#[ also idk about YOUR Riku + sea-salt ice-cream headcanons but I'm imagining he's only eaten a few bites and it's just... all melty LOL ]
evanescentide · 1 year
“You deserved better.”
for those who’ve been hurt ✿ (still accepting!)
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✿ After a long day of training, Xion decided to surprise Riku with some ice-cream as they sat on top of the Mysterious Tower. He'd seemed a little hesitant to accept at first, but she'd insisted.
"It tastes better shared with a friend."
And, well, she would still rather make an ordinary moment special than wait around for a special moment that may or may not occur.
She didn't say that part out loud, but moments like this always felt a little heavier with Riku anyhow. He was quieter than her other friends, more melancholic --- just one more reason she wanted to give him moments like this, too.
But as the first stars begin to twinkle overhead, Riku sighs quietly. She turns to him, concerned. "You deserved better," he says, and... well, it seems his thoughts have been straying to the same old things, too.
She laughs quietly as she reaches up to swipe her bangs out of her face. She hopes Riku can't tell she also used the gesture to dry the corners of her eyes.
"I know. But... back then, the odds really were stacked against me. I... You... we all did everything we could, Riku. I have no regrets."
They fall into a silence again, but she knows him well enough to know he must still feel guilty --- so, before he can sink too far into that dark place she reaches out to pat him on the shoulder.
"Don't blame yourself, either," she chides him. "Besides... Things are better now. That's... good enough for me."
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