#[All too accurate. I'm howling. XD]
timelostobserver · 1 year
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lazzarella · 16 days
And, after another torturous seven days have passed, we are graced with another stellar episode of my new favourite show! Huzzah! And that means it's time for more notes that no one asked for from yours truly:
- *Bill and Ted voice*: 69, dudes!
- Ooh, Doctor, your jealousy is showing! (And Yak totally clocked it too. You can see he's thinking about milking it—when he mentioned Yei—but he doesn't let it hang over them for long)
- now I'm curious about his mum/parents...
- Okay, if anyone sniffed me, I'd find it odd because it's not my culture but I think the Thai sniff kisses are sooooo cute :3
- (Seriously, though, I'm still not over Yak giving Dee the necklace like they're steadies in the 1950s, ahhhhhhh, will I ever be over it?)
- Cher, Yei and Kao all clocking the necklace XD
- 'Fuck buddy' lmao I was not expecting that! And it sounds so much cuter in a Thai accent
- Kao howling like a dog lol
- Kao knows what's up! (With the, so you're hanging out, only sleeping with him, etc.)
- I MISS YOU!!!!! And sending each other flirty texts!!!! sdfjsldkjfldskjfdlk
- How many boxers does it take to change a light bulb?
- Dee is so cute in that scene, btw, all feigned incompetence lmao
- ngl, I want to try black sesame soy milk
- Awww! Coming in with the clown nose to cheer the little boy up! But oh no :( (I wonder if that's why Yak and Dee dress in the tiger and bunny suits from the preview???)
- 'It feels nice to have someone ask if you're tired when you're tired' Oh!!!
- Just... That whole phone call! Their little faces!! They're soooo fond of each other
- Boy, those nurses are gossipy! But I think that's pretty accurate from what I know about hospitals IRL
- It's going by too fast D:
- Dee's stripy shirt is so cute! He looks like a little boy in the 1970s haha
- Dee has so many tchotkes! And, ooh, my mum has that same IKEA lantern lol
- 'It's not fun for me anymore!' :((((((
- I love that he says it's over between them but doesn't ask for the necklace back!!
- Look at that pouty baby!
- There's the briefest expression on Dee's face as he walks away that made me want to scream, Inn is SUCH a good actor
- Guess we're getting some hints at what happened to Dee's parents. Was it the siren that made him flashback?
- HOLDING HANDS!!!! Ahhhhhh!!!
- Seriously, though, Yak is concerned (maybe rightly so?) about being romantically involved publicly with a guy, but he takes Dee's hand when he sees something's off at the crossing???? He's so caring I can't take it D:
- Damn it, I want noodles
- Ugh, Yak feeding Dee!! I can't take thiiiiiis
- HANDS AGAIN! Argh. I'm such a sucker for a hand holding/touching moment. This episode really fed me, thank you <3
- Okay, but I could write an essay on Yak's facial expressions in that bridge scene!! Like... Holy hell
- COOKING TOGETHER! So domestic ;__;
- ...or not lol well, it's still domestic, even if the end result isn't edible right?
- Dee teasing Yak is so cute arghhhhh
- Why does he have spray paint???? Why is that a thing he just has on the table???
- Oh! They're so soft!!
- Nooooooo! Don't finish yet! How am I meant to survive the next seven days after seeing that preview?! Life is so cruel :(
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