#[ maybe fae and werewolves too even tho i don't write any of those from this universe ]
rennisaturate · 5 years
Vampires !!!
              okayyyy so because i am terrible at keeping track of this shit and because i think it’d be helpful in general for anyone writing with or against vampires ( canon or ocs ) from this lore, here’s a summary of sorts for how vampires operate in Casandra Clare’s Mortal Instruments universe. All of this information was gathered from The Shadowhunter’s Codex (2013) [ i included a link in case anyone wants to buy/read themselves. i recommend also downloading the Libby app and checking to see if u can read it free thru ur library there if u really want ] i meannnn u could always just look at the wiki but whatever this is easier for me lol
the first vampires were created in 1444 in Romania. Vlad III held a public ceremony to summon the greater demon Hecate via blood sacrifice. in exchange for the sacrifice the demon turned him and his court into the first vampires.
vampirism is the result of a demon infection in humans
to be become a vampire: 1) the person must be bitten and fed vampire’s blood and then “die” 2) they must be buried. 3) they must rise by digging themselves out of their grave
newborn vampires are called “fledglings.” a fledgling rising will draw energy from the living things around it and cause cold spots around their grave. the dirt they’re buried in holds special properties for them: they can tell when it’s been disturbed or moved away. breaking a glass of their grave dirt can be used to summon or alert them
vampires are often made by accident. families will bury their deceased loved ones not knowing of the infection, and then they rise. this in turn is the main cause for most random vampire attacks and human deaths by vampires.
biting within itself isn’t as big a deal as the consuming of blood when it comes to transformations. one can be bitten and remain unchanged
vampire venom will relax the victim and can even make the experience euphoric for them
drinking vampire blood on the other hand will cause an “irresistible pull to vampires which could turn them into a subjugate begging to be turned”
the treatment for drinking vampire blood is to drink holy water until all of the blood is out of one’s system. you’ll know it’s worked once the holy water stops making them sick
vampires can keep “subjugates,” though it is illegal to make new ones due to the 1962 Accords
to turn a person into a subjugate, a vampire has to keep the human close and feed them small bits of vampire blood over time. the blood will make them docile and eventually worshipful of their new master. subjugates eventually stop eating regular food and will survive off of vampire and animal blood. they age slowly, but are not immortal and are not considered human. they can only be introduced by their master. subjugates can also be turned into vampires, but they won’t worship their master any more
vampires don’t have to be “invited in” to someone’s home
rays of sun will burn them, but full exposure to the sun will cause them to burst into flame. this is because of them being “demonic, damned creatures who are cursed to not be able to look at the sun that gives life to earth.”
they can also be burned by witchlight since it’s angelic, but to a much lesser extent. other artificial lights can make them uncomfortable if strong enough, but unless they’re very weak it’s not bound to do anything
they’re super flammable and if exposed directly to a flame they’re likely to “burst into the flames in the manner of paper or dry wood”
holy water and other blessed materials (i.e. seraph blades) will burn them
holy symbols can repel vampires if they were of that faith when they were human (i.e. a crucifix repelling a vampire who was christian as a human, but not an atheist or Buddhist or otherwise)
vampires have super human strength, grace and speed, and can heal quickly from regular injuries. their eyes adjust very quickly to changes in light as well and can see in the dark very well. their blood is a bright. shining red
they don’t cast reflections and do not leave fingerprints or footprints, nor can they be tracked using regular tracking spells either demonic or angelic in origin
they posses a power called “encanto.” using prolonged eye contact, they can convince humans and shadowhunters of nearly anything or persuade them into doing anything. it has to be practiced though, so usually older vampires are the best at it
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