#;King of Colchis - Medus (Archer)
cursedprovidence · 3 years
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"There is a POET loose in the Underworld. We have no idea what’s going to happen next, and neither do you, and neither do your friends. This has never happened before. No one knows what the Poet is going to do, least of all the Poet, he’s never been in the Underworld before. He’s still alive. He’s just as confused as you are. There’s no experts for a Poet loose in the underworld, They try to get experts on it to see what might happen, but it’s like ‘We have someone here who once saw a Hero break into the Underworld.’ Get out of here with that shit. Like we've all seen a Hero break into the underworld, that happens all the time. This is a Poet, Loose in the Underworld."
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cursedprovidence · 4 years
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“So... here in Chaldea, as I am to understand it. There are a lot of Greek servants currently summoned, from Chiron, Jason, Odysseus, Mother, Hektor, even Achilles to name a few....” 
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“Why in Hades is Patroclus not summoned yet?”  
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cursedprovidence · 4 years
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"If I had a Drachma for every time I got caught up in a Throne Succession Crises by Association due to being Medea’s Son, I'd have Two Drachmae. Which isn't a super lot for a King, but it's weird it's happened twice."
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cursedprovidence · 4 years
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Of the spells that Medus learned from Medea, he only really makes use of two of them specifically. However they are not nearly as powerful as Medea herself. In fact, they are far far weaker. They are mostly used to aid his archery rather than being full blown magecraft.
He can use Machia Hecatia Graea, same as his mother. He can only fire one at a time, instead firing it like an arrow through his bow for a precise shot that is unmatched by many archers except for the highest of archer class servants.
Given a moment, he can also create a barrier shield to protect himself from attacks, called Argos. What this means is he can block attacks equal to B rank from the front. Although anything above that breaks through easily, shattering it like glass in that instant without any struggle. Assuming he doesn’t put even more mana into it than he usually would, but that is dangerous so he doesn’t. 
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cursedprovidence · 4 years
Muse Tag Drop
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