#[ and drafts. /drafts/. i feel so rusty. so incredibly rusty. my writing isn't what it used to be and that's perfectly normal and okay. ]
orchideae · 4 months
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My apologies for the absence! I feel like a broken record saying this, but I keep entering different phases of 'settling into life' (went through a massive change in my personal life last year), and then every time I get to 'Ah, all is calm now', something else happens. But I'm finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, as one huge weight has now finally been lifted off my shoulders. Phew. /munches on my camembert and baguette.
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Chapter Fifty Three - Let Me Catch You Up To Speed
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In less than 2 days, I was fully finished up with working in the studio and starting maternity leave. Josh was more than relieved that I would be at home more often, but still concerned that I would get bored easily or wouldn't have much to do. I wasn't really in the mood to do much, as by now it was the start of April, and the wedding planning was in full swing. The planning was taking up the majority of my time, between fixing the menus, the decorations, the seating plan... the list was endless!
Josh was still on the Oceania leg of the Emotional Roadshow Tour, and was beginning to get sick of being away from home and the bump. He had left the country with Tyler, Jenna and the crew on March 22nd and had one more show on the 8th in Perth before he could fly home and relax for a little while before the wedding and the resuming the North America portion of the tour.
I'd been kept busy so far with Doctors appointments, check ups and wedding planning. So far, I didn't know the sex of the baby, I wanted to be surprised, I handed the envelope containing the information over to Jenna and Tyler for safe keeping! I had told them they could know, and Josh too if he wanted, but not to tell me until closer to the time.
Josh was currently near Perth, and 13 hours ahead of me, meaning when he video called me just before bed, it would be closer to breakfast time for me.
"So we have the show coming up tonight, and then I swear as soon as we finish, I'll head straight to the airport and I'll be home with you as soon as I can!" Josh looked exhausted, probably not sleeping much with us being on opposite sides of the world.
"As much as the baby and I can't wait to see you, just make sure you're staying safe and doing what you have to do before you get home!" I smiled, trying to reassure Josh that we would be okay in the meantime.
"I know Ava, but it's just so difficult being away from you both! I know we have friends and family there with you, but it just doesn't feel the same y'know! I want to be with you every step of the way, not missing anything." By this time, I was 5 and a half months along, more than halfway through the pregnancy, and I knew it felt like Josh was missing out.
"I think the most exciting thing is that I have a lot more stretch marks now!" I laughed, lifting my top and turning to the side so Josh could see.
"You still look as beautiful as ever, just means our little bun is getting bigger and healthier every day!" Josh smiled at us. As small as extra stretch marks seemed, it was something huge to us. We were so excited at every milestone and new occurrence, apart from the random nosebleeds that had began to happen at odd times- apparently a common side effect of being pregnant for some women! So glad to be one of the lucky ones... not!
As I turned back I could feel a hard kick just below my ribs, causing me to exclaim "Ouch!" loudly.
"Are you okay? What's wrong, Ava, do you need me to come home?" Josh jumped up, panic written all over his face.
"No, no, no! Everything is okay, the baby just didn't like me moving, that's all! They're getting stronger by the day, I can't wait for you to feel the kicks soon! It feels like we're going to have another drummer in the family!" I laughed, rubbing my hand over the spot where I'd felt the kick. Josh instantly began to calm down, looking relieved at the simple explanation. We were interrupted by a loud knock on the door, before Tyler entered the room.
"Hey, we have an interview in about 20 mins and then we have a soundcheck in about an hour- hey Ava! What are you doing up so late?" Tyler walked over to Josh and sat next to him, beginning to chat to me.
"Hey Tyler, it's not really that late, it's only-" I paused turning my head to check the time on the clock on the bedside table. "Oh, it's 2am! I didn't think it was so late!" Josh quirked his eyebrow at me, as Tyler shook his head.
"You should probably be in bed, get some rest and we'll call you after the show, okay?" Tyler suggested, while Josh agreed. Tyler then said his goodbyes and left the room so Josh and I could say our goodbyes too.
"I promise I'll be home as soon as I can! Look after yourself and the baby and I'll be cuddling you and making you endless cups of tea again before you know it!" Josh smiled, waving and telling me he loved us before hanging up.
I woke up around 9am with a start, there was a loud banging coming from the front door. I pulled on a pair of leggings and a tight T-shirt, dressing quickly before sliding my feet into a pair of fluffy sliders. My usual Adidas sliders were now far too small and uncomfortable for my swollen feet and ankles.
I moved as fast as I could to the front door as the knocking continued, making me question the importance of my early visitor. As I opened it, I was greeted by Jordan holding a large parcel box. "Hey, sorry I hope I didn't wake you up? I was too excited to wait any longer, it's been sat in our house for 10 minutes now!"
I laughed as I let him in, carrying the box before he set it on the kitchen table. "I was almost awake anyway, besides I'm excited to see what this is!"
Jordan gave me a big hug, before finding a pair of kitchen scissors so we could open the box. "I swear that baby gets bigger every time I see you, and I only saw you a few days ago!"
"Tell me about it! Do you want to see the latest trick? C'mere!" I grab Jordan's hand, placing it on top of the bump, before asking the baby, "Hey, Josh will be home in a few days, are you ready to see daddy? Are you all excited to cuddle daddy again?"
A shocked look appeared on Jordan's face as he realised how hard the baby kicked. "Woah that's some kick! She's excited to see daddy for sure! When is he due home?"
"It should take him about a day and a half to fly back, so hopefully I'll see him tomorrow afternoon? Maybe tomorrow evening at the latest? Not too long to wait, but you know I'll just be wishing the time away until then! So anyway, what's in the box?" Jordan smiled, handing over the scissors for me to open it.
I began to carefully open the box, removing the layers of packaging tape, only to be met with little mesh bags of flower petals and biodegradable confetti resting on top of the white tissue paper. I raised an eyebrow at Jordan who grinned and shrugged. He clearly knew what it was, but wouldn't ruin the surprise. I carefully lifted the delicate bags out, placing them on the table beside the box. Pulling back the layers of tissue paper, I could see a beautiful blush coloured material, adorned with diamanté's. It wasn't until I pulled it fully out of the box that I realised why I thought the shade looked familiar! It instantly brought back memories from when Josh and I had gone out on our date the first time he was expected to propose. We had stopped by a bridal shop on our walk back to the hotel, and I had seen the most beautiful dress.
"It's the dress you saw when you were in Lincoln, Josh called the shop and asked what they could do, he explained that you would be almost 7 months pregnant when you're ready to get married, but that you had your eye on this dress before you were even engaged. He also asked them to tweak the dress a little so it wouldn't be the exact copy of the one you both saw. So it's like he hasn't seen the dress before the wedding. No more bad luck!" Jordan smiled as my eyes began to fill with tears, I couldn't believe Josh had gone to all this trouble! As I laid the dress on the table, I could see the changes Josh had made, the bottom of the dress had a subtle cotton Candy pink ombré trim that faded into the blush coloured dress. The fabric was almost a jersey style material, allowing for growth while still holding tight to the bump, and at the back of the dress at the bottom of the skirt, the words "Dun and Dun" were embroidered into the train with a golden thread. It was so perfect, better than I had ever hoped.
"Jordan, it's perfect, he did such an incredible job!" I tried to hold back tears, as Jordan beamed beside me. It wasn't a traditional dress, the same way that Josh and I didn't have a traditional relationship, so it was a perfect match.
"You still have a matching veil, that should arrive in the next few days, along with your shoes. We're getting so close to you becoming my sister in law officially!" Jordan explained, everything was all tying together quickly and there was definitely excitement in the air. "I think we're going to pick our suits on Wednesday, so that gives Josh some time to get home and get settled back in again before we get into the final preparations right?"
I nodded agreeing with Jordan. "Well that would give me time to invite Jenna round to try on the dress and make any alterations necessary, then I think we have planned to start making little party favours?" Everything was coming together nicely! For a relationship that had blossomed so quickly, to becoming a family in such a short time, it still felt like this wedding and birth was a long time coming. It wouldn't be long before Josh and I were finally Mr and Mrs Dun, and then only a little longer before our child would make their debut.
Hi long time no update! So the photos give an idea of what I think the dress would look like just to give you an idea. Hopefully this chapter isn't too bad as I'm definitely rusty at writing! There will be a time jump in the next chapter, but excited for it, as that chapter has been sat in my drafts since 2017! As always, let me know what you think! Xo
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