wbxuyi · 4 years
.new faces
starter for @wbmiyoung !
all the corridors feel so long and intimidating, as though they go on forever. he’s not yet used to the building, or the rooms with people just like him in. everyone here is working towards the same goal, for the most part at least, that goal being to entertain. so far things seem alright for xuyi, maybe a little overwhelming, as he’d pretty much been dropped in at the deep end, chucked into a training group of boys, and men, both younger and older than him. at least he had yuchen to help him. 
it’s time for lunch and yuchen had stayed behind to talk to a trainer, so xuyi was left on his own, lingering in the corridor. he’s thinking about how his vocal training had gone that morning, an uneasy feeling lingering in the pit of his stomach. the trainer had told him his voice wasn’t stable enough, that his breathing was all wrong, and that his pronunciation needed work. of course, they’d also praised his vocal tone and his ability to put emotion into the lyrics, but it’s was hard to think of the positives when the negatives hang over him like a raincloud of worry and doubt.
he’s mentally beating himself up about it when his eyes fall on a girl not too far away talking to someone. he overhears snippets of their conversation–something about acting, so he supposes she’s probably an acting trainee. maybe, he thinks, he can make friends with her, she looks nice enough. he’s just not sure how to strike up a conversation with her without seeming weird. he doesn’t realise he’s staring at her until their eyes meet, and he blushes a little, embarrassed at being caught staring.
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