punkddiva · 7 years
I was tagged by @strutherford !!! thank you so much love!
Rules: Answer 30 questions and tag 20 people.

Nicknames: Mo, Momo, Morgana (mostly just Mo)

Gender: Female

Star Sign: Sagittarius

Height: 5′6” (maybe 5’5”)

Time: 8:22 pm

Birthday: November 27

Favorite Bands: Panic! At the Disco, Queen, Green Day, All Time Low, Halestorm, Fleetwood Mac

Favorite Solo Artists: David Bowie, Matt Nathanson, Hunter Hayes, Stevie Nicks

Song stuck in head: Life on Mars? by David Bowie

Last Movie Seen: Spider-Man: Homecoming

Last Show Watched: Gilmore Girls

Why did you create your blog: My friends convinced me to several years back and after my initial confusion, here I am

What do you post/reblog: a little bit of everything but primarily humor and relatable text posts, though I try to post some positivity too.

Last thing you googled: Mike Flynn

Other blogs: I have a Dragon Age blog (@elvesarebetterthanpeople), an aesthetic blog, and a (sort of active) anime blog (@daisukishimakei)

Do you get asks: rarely (please end the drought I love getting asks)

Why you picked your URL: there was one post going around at one point that said “I’m not punk rock i’m more punk pebble” or smthin like that so that inspired the punk bit, then diva came from the song There’s a Good Reason These Tables Are Numbered Honey You Just Haven’t Thought of it Yet by Panic! At the Disco

I follow: 1000+ lmao (I don’t usually unfollow people but I often follow back)

Followers: 778!

Average hours of sleep: 6? Maybe 7

Lucky number: 3

Instruments: I sing, but I know how to play the intro to Welcome to the Black Parade on the piano 😉

Current Outfit: bootcut jeans and a black tee shirt that says “choose your weapon” under a picture of a row of dice (soon to be PJ’s tho)

Dream Job: Writer, geneticist, singer or actress

Dream Trip: Ireland!!! Possibly Italy

Favorite Food: there’s so much but like... pasta with browned butter and mizithra cheese. listen. It’s So Good

Favorite Song Right Now: Leather and Lace by Stevie Nicks and Don Henley (though that may change soon)

Last Book I Read: Hamlet

Top 3 fictional universes: Dragon Age, Mass Effect, and perhaps Skyrim (though I’m not sure on the last one)
I’m not tagging 20 people lol BUT I’ll make an effort to tag some: @707-deserves-better @dancing-in-oblivion @volleyboysonice @let-me-be-rad @chilledlegumeandahalf @spoopycena @yourwitsaresleepy
(Seven works, right?) If you don’t want to do this of course you don’t have to, and if you weren’t tagged but you’d like to do it then please go ahead! Consider yourself tagged. I’d love to read your responses 💕
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punkddiva · 7 years
💕 (i rly like the gamer posts)
Thanks darlin! Y'know, I've actually been considering making a video game centric blog (one for all of them, not just Dragon Age, which I already have a blog for @elvesarebetterthanpeople ) but I haven't quite decided yet.I'm glad you like it, though! That's awesome! 💕
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