#[ You're my obsession. I'm your possession :: Evil Rick & Weird Rick ]
countlessrealities · 8 months
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[[ for context this is all on @mcltiples ]]
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countlessrealities · 11 months
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Send 🫢 for my muse's reaction to yours walking in while they are changing / getting dressed || Accepting !
@mcltiples sent: “oops!” { to Evil Rick from Weird Rick xD }
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Despite what you would be pushed to think, Rick had his own bedroom in the bunker he shared with his partner. The place was spotless, in the way furniture on display was, betraying how little it was used. There were no personal items in sight, with the exception of a oddly shaped jar, filled with a fluorescent blue liquid, and a small device that supposedly worked as a projector, but that merelt laid on the nightstand, turned off and unused.
In that moment, there were other signs of life too. A fresh set of clothes on the bed, waiting to be used. A towel on the seatback of the chair. A half drunk glass of scotch on the desk.
And, of course, Rick himself, freshly out of the shower, standing in front of the full length mirror hanging from one of the walls. His body was completely bare, aside from the towel around his waist, and his hair was still damp, the usual spiky locks drooping backwards over his skull. The artificial flesh of his right hand had been removed, exposing the high-tech skeleton that lied underneath it, and he was busy recalibrating the circuits that gave sensitivity to his fingers.
The first thing that caught the eye were the dark countless scars that covered his flesh. A broad set of claw marks across his left shoulder. The slightly hollowed, large line that ran along his sternum, top to bottom. The ugly burn that decorated his left side, from his hip up to the border of his ribcage. The various scars littering his arms, starting from the ones that marked the whole circumference of the upper side of his biceps. A bullet wound, between his shoulder blades. And then so many others, standing out against the too pale flesh of his torso and legs. Rough surgical scars, for the most, but also deep cuts, smaller burns, even a couple of bite marks.
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Normally Rick hardly paid them any attention, if not when they itched too much. And, since the start of his and his alternate's intimate relationship, also when their naked bodies were pressed together. He found the contrast between his ruined flesh and the other's flawless skin fascinating.
The sound of the automatic door sliding open briefly distracted him from his task. He didn't need to look over his shoulder to know who had stepped in. After all, there was only another person had access to the bunker.
"I-I'll be with you in a moment, Rick," he spoke up, applying the last fixes to the circuits. "Is there something you need me for?"
He experimentally flexed his fingers a couple of time, before turning on his heels and heading for the desk. He set the tools on it, retrieving a small vial and carefully pouring his contents over the metal. In the matter of a few seconds, the whole surface was once again covered with muscles and skin.
"O-Or is it one of those times when you just like to stand and watch me?" He went on, draining what was left of his scotch as he tugged the towel off.
Not a trace of hesitation or shame touched his blank expression. Nudity was a taboo dictated by most Earthen societies and their mindset, and he couldn't have cared less about them. Besides, his partner had seen him bare plenty of times.
Once he had picked up his trousers and underwear, he finally turned to look at his alternate, head tilted slightly. Gray blue eyes studied those features carefully, trying to read the other's thoughts hidden behind them.
"Do you wish for me to guess?"
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countlessrealities · 1 year
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@mcltiples sent: Ⓐ { Evil Rick from Weird Rick !! } Send me Ⓐ and my muse will rate yours || No longer accepting
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repulsive || hideous || ugly || not attractive || unappealing || not unattractive || meh || no preference || ok || mildly attractive || nice looking || cute || adorable || attractive || pleasant on the eyes || good looking || hot || sexy || beautiful || gorgeous || hot damn || would tap that || perfect || godlike || holy fuck there are no words
"P-Physically appearances don't really matter to me, but it would be a lie to say that Rick isn't a pleasant vision to stare at. He is objectively handsome and I'm quite captivated by the contrast between all my scars and his flawless skin."
grating || irritating || frustrating || boring || confusing at best || awkward || unreasonable || psychotic || disturbing || interesting || engaging || affectionate || aggressive || ambitious || anxious || artistic || bad tempered || bossy || charismatic || appealing || unappealing || creative || courageous || dependable || unreliable || unpredictable || predictable || devious || dim || extroverted || introverted ||  egotistical || gregarious || fabulous || impulsive || intelligent || sympathetic || talkative || up beat || peaceful || calming || badass || flexible
"R-Rick is a complex individual, with many qualities and many flaws, all of them quite outstanding. I wouldn't have him any other way. He is my One, he's perfect. Even when he's throwing toddler tantrums."
How likely they would have sex with them:
not if they were the last person on earth and the world was ending || fuck no! || never || no way || not likely || not sure || indifferent || I’m asexual || maybe || probably || it depends || fairly likely || likely || yeah sure || yes || would tap that || hell yes || fuck yes! || wishing that could happen right now || as many times as possible || we are already having sex
"I couldn't care less about sex. It's...almost repulsive to. Yet, Rick has show me that it can be a pleasant experience. I still don't care for the act in itself. It's the intimacy that connect us that matters."
Level of Friendship:
never in a million years || worst of enemies || enemies || rivals || indifferent || neutral || acquaintance || friendly toward each other || casual friends || friends || good friends || best friends || fuck buddies || bosom buddies || practically the same person || would die for them || true friends || my only friend
"C-Connecting with other beings has always been...almost impossible for me. Friendship was a foreign concept, until Rick and I got closer."
First impression of them:
I hate them so much || I don’t like them || I don’t trust them || they annoy me || they’re weird || I’m indifferent || meh || they seem alright || they’re growing on me || truce || I think I like them || I like them || I’m not sure if I trust them || I trust them || they’re cool || they’re genuine || I think we’re going to get along || I really like them || I think I’m in love he is the One || oh fuck they’re hot || I love them
"I-I felt it in the very same moment I landed my eyes on him. That he could be what my Morty wasn't despite all my efforts. That was enough for me to bear through the annoying parts and the extreme good complex."
Current impression of them:
I hate them so much || I don’t like them || I don’t trust them || they annoy me || they’re weird || I’m indifferent || meh || they seem alright || they’re growing on me || truce || I think I like them || I like them || I’m not sure if I trust them || I trust them || they’re cool || they’re genuine || I think we’re going to get along || I really like them || I think I’m in love || oh fuck they’re hot || I love them He is the One
"Rick is my partner, in everything, and my one true connection. There's nothing else to say."
How good of a kisser:
worst kisser ever || terrible || bad || awkward || just okay || alright || pretty good || good || makes me moan || excellent || exciting || oh god they’re good || I dream about it || fucking amazing || absolute perfection || we haven’t kissed
"I-I never cared for kissing. I never saw the appeal. Rick changer my mind on this too. At least when it comes to kissing him."
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countlessrealities · 8 months
Truth Serum + Evil Rick, how do you really feel about Weird Rick referring to you as his husband and talking about marriage so easily?
Truth Serum Time || Accepting !
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Under other circumstances, Rick wouldn't have bothered to answer such a question. If the busybody who had dared to ask had been lucky, they would have been killed on the stop for wasting his time. If they had been unlucky, they would have joined the too long list of beings who had played the deadly role of his test subjects.
However, on this particular day, for this particular question, the words tumbled out of his lips, before he could do anything to stop them. Curious. He would have to investigate why later.
And make whoever was responsible for it regret ever taking their very first breath.
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"A-At first, it was slightly...jarring. Especially if he started to mention it without warning," he answered, his voice and expression equally emotionless. "I-I had assumed that he wasn't serious. Rick likes saying things merely for the sake of getting a reaction out of people."
It was one of his partner's favorite pastimes, and one he engaged in very often too.
"I-I had also expected him to get bored with it and stop mentioning it, but he didn't. That has led me to think that there might be some sort of true intentions behind his words. Some kind of actual wish for us to be...wedded."
It was an odd concept, marriage. He had allowed it with Diane because it was what was expected from him and it was the best way to use her as a stable place he could work in until he would have found a way to leave the planet. But getting married by choice? That was something he had never thought about, not even in passing.
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"I-I don't care about marriage. It's a pointless ritual and it changes nothing in a relationship, in my eyes. I wouldn't act any differently, if Rick and I were married," he went on and, for the briefest moment, his expression turned pensive. "I-If he wants that for us, I'll allow it. I'll allow everything that fulfils him, no matter how far from my ideas."
There was nothing he wouldn't be ready to do for his owner. Whatever his alternate wished for, he would get. Rick was hellbent on making sure of that.
"Besides, Rick wouldn't do it without a deeper meaning. I-It would be another way for him to claim me and, as such, I'd welcome it with open arms. I-It would give me new excuses to dig inside him and consume him."
{ @mcltiples (Weird Rick) - mentioned }
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countlessrealities · 8 months
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@mcltiples sent: Weird Rick just happens to walk in, not paying much attention to his surroundings. He's fiddling with some kind of device { To Evil Rick bc of reasons 🤭}
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Usually, when his partner stepped into the lab, Rick didn't instantly turn to look at him, especially if he had his hands already busy with something else. That time, however, he instantly straightened from where he had been studying through the microscope a few samples taken from the odd arrow.
Under other circumstances, he would have noticed his own unusual behaviour and he might have made the connection with having been hit less than an hour before. Instead, now every thoughts about it vanished from his mind the moment when he laid his eyes on his alternate, replaced by nothing but the other's image, smell, taste, by the sound of his voice and the feelings of his insides under Rick's own fingers.
He had always felt a pull towards his partner, since day one. It was what had pushed him to believe that this particular version of himself could be the the one true connection he had been seeking out for his whole life.
In that moment, though, there was something more to it. Not only the unnamed emotion was stronger and deeper, but it filled him with the kind of craving he had very rarely experienced.
He had never felt so ravenous.
Before he could even realised it, he had crossed the room, pried the device out of his alternate's hands and carelessly dumped it on the floor.
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The word was spoken in a low, hoarse voice, almost a purr, as fingers gripped at his partner's jacket, digging into the flesh underneath, as if they had been trying to claw their way to it through the cloth.
Rick's too sharp teeth were bared, in what would have been a grin if it hadn't looked so eerily dangerous, so terrifyingly hungry.
"You took my soul, my heart, my everything." Grey blue eyes fell on the other's chest, a dark light darkening them. "Now I want to rip your beating heart out of your ribcage." One of his hands moved up along that chest, pushing between the ribs of its left side. "And dig up your essence through your bone marrow."
His other hand wrapped around his partner's neck, once again tight enough to bruise.
"I want to consume you whole."
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countlessrealities · 9 months
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send a number + an emoji to bite my muse || Accepting !
@mcltiples sent: 5. neck + ❤️ lovingly, a little nibble { To Evil Rick from Weird Rick }
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Aside from his lab, there was another room in the bunker Rick spent a decent amount of time in and, as odd as it might sound, it was the small kitchen the underground complex was equipped with. He didn't spend nowhere near as much time there as he did on his experiments. Those could keep him occupied for days in a row and he usually didn't stepped out until he was done, unless his partner came to get him for one reason or another.
Instead, he never remained around the kitchen for more than a few hours. The time to whip together enough food for a week and then leave it in stasis, so that it could stay as fresh as if it had been just made once retrieved.
Truth to be told, it wasn't something that he necessarily needed to do. He ate less than a normal human being, so he didn't need two full meals per day. As for his alternate, he could have easily gotten his food elsewhere...as long as he did not attempt to cook it himself. After the first and last time he had tried, the other had been strictly forbidden from touching the stove or the oven. For good reasons.
Rick flipped the content of one of the pans he was handling with practised ease, almost without looking. He wouldn't have admitted it out aloud, not without being prompted and prodded about the subject, but preparing meals was a habit he had picked up back when he and his Morty were still together. He wasn't the nostalgic type and hardly ever cared of things that were no more or could never be, but there were a few exceptions to that rule.
And it was no coincidence that almost all said exceptions were linked to the same person.
The sudden feeling of a pair of lips pressing against the side of his neck, where a little smear of blood had remained from his previous activity, brought his focus back to the present. His grip, however, didn't falter and neither did the movements of his hands, not even when his partner's teeth sank lightly into his flesh, delivering a slightly stinging nip, not too rough but firm enough to leave a small, red mark.
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"I-Is something the matter, beloved?" He asked in his usual monotone voice, As he kept stirring the vegetables with one hand and scooping up the butter with the other.
In truth the question was almost rhetorical because most of the time his alternate didn't have a reason to bother him. He just did, whenever he was bored with what he had been doing or whenever he was in the mood for company. From the way those arms wrapped around his middle, not too tightly but firmly, Rick deduced that this time it had to be the latter thing.
Without a word and hardly glancing back, he lifted the wooden spoon he had been using to stir and delivered a little taste of food to his partner's awaiting mouth.
"T-The next time we go out, I need to stop by the galaxy we travelled through last week. I need a new test subject of the same species since the one we had collected is dead. I might have been too...aggressive in my exploration of the insides of his cranium."
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countlessrealities · 1 year
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@mcltiples sent: “Ship Bingo” For Weird Rick and Evil Rick >:D Ship bingo || Accepting !
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[[ I'll start to say that these two were another surprise, especially since we hadn't even thought about shipping them together before it happened xD And the growth they have gone through? That's just as astonishing, if not more. Of course there are still a lot of toxic elements in their relationship, starting from how unbalanced it is and from the fact that Evil is biologically incapable of experiencing romantic (or sexual) feelings. And yet they have found their balance...if we can call it that xD ]]
[[ Tbh, I've always found toxic ships so very interesting, but I had really few chances to write / explore them, and I surely never got to write anything quite like them. Two extremely twisted, ruthless, problematic people finding their place in the universe by each other's side. Which is kinda sweet...or it would be if they weren't so fucking creepy xD But that's part of their charm too x3 ]]
[[ Also, little explanation. The stuff I highlighted in a lighter colour is because it doesn't apply to both (for the sexual and romantic part) and because it's what we call them (soulmates), but I don't believe that they think of themselves as such x3 ]]
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countlessrealities · 1 year
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@mcltiples sent: 👀 { To Evil Rick from Weird Rick // ofc he wants the dirty fantasy 🤭} send 👀 for a dirty GRUESOME thought and/or fantasy my muse has had about yours || no longer accepting
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It's one of the rare nights when Rick isn't tucked away in his lab, working on this or that project. However, despite how much he relishes in the cold quietness of the room that has become his domain, he can't forget that he isn't on his own anymore. He has a owner now, a partner, and he deserves his attention and presence more than any of his experiments.
Usually his alternate can entertain himself, even when he spends his evening in their bunker. And, if he decides that he doesn't want to, he comes to fetch him and do with him as he pleases.
That's another difference between their routine and today. His partner hasn't come looking for his company. Rick has decided to offer it of his own free will. It's not the first time, but it's definitely not a common occurrence either.
Without a word, Rick carries two glasses over the couch, filled with a generous amount of the ale they have stolen during their last interdimensional trip. The liquor is stronger than any variety that can be find on Earth and its flavour is a well-balanced combination of sweet and sour. It also leaves on the tongue a light, sizzling metallic after taste, which is perhaps the part he likes best.
Taking a seat, he presses one of the glasses in his alternate's hand, before downing half of his own in one go. Gray blue eyes slide close for an instant, to allow him to savour that final sting, and then they open again, locking on his partner's face.
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"R-Rick," he starts, shifting closer until he can comfortably press his chest against the other's side. "There's something I want to share with you."
One of his arms slides over the edge of the couch, elbow bending so that his fingers can reach those blue locks, studiously playing with them. The hand that is holding his glass casually rests on his alternate's thighs, slowly rubbing one through the thick fabric of the other's trousers.
His expression is mostly blank as per usual, but there's a dark hint in his eyes. Cold and cutting, but also relentless and avid, almost ravenous. Like the gravity of a black hole.
"I-I was thinking about you, earlier." His voice is just slightly louder than a whisper, but it's enough for his words to be perfectly audible as they are evenly breathed in his partner's ear. "S-Strapped on one of mine operating tables, naked, in place of the being I was vivisecting."
His tone grows darker at that matching the eerie look in his eyes.
"I-I'd use this little serum I've been developing...i-it should slow down your regeneration enough to let me take my time with you."
One of his personal side projects, the ones he doesn't tell his alternate about unless he has a good reason to.
"I-I'd start with a classic, a Y incision on your torso. Detach your skin and pectoral to expose your ribs. Open up your abdomen like a box full of presents."
He can see it so, so vividly. The blood spilling over from the cuts, bright red over paling skin. The way the muscles would contract, the pulsing of the intestines, the lungs expanding and emptying with every breath.
His lips brush the shell of his partner's ear. He tilts his head just a little, enough to graze the lobe with his teeth.
"I'd dig my hands in your guts, wrap your small intestine around my wrist. L-Like a shackle, keeping me where I belong. Deep inside you, deeper than anyone else will ever go. An-And I'get as many tastes as I want."
The smell of blood filling the air like incense. Its slickness warm and tick on his tongue as he would bend to lap it off his partner's ribs. The throbbing of the organs under his fingertips.
"M-Maybe I'll take a few minutes to play with you, touch all your sensitive spots from the inside. See if you like is as much."
It wouldn't be sexual for him, just curiosity. He's always eager to study his alternate, body and mind. See how he works, what makes him tick, psychically and emotionally.
"T-Then I'd move back up, cut your sternum in half, pull your ribs open. Take away your last line of defense, and then you'd be completely open to me. At my mercy, vulnerable."
That's something his partner never is. With his genius, his regenerative abilities and his technology, he is untouchable. As only true gods can be. And yet he has chosen to allow him, his property, his willing possession, to see and taste and touch and smell and hear him in such an exposed state.
The fingers he's been using to toy with the other's hair moves lower, nails pushing in the flesh, hard enough to leave red marks in their passing. What he is being offered is a gift, a unique one, and he means to treasure it by showing all his dark devotion.
"I-I'll worship you, down to your bones. As every godly being should be. I'll touch everything my hands can reach, cut through what stands in my way to reach what they can't. I'll tear into your lungs, breath the air that fills them. I'll rip your aorta open, let your blood soak my face."
By now his mouth his fully pressed against his alternat's ear, hot breath caressing the skin, sliding down towards the neck.
"I'll keep your heart for last. I want your mind, Rick, you know that." The fingers that had been digging into that neck are suddenly wrapped around the throat, squeezing hard enough to make breathing a bit harder. "B-But I'll take what I'm given, while I wait for it. I'll hold it in my hand, to feel it pulsing, tightening my grip to feel it struggling."
The his grasp moves, from his partner's neck to his jaw, forcing him to turn his head so their eyes can meet.
"An-And then I'll push my face inside your chest, let you swallow all my sense and I'll sink my teeth right into it. Make your feel that you'll be mine just as much as I'm yours."
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countlessrealities · 1 year
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@mcltiples sent: 💋 { To Evil Rick from Weird Rick xD } Send ‘💋’ in my inbox to get a kiss from my muse || VERY selectively accepting
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There was something enticing in the smell of burning that rose from the debris of a building, a city, a world you had just finished destroying. The scent was pungent, to the point of irritating the eyes, and yet the light stinging just made it more soothing. Comfortable, familiar, intimate even.
And how could have it not? Violence was the one and only language the universe had taught him, since the very start. It came as natural as breathing to him.
Rick wiped his forehead with the back of his hand, even if, more than taking away the sweat, he mostly obtained to smear more dark green blood over his skin. That day his partner had woken up in a cheerful mood and he had been more than happier to indulge him when he had asked him if they could go out, instead of spending the day inside as he usually did. He had even let him choose the "activity" for their outing.
And that was how they had ended up exterminating a whole village. Rick had initially planned to just capture a couple of specimens and see if he could get out of their glands a rare chemical he had been studying. Even if he never said no to the chance of soaking himself in fresh blood, that didn't mean that he gave into the urge as often.
However, one of them had had the terrible idea of putting up too much resistance and he had wounded his alternate. A small cut, nothing more than a slightly deep scratch, that had healed instantly. Yet, that had still been an unforgivable mistake, enough to push him to rethink his plans.
Cold gray blue eyes swept over the devastated landscape before landing on his partner. The other wasn't as drenched in blood as he was, but it was obvious that he had gotten his hands very dirty too. Metaphorically and literally.
Silent as a ghost, Rick dropped the piece of flesh that he was still holding and covered the distance that separated them, coming to a halt in front of his alternate. He took a moment to study how the green stood out against those handsome, sharp features before focusing his gaze on a particular blood stain.
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"R-Rick. Be still," he spoke in his usual flat tone. It wasn't a command, but more of a firm request. Trying to order the other around would have been pointless. His partner always did whatever he wanted.
Once he had made sure that his alternate would comply, he took his face between his palms and leant in, as to kiss him. His mouth, however, didn't land on those lips, but on the tip of the other's nose. It wasn't a real kiss, more like a pressure, and the reason behind the gesture became clear when his tongue pushed past his lips to lick off the blood that was covering the skin of that particular spot.
The alien blood left an acrid taste in his mouth, too strong and unpleasant, but it didn't bother him. Just as he paid no mind to the possibility that it might have been poisonous. It fed the ever-starving darkest parts of his being and that was enough for him.
Without further delay, he dropped his hands and took a step back, moving out of his partner's personal space. "I-I'm done here. We can head back, if you want."
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countlessrealities · 1 year
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@mcltiples sent: 💕 { For Evil Rick & Weird Rick } Ship meme: in-depth edition || Selectively accepting !
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[[ Answers under "read more" because someone got surprisingly wordy xD ]]
How did they meet? ~ "A-After the C-137s messed up the portal fluids, a-a complicated series of events led me to crash-land on the Earth of Rick's original dimension. H-He found me there and we decided to attempt a partnership. He...There was just something about him."
Who flirted with who first? ~ "R-Rick did...if what he used to do can be called 'flirting'. He gave me pet names to annoy me, for the most. An-And he liked implying that we were a couple to confuse the shit out of everyone."
Was it love at first sight or a slowburn romance? ~ "I-It depends on your definition of 'love'. Between is...it's complicated. I-I don't feel what people call love, but I knew that he was what I'd been looking for my entire life the moment I set my eyes on me. R-Rick fell for me later on, once our partnership had solidify."
Did they start dating right away or were they friends before things became romantic? ~ "N-Neither. W-We were partners first and foremost. We still are. I've been his possession since the very start. And I still am, even if Rick lets us be more...equal nowadays, at least under some points of view."
What was their first date? ~ "...It wasn't supposed to be a date. It was supposed to be punishment for Rick. A way for me to torment him. However, it turned into something neither of us were expecting. He confessed his love for me and we started the romantic part of our relationship that night."
What are their favourite things to do on date nights? ~ "I-I usually spend my nights working in my lab, while Rick likes to watch...certain kinds of TV shows instead. When we do 'date nights', he joins me in the lab and watches me work. Or he coaxes me out of it to have my company. We drink together. We have movie nights. At times we go out and wreak havoc. It depends on Rick's mood."
Do they still go on dates after being together for a while? ~ "Y-Yes, we still practise our couple activities pretty often. They usually involve murder, torture and destruction. Other times Rick lets me vivisect him. I greatly enjoy the feeling of having my hands literally inside him, of tasting his blood. And he found me doing that arousing. T-Then there are the times when we do less...exciting things. Rides in space, hikes to collect what I need for my experiments, strolls around aliens markets."
What is their love language? ~ "R-Rick likes reminding him that I'm his. With words and actions. He used to be more violent in doing it, but nowadays...he no longer enjoys inflicting me pain in a way that I don't enjoy. He still marks me, though. Often. An-And visible places. As for me...blind loyalty and obedience. I do everything he wants. I give him everything he wants. There is nothing I wouldn't do for him, no matter how I might feel about it."
Who kissed who first? ~ "R-Rick did. The first time he took me after I had mentioned that sex was an available method to claim me as his. I didn't enjoy it, not the kiss, not the fuck. It was painful, degrading, humiliating. But Rick...it was as if he wanted to put the mark of his ownership everywhere on me and as deep as he could go. That was enough to push me to allow him to continue to do it."
Who started the relationship? ~ "A-Again, Rick. The night of our first date. Even if...it took us a long while to understand and define it. I'm still not sure I can grasp it fully."
Monogamy or Polyamory? ~ "I-If Rick decides that he wants to fuck someone else, I will express my displeasure, but the decision is ultimately his. I won't stop him, but I will punish him for it, if he allows it. If it was up to me, he wouldn't look at anyone else. Not even as a game, not even as a mean of deception. He'd be mine as much as I am his."
Are they/do they plan on getting married? ~ "This is...unclear. Rick has made numerous references about us being married. He even drunkenly propose to me. Twice. Once sober, however, he never addressed those episodes. His behaviour makes it impossible to determine how serious he is about it."
Who proposed? Was it a yes or no? ~ "I-If he decides to go through with it, he will be the one to ask. And I'll say yes. I'm already his. Adding a ring to it wouldn't change what it's already an immutable truth."
Do they want kids? Who brought it up first? ~ "There has been talk of...taking a particular pair of Mortys with us. I supposed this could count as 'wanting kids'. Rick came up with the idea, but I was the one to mention that I'd want my Morty back at my side."
Do they already have kids, together or from previous relationships? ~ "W-We both have a Beth. Or had. They are both dead now. I killed mine, his was accidentally killed by some Citadel guard. I never bothered to ask for details."
Do they have any routines/rituals in their relationship? ~ "I-I already mentioned our main shared activities in other answers. I could add that Rick likes to celebrate the end of a fun, particularly gory date by working out the adrenaline. And he has been insisting on having dinner together at night."
How do they take care of each other when they are sick/hurt? ~ "R-Rick heals instantly and he can't get sick. As for me, I rarely get sick. If I happen to get injured, I usually take care of it myself, but he has taken up the habit of standing around and fussing over me until the wound is probably taken care of. Once he even tried to cook me a meal, after I lost a considerable amount of blood...Never again."
How do they like to spend time together? ~ "All the activities that have already been mentioned."
What are their favourite non-sexual forms of intimacy? ~ "I suppose that Rick's is marking me. As for me, I like to cut him open. It can be sexual, for him, but it never is for me, even if I allow him to turn it into sex, if he wishes to."
What are some of their favourite things about their partner? ~ "E-Everything. Rick is perfect. He is my one. The one and only true connection I will ever find."
How do they comfort the other when they are upset? ~ "W-We rarely get upset, and when we do, we usually don't show it. Yet, we've become close enough to be able to sense when something is wrong with the other. To 'cheer me up', Rick takes me out, or brings me things and beings I can entertain myself with. I usually just sit with him and wait for him to tell me if he wants me to openly acknowledge his mood or not."
Who buys the other spontaneous gifts? ~ "W-We don't 'buy' them. I make him things that I think he might need or like, but usually there's a specific occasion. He is the one who dotes on me without reason. Mostly, he brings me test subjects or rare things he finds during his solo trips."
What position do they sleep in? ~ "W-We don't share a bed too often, but when we do, Rick usually holds me from behind. Sometimes, we sleep face to face."
Do they bathe/shower together? ~ "A-At times, if Rick asks me to. I find baths to be particularly relaxing, even if I they are an extremely rare indulgence for me."
Do they do anything else in the bath/shower other than wash? ~ "Once again, it's up to Rick. We do whatever he wants."
In the bedroom - Vanilla, a little spice, or kinky af? ~ "I suppose that most of what we do is considered extremely 'kinky'. However, we also indulge in much tamer sex these days."
For applicable ships - who tops/bottoms? ~ "I've always been at the receiving end during our coupling so far. However, Rick has expressed a strong, even if confusing, interest in having me top him. So I guess that it will eventually happen."
For applicable ships - who is more dominant/submissive? ~ "Same as above. It's Rick, but he has been talking about letting me be the dominant one. The idea makes him...quite eager."
What is their favourite sex position? ~ "I don't have one. I let Rick take me however he wants. If I had to express a preference...I like the positions that allow me to see his face more. I find the expressions he makes during sex fascinating. And the way he looks at me...I feel almost like we are truly connected."
Do either of them enjoy bringing sex toys into the bedroom? ~ "R-Rick enjoys experimenting. As for me, it depends on whether or not my surgical tools count."
Favourite place to have sex? ~ "I don't have one. I'm unsure about it. Probably his bedroom or in the lab, when he bends me over the workbench."
Most adventurous place they’ve had sex? ~ "I-I'm not of what would be considered 'more adventurous' from a standard point of view. A pile of corpses. A building with a bomb at mere minutes from going off. In our ship, gravitating around a black hole. ...I could go on."
How often do they fight? What about? ~ "Rarely, considering how unbalanced our relationship is, but when we fight, it gets ugly. We still struggle understanding all the implications of the newest turn our bond has taken and this leads to misunderstandings and those lead to fights. We often aren't on the same page, because communication isn't our forte. We don't talk about us unless we truly need to. The fact that he is in love and I can't be also can be an obstacle in this sense."
Have they ever broken up? ~ "No."
Messy breakup, amicable split, remain friends, ride or die or til death do us part? ~ "T-The decision of whether or not we'll split is ultimate up to Rick. However, if he were to discard me...he would have to kill me. Because there's no way I'd let him go while I'm alive."
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countlessrealities · 1 year
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{ @mcltiples || To Evil Rick from Weird Rick // someone decided to skip the science and go straight for the romantic route xD }
Inside of the lab, Rick decides to sneak up on his partner. He stood behind him, curling his arms around the other's waist, pulling closer to his own body. His chin rested on a shoulder. Comfortable and pleased with the positioning. If it were reminiscent of a romantic embrace, it was mostly due to his own instincts and the fact he could show off the gift easily.
In his hands, that were settled around Evil Rick's stomach, was a black velvety box. The clasp to it shone a silvery grey. It wouldn't stay closed for long. As the top of it opened, showing off a dark blue gem in the middle of a ring. The band itself a metallic black. Dark enough to show one's reflection.
"Do you like it, kitten?"
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The feeling of a body, warm and by now beyond familiar, pressing against his back caused Rick to stop mid-gesture, the blade he was about to use freezing mid air. He instinctively tensed, but only for the briefest moment, because that interruption, while unpredictable, wasn't completely unexpected. Between the mistletoe episode of the day before and the obnoxious Christmas jingles that had been playing in the background all day long, he had grasped that his partner was in a festive mood.
Or, more accurately, that the other was in the mood to mock all the holiday clichés he could think of. From the decorations to the music to the traditions.
What Rick hadn't anticipated was to be faced with a present. Maybe, if it had been a mock one, meant to be yet another joke, he wouldn't have felt so caught off guard. It would have been in theme with everything else his alternate had done so far. Yet, even just looking at the box, he could tell that this was no prank. What he was looking at was a genuine, thoughtful gift.
Gray blue eyes flew sideways, catching a glimpse of the face set right next to his own, but then quickly dropped down once again when the lid was lifted, revealing the beautifully crafted ring.
Silence stretched between them as he momentarily ignored the other's question, choosing to take the box out of his partner's hand instead. His fingers plucked the jewel out of it, lifting it so that he could examine it more closely. The gem caught the whiteness of the artificial lights, shining as if it had been shining on its own, while his own blank stare looked back at him from the perfectly smooth black band.
His cybernetic eye measure the inner diameter of the ring in a split second, showing that it was the exact same of the fourth fingers of his own left hand. The spot usually reserved for wedding rings, with the exception that he would be the only one to wear it, in line with the imbalanced nature of their relationship.
The symbolism, while not overly open, wasn't lost to him. It was yet another way to mark him as taken, owned. A mark that would be there for everyone to see and understand. He briefly wondered why a ring, of all things, when there were stronger ways to remind the universe whom he belonged to, but he quickly discarded the question. He would take what he was given, as per usual.
The jewel slid easily along his finger, until it came to rest in the spot where it was supposed to be, hugging his flesh and bone with the exact amount of pressure that told him that it had found the spot where it was supposed to be. Yet another piece of the leash he had willingly put on himself and then handed to his alternate.
The corner of lips twitched upwards, in the shadow of a more than rare smile. Not a crazed smirk, not a sadistic grin. The closest thing to an actual smile his features were capable of.
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"Yes," came the quiet answer, as he turned his head to be able to look at his partner once again. "Y-You have an oddly good eyes for aesthetics, Rick."
Perhaps the statement held a little jab, but there was no sharpness in it, especially as he let himself relax, even if imperceptibly, against the body embracing him. His hands covered his partner's fingers sliding between the other's. Not really intertwined by close enough.
"Thank you."
From where it was strapped on the operating table set in front of them, paralysed by an agent that left it completely conscious and able to experience every sensation, Rick's latest test subject let out a muffled sound of confused distress. It was quiet, but not quiet enough. Quicker than a heartbeat, the hand with the ring picked up the blade that had been set aside and slashed the creature's throat open in one smooth movement.
Splatters of dark purple sprayed his skin and the front of his clothes, painting his fingers and staining the gem. It was a little of a waste, but it didn't matter. He could still harvest what he had meant to extract and he could find another live specimen easily enough. He would deal with it later in any case.
Rick nestled his head in the crook of his alternate's neck. "...T-Turn off that irking music or I will cut your head off."
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countlessrealities · 1 year
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@mcltiples sent: "I’m in love with you." { To Evil Rick from Weird Rick // i guess he felt the need to say this xD } Send "I’m in love with you." to see how my muse reacts.
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The words had been spoken out of the blue, with no warning or preamble. Nothing in the current circumstances could have suggested that such an admission could come, especially not when they had spent the last half an hour in almost complete silence.
Rick was sitting in one of the chairs, absorbed in the book he was leafing through, while his partner was sprawled on the couch, watching what he assumed being some kind of TV show. Perhaps if he had paid more attention to what was happening on the screen, he might have gotten an inkling that a declaration might be coming, but he had hardly spared it a glance when he had stepped in the living room.
His hand froze mid-gesture, the half-turned page firmly held in his fingers. Grey blue eyes left the written words to land on his alternate's figure, as a hint of confusion curled his lips in a brief frown. This wasn't the first time the other had made that claim, and yet it always caught him off guard. He still wasn't used to it, just as he wasn't used to the puzzling mix of emotions that it elicited inside him.
Not to mention that it always left him feeling lacking since he was unable to return those feelings. That last thought, however, was something he didn't allow himself to linger on. After all, his partner had made it clear since the start that he didn't care if he was biologically unable to feel the same. He didn't need it because in his opinion Rick made up for it in plenty of other ways.
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"Y-Yes, you made me aware of that, Rick," he spoke up after a few moments of silence. "An-And I treasure it like the unique gift it is."
Setting the book down on the table, Rick silently stood up, making his way to the couch and moving to take a seat in the spot that was still unoccupied. There hadn't been a request for him to do so, not even an implicit one, but his researches had taught him that this sort of talks required intimacy. Something that was hard to achieve with a several feet separating them.
His gaze touched the TV with evident disinterest that, however, quickly turned into sharp focus as he moved it on his partner.
"C-Can I ask what brought it up?"
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countlessrealities · 1 year
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@mcltiples sent: ✪ { To Evil Rick from Weird Rick 🤭} Send me ✪ and my muse will tell you what they’d like to do to/with yours || Accepting !
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✦ ✦ ✦ ✧ ✧  dance with your muse "W-We did it one time. It was a pleasant experience. I wouldn't be against repeating it." ✦ ✦ ✧ ✧ ✧  sing for your muse "I-I don't particularly enjoy it, but if Rick wants, I will." ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✧  ask your muse out on a date "He seems to enjoy the activities I prepare for us. An-And I have a good time too." ✦ ✦ ✦ ✧ ✧  take a bath with your muse "...I'm told that it's supposed to be a gratifying couple activity. I'm curious." ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✧  hold your muse tight ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦  lean onto your muse ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦  kiss your muse "T-They are all activity I never thought I would enjoy, but...I was wrong. Very wrong." ✦ ✦ ✧ ✧ ✧  sleep with your muse "T-This is still confusing. I don't enjoy the concept, but nowadays Rick has...a way to make it pleasurable. M-Most of the times." ✦ ✦ ✦ ✧ ✧  marry your muse "Rick says that we're basically already married." ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✧  watch your muse sleep "He looks different when he sleeps. It's fascinating."
✦ ✦ ✦ ✧ ✧  cuddle your muse "...I'm still not sure if we do it right." ✦ ✦ ✧ ✧ ✧  go to a party with your muse "I-I'd go only if Rick wants to. I'm more willing to go when he allows me to spice them up as I please." ✦ ✦ ✦ ✧ ✧  watch a movie with your muse "W-W do movie nights, you could say." ✦ ✦ ✧ ✧ ✧  play video games with your muse ✦ ✦ ✧ ✧ ✧  steal horses with your muse ✦ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧  cook together with your muse "R-Rick has a lot of talents, but cooking isn't one of them." ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦  support your muse’s hobbies ✦ ✦ ✦ ✧ ✧  get drunk with your muse
✦ ✦ ✦ ✧ ✧  watch your muse cry "I-I've never seen him crying. I would like to observe it happening at least once." ✦ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧  send your muse away ✦ ✦ ✧ ✧ ✧  make your muse trip "It would hurt his pride more than him. And he had some...enjoyable reactions when that happens." ✦ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧  deny your muse’s existence ✦ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧  slap your muse ✦ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧  crush your muse’s dreams ✦ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧  set your muse’s home on fire ✦ ✦ ✦ ✧ ✧  kill your muse "He can't die. S-So, I can experiment to my heart's desire."
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countlessrealities · 1 year
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{ To Evil Rick from Weird Rick // ah yes the ballroom he spent two months working on just to have an excuse to slow dance with his kitten xD // @mcltiples }
"Close your eyes for me, darling." Rick whispered into his partner's ear.
The surprise would be just held for a bit moment longer. Until he successfully lead the way from the lab to a different part of the subterranean lair. Some place that would allow him to create a whole grand gesture for this particular day. Not that he cared for the "holiday" but because he felt that it was the right thing to do. Perhaps something he wanted to do.
And when he pulled the other into the room, he snapped his fingers to activate the music. A slow tempo melody playing at a reasonable volume. One that would highlight the atmosphere.
"You can open your eyes now."
Two months he had worked on the room. A large scale ballroom equipped with marble dance floor and a rather large chandelier adorning the room. As ribbons hung from the ceiling, pinks and reds.
Turning towards the other, he smiled and reached out to hold one of his partner's hands. "I wanted somewhere we could dance for the day, so I built this," He began to explain. "We don't need to be good, I just want to do something special for today."
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Valentine's day. A meaningless Earthen holiday that Rick had forgotten until his partner had casually mentioned it the previous week. The fact had caught him off guard, since he hadn't expected his alternate to care, but it had turned out that he had been wrong.
Or that, at least, the festivity could be use as an excuse for the other to carry out whatever plan he had conjured in that brilliant, twisted mind of his.
Whatever the reason, Rick had found that show of interest intriguing, to the point that he had decided not only to play along, but also to participate and have a gift prepared himself.
That, however, would have to wait until later. For now, it was his partner's time to be in the spotlight.
The soft command was followed without hesitation and he allowed himself to be guided along the corridors of their hideout, the sound of their steps as their only company until they reached their destination and it was replaced by the slow rhythm of a song. The melody was soft yet tasteful, and it had obviously picked with the utmost care, just as every other detail in the room.
Grey-blue eyes blinked open as they were told to and they instantly moved, slowly taking in their new surroundings. The smooth marbles and the well-studied lighting. The colourful ribbons and the elegant, even if scarce, furniture. Everything was perfect and deliberate and he couldn't help wondering how much time his partner had spent working on that particular room.
And all so that they could have that day together.
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The implications of that fact fell on him with the heaviness that only a ground-shattering revelation could have and Rick found himself feeling lost once against, just as he had been the day his alternate had openly confessed his romantic feelings for him. However, while back then those words had somehow felt abstract to him, so far away from his personal experience, this was different.
He could hear, see, touch the other's efforts. The whole room was undeniable evidence of his partner's commitment towards their bond and towards him. And how stunning it was to have, for the first time, the undeniable proof that his devotion was fully returned, even if in a different form. No matter how unbalanced their relationship was, at least when it came to this they were on the same level.
The feelings of fingers closing around his own snapped him out of his thoughts and his eyes blinked back into focus, fixing on his partner's face. The request for a dance. He had never danced in his life, not even while he had still been with Diane, and yet there was no pause or hesitation when he nodded his agreement, allowing his alternate to pull him closer so that they could hold each other as they swayed, trying to follow the rhythm of the song.
Rick gaze locked into his partner's as he dutifully followed the other's movement. It wasn't perfect, not even close, but the moment was theirs. He wasn't a romantic, he had never been and he would never be, but even he could recognise the taste of yet another, smaller even if still significant, turn in their relationship.
Whatever would happen that day, it would leave a mark on them. Yet another piece of the complex mosaic that made up their shared life.
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countlessrealities · 1 year
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@mcltiples sent: 💋 { To Evil Rick from Weird Rick🤭} send ‘💋’ if your muse thinks mine is kissable || Accepting !
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The claim comes out of the blue, but that's hardly new. His partner has a deep love for non-sequiturs and sudden declarations. It's part of the strategies he uses to catch people off guard, and Rick finds them amusing most of the times. Even if, of course, they have stopped working on him a long time ago. Assuming that they ever truly did in the first place.
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"I-I'm aware that you think so, Rick. The amount of kisses you demand in a day gives it away," he answers, head slightly tilted on one side. "But thank you for remarking it."
There is a hint of curiosity in his expression. His alternate's antics might not take him by surprise, but they still fascinate him.
"I-I've never thought that 'kissing' would be added to the list of activities I'd personally perform. Let alone one that I could find pleasurable," he adds, then because he knows how much his partner enjoys having his ego stroked. "Y-You changed my mind on that. As you did on many other things."
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countlessrealities · 1 year
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@mcltiples sent: 💋 { To Evil Rick from Weird Rick uwu } Send a Heart for a Specific Kiss! || 💋 - a random kiss (receiver’s choice)
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The air was thick with the acrid smell of burning plastic and chemicals as a dark column of smoke rose from where the alien factory had been standing just till a couple of hours before. Now in its place there was nothing but debris, with only a few pieces of reinforced concrete remaining precariously standing. Even the ground all around was scorched, burnt both by the fire and by the toxics that had spilled out, soaking the earth.
At a safe distance from the wrecked site, two figures stood, watching the messy results of their actions. Destroying the factory hadn't been necessary, because getting their hands on what they had come to retrieve had been easy, but how to deny themselves the chance to make their little errand a little more fun, when they were being handed the perfect chance to?
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Diverting his gaze away from the smoking ruins, Rick checked the vials he had retrieved from the labs one last time, before carefully stashing them in one of the inner pockets of his lab coat. The once perfectly white fabric was, and not for the first time, covered in stains. Small but bright splashes of colour from spilled chemicals. Brushes of black soothe and patches of burnt cloth. The dark purple of the blood of the guards.
Some of the latter had also left smudges on his face and neck and painted his fingers and the upper part of his palms almost entirely. It made his skin sting and itch, but he barely noticed. He had gone through so much during his life that a minor discomfort was something he never acknowledged.
Instead, he directed his attention on his partner, taking in the smug expression that decorated features and the satisfaction that shone in those bright blue eyes. He stood out against the lengthening shadows of the evening, looking every inch of the god he claimed he was. It made him want to get down on one knee and bow his head as a sign of worship.
Blue grey eyes traced the line of a sharp cheekbone, sliding down along the curve of that jaw and lingering on the drying blood stain smudged near the other's chin. His partner hadn't gotten as dirty as him, but there were plenty of blotches on his clothes too. What captured Rick's gaze, however, were his alternate's fingers, almost as coated in blood as his own.
His features shifted, just barely, as a ripple of an unnamed emotion emerged from under the smooth surface of his usual demeanour and he reached out, grabbing his partner's wrist so that he could lift his hand up.
"Rick," he said, and never a syllable had felt so full and meaningful.
Keeping his eyes locked in his alternate's, he brought the other's bloody fingers to his mouth. His lips parted slowly, tongue flicking out to lap at the blue, sticky substance. He started from the pinkie and made his way to the thumb, taking his time to lick and suck his partner's skin clean, lingering on each finger a little longer than it was strictly necessary.
There was a hungry thrill running under his skin, igniting a spark of heat in his stomach. The alien blood felt acidic against his tongue, with a sugary aftertaste, and he found himself craving more. More of the warmth of that flesh, more of the man wearing him.
He wanted to rip that abdomen open and plunge his hands inside it, tangling his fingers among the guts and then pushing higher, aiming for the lungs and the heart. He wanted to sink a cable through the other's eye socket and dive inside him mind, revealing every thought, every feeling, every secret.
He yearned to get his hands on his partner's core and consume it.
His gaze never left his alternate's face, carefully studying his reactions. It didn't move even once he was done, his on nails digging in the tender flesh of the inside of the other's wrist, nor when he leant in once again, this time to press a chaste but lingering kiss against his palm.
His lips delivered a second, lighter brush before he let go of his partner's hand.
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"S-Should we head back?" He asked then as if nothing had happened. "T-Those chemicals are unstable. I'd rather not give them the time to deteriorate."
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