#[[that convo like at the end with Jade got me like what are yall gonna doooo]]
itsthebiiii · 4 years
A messy summary of Ikepri Yves’ route up to chapter 15
So I've reached the point in Yves' route where I could choose which ending route (? idk) to pick and lemme just say that it's been cute... up until chap 15-ish. Also I drained my wallet dry just to get the premium avatars and his povs because imma simp for Yves so RIP me I guess
Okay, so summaries mean spoilers so imma put them all under the cut for all yall who don't wanna get spoiled. I may or may not have missed some points (especially about the plot i’msosorry) and maybe I understood some things wrong so feel free to correct me (pls). This is SUPER messy so proceed with caution
So first of all.
I mean he gave me strong Jonah vibes at first, it’s still there but kinda... different?
On MC's first day at the castle, while she was strolling around, she notices Yves  watching her from behind a pillar wtf. When he's found out he was like "i-it's not like I was worried about you stfu" and afterwards he told MC that he's gonna keep an eye on her because he's not sure she’d do her job as Belle right but he says he's only doing it because he's doing his duty as a prince yea right
Later they bumped into Nokto who reminded MC about the Belle system (MC: dafuq is that???). After they explained all that Yves was like "yo you better not fall in love with me or else" and MC replied with "bruh if you ever steal my heart then I'm all yours for eternity" then Yves comes back with "if you ever steal mine then imma do the same. But i kid you not, that will NEVER happen" and they both laughed it off like it's nothing. Meanwhile Nokto's just listening from the side like "HA HA BET"
Anyway, part of Yves keeping an eye on MC means he'd spend some quality time™️ with her and him going to her room to wake her up 😂 also, he decided to show her around and tell her about the princes so she can get a grasp of them to see who is the most suitable to be the next King. So he gives her a memo pad to write their deets down on and she got to talk to everyone except Chevalier cuz that dude scary 😭 MC's feeling down because she really wanted to know what his plans are if he becomes King. Seeing this, Yves comforts her with a leFtOvEr piece of cake from dinner. MC goes on bout how being affected by this whole thing is a disgrace to her Belle title so she's determined to try again. Yves is impressed by this so he silently supports her. In the end, ye, MC got Chevalier to talk and all is well not
After all the introductions, our girl MC straight out tells Yves "Aye this is great and all, but you've never really told me about yourself fam" because ye, she got a point tho. He kept singing praises about the other princes but never really talked about himself
SO... he takes her out to town on a date the next day to show (yes, show) her, and while walking she notices that everyone they passed by whispered under their breaths about how Yves has such a doll-like face and all that. But that's not all...
They also whispered bout how they shouldn't go near Yves and his backstory is revealed: Yves has some Obsidian blood in him, and the Obsidian kingdom, let's say, have some beef that's as old as time with Rhodolite and the other kingdoms(??). Also his earring was given to him by his mother who is from Obsidian 🥺 But he doesn't hate her from what I've read so, there's that
SOOO ye. Everyone avoids him and spreads rumors bout him, he thinks everyone hates him but he doesn't give a fuck bout that. He says as long as he realizes his own self worth, all those don't matter to him. But MC notices that Yves hates himself more than anyone does. That he puts up this proud façade just to hide his real feelings. That before you can even ask him to spit it out, he's just gonna sweep all that aside with his 'idgaf' attitude. He also revealed that he plans to bring the Kloss family’s honor back if he becomes King. Oh, and he mentioned there may come a time when he’ll betray Rhodolite so... o.O
Returning from the date, MC bumps into Leon who decided to spill some tea bout why Yves actually wanted to keep an eye on her (I'm sorry but I kinda breezed through this part so this was all I could remember 🙇‍♀️). Then one day Leon and Licht (either or both of them, idk) told them Jin suddenly collapsed or smth, so they rushed to the kitchen and saw Jin looking weak as he laid on the floor. Yves was worried af, while MC just noticed how Leon and Licht were all chill bout the whole thing, so she realized they were clowning Yves lolol. Jin dramatically tells Yves how he would die if he weren't to eat some of Yves' sweets and Yves was like "??? U CLOWN you even got MC worried-- wdym you caught on??? Haaa!?" And they teased him loool. In the end, Yves bakes a cake for them, when MC notices that it looked like the leftover cake Yves gave her one time. MC asked Yves if it was and he was in full panic mode. Licht was like "leftover??? But whenever Yves bakes smth there are never leftovers 🤔" so Licht tells her that Yves might have baked it just for her, to which the latter denied lolol u tsun
Anyway, to get to know Yves more, MC spends more time with him, yada yada, all that stuff, until they go out to town again. There they notice a group of performers playing and she also notices how interested he was. She then asked him if he wanted to watch them, but Yves declined since he's worried he'll only ruin the mood (iirc he thinks of himself as a bad luck magnet of some sort?). MC manages to persuade him and after he plays, everyone is in awe and like "omg, Prince Yves is actually good :O" And for the first time, Yves felt like he actually belonged and wasn't feared by the Rhodolites.
Everything was cute and all until they get caught in the rain, yada yada, and when they get home they both get sick so Sariel tells them to rest up. Oh, and did I mention they SHARED A BED? No? Well, they did 😏
When Yves wakes up, he notices he's been hugging MC in his sleep and he's SHOOKETH. He then has a slight internal conflict bout why his heart is going doki doki with just hugging MC, then as if he's struck by lightning he's like "omg, I like MC???" When she wakes up he immediately sputters "i don't like u ok!!?!" Then he rushes out to go to the library and look up the meaning of love lololol then he finds they are all applicable to what he feels for MC. But he still denies it because of the stupid system 🙄 then he's found by Luke and gets teased 🤣
After the gathering, she runs to the kitchen and finds Yves there. He told her he spent the night preparing a whole FEAST for MC to reward her for going through all that shiz and MC immediately feels guilty so she cries. She tried to play it off like it’s nothing and the next thing she knew Yves was kissing her tears away. It was her turn to be SHOOKETH but before she could comprehend shit Yves remembered he forgot smth then zoomed out the kitchen. Once outside, he was in panic mode yet again because he didn’t mean to actually do that. He’s like “oh no I like MC I’m screwed”, but in the end, he thinks MC is the one in trouble because she’s liked by someone like him boi I can’t wait for him to see the light istg
After all that, MC is informed bout a gathering Rhodolite is to hold with Benitoite and Jade so she gets ready for that, and when the day comes she’s kinda nervous and stuff. Before going she bumps into Yves who decides to ease her nervousness by fixing her hair (ugh get you a man 💯) and they talk some more about him, how Yves put more effort into acting and looking like a prince to hide the fact that he’s actually 'defective goods’ or smth and through that he feels like he actually has some value. Then he cheers her up by returning the words she’d told him before and it works like a charm ❤ MC then learns that Yves won’t be going to the gathering because “no Obsidian peeps allowed” and since he’s half Obsidian... 🥺 She did promise to meet him at the kitchen once it’s over. Anyways, MC meets diff people, until some punk from Benitoite or Jade talks smack about Yves and comments how he should just be sent back to Obsidian. As much as this pissed her off, all she could do was be silent and wait for the convo to end.
Also, by the end of chap 15, some stuff happens that will actually get the plot moving lol
Aaaaand that’s that for chappies 1~15! I might make another one for the remaining half or when I finish an ending. If you made it this far, here's this leFtOvEr cake from Yves 🍰
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mellifxuous · 7 years
OKAY FIRST DAY OVER BUT ILL PROBABLY MAKE ANOTHER POST AT THE END OF THE WEEEEK. SO im gonna switch out of my act prep class bc i really want that ap study lab and i know thers one during that period so it should b an easy switch AND I got the math teacher that sucks and everyones tellin me to switch out but i have a lotta chingus in that class so i think ill stay for this semester and if it gets rlly bad ill switch out for second semes. I GOT JULIAN FUCKIN LEEEE IN MY APUSH CLASS LMAO ITS GONNA BE A GOOD YEAR😩😩 aND me jessica and alex have all our ap classes together so I HAVE AN AP STUDY GrOuP. ALSO JUSTIN STAMARIA IS IN MY AP ENG CLASS AMD WE SAT NEXT TO EACH OTHER AND WE TALKED A LOT AND I THINK WE GOOD FRIENDS NOW YALL THIS YEAR IS RLLY LOOKIN UP. And i passed justin olsen in the hall and we looked at each other and he gave me that head👏🏼👏🏼 nod👏🏼👏🏼 thanks justin ma boi😩 OHHDUDHSHS AND ME AND MY UTAH SQUAD ARE ALL TAKING APUSH SO WE CAN HAVE THOSE SKYPE STUDY DATES IM SO EXCITED I MISS THEM AND ITLL HELP US A LOT BC WE ALL HAVE DIFF TEACHERS SO THEYLL TEACH US DIFFERENTLY AND WE CAN SHARE WHAT WE LEARNEDED I BET WE ALL GET 4S ON THE AP TESTYST. OH and im switching out of my painting class for ap design and marcelas doin it with me so i alredy have a friend in that class amd its the same period so its also an easy switch yeeyeyeyeye. I got lunch w jade for B days and im so excited also erica is finally here and i showed her to her classes this morn and im rlly excited shes gonna have such a fun highschool time. I got like 3 classes w ariana and i think we culd be better friends this year bc we wont be hanging out that much after school its just gonna stay in school except for tevakanui days. Psych is gonna be such a fun class the teacher is so chill and thers gonna be a lotta jokes told in there i can tell. I got physics w kristen and biz and seth but seth is switchin out to ap (lame) and the teacher said there would be a lot of group stuff so im excited to work w kristen and her friend anika. HOW DID I NOT KNOW ANIKA SHES FRIENDS W A LOTTA MY FRIENDS AND SHES REALLY PRETTY AND NICE WTF. And after school i wend to mcdo w erica and jade and it was rlly chill and fun im glad we did it. N while we were waiting for my mom to pick us up erica introduced her new friend to us and he started a streak w me so i think we friends now plus we had a mini convo on sc about how dumb remmington is SO i think i made 2 friends today wooooottt. U know i think this may be the best year of highschool i got some cute dudes in my classes FOR ONCE OHMYGOD I NEVER GET THE CUTE DUDES BUT ANYWAY if god was rlly listenin mayb he’ll send one my way on his free time #LIVINONAPRAYER AND YOU KNOW WHAT. ITHINK. I THINK IM FINALLY 100% OVER JON. I POSTED ON MY STORY TODAY WITHOUT SECOND GUESSING IF I SHULD POST IT BC JON WOULD SEE ANDDDD I LOOKED AT HIS STORY AND JUST WENT ‘stfu jon’ BC I HATE HIM AND I CAN FIND SOMEONE BETTRRR. Egeheh but watch december roll around and idk we’ll see im thinkin about just ignoring him if he tries to contact me. BUT FR i think this year is actually going to be the best one but i dont wanna jinx it so FINGERS CROSSED. idkk why but whenever i think about junior year being the best i think abt allisons post where she was like '12/13 and the best one yet’ and she was like holdin jons hand or smthn but u couldnt see idk it just reminds me of that BuT i dont wanna be allison 2.0 bc im pretty sure thats what i am to jon we’re jus wayy to similar so im lowkey prayin junior year wont be the best bc i dont wanna be like allison but i also want junior year to be the very best bc i can feel its gonna be lit. Idk fcuk allison im gonna make junior year the best. AND PLEASE JESUSY SEND ME A SIGN WEN UR REDY TO SEND A BOIJ MY WAyyyYyyy
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