female-malice · 2 years
Civil disobedience works really well for the climate situation actually. Because... governments don't like it lol. They get NERVOUS!!! They get nervous when people start protesting. Especially when it's big big demonstrations and marches. Lots of people. People everywhere pressuring them. Celebrities joining in. Everyone disrupting the status quo together. It makes the government sweat. And that's what we need right now.
Oil and animal agriculture industries are dominating government interests. But if we get some BIG protests going, governments will decide that ecocide industries are more trouble than they're worth.
Or... they'll send a bunch of private security goons after us. But that will only fan the flames. That will only make the protests bigger. And it will only destabilize petrostates even further. So we need to push them to that breaking point. They have to decide whether to destroy themselves through their attempt to control us. Or they have to work with us and enact real climate litigation.
And yes, we have all the concrete demands hammered out. We know exactly what we need to do.
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