parting  he’d  ever  came  ;  yet  to  him,  it  had  always  been  the  absolute  worst.  Even  now,  a  part  of  Jordan  didn’t  want  to  do  this.  Though  it  was  his  curiosity  that  was  growing  so  big,  even  his  own  father  had  a  hard  time  stopping  it. 
And  that’s  exactly  why  he  had  do  do  it.  His  destiny  wasn’t  to  stay  here  forever.  Just  like  how  it  wasn’t  meant  to  be  for  his  parents  and  the  other  ninety-eight  to  stay  on  the  Ark.  ❝ I  think  i’ve  finally  made  up  my  mind,  dad.  But  I  want  to  know  everything  about  it  first —-— spare  me  no  details. ❞ 
@algaenotwar​ ★╱☆ STARTER CALL.
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dearest @algaenotwar​, i can’t honestly imagine what you’ve been feeling with the loss of monty on the show. when i watched season 4 i went into it knowing…that potential i adored was to be lost. i had time to prepare for that, so to imagine what it must of felt like to you to have inklings that something was ending and yet so much hope that it wouldn’t happen? it pained me even from afar. to see how much love you have for monty as a character, the only thing i was grateful for is that he has a vessel like you to speak through, and he continues to live on. he is immortal purely because of the devotion you have to ensuring he gets every moment that he deserves. he may have gotten the ending that he deserved but so many moments were missed in between, and through you portraying him…i’m promised those moments on my dash. i hope you never give him up, i hope i get to see him interacting with his wife and his child, i hope to see him get all he should have been given. you are an amazing writer, and i know you feel down sometimes about how let-down monty was sometimes, and in real-life too as it can get hard, just know that i’m always here, you’re so beautiful, and every day i see you on my dash is an inspiration for me with my own muses as well. we have never written a single thing together and i hope we get to, because lbr, peace-seeking characters need to stick together! they’re so few and far between. <3
happy christmas in august, @algaenotwar!  your secret summer santa was @lvnakrv  .
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motherbuilt-blog · 6 years
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Delia picks fruit from the garden getting what she can to help make dinner. She hears someone and a smile curls onto her ips. She knows exactly who it is and speaks before she sees her “Hello Zoe- what brings you to the garden?” She asks before looking over to her friend.
@algaenotwar // starter
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