#??? is it rude to use that tag too I'm not therian but it's related to therian stuff
officially-other · 29 days
Intro post
Hello! My name is Frog. Don't ask me why I'm not frogkin, but my name is Frog, I don't know. /silly
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If you're coming from my main blog:
Yup, this is the "super secret" otherkin account of @tadpoles-and-daydreams. I decided to make a separate account and blog for dragonkin and dragon work rambles, since... well, to be honest I just wanted to separate my blog for witchcraft writing, tarot, etc. from this. This is a more personal blog in which I'll really be getting into heavy UPG, dragon work, and what the hell does it look/feel like finding out your soul is draconic anyway?
And just in case: if you're coming from my main blog and are unfamiliar with any of the shit I'm talking about here in terms of otherkinity, dragonkin, being a dragon- please feel free to send in asks. I plan on writing more in-depth in a bigger post about what it is, what it's like, how I found out about it, etc. etc. but that will take a lot of time and energy that I currently don't have. Further down, though, I give the best TL;DR I can!
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If you have no clue what the fuck the main blog is:
I talk about my experiences as a witch and meme about the funny side of witchcraft over there. Go there and check out my tarot readings if you want a dragon to throw some cards at you, or if you want to hear more about my craft outside of dragon work! I write a lot as a witch over there so if you like my witchy posts here, it's worth checking out.
He/him pronouns
Trans, panromantic, polyamorous, just generally queer
My special interests include: Writing, Genshin Impact (I don't associate with most of the fandom they scare me), music, anime, the ocean, and "weird miscellaneous facts."
Dragonkin, specifically an amphitere.
local funny little witch man, I work with primarily with my deities and dragons and get bullied by a deck of cards a lot.
My familiar- though I hesitate to use that word due to its connotations as an "assistant" rather than a partner in my practice- is the one who kickstarted this by implying my energies were draconic in nature.
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For everyone, regardless of how you found me:
This is where I plan to blog about my experiences when it comes to working with dragons, and fucking being one apparently. I want a safe space to write about my experiences, no matter how much I change. I feel like I've only dipped my toes into a vast ocean, a whole new aspect of my identity and my craft. I decided that I wanted to be able to write completely transparently about it- fears, mistakes, flaws and all- without it reflecting majorly on my main blog/my professionalism as a tarot reader who's just starting out.
So expect it all; the funny, the cool as fuck, the ranty posts, everything. This is just as much a tumblr blog as it is a journal, for me. I heavily value transparency, and that's something I can't be in public as an otherkin.
So I'll do it here instead. ^-^
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Important posts:
[this is empty for now but just you heccin wait]
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