#[[i just think tay's so neat gdi ]]
faythsang · 1 year
⛅️ (and open to other things too, depending on how they might get along! :3 )
Relationships Meme // @tailoringtay
⛅️ friends of circumstance
I love all of Lenne's friendships of circumstance because they're all so different, but also hilarious to explain. Dream of the fayth who randomly landed in Spira, meet tailor with no memories of his past who also randomly landed in Spira. What could possibly go wrong there? You know, except everything. Especially given they're both support type characters so probably have a rough time with fiends, but that just makes the adventure all the more fun, doesn't it?
Tay's definitely the more serious of the two, with Lenneth trying to make their whole adventure more light-hearted, but I see them bonding over both not knowing who they really are and being strangers to Spira together. I hope he never asks her to explain how dresspheres work because quite frankly, she does not know and is scared to ask. But also wants to use 'em.
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