#<3< Alz0 y0u'll have t0 wr1te a d1fferent address than the f0rmer 0ne 1 zent y0u. 1t'z.. a l0ng zt0ry. 1'll DM 1t t0 y0u.
vitriolicperceptive · 8 months
< after some events that were all perfectly legal : have aqu:red everyth:ng but v:olet >
< should : keep search:ng or send them as :s ? >
< ( also the ra:nbow dr:nker l:e helped so much ly:ng :s beaut:ful ) >
<3< That 1z g0od!! 1 am w0rk1ng 0n retr1ev1ng the zeadwell1ng bl0od c0l0rz fr0m Altern1a. 1'm glad the very legal and eth1cal th1ng 1 requezted g0t d0ne w1th0ut any0ne azk1ng t0o many quezt10nz.
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