#[ and do not feel obligated to match length ; just wanna give some specific details for you to cover over <3 <3 <3 ]
wishgavin-blog · 6 years
rules & mun.
general etiquette.
please be respectful. i don’t think that needs to be repeated. you’re free to critique certain aspects about my muse, but i can guarantee you their core personality is something i won’t change. also, if you’re going to critique my muse, just don’t be a dick about it, and be constructive please
i’m hugely all for the idea of casually IM’ing, and the concept doesn’t scare me, even if it’s just to spot-check on little details here and there. i’m also well-known for freely im’ing people, so just let me know if that makes you uncomfortable!
if i interact with you, it means i’ve read your bio, probably multiple times! you don’t have to worry about that.
hey so i have a life; please don’t pester me repeatedly about our threads. probably once a week is a good time to poke me.
don’t godmod ( attempt to control my muse during your reply ) cuz that’s pretty bad. if during your reply, you want my muse to do something, 90% of the time it’s cool, but please just double-check with me in an IM or something. 
in fact, i pretty much only roleplay with plots involved. they can be silly or lighthearted, or dark if you want, but i’m just no good at random starters where two folks who know nothing about each-other just kinda gotta smoosh themselves together. it’s weird sometimes okay. that being said, i’m cool with pretty much any topic and i’m always down for an interesting thread where they Don’t Just smoosh into each-other y’know.
my IMs are always open for plotting and stuff, and once we get to know one-another and i’m cool with you, i can hand out my discord.
i don’t rp nsfw. that doesn’t mean i’m against it; hell i’m all for it, but the idea of writing it out just seems to go on longer than i ever would like. i’m usually all for the idea of rp’ing foreplay and aftercare, but not really the act, y’know? fade to blacks are where it’s at with me. also if you’re a minor, i won’t even do that sorta stuff with you. it’s illegal kids.
i do rp other stuff, like violence, etc., and i will most definitely tag it as well as put a read more before the triggering thing happens. more on that in the tagging section. i’m usually okay with most topics ( unless it’s otherwise stated in my mun section with my own triggers ), but run it by me first.
while klavier isn’t most known for swearing, it might be on this blog. i curse like a sailor and i don’t usually think about tagging it, but if it makes you uncomfortable i’ll def make exceptions!
also while i have some pretty predetermined headcanons for my muse’s relationships with others, i’m always down to discuss it and compromise. it isn’t fair for me to have complete control, or you to have complete control, of the headcanon present unless we both look at each-other and agree with it. this goes especially for kristoph and daryan. even though they’re mentioned with predetermined relationships and dynamics in mind, i’m always down to change it with you specifically ( though it won’t be changed on the bio, it’ll still apply with your specific interaction, y’know? ).
i always kinda try to go with the writing flow, but not necessarily match length. i’m always down for one- and some-liners, but if i give you a paragraph, please don’t give me a one-liner. i get the impression you’re not interested, so if you don’t wanna give that impression just Don’t do that. i also won’t try to give you paragraphs if we’ve established a one- and some-liner flow. 
i also don’t use icons? so that’s a thing. it’s too hard to keep up with all of them man.
as on my description, i’m selective. i won’t follow you unless i wanna interact with you.
i’m also more selective about multi-verse characters, especially if it’s a fandom i don’t know ( and i don’t know a lot of fandoms, so just bear with me ). this counts for professor layton, since i haven’t played PL vs. AA. if you’re an oc, i’m cool with that, just please have a bio so i know who i’m working with and how my muse could interact with them best.
i don’t follow / rp with personal blogs. also if you’re a personal, please don’t reblog my posts.
i will not follow if ( don’t take these personally it’s not your fault! ) — you’re a double; you don’t have a rules / mun page; you don’t have an about; you don’t trim posts; i don’t see how our characters could interact ( within and outside of ace attorney fandom )
i will unfollow if — you post a lot of ooc things not relevant to rp; your rp blog is also your personal but also not sometimes you know the ones; you say something against my beliefs; if something on your blog makes me uncomfortable. i’m not really obligated to tell you why if we aren’t super close
hoo boy so klavier is a big gay. he’s literally never thought about dating a girl in his life. please don’t try to convince him or me.
this blog is multi-ship, and what relationships he’s in can be found in his verses ( if you care about that stuff idk ). ships are based off chemistry, as i’m the kinda person that likes the softer, more romantic feelings between muses and a lot of intentional strife for the sake of Ship Drama and Constant Angst makes me tired. like i’m all for occasional angst for relationship development but like please
if you even think about shipping klavier and kristoph please leave. actually let me know who you are first so i can block you and tell my friends to block you too. that’s how much i’m against it
there’s never gonna be a situation where klavier’s gonna have a healthy relationship with daryan. i’m all for it in an unhealthy way but if you try to make your daryan ooey-gooey and suddenly everything klavier’s ever wanted, it’s weird, out of canon, and i’m not for it. the man went to jail for smuggling shit in klavier’s own guitar and blew it up to destroy the evidence he doesn’t love him That Much.
klavier is a frivolous big gay flirt and he’ll probably flirt with any male muse that’s age-appropriate. i don’t ship klavier with anyone under the age of 20 ( so 21+ for the folks at home watching ). no minors, of course, for obvious reasons, but i’m also deeply uncomfortable with the idea of a 25 year old man being together with a fresh adult. it’s not pedophilia sure but i still find it morally wrong as to why a 25 year old man can’t find a relationship with people his age. don’t try to convince me or i’ll hard block you like so fast.
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    hello! i’m ji-ji, your local nonbinary blob on the internet! i’m 21 years old and use they/them pronouns!
i have clinically diagnosed depression, anxiety, and borderline personality disorder ( bpd ), and i’m currently going to university, so such things can definitely intrude on my reply speed and motivation.
i also happen to be a part of and mod a pokemon rp group, which is my main fandom! considering this is a secondary / side fandom, i might not be on this blog that often. that being said, i’m relatively new to indie rp, and especially that of ace attorney rp. the last time i did indie ( though it was here on tumblr ), was back before we had im’ing, if that tells you anything! so the new landscape of indie and how it works is rather daunting for me, so please be patient!
i have triggers, but they’re only brought about without proper warning, IE if you don’t run it by me and it happens very suddenly. these triggers are: major character death, verbal abuse, & emotional abuse — namely gaslighting. again, if this is brought up ahead of time, it’s fine, minus the major character death. please don’t have your muse up and die on me mid-thread.
the only games i haven’t played are Professor Layton vs. Ace Attorney and Investigations 2 ( though i’ll get to it… i’ll get to it alright… )
i really love making new friends and ace attorney is one that i’m really passionate about and have been in for a long time! you’re always free to IM me just to talk about stuff!
thank you for reading this. you’re wonderful 💕
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