#[ ... i also can't believe this woman has gotten me listening to classical pieces just for analyzing purposes. sigh. ]
araneitela · 1 year
You know, I guess it works as a warning in case it were... still needed; but if you choose to follow me (or follow me back), you need to be inherently ready for (usually) long answers to even the simplest of things. Or long tag rambles at the very least. This is also why I can take quite a while to respond to things, but I get to them inevitably. I'm also actively working on getting things out faster. You know, when it isn't in the 30s/nearing a 100 degrees.
I'd apologize, but this is just the way I function. Hi, I'm Sae and I still over-analyze in 2023. Honestly, Franz Kafka couldn't have given me a more perfect OOC tag.
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