#<- new tag i'll prob never actually use. oh well.
braindancer · 5 months
WIP Whenever
because I missed i thought today was wednesday
it's been long enough that i felt like giving my old Seven drawing another looksee. i still don't hate it but it's got a lot of big empty spaces on it so i've been fiddling with it.
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for the record i did NOT misspell "jinguji" he's just wearing a knockoff. broke bitch behavior.
as always NO PRESSURE, but if y'all wanna share what you're working on i'll tag @necro-hamster @henbased @iwilluptownfunkmyfootupyourass @streetkid-named-desire @deacons-wig @wraithsoutlaws @memaidraws
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dawnstarranger · 1 year
@kimmurielscryingmirror Thanks for the tag! Drow Smash or Pass game sounds right up my alley ahaha
Jarlaxle: Easy, smash. This man knows what he's doing, or at least wants the world to believe he knows what he's doing. I'd say he's not afraid to try new things, but lets be real, there's probably very little he hasn't tried. He's crazy rich so I do expect him to treat me to a nice dinner and a bottle of wine. Knowing that there's a sweet, caring heart underneath the flamboyant and chaotic exterior just makes him more attractive. This man would be perfect but I sense commitment issues and know he's got that tendency to self-sabotage relationships. Oh, well. A night of passion I'll never forget is more than enough from this handsome mercenary. I also want us to play dress-up in his closet after. Maybe during. I bet this man owns some gorgeous leather body harnesses. Probably a whole trunk of magical toys. Anyways.
Kimmuriel: ayyyyy you all know me well enough by now to know this is a SMASH for me. Love the fact that the fandom on here likes to put his height right around 5'; I've always wanted to try to pull off slinging a cute drow over my shoulder and walking off with him like the dragon sisters did with Jarlaxle, and I'm confident I can pull that off with Kimm here assuming he's into it and cooperates. Does he have Jarlaxle's experience in this arena? Probs not, but you just KNOW there's some freaky shit one could do with psionics, so lets uh, pioneer some new techniques if you know what I mean. I've got so many questions about psionics in general actually, so I'd hope this turns into at least a few dates and not just a one-night thing. Want to learn more about stars, sweetie? Here, lemme whisper infodump in ya ear, that's hot, right?
Rai'gy: He's confident and I like that, but I don't date or sleep with priests, esp. not priests from a super controlling religion. Sorry! It's kind of a "you gotta be at least thiiiiis much agnostic to ride" situation.
Valas: Listen, I met a guy once that was kind, loves to just leave situations, GREAT navigator, knows his constellations, and figures a great first date is a quiet late night nature walk. I wifed that man up so fucking fast.. and I'm not even talking about Valas here. But back to the drow at hand, this isn't just a smash, this is a respectfully smash and then marry. Or it would be if I wasn't already, yknow, married. But for the sake of the game, I'm telling you. I see marriage material right here.
Zaknafein: Sooo sadly I'm gonna take a pass on this one. I haven't got to the later books yet but fandom osmosis tells me daddy Zak has anger issues? Sorry, If I wanted a guy with kids, a crazy ex, and a tendency to lash out when pissed I could just drive my ass back to my hometown and have my pick of the litter.
Beniago: Have not really met him yet (maybe I should redo this when I'm actually done with all the books lol), but from what I hear, smash? Probably?
Drizzt: v respectful pass bc this man is married and also has a kid now. Hit me up twenty+ books from now and I'll let you know if I change my mind. I will say, if it were I and not Innovindil up on those mountains... anyways.
Gromph: Sorry, pass. Too old 4 me. Also kind of an asshole. He invites me back to his room to "meet his familar" and he's not talking about Kyorli. I tell him I'll do better on my next Transmutations Theory exam, thanks for your time professor, but I gotta go uh, do something. Maybe next time, thanks for the offer.
@solvicrafts and @maritimelass and @villainslut NO PRESSURE since not everyone is into this kind of game! I don't know who else to tag. If you want to jump in, go for it.
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makkoskafanfic · 3 years
hello may i dump every idea i'm too lazy to write right here -they are very unoriginal, do what you want with them. Plus, you might not like them at all since my fav is hashirama and i guess urs is madara (and I used to prefer him too, but something in me changed when i went to look up the tag madara/hashirama on pixiv and discovered smithsan- such a great artist. okay i'll stop telling my life, but honestly it made me understand how ships worked so much, to switch points of view like that. anyway)
- three words: mokuton cancer cells (but it shows up before he's an old man)
- european medieval au (totally the idea of akatsukiarts but i'm shamelessly asking a talented author to write it :D)
- u probably prefer bottom madara -i've read all ur fics lolol and have i tell i love them all? cuz i do (which i totally get! we can't choose which one we're projecting one) buttttt may i ask for kinda nasty dom madara and obedient sub hashirama? (i'm again going on a tangent but it's so funny how people get "vibes" for who is top or bottom when it doesn't work like that. I mean yeah, u can get clues, but you could turn those clues totally upside down. The opposite situation is soft dom hashirama and bratty sub madara and it fits them just as well - according to me, because opinions are personal-. But that's what i'm getting at. It usually goes from "the sexuality u feel fits the character" -> finding the clues indicating it fits the character. And not the opposite direction. ANYWAY. I'M TALKING TOO MUCH.)
- tajima lives au; what does it change? -probably nothing. I'd like to hear ur opinion hehe (or worse; butsuma lives old au. what happens?)
- do u write hashitobi? i feel like i read one of urs but i might be confusing with another author. Anyway, idea: yandere/dark tobirama (honestly i feel like im so predictable it's not even funny, sorry for those awful ideas this is the worst)
- au where it's tobirama with the mokuton and hashirama (so without mokuton, to be clear).... well u tell me, but i doubt he would fit the scientist role.
okay, i think im done because the rest is even worse and u probs won't use them but here we go! do what u want with these! thank you for the opportunity to share ideas with u! bye now i'm going to hide in a ditch somewhere. urgh why did i write that. :(
Oh Anon, this is a treasure island or a minefield of ideas depending how you look at it!
But first of all, I have to say that if I have to pick one favourite, it is Hashirama and I do project to him maybe a tad too much. That’s why I like to write him from different aspects and see him suffer now and then. Let’s not dwell on this too much hehe.
(Smithsan is indeed a great artist!)
Mokuton cancer cells sounds way too sad! Not that I can’t see Hashirama turning into a tree or something, not knowing how he actually died and all that, but I’m not ready for it!
European medieval AU! Now that sounds a whole lot of fun, especially with some fantasy elements? Dark magician/warlock Madara and knight in shining armour Hashirama? But I do love akatsukiarts lovely arts there, will need to check them again. I fear this might be something longer winded than I currently have the capacity for atm!
I’m all for switching, but yeah, I do picture Hashirama toppier and Madara bottomier. Which makes bottom Hashirama all the more fun to write. Spice things up and all that! While S/D isn’t necessarily my cup of tea, I do like to play around with the dynamics. I actually really getting into the obedient sub Hashirama idea as I can clearly picture him struggling big time with that role, while Madara, I can equally see him struggling with being all dominant (though probably not with being nasty!). Anyhow, this can be gold for The Awkward Sex Scene I Always Wanted To Write, But Never Got Around To Do It.
I have maybe half a page started on a Tajima (and Butsuma) lives AU! It’s one where H&M managed to achieve peace pretty early on and their biggest concern is introducing the other as their boyfriends to their family. I wanted to write it for that one scene where Izuna tries to set Hashirama’s hair on fire with the Katon over family dinner as he can’t stand him having his hand over Madara. Not sure I’ll ever write it though!
I did on one (okay, two, it had a sequel) occasion wrote HashiTobi and I killed myself with it. I’m not saying never again but anything that comes to mind is rather sad and dark. (wow, you’re asking for Dark Tobirama and it’s Dark, who would have ever thought so.) Never wrote any misuse of Edo Tensei (bringing back Hashirama temporary) kind of story, so when I feel I’m in the mood I might go for it.
And nothing loads in my mind when I think about Tobirama and the Mokuton, but knowing me, this will wake me up one day 3 am hehe.
I’m really happy that you took the time to share all these ideas with me. I absolutely don’t promise anything, but I have two weeks before starting a new job and I plan to spend it as any responsible adult would, with playing video games and writing fanfic.
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Jude & Jac
Jude: [sends her the snaps as if she hasn't seen that the fuckboy posted them like obvs she has seen them if you have gal but okay] Jude: ?! Jac: yeah Jac: bit rude he didn't tag us, I guess Jude: he never tags anyone Jude: idk if he knows how Jac: I'm sure I'll still get the ❤s Jude: & the dms Jac: alls well that ends well then Jude: at least your night didn't end in 🚔👮🚨 Jac: the joys of being of age Jac: what party got shutdown then Jude: Amelia's Jude: 🏡👀👵 Jac: No shit Jac: it's like throwing a party in a nursing home Jude: 🤣 it was decent before then though Jude: I'd give it an 8 Jac: @ her Jac: you know how to do them Jude: she ain't gonna take it on board when she's losing points for not enough straight boys Jude: just take it as a 🥇🏆 Jac: what do you expect Jude: 0 expectations Jac: yeah, that's something to shout about Jude: like you've got a leg to stand on there but alright Jac: ?! Jude: you were always going on at me about my rep before & you're not even bothered about yours now Jac: how do you know I'm not bothered Jude: ⬆ Jac: I'm not bothered about talking to you about Amelia's party Jac: that has no interest for me Jude: I only mentioned my 🏃 & my rating Jac: why? Jac: I didn't ask Jude: obvs you're 🤐 Jude: why would I wait for you to ask Jac: heaven forbid we aren't subjected to a never-ending stream of consciousness Jude: my bad for checking in, like Jude: 🙄 Jac: where, where'd you do that Jude: ⬆ Jac: you mean when you talk about yourself again, yeah, cool Jac: where would I be without that kind of care Jude: oh come on Jude: you don't have to @ me if there's owt you wanna say Jac: and clearly there isn't Jac: so don't bother rolling your eyes, you came into my inbox Jac: so you say what you want to say then piss off Jude: what are you so fuming for? Jac: Jesus, you're self-absorbed Jac: why the fuck do you think Jude: I 🤔💭 you know what he's like Jac: blame me then, that's a hot take Jude: nah, you don't do anything without your own 🥇💡 for every way it can play out Jac: and what possible reason would I have for doing this Jude: idk Jac: sherlock you ain't Jude: never said I was Jude: you're the 🧠 Jac: then you're chatting shit Jude: I can be the 🥊 if you want & you are bothered by the shit everyone's gonna chat Jac: I can handle it Jude: alright Jac: people are just jealous Jac: he's the hottest boy still at our school Jude: yeah, that's undeniable Jac: they judge but they all would if they could Jude: no shit Jude: how he gets away with being too thick to @ Jac: not as if I was there to do homework Jude: he has people he 💰 is what I heard Jude: for the homework bit Jac: yeah he's loaded Jac: might go out with him for the presents Jude: like I said 🥇💡 Jac: obviously Jude: I got asked out last night an' all but it was a no Jac: there were some straight boys that weren't our brother then Jac: interesting Jude: mates of mine Jude: or so I 🤔💭 Jac: that's all boys want Jude: it's whatever, I can handle it Jac: sure Jude: ? or ! Jac: . Jac: ... if you really wanna get a sense of my disbelief Jude: 👌 Jac: Cool, you can tell Jesse he's a traitor too Jude: he's not here Jude: hang on 📢🗨 Jude: probs helping her 🧼🧽🧹🗑 before her mum & dad get back Jac: Tragic Jude: bit weird that they're best mates now Jude: she 👻 us for ages after you fell out Jac: it's not weird, just sad, as aforementioned Jude: she loves his new 🎵 that'll do him Jude: 💃 to whatever the 💊 she was on though Jac: if you have to buy your fans with 🧼🧽🧹🗑 you can't be any good Jude: 🤣 Jac: 🙄 Jude: maybe he just can't get his head through her door Jac: yes, playing a party for free is really impressive Jac: especially when the host has no friends Jude: 💔 you're not 📢🗨 to him Jude: be a decent ego check, that Jac: I have no desire to talk to him either Jude: I know Jude: called him a traitor & then dragged him Jac: I'm glad that's clear Jude: 💎 Jac: then I won't have to hit him again Jude: & none of us will have to put up with him 😭 Jude: tah for that Jac: hardly my fault he's a pussy Jude: not getting the 🎻 out Jac: makes a change Jude: he had a go at me for being there Jude: such a dickhead Jac: wants his new best friend to himself Jac: has no one told him she's actually gay Jude: he'd have to be thicker than your new bf not to work it out Jac: probably thinks everyone puts it on like he does Jude: she's never got with a lad has she? Jac: I don't know Jude: it's what everyone says but loads of what they 🗨 is bollocks Jac: makes no odds to the fact everyone will be saying that he clearly fancies her Jude: yeah Jude: do you reckon he does? Jac: why else would he do that for her Jude: she's got no mates, might just reckon she needs one Jac: sure Jude: like when you took Savannah in Jac: not really Jac: she had friends Jude: not proper ones Jac: still, she weren't begging for friends Jac: or approaching the kind of pathetic Amelia is these days Jude: I guess Jac: there's no question Jude: she did seem really 💔😭🎻 Jude: I'd be well chuffed if mum & dad pissed off for the weekend Jac: you know they're weirdly close Jude: I bet her mum has shut down loads of parties she's 👀👂 in everyone's business Jude: bit of karma there or whatever Jac: surprising they've gone away Jac: she's clearly miserable with her life Jude: her house is wild Jude: I'd never been before Jac: if wild meant insanely boring, yeah, sure Jude: nursing home is right Jude: that's what I meant Jac: I know Jude: my mates who don't have 🐶🐱 live in 🏠 that look like they belong on the telly Jude: not that Jac: like I said, her mum has no life Jac: when she's not got her nose in everyone's business, she's making ugly shit for their house Jude: making it? Jude: 🥉 Jac: pinterest Jac: hope Jesse knows the future he's signing up for Jude: not 🤘🎸😎🏆 Jac: 🔪👀 🤯🔫 more like Jude: *🤪👵 Jac: if you think her mum is miserable, imagine how her dad feels Jac: is my point Jude: god yeah Jude: 💀 Jac: no wonder she's dating girls Jude: I wonder if she is going out with anyone Jac: why would you care Jude: if Jess does Jude: he's a dickhead but I don't want him to be 💔 Jac: 🙄 Jude: is dad down there with you? Jac: no clue Jude: is his 🚪🔐? Jac: they never forget now they're obsessed with trying to imprison me Jude: ugh Jac: still, I'm going out Jude: let me out with you, I g2g & mum's being aggro about it Jac: why would I Jude: why not? Jac: because I have no reason to help you Jude: 🤔💭 of a reason then Jude: I'll do it if you help me Jac: there's nothing you could offer me, thanks Jude: come on Jac: why do you think they're any more likely to let me out Jude: cos they do Jude: you're officially off the rails Jac: no, the difference is, I don't care if they say I can or not Jac: that's your problem that you do Jude: I still have things I care about that they can take off me Jac: sucks to be you then Jude: cheers Jude: top quality sisterly advice Jac: I don't care about you Jude: I got that cos you keep saying it over & over Jac: Why are you still here Jude: what else am I gonna do? homework? Jude: not allowed to go nowhere Jac: might be an idea Jude: 💩💡 Jac: you'll live Jude: 🤏 Jac: you're all so pathetic Jude: it's you acting so hard done by Jac: yeah Jac: how'd you work that one out, genius Jude: the whinging happening Jude: just mute me like you have irl Jac: I'm not the one begging to go out Jac: but sure Jude: I asked, once, but alright Jac: and now you're moaning about having to do homework, which you won't do anyway Jac: and this whole time have been talking about things I don't care about ad nausea Jac: but you're SO right Jude: nah, I answered that I'd rather stay here 🗨 than do it since you asked Jac: you're boring, Jude Jude: you can't be bothered to chuck out a decent insult, nowt to do with me Jac: it's just the truth Jac: you wish there was anything more colourful to call you Jac: you just are Jude: you wish I was 💔😭 like Jess when you start on him Jac: if you get it, like you say, then you'd realise I literally don't think about you at all Jude: I get that you want me to piss off rn, it ain't happening Jac: I want you to piss off, that's about your lot Jac: so have at it Jude: yeah yeah Jude: just said that myself Jac: then do it Jude: what you gonna do 🥊 me? Jac: don't start or you'll find out Jude: you start everything Jac: so? Jude: so 🥊 me Jude: idc about that Jude: I'll smack you back Jac: then I'll fucking kill you Jac: leave me alone, I have nothing to say to you, I don't want to hear anything from you Jac: it's as simple as that Jude: but why? Jude: you've never said Jac: I don't like you Jude: it's more than that Jac: What could be more than that Jude: you didn't like me before, we still 🗨 Jac: and what was the point Jude: you're my sister Jac: and Jude: and you used to be bothered about it Jac: not now Jude: what happened? Jac: I got bored of you Jude: alright Jac: great Jude: [no reply I can really give so I'll just leave that there lol]
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cocomaxley · 6 years
Kinky Cards - CGW Edition Part 2 - Rashad x Genevieve
This is a part of a TRR A/U called Cordonians Gone Wild, a collaborative effort by @ao719 @speedyoperarascalparty @leelee10898 and yours truly. Catch up HERE.
Summary: Kinky Cards rides again, this time the CGW squad tries their hand again!
Kinky Cards Part 2 introduction post HERE
Rating: NSFW
Tag List: @hopefulmoonobject @fullbeaumonty @brightpinkpeppercorn @katurrade @krsnlove @alj4890 @zaffrenotes @annekebbphotography @carabeth @moneyfordiamonds @give-me-ernest-sinclaire @3pawandme @indiacater @ooo-barff-ooo @ownworldresident @tornbetween2loves @perfectprofessorherokid @stopforamoment @editboutique @wannabemc2 @enmchoices @lauradowning29 @lodberg @smalltalk88 @gibbles82 @heatherfilliez
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Genevieve was standing in her closet deciding on what to wear. Her phone chirped, she picked it up and saw a message from Rashad, I’ll be in back to back meetings all day. See you at dinner. Love you.
She had taken the day off of work and hoped they would be able to eat lunch together. Feeling slightly disappointed, she started responding to the text when she got an idea. “Seems like a good day to use Kinky Card number two…” She said to herself. She stripped off her bra and panties and walked to her dresser, picking out matching black lace bra, thong, garter belt, and thigh highs. She slipped on a pair of black heels and grabbed her tan knee length trench coat from a hanger.
After she threw on the jacket, Genevieve walked the familiar route to Rashad’s study. She knocked on the door and poked her head in. His face immediately broke out into a smile. He pushed the mute button on his desk phone and waved her in. “This is a lovely surprise. What are you up to?” Smiling mischievously, she sauntered over to him and sat on his lap, “Well I had the day off and was hoping we could spend some time together. So, I thought I’d join you for some of your meetings today. Quietly, of course.”
“Sweetheart, you don’t want to listen to these conference calls. I would never subject you to that,” he replied, kissing her cheek. “Rashad, it sounds like we have some follow ups that need to be completed before our next checkpoint call. I’ll have my assistant email the meeting minutes and we can touch base next week.” Genevieve recognized his business partner’s voice on the other end of the line. He unmuted the phone, “Sounds good, William. We’ll talk soon. Bye.” He disconnected the call shortly after.
She leaned down and softly kissed his lips, he immediately deepened it. The laptop on his desk started to ding, indicating another meeting was about to start. “I have about 5 minutes before I need to log onto this video call, Gen. I’m sorry.” With her still in his lap, he took one hand and moved the mouse on his computer. He was about to click the start button on the web conference when she slipped the card out of her pocket and placed it on the desk in front of him. His eyes widened with shock, “Oh sweetie, not today. I’m going to be live with Liam and other nobles.”
“That’s too bad, honey. I don’t think you have much choice.” She stood up and slowly unbuttoned the trench coat. Once he saw what she was wearing underneath, he swallowed hard and couldn't talk. She dropped the jacket on the floor, walked over to him and sat back down on his lap. In a seductive tone, she whispered in his ear, “Now, what was I saying? Oh that's right, your only job is to concentrate, my love. I'll do everything else.” She leaned down and kissed his neck, just below his ear. He closed his eyes completely lost in the feeling of her lips directly on the spot that drove him crazy. His phone and computer both rang and chimed, which fell on deaf ears.
“Shit, Gen. I have to get on this call.” She stood up facing him, bent down and kissed him hard, while palming his already hard cock through his pants. She knelt down between his legs, popped the button and lowered the zipper on his pants. He lifted his hips slightly from the chair allowing her to pull his pants and boxers down. “Don't worry, no one will know that I'm here.”
“This is a horrible idea,” he said making her giggle. He clicked the start button on the video chat link. The screen was full of nobles’ faces in individual boxes. Liam’s face right in the center of the screen. “Ah, Rashad, there you are. I was afraid you weren't going to make it,” Liam said. “I'm sorry, your majesty, I had an unscheduled meeting that required my, um, immediate attention.” Genevieve looked up from between his legs and smiled. She stroked his hard length with her hand before swirling her tongue around his tip. He cursed under his breath as she lowered her head, taking his long length into her mouth. She bobbed her head up and down on his cock, causing him to groan.
Liam started with a summary and agenda for the meeting. One of the topics for discussion was how to increase tourism, which Rashad was leading. He prayed that Liam would pick a different topic to kick off the meeting. Liam cleared his throat and started talking, “Let's start with the animal sanctuary, Lord Beaumont.”
“Oh thank you, Jesus,” Rashad whispered. “What was that, Rashad?” Liam inquired. “Nothing, I'm eager to what hear what Maxwell…” he closed his eyes, unable to complete his sentence as she moved her mouth from his shaft to his sack. Her hand continued to stroke his length, every once in a while increasing speed in her movements, bringing him close to the edge and then stopping.
As Liam continued, he noticed Rashad’s shallow breathing and flushed face. Liam addressed him, “Rashad, are you alright?” Rashad cleared his throat, his voice an octave higher than normal, "I'm fine, Liam. Could you repeat the, uh, the question?" Liam gave a curious look as he stared at the screen. He knew something was off, he just couldn’t pinpoint what it was. “I was saying that-“ Just then Rashad cleared his throat, his hand rubbing over his forehead as he looked down, and Liam quirked a brow. Then, it dawned on him and a smirk played across his lips as he tried stifling a laugh. “I was saying that we’ve got a lot to discuss in this meeting, so it may go longer than normal. Is that going to be an issue?”
“Oh shit that's good...no, I mean no. It won't be a prob-problem," he stammered as his voice cracked. Liam covered his mouth trying his best not to let the laugh that was building in his chest come out. “Good, I’m glad. I really need your input on these matters. So I need your full undivided attention. Now, Maxwell, please go ahead.”
Maxwell eagerly started talking, "Well, I'm very happy to announce that we've finally reached an agreement with our friends in China. Next week, we will be welcoming our brand new baby pandas over at the sanctuary." Liam replied, "That's great news, Maxwell! Are there any events you have planned that the crown can help with?"
Genevieve stopped pleasuring him and made eye contact. She whispered with a smile, “Baby pandas!” Maxwell looked at Rashad’s image on his computer monitor and saw him looking down towards his lap. Maxwell cocked his head at the screen and asked, "Uuuuh, Rashad? Freaking Pandas, bro. Are you even listening?!" Rashad looked up as a bead of sweat dripped down his forehead, "Uh right. Pandas. Awesome. Oh my god!” Genevieve had resumed licking his stiff cock, the sensation taking him by surprise. He managed to finish his thought, “Great job, Maxwell. Ohhh. Really good.” Maxwell stared at the screen confused.
Liam cleared his throat catching Maxwell’s attention. His head snapped back to Liam, "Events! Yes! My wife and I were planning a fundraising gala tomorrow night to help with the cost of the new habitat as well as the actual shipment of the cubs to Cordonia. The queen has graciously allowed us to hold the event in Valtoria so any support from the crown and council would be appreciated." Liam smirked, "I'm sure you'll have Domvallier's support as well, right Rashad?"
Rashad gripped the desk tightly with both hands, "Right. Absolutely. Next topic please." Maxwell chimed in, "Actually, Liam. If I may, I'd like to take this time to mention that the pandas are not only a big deal for the sanctuary, but they may also be able to help with our tourism boost initiative, right, Rashad?"
"Yes, Maxwell. That's correct. Please stop talking to me,” he replied trying his hardest to form coherent sentences. Maxwell’s face fell, looking hurt. Genevieve stopped again and glared at him. Shaking his head, Rashad said, “I'm sorry, Maxwell. I didn't mean that.” That earned a smile from him, “It’s alright, buddy. Don't worry.”
“The next topic I’d like to bring up is increasing tourism. Rashad, you have had some really good ideas about this in the past. So if you wouldn’t mind, can you share with the others and bring them up to speed.” Rashad looked towards the webcam, trying to keep his facial expression even. “Liam, perhaps Mr. Walker would like to go next,” he held his breath to keep from moaning. His right hand moved to the back of her head grasping a fist full of her long black hair. “He...he...fuu…he had an idea about charter fishing trips. Drake, for the love of god, go ahead.”
Drake’s face lit up, “Yeah, so charter fishing is a really great untapped resource. I mean, who doesn't love to fish, right? And did you know that the waters around Cordonia are so much cleaner than surrounding areas? The current seems to pull the polluted water away from our bays. Cleaner water means cleaner fish plus....”
Rashad let out a sigh of relief, enjoying his girlfriend’s mouth wrapped around his cock. All of a sudden, Liam interjected, “Excuse me, Drake. Rashad, you and Drake have both fished in Portavira before. Would you agree that Cordonia’s bays are pretty clean?” Rashad grumbled under his breath, "Yep. Sure are." Drake looked affronted as he replied, "Of course they are clean. I just said they're clean. Whoa...Rashad...buddy, you okay?"
Liam asked a follow up question directed at Rashad, “How much cleaner? Because Portavira is known for their crystal clear waters.” Drake started to respond, but Liam cut him off, “I'd like Rashad’s opinion please, Drake.” He couldn't hide the irritation in his voice, “Liam, I really think I am capable of speaking about the water clarity…” Hoping to divert the attention away from him, Rashad agreed, "Drake is the...he's the expert, Liam. Let him...oh...let him answer. Sweet Jesus."
“Rashad, seriously, you don't look so good. You look like your about to…” Drake stopped talking once he realized what was happening. Rashad tapped Genevieve’s shoulder hoping she'd slow down, but she ignored him and kept bobbing her head up and down. Liam argued, “Well I like having the opinions of people who aren’t experts, to see how well our experts do at passing along their knowledge.”
"They're pretty damn clear, Liam!" Rashad said, pounding his fist on the desk. Liam chuckled, “No need to get hostile, Rashad. Are you sure you’re feeling alright? You seem awfully....tense.” Rashad glared at him but nodded his head, "Mmhmm. I'm fine. Let's just keep this meeting moving. Please."
“Sure thing,” Liam snorted. Pam came into view behind Drake, “What's wrong with Rashad?” Rashad covered his beet red face with his hands. “Oh my God!” Pam gasped, her hand over her mouth. Rashad didn't think he could handle anymore teasing from both his girlfriend and friends. "Hey, I gotta drop off the call, Liam. I'll call you later and catch up...oohhhh.”
Liam looked at Rashad's image on his computer screen and coughed to cover up the laugh that escaped his throat, “Drake, it sounds like you have a good plan in place. Thank you. Rashad, we’re almost done. Just hang on for a little bit longer. Let's talk about your idea. I know how excited you are to present this to the group.”
Rashad tried his best to regain his composure, "Right. Ahem, one thing to consider would be...oh god...the, um, golf course on Cormery Isle. If..." Rashad bit the inside of his cheek and took a deep breath. Genevieve grasped his cock in her hand and pumped him as her tongue continued to stroke and lick his swollen tip. He tried his best to continue, "excuse me...if Lord Neville and his family could talk to the PGA and have an exhibitionnnn. Lord Neville, why don't you continue." He dropped his fist and it fell with a thump on top of the desk. His head fell forward when Genevieve let out a quiet moan which sent a vibration through him.
Liam tried to gather himself as he rubbed his hand over his mouth to hide his laugh. “Actually, Rashad. Since you’ve held these types of exhibitions before in Domvallier and have the experience needed to make it a success, I think that it would be better for you and Neville to do this one together. What do you say?”
"Yes! God, yes! Ooohhh..." He closed his eyes, and his head fell back as he found his release, spilling himself into her mouth. Genevieve swallowed everything and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. She looked up and smiled at him, holding back a giggle as the look on his face went from relaxed to sheer horror. The realization of what just happened dawned on him. He looked at the screen and saw Liam's grin grow bigger and bigger before he burst out laughing. “Hey, Gen! Hope you enjoyed the meeting,” Leo snorted. Genevieve covered her mouth, barely able to contain her laughter.
“Lord Rashad, make sure to get your golf shorts ready for the exhibition. It'll showcase your legs. Well, my Lords and Ladies, that's all I have for today. Let's follow up in a couple of weeks,” Liam said through his laughter before ending the video chat.
Rashad closed his laptop and pulled Genevieve up from underneath the desk. She stood in front of him, his hands gripping her waist. He chuckled as he said, “You enjoyed making me squirm way too much, Gen.” She leaned down and kissed him, “It seemed like you enjoyed yourself.”
He dialed a number on his desk phone and spoke to his assistant, “Please cancel the rest of my meetings for today. I have something urgent that needs to be addressed. It's going to take the rest of the afternoon to resolve it.” He hung up the phone and turned his attention back to her.
He stood up and pushed her back against the desk. He kicked of his shoes, his pants and boxers quickly followed. She removed his tie and unbuttoned his shirt, pushing it off of his shoulders. Then she pulled his undershirt over his head adding it to the pile of clothing on the floor. “Turn around, sweetheart,” he commanded. He pushed the items on his desk out of her way as she turned her body and bent over his desk. She felt his hands caress her ass, before settling between her legs. His fingers stroked her through her lace thong. “You're so wet, Gen,” he said in a low tone before he pulled her thong down her legs. He kissed the backs of her thighs, his hands going back to her throbbing core. His fingers stroked her slit. “Oh, Rashad,” she moaned. His cock hardened and he pumped himself a few times before he teased her wet entrance. “Please, Rashad. I need you,” she whimpered. He thrust into her slowly, enjoying the feeling of her around him. He gripped her hips and set a steady pace plunging into her over and over again. Sensing she was close, he brought his hand around and traced tight circles around her sensitive nub. “Oh god! Don't stop!” She cried out. She quickly came undone as waves of pleasure coursed through her body. Feeling her walls flutter and clench around him, he found his own release spilling inside her. He leaned over her and kissed her shoulders while trying to catch his breath.
Just then, his cell phone rang. He saw Liam's name flash across the screen and groaned, “Dammit, he's calling to give me shit.” He answered the call, “What can I do for you, Liam?” She could hear Liam laughing on the other end. “Do you even realize what you agreed to in that meeting?” Rashad's eyes went wide, “What fresh hell did I sign up for? You know damn well I wasn't paying attention.” This made Liam laugh even harder, “You agreed to help Neville set up a PGA exhibition at Cormery Isle.” Genevieve could no longer hold back and doubled over into a fit of giggles. He quirked his brow at her, “Oh you think this is funny? You have to come with me and play hostess alongside Neville's mother.” She immediately stopped laughing as her mouth fell open, which made Rashad chuckle. By then Liam had lost all control. He was laughing so hard that he dropped his phone and the call disconnected.
He turned to her, “Next time we pick the card together. All of the nobles think I'm either crazy or dying.” She laughed, “Oh I don't know. I like seeing my cool and calm boyfriend lose control.” She ran her hands up his chest, then wrapped her arms around his neck. She pulled him into a heated kiss. “Now I believe you said it would take all afternoon to ‘resolve’ this issue…” She pulled him by the arm towards the sofa.
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Jimmy & Janis
Jimmy: Cheers for coming yesterday Jimmy: Actually did a decent job on the gifts according to Cass not that she's gonna thank you herself like Janis: No probs, seemed like she had a good time, nice to see Janis: And I'm glad about that, had no idea, awkward age, like Jimmy: I think she did yeah. Better 13th than I had anyway Jimmy: Even if she couldn't bring Twix into the line of fire Janis: Same Janis: All you can ask, yeah? Janis: Don't think Twix is familiar with the idea of a friendly, shit would've got too real Jimmy: Yeah Jimmy: Too right. She's a savage Janis: Its why she fucks with her Jimmy: Anyway, if Cass don't text you, let me know and I'll make her Janis: Ain't no snitch Janis: You can tick me off her thank you note list, it's chill Jimmy: Alright Janis: Grace was gutted not to get an invite then I told her Bobby weren't coming and it'd probably fuck up her lewk and she was over it Jimmy: Unlucky Gracie we already had our fair share of mean girls there like Jimmy: Who can compete with tweens Janis: Forreal Janis: past her prime Janis: too bitter a pill to swallow on a Saturday afternoon, like Jimmy: You should tell her its better to get it outta the way. Then your night can go right Janis: So I've heard Janis: you better let her know Jimmy: You're alright Jimmy: Not in the mood for chick flicks and a catch up Janis: Hope it ain't in your not so distant future then Jimmy: Not part of the plan to start dating your sister Janis: She's not the only girl that is down to netflix and chill in this town is she Jimmy: I dunno Jimmy: Haven't asked Janis: Didn't come up? Janis: One for the to-do list Jimmy: What are you on about? Janis: Your new girlfriend Janis: You wanna check before you commit like Jimmy: I don't have a girlfriend Jimmy: not that it's any of your business like Janis: Whatever, not like I was stalking you Janis: hard to miss, that's all Jimmy: What? Jimmy: That I was chatting to the only person our age except my ex Janis: Yeah Janis: Seems nice Jimmy: Wasn't gonna talk to you, was I? Jimmy: She is Jimmy: You'd know if you said anything to her Janis: Don't want your ex and next to be besties Janis: Not a good idea is it Jimmy: Doesn't matter it's not gonna happen Jimmy: I barely know her and I doubt I'll see her again Jimmy: Cass don't need me to chaperone her playdates as standard Janis: I'm very sorry for you Janis: Sure you can make it happen Jimmy: I'm sorry that you're jealous Jimmy: Maybe I could, if I wanted to Janis: Fuck off, I'm not Janis: Idk, ask her if she wants to fake date Jimmy: Why do you give so much of a fuck then? Jimmy: I don't want to, again none of your business but Janis: Making conversation Janis: Sure Jimmy: Why? Jimmy: We aren't mates Janis: Idk Janis: you can tell everyone I'm lonely and obsessed if you like Janis: just felt like it Janis: sorry Jimmy: fuck off Jimmy: why would I do that? Janis: 'Cos we're not mates Janis: why not? Jimmy: Why would I chat shit about you just cause you're my ex Jimmy: and who the hell to? Jimmy: I'm a dickhead, I'm not that dickhead Janis: Whoever you see fit, I don't care Janis: maybe the kid who's bright idea it was to tell you about my dead sister Jimmy: He wouldn't care either, he wasn't trying to chat shit Jimmy: He thought I already knew, since I was your boyfriend like Janis: Of what, all of 2 months Janis: not like we'd sat down and talked about our sad stories yet Janis: Oh well Jimmy: He didn't know we faked it before, I'm not going around with that as an opener Janis: Oh yeah Janis: forgot Janis: well its all on me then Janis: good to know Jimmy: Not like it matters now Janis: Not to you Janis: I'd gathered Jimmy: To nobody Jimmy: He only mentioned that he used to hang with her Jimmy: He's probably forgotten about it Janis: So you reckon Janis: Let's all forget it then Jimmy: Already done Janis: You're a cunt Janis: fuck you Jimmy: That'll be why you broke up with me then Janis: Not how I remember it Janis: selective memory saving your day again Jimmy: Who cares? Jimmy: It's still done Jimmy: how my day's going has nothing to do with you Janis: I do, you absolute moron Janis: Jesus Christ Jimmy: Frame it that I broke up with you then if that's what you need Jimmy: Not gonna change anything is it Janis: Apparently not Janis: Forget it Jimmy: How can I? Jimmy: You don't get to come into my inbox with this now Janis: and you don't get to ignore me forever Janis: i'm not going anywhere any time soon, deal with it Jimmy: I can't Jimmy: I have to ignore you, alright Jimmy: Sorry that I can't be your fake mate Janis: Why can't you be my actual mate then Janis: I'm that fucking bad, yeah? Janis: Cheers Jimmy: Cause I don't wanna be your friend Jimmy: I can't be around you like that Janis: I didn't dump you Jimmy: You didn't try very hard to stop me Jimmy: Whatever I'm not trying to blame you Jimmy: I'm just saying I can't Janis: I didn't know you were gonna say that Janis: it took me by surprise alright Janis: I'm sure I could've handled it better but fucking hell Janis: do we really have to do this? Jimmy: Not like I planned it myself Jimmy: I'm sorry Jimmy: I don't know what to do Janis: No you have to know Janis: Tell me how to fix this Jimmy: All I know is I wanted to kiss you every second we were stuck in laser tag Jimmy: but that won't fix anything Janis: Might Janis: Could've given it a shot Janis: Perhaps not at a 13th bday party Jimmy: I really fucking miss you Janis: I miss you too Janis: that's what I've been trying to say this whole damn time Jimmy: having to ignore you all this time is one of the hardest things I've ever done Jimmy: I near lost my mind yesterday Janis: At least you didn't spend yours giving an innocent girl evils, tryna start shit Janis: I was so angry you were over me already Jimmy: I'm not Jimmy: Couldn't even fake it Jimmy: I reckon Cass knew what she was doing Janis: Shoulda known, its within her wheelhouse Janis: Here's me thinking I was special, pfft Jimmy: you are Jimmy: you had the wrong sibling is all Janis: Gayyyyyy Janis: You're not fucking around? Jimmy: Don't be trying to get with your brother yet is what I'm saying Jimmy: Wanna be my girlfriend again then? Janis: Hold up Janis: you said you don't wanna be my mate even Janis: you gotta tell me you were just being moody Janis: why is this always such a headfuck Jimmy: I can't be your mate is what I meant Jimmy: Cause I want more Jimmy: I know I'm a headfuck Jimmy: but that's the truth like Janis: I am too so Janis: its alright Janis: Can we just Janis: At least TRY to say what we mean from now on? just a suggestion Jimmy: yeah Jimmy: I don't wanna lose you again through being a dickhead Janis: we both know it was me Janis: i've never talked about it, i don't do that Janis: know it ain't healthy, believe me, and the fam have tried but yeah Janis: its my bad for deflecting it and acting like any of it was on you but that's all i could think to do in the moment Jimmy: It's alright Jimmy: I'm as guilty of keeping shit to myself Jimmy: Cass is constantly on at me to talk more Jimmy: I shouldn't have been trying to make you Janis: I dunno, maybe it'd be good to talk about it Janis: least you're not a fucking shrink Janis: or Grace, no offense Janis: but its, well, you know too Janis: we're both fucked, basically then Jimmy: You can try and talk to me Jimmy: Whenever you want and about whatever Jimmy: That's all I was trying to get at when I brought it up Janis: I can see it now Janis: when it happened, everyone just wanted the gossip, like it was no bigger than who kissed who at the disco or something Janis: and Grace thought they actually cared, poured her heart out Janis: I couldn't hack it Janis: It wasn't about you, that I think you're like that, it was knee-jerk, that's all Jimmy: That's shit. I'm sorry Jimmy: I get it Jimmy: Why we moved like, you know Jimmy: Get to be a man of mystery in a new town Janis: Yeah, that makes sense Janis: Did it help? Jimmy: Might've but Cass and Bobby don't know how to leave it there Jimmy: They're just kids Jimmy: All my dad achieved was taking Bob away from everything familiar and Cass from her mates Janis: Understandable, they didn't sign up for this Janis: Or you, really Janis: That's shitty, really Janis: Is your Mum dead, Jim? Jimmy: I dunno Jimmy: I can't answer that for you or myself Janis: But she's...gone? Janis: Sorry, I'm just trying to get it so I don't put my foot in it further down the line, like you said, the kids have said some stuff throwaway, stuff that doesn't sound just like a messy divorce even Jimmy: It's alright Jimmy: Like it's not, but it's not your fault that it isn't Jimmy: I don't know where she is, or if she's still anywhere Jimmy: That's why it's so pointless him bringing us here, she's not gonna pop up in some Irish pub like Jimmy: If she comes back it's gonna be there, distance from it is the last thing that'll help, that's what we had. Still have Janis: I can only imagine how hard that is Janis: Before Edie died, she went missing for about 8/9 months Janis: and we were just Janis: I think if it'd gone on any longer we'd have lost it Janis: not that her, or your Ma, turning up dead or whatever is ideal but Janis: at least its closure, yeah? Jimmy: Yeah Jimmy: It's 4 more years of nothing before they'll say it Janis: Fuck Janis: That's Janis: well Janis: did she give any hint or did it just happen Janis: like can you even be angry with her, if you knew she'd planned to then you could but what if its not her fault Janis: that's such a headfuck I'm so sorry you all have to have that in your heads Jimmy: Cass is the age I was now Jimmy: I don't know how to feel about it. I want time to move faster, like you said for the closure, but I don't too Jimmy: It's not alright that they won't remember her properly Jimmy: That I can't even with the memories cause I don't know if they're real or if she was faking it herself all along Jimmy: She might never have been happy. She might not have wanted to go. I don't know Jimmy: All I can be is angry, for them if not me Janis: All you've got is second-guessing and what ifs Janis: that's fucking hard to live with Janis: seen it first hand Janis: not the same situations but Janis: shit Janis: I'm- do you wanna stop Janis: I don't want to make you talk and think about it all but no doubt you do regardless 'cos I know I do Jimmy: Maybe talking is better Jimmy: Not saying shit hasn't worked out well for us, has it? Jimmy: And my dad isn't thriving off it either Jimmy: I don't wanna be like him Janis: You're not, couldn't be if you tried Janis: Like, I get it now, why he is how he is, but you're gonna be judged by how you deal in a crisis, that's just facts Janis: and you can't do that to your own kids, man Janis: at least I didn't have nobody to hurt Janis: well, that's a lie but you know, its not like my Ma went off the rails, fuck the rest of us, you know? Jimmy: He never was this bad until everyone else stopped looking Jimmy: Then he got it into his head that she either didn't wanna be found or there was nothing but a body to find Jimmy: If he couldn't keep waiting he just wouldn't think about her at all. Or talk about her either. I dunno Janis: That's just what he needed to finish him off, more abandonment Janis: There's so many possibilities, too many, those are just 2 of Janis: Guess he wanted some certainty? But its just bullshit, and he knows it as much as you do Janis: Get the impulse but Janis: the kids Janis: you Janis: that's your mum Jimmy: Sometimes my head gets full of all these horrible ideas about him Jimmy: That he kicked her out. Or worse Jimmy: That it suits him to pretend she doesn't exist because he feels guilty for what he did. Or doesn't Janis: Fuck, Jim Janis: that's a heavy fucking thought to carry Janis: if it had been that, there'd have to be some indication, surely, that couldn't just come out of nowhere Jimmy: I've never said that out loud before Jimmy: Sorry Jimmy: I know it's mad but they used to argue loads Janis: I mean, it happens, and you're not mad for going there Janis: you've had years to ruminate without answers, I get it Janis: but, if there was a body, if that had happened, then you'd know by now, there's no getting away with it these days, right? Jimmy: I know Jimmy: But sometimes I wish that was how it happened 'cause if she's out there, living wherever with whoever why hasn't she reached out? Jimmy: No texts or letters. Birthday cards, christmas presents. Nothing Janis: Yeah Janis: At least explain yourself, you don't just get to leave Janis: nobody should but especially not a parent, like Jimmy: We weren't close but Cass was just a kid and Bob was practically a baby still Jimmy: Maybe they found a body but they don't know it's hers? Jimmy: I think about that too, the state she'd have to be in Janis: She still birthed you all, if nothing else, she owes you all that Janis: Of course you do Janis: What else are you going to do in this situation but search forever, wherever you can Jimmy: I've looked for her so many times Jimmy: I think I see her sometimes, that's really fucked Jimmy: But it's not like that when I'm with you Janis: Again, can only imagine Janis: Like, been there but once you remember they're dead then you know it can't be, so its less head-fucky Janis: I'm really happy that I can do that for you, even for a little while Janis: you deserve a break, just from your own head, you know that, right? Jimmy: I can't let myself think so cause the kids don't get one Jimmy: They dream about her every night Jimmy: When they sleep that is like Janis: They deserve one too Janis: I think you give them that Janis: I honestly do Janis: you can't make it all go away but they're a damn sight better off than if they didn't have you looking out for them Jimmy: You mean that? Janis: Absolutely Janis: I'd say it even if we were still being pricks to each other Janis: they wouldn't begrudge you taking time for you Janis: you'll be better for it, do a better big bro job, yeah? Jimmy: Can we go somewhere Jimmy: far as the budget will take us Janis: Yeah Janis: I don't care where Janis: as long as I can see you Jimmy: I'll throw a dart at the map Jimmy: Until then I can come see you Janis: Please do Janis: Just come straight to the barn, yeah? I'll be waiting Jimmy: Alright Jimmy: How many of your family am I gonna have to get past? Janis: Hopefully none if you do it right Janis: Use your ninja skillz Janis: Laser tag was good practice like Jimmy: Challenge accepted Jimmy: I'll think back to our win Jimmy: get it done Janis: Cass shamelessly picked an A team Janis: birthday girl prerogative tho, soz losers Jimmy: good job Jimmy: she's more of a sore loser than you Jimmy: You'd have never got to chat to me over the sounds of her sulking Janis: What a tragedy that woulda been Janis: nice to see your back on top form though boy Jimmy: Take the credit Jimmy: I'm leaving now Janis: Flashback giving me the fear there Janis: ready to shout at you dramatically as you drive away like Jimmy: Meant to say I'm on my way to you Jimmy: 💕 Janis: Good Janis: In a bit 🖤
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