#[ v: this aint odysseus's odyssey ]
honeyedxlemons · 7 years
-- A normal day for Jaden and Cyrus Harkness during late June entailed a lot of eating and a lot of lazing around in Central Park. It was relaxing to lay out on the rocks and just do nothing. Cyrus would read, Jaden would sunbathe, at some point they’d go and get bubble tea and find a new spot to laze about in. It was a good time for the siblings. Now that Jaden had recently graduated high school, she would be going to college. Cyrus wanted to spend ever last minute he could with his sister, not in a weird way, but he would miss her. He was still three years from going to college himself, while being incredibly smart, he still had ADHD and dyslexia which made him extremely unmotivated when it came to academia. And sometimes even got him kicked out of school before their mom could force them to change schools.
-- Four o’clock rolled around and Cyrus nudged Jaden, it was time for them to head home. They each had their own things to do later that night and they needed time to get ready after all. “C’mon, Jay,” he said, a small smile tugged at his lips as he started to pack up his bag, excited for the night to come with his almost, kind of, sort of boyfriend and the rest of their friends. They had rented out a movie theatre fucking rich kids and they had plans to sit and watch Spiderman: Homecoming, as well as any other movie the theatre was willing to show early for them, giving they paid the right price. Once Jaden was ready, they were making their way through the park towards their home on Fifth Avenue. 
-- They walked in silence, which was normal for them. Silence was easy for the Harkness siblings, and it wasn’t because they didn’t want to talk, they loved talking to each other. It was just easy. Everything was easy, they had an ideal brother/sister relationship. It was going to be hard without Jaden around, he knew that, but Cyrus was a teenager, he didn’t always need his sister around, and he knew that she needed a life of her own. He was excited for her honestly. It was a relatively easy walk back, no one bothering them, no one harassing Jaden for the way she was dressed not that it’d bother her anyway. But suddenly, they were stopped by a very, very, very tall man. He was tall and muscly and he had a military style buzzcut, his sunglasses covered his eyes, but Cyrus swore that he saw fire in them. He dressed like a biker and at his side hung a large knife, that no one cared about. Was open carry even legal in New York? Cyrus would have to check later. 
-- Everything about this guy, from the way he dressed to the way he carried himself, made Cyrus angry. He wanted to punch him, and then maybe punch a random jogger in the park, and he had no clue why. “Hey, kiddos,” he said, a grin forming on his ugly, anger inducing face. Cyrus just glared harder. He couldn’t find his words, which was rare for him, he usually had a ton to say, especially at people who made him angry even if he didn’t know why he was angry. He turned to Jaden, just to see how she was reacting, but for once he couldn’t gauge how his sister was feeling. “Who are you?” Cyrus asked as he turned back to the large man. “We don’t have any cash, so you can just leave us alone.”
-- Bellowing laughter came from the man and Cyrus felt like he had the life punched out of him, “gods, you’re a puny, rage filled asshole, aren’t you? I don’t need your money.” He grinned, ruffling Cyrus’ hair playfully. That just made him grimace and want to punch the man even more, he was all but ready to start a fight. “That’s no way to talk to the god of war, I’d have to say, for a smart kid, you’re pretty dumb. I’m here to talk to her though.” Cyrus turned to Jaden once more, shock painting his face. What could this guy who claimed to be a god want with his sister?
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