#[ guanlin: hyung if its scary u can hold my hand ]
psyop-princess · 7 years
College Student!Guanlin AU
kind of rushed but I tried my best. all the punctuation that seems like it shouldn’t be there is there purposely, trust me. odd amounts of commas and semi colons are kind of my thing. enjoy and don’t forget requests are always open !!!!!
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-part of a group of rlly popular boys on campus
- only joined for the food - and the bitcheZ AYE AYE AYE - no just the food - the whole thing is like supposed to be a brotherhood but he only really can have lasting conversations with maybe three members at best - jihoon is everyone's translator - "..whaddya say guanlin?" *guanlin mumbles so quietly it sounds like a breath* "he said no thanks" - in reality is just kinda awkward - has his own fanclub amongst students, most female but a lot of male students as well - has lineups to watch him play basketball w/ seongwoo + daniel in his free time - really doesn't understand why everyone loves him so much - every valentine's day leaves w a moUNTAIN OF CHOCOLATES - mistaken for some cold prince but is just afraid to say something wrong by accident - he meets ppl and is kinda quiet nd they're like o god o god and he's like o goD O G O D - you don't rlly get all the hype surrounding him???? - like yes he's attractive and good at basketball but he seems to you kind of rude and mean and you vow not to fuck with lai guanlin - and you don't - until one day somehow he decides to sit right beside you in the lecture hall and youre like ???what - he doesn't even make eye contact w/ you he just pretends like he didn't just invade your personal space and you're PISSED - you mutter something under your breath along the lines of "i'm sorry was every other chair taken?" and he lOOKS OVER - his face is so expressionless you're saying your prayers like this is it for you you're dead oh my god mom i'm so sorr y - he coughs slightly, looking at his paper instead of you - "uh, the floor was wet and i didn't want to slip but i c-can go if you w-" - COMMENCE PANICKING - "n-no its alRIGHT SORRY" - nothing else is said and u can hear seongwoo cough out "awkward" from a row behind you - the rest of the class he doesn't speak, except for turning around to ask someone behind you for a pen because his ran out of ink - the day after that he tries to sit next to you again, but this time yoo seonho wedges his way between you two and claims the seat next to you - he immediately attempts to strike up a conversation, and is about fifteen times more likeable than guanlin - you two hit it off, and seonho doesn't even stop talking for the teacher, which pisses the professor off to nO END - you barely get any work done, but do manage to learn seonho's life story and a good deal of guanlin's - "and then guanlin slippe-" "i saID DONT TELL THIS STORY"- apparently guanlin opens up more when seonho is present, and despite the fact you still don't rlly like him you don't hold yesterday against him - the day after that, you don't really expect much - the night before you spent cramming for a test in a different class, and you were spent - you get into the hall late, and all the desks--including where you usually sit--are taken -you kinda just curse and go sit over off to the side where it's quieter and has a fifteen percent higher chance of you falling dead asleep - you sit in the desk up against the wall, so you have somewhere to rest your head - as soon as you lay your head against the wall someone slams a pencil case down on the desk beside you, and you jump - guanlin sits beside you, and seonho beside him - dont they have friends?????????? - speaking of, then ong seongwoo and kang daniel--two other boys with strong fanclubs that have members throwing glares at you--decide to join as well, bae jinyoung and lee daehwi scampering behind them - "when did i become this popular??" - "when guanlin started li-sAT NEXT TO YOU WHEN HE SAT BESIDE YOU OW OW" - most of the lesson goes off without any problems, until daniel taps you on the shoulder - "yo, party this friday at jaehwan's place,,,,,you in???" - you were rarely invited to parties, let alone parties on the scale you knew this one would be at, and so you agreed - "thANK GOODNESS I THOUGHT GUANLIN WOULD HAVE NOBODY" - guanlin just mutters and goes back to his papers--face rllyyyyy pink - fast forward to friday,,,,, - daniel and seongwoo said they'd pick you and a few other people from your dorm so you're like :-))) alright pal - the car ride is crAMPED - you're forced beside daniel and have to listen to him talk and talk and talk - at one point he gives up trying to start conversations with you and starts yelling up to seongwoo who's driving - seongwoo yells back and at one point he turns around while still driving in an attempt to swat at daniel who said something seongwoo didn't like - a neaR DEATH EXPERIENCE - when you finally get there after much hardship and almost car crashes--courtesy of daniel--it's barely past the time the party was supposed to start and there's already teens spilling from the mouth of the house into the front yard, music obnoxiously sounding from somewhere close to the doors - when you turn around to make a sarcastic comment, everyone's gone - you--despite your better judgement--make your way inside the house and try to find anyone you know - that turns into you wandering around a house for fourteen minutes until you accidentally trip and fall on someone - you land on the floor beside them, but didn't manage to fully knock them over - you're saying goodbye to your loved ones in your brain bc you thought you heard kang dongho over here and o fuck he's kinda scary - "o h my god i'm so sorr ry are you alright this looks bad can i help you are you hurt,,,,o G od i didn't see y-" - "y/N wHAT ARE YOU DOING" - seonho yells from across the room at you like there aren't enough people looking at you - the guy you ran into kinda just glares at you and you're offended but not offended enough to say anything - seonho, on the other hand, is the opposite - "aRe yOu tryiNg to fiGhT //OUR// Y/N???!?!!!?//!!?? GUANLIN HYUNG HE'S GOING TO TRY AND FIGHT O UR-" - you and guanlin are mortified - "ignore him!!! i'm so sorry!!!!!!!" - the senior just apologizes back and turns around, and guanlin has to physically drag seonho out the door and down the street a little - "seonho let's go get food" - "you're right,,,,y/n must be hungry" - you come bc you really didn't want to be at that house anymore,,,,,even though you were barely there you realize why you rarely go to parties even when invited - you all walk to a variety store and hang out in front like the cool cats u are - ....more like you wanted seonho out of the store so he wouldn't spend any more of YOUR money - at some point seonho wanders back in with ten more dollars courtesy of guanlin which leaves the both of you alone - "are you okay?" - until he spoke up you were silent and eating your little cracker snack, so you kinda gulp and turn to him in shock - "y-yeah, are you okay?" - good going - you fucked it up - you're nervous because under the neon lights of the variety store realization hits you like a truck - lai guanlin,,,,,is,,,,,criminally attractive - he chuckles and looks out to the traffic - "it's going better than i had planned" - planned>???? - seonho sticks his head out the door of the variety store - " are u done yet" - guanlin stands up w/ his fist raised - "dONT RUSH ME" - "YOU'RE NOT GONNA DO IT BABY" - " OH Y E A H????? WATCH ME<<" - he takes a deep breath and says abnormally loud - "y/N I REALLY LIKE YOU I THINK WE SHOULD GO OUT SOME TIME. SEE SEONHO I DID IT WH-" - he clamps his hand over his mouth realizing what he just done gone and did - "i like you too, lai guanlin"
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