#[[percy may not be sorry but i joey would like to extend my sincere apologies to quincy and bert on behalf of my guy's rancid behavior]]
bishop-percival · 11 months
(prev) Quincy snapped out of his rage to the cries of Scientist Bert, he looked up from Percival and listened thoroughly. His eye twitches a bit, and with the reveal of the terrified Sherri Jr his eye softens and now looks remorseful. ... Did he go too far... Quincy looks down to his cleaver and then to the slumped bishop, realizing how he let such a mean feeling take over made him feel... Sad. Looking between both the cleaver and Percival had him tear up briefly. What a mean thing to do. Both of them. So mean. Quincy let go of the cleaver, it stayed upright in the table, and he used his two hands to push Percival's chair out. His voice is low as he speaks, he seems to be struggling, overwhelmed by his own actions. "Ymddiheuriadau Bert for making a mess. Ymddiheuriadau Percival if the table hurt you and for considering turning you into produce. Ymddiheuriadau Sherri Jr for scaring you. Sorry to everybody, for this disaster dinner, if I knew it would turn out so horrible I would never had suggested it." His voice seemed to have wobbled a slight near the end there. Quincy almost went to pick Percival up from the chair and hug him again but he seems to have learnt a bit since then: "Percival was it the hug that upset you so much? The rat? Both?" ..Quincy forgot that not everybody likes to be hugged when stressed. No wonder Percival was so mean. "Bert I can help replace the table, and I'm sure Bishop Percival will not mind cleaning up his own messes and replacing the handle?" Quincy's eye had not moved from Percival's body. It felt more like a rhetorical question than anything.
Percival slowly stood up from his chair and dusted off his vestment and took in a nice big breath in and out. He put the most pathetically remorseful face he could possibly muster on. 
“Oh, dear Chef, dear Scientist, it’s me who should apologize the most. I’ve made such a mess of things. Chef, I burnt your generous and beautiful meal you worked so hard to make. Scientist, I melted the door handle when I got too impatient to enter. I am truly, truly sorry… That you’re a bunch of SUCKERS!!” 
The swift little bishop hopped up onto the table and lunged forward, not for the cleaver that was solidly stuck in the table, no, but for Chef Quincy’s other beloved knife that had been resting near Bert when Sherri Jr was licking it. 
Bert was quick enough to realize this, and tried to grab it before the bishop got to it… but both of them ended up grasping it at the same time. 
Percival was keen enough to know he had to act fast before the Chef was able to intervene. So instead of struggling for control of the knife, he used Bert’s pulling against him, pushing the knife towards him and slicing his shoulder. Bert gritted his teeth and sharply inhaled. The bishop smiled wickedly and swiped some blood with his finger before hopping off the table at the other end and beelining for the door. 
Sherri Jr, witnessing this unforgivable crime against her father, jumped out of Bert’s pocket and chased after the bishop… 
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