#[W] I won't...no refuse to let em get too in their own head
❗️🤝 🤡 🧍‍♀️😼 🎵 😎 + Wrench?
F/O Ask Game -- Part 2
❗️- Quick! Without thinking, tell me your favorite thing about your s/o!
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   “Heh, not gonna lie...first thing that came to mind was their hair. Which is...sorta weird when there’s a lot to love about my Kat? But... I guess it’s just the fun of it, y’know?
   “The long hair I met them with... Seeing it grow out, getting to play with it... Helping fund the “chop off” process so they could feel better. It’s been a ton of fun. A way to show off their personality. Who they are. So... Maybe it’s a little less weird if I phrase it that way?”
🤝 - What is something in your relationship that you and your [s/o] mutually agree on?
   “Haha, typo! I gotcha, though. Anyways! So a mutual agreement, huh...? I mean, there’s a few things to pick from, but for the one that stands out...
    “First of all, sand is only cool in theory. You miss the beach until sand ends up in your pockets, your boots, (now our) masks... Your ass, still, somehow! Fucking incredible.
   “Also that the Siska movies are cringe, but in a way that has you laughing... So basically, they’re good cringe.”
🤡 - Do you ever embarrass yourself in front of your s/o?
   “When I first read this, I thought it said “does your s/o ever embarrass you” and I was trying to figure out if Kat ever did, intentionally or not...and I re-read it now to realize it’s if I embarrass myself in front of Kat?!
   “...The better question is when don’t I? Even now, I think I’ve got the “cool and suave” vibes going, only to trip on my sledgehammer or stumble over my words and fuck up my lines... We’re married, for fuck’s sake! You would’ve thought I woulda gotten better at all this, at some point.
   “...Well, not that I’m complaining, actually. Me messing up and looking like an idiot gets them giggling and happy, so... Ah, I guess I’ll settle for looking like some kinda dweeb around my partner.”
🧍🏽‍♀️- Has your s/o ever done something (purposeful or not) to embarrass you?
   “OH, I DIDN’T MISREAD!!! HAHA...! I still don’t know, actually. I’m trying to think up something that comes to mind, but... Most of the time, they’ve either been so cute that nothing else registers, or so awkward that I’m more worried about them than me. Y’know?
   “But yeah, they’re too much of a sweetheart to bully me like I do them. If I embarrass them, it’s all fun and games! But they never do the same back... Although, that might have something to do with us having different...thresholds for who considers what “embarrassing,” so I win more than they lose.”
😼 - Do you ever get jealous when your s/o pays more attention to a cute pet than you?
   “...No. Yes. Fuck! Maybe!?
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   “...All I’m saying is I am totally, way cuter than a “puppy”...or cat...but I’ll admit defeat to Princess Leia. ONLY because she’s our baby!!! Any other cat or dog or horse...or whatever has no grounds to stand on!!”
🎵 - Give me a song that reminds me of your s/o!
   “Oh... Wow. Uh, I’m not prepared for this one, actually. We have a song together and it’s so “us” that I’ve never quite thought up a song that reminds me of KitKat...? Lemme check, though.
   “Hmm... Might have to go with Moon and Back by Alice Kristiansen. It goes both ways, but... The gentle tone of the song, overall sappiness, moon themes (right next to all things cats, they LOVE the space-stuff), support through rough times... Yeah. That’s my wifey.”
😎 - What do you do to impress your s/o?
   “Uhhh, a little bit of everything? Especially in the beginning! To...the point I was overbearing, yeah. But I really wanted them to like me. An embarrassing amount. Miiiight’ve gotten a little over the top, sometimes.
   “Now, though? I’ve actually calmed down. My biggest “love letter” to Kat was getting Princess Leia at all and... They recognize that. I get to live with this silly furball-baby and I...think that’s a break for awhile. Might get back into DedSec work...might find something new.
   “I’m still thinking about it. Kat wants kids someday, though, and I plan to keep impressin’.”
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xxisxxisxxis · 5 years
Gateway Drug | Part Forty-Five
Table of Content or Part Forty-Four
Read HERE on Wattpad
Words: 3.1K
Warning(s): Explicit language, sexual situations, mentions of drug abuse
Tag List: @unknownoblivion @sinningsixx @edwardtriggerhandzz @lemmyjelly @haileynicoleseavey17 @cierrasixx19 @oskea93 @mgkobsessed @vamprlestat @sharon6713 @itsametaphorbriansblog @miriampraez @allie-mcginn @rebeccaphillips14 @nicholeh7 @fandomshit6000 @lilmou5ie @tamedhearts @divaanya @kingbouji3 @evrsncnewyork @6ixx6ixx @ratedrkohardychick91 @floregrohlssard @oldschoolimagineblog @thanks2pete @abaldboi @swoopygorl @justjodeye @liith-ium @caos18blog @ytwahsog @shamlessobsessions @scarecrowmax @toadspleen @random-internet-user-4471 @solohqrry @loveofmyloif @sparxx27 @kaitieskidmore1 @xpoisonousrosesx @cruecifymesixx @ijustwanttokiss70srogertaylor @emmaelizabeth2014 @meetthesixxter @sixxsixxsexx @sublimeprincesswasteland @arianareirg @girlnight-terror @mcnibberachi
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Five days detoxing at Doc's house+rehab+therapy=road to recovery=out of the woods. It's the magical equation I swore up and down wouldn't end in "Error."
The few dishes on the counter shatter into the floor once Nikki roughly sits me on it, his fingers digging into my thighs that wrap securely around him, our tongues twisting as we tug and pull at each other's clothes.
I get his pants undone as he pulls the towel from around my body, taking a handful of my soaking wet hair in his hand and tugging my head back to leave bites and bruises up and down my neck, causing me to hum in pleasure while my core pulses with anticipation to be filled by him.
Moving myself to the edge of the counter, spreading my legs as he runs his fist up and down his length a few times, I take heavy breaths, a wash of shame coming over me for a moment because this is the complete opposite of what we were instructed to do. 
But fuck the "no contact" rule. 
I've barely had any contact with him the past few months because he's been stoned or drunk. Telling me to practically ignore and avoid him for 30 days straight is like waving a loaded syringe in an addict's face before sitting it down in front of them and leaving them alone after telling them "okay I know it's right there and it's the one thing you struggle most to control yourself around, but don't even look at it."
Fuck that, and Nikki. And I refuse to walk around my own house anymore and not do the latter of those two.
The indescribable feeling of him pushing into me has my head tipping back , and my eyes closing as the both of us let out content sighs. 
I put my weight on one of my hands that rests on the counter beside me, the other hand wrapped around the back of Nikki's neck, as he moves in and out of me ferociously and I meet him thrust for thrust.
Let's take a step back and catch up on how he and I had gotten to that point.
Eight Days Earlier
"You two can detox at my place, check into rehab, come out when you're better and we'll go from there." Doc explains to Nikki and Tansy as they both sit on our couch.
"W-What about the press? Or my mom?" Tansy asks him nervously, fumbling with the tag on the throw blanket she's enveloped in.
"You let me deal with your mom and the media, alright?" Doc assures her. 
"Surely your mom won't be pissed at you for getting help, Tans." I try to tell her and she rubs her lips together.
"People will know I have a problem if I got to rehab." She points out. "It'll make me look bad."
"Having to cover your entire body with makeup to hide the discoloration of your skin and the track marks, looks bad, Tansy. Screw what people think. At least you're admitting you need help." I say and she doesn't reply, just looking at Nikki to gauge his reaction to all of this.
He looks pissed, but too tired and defeated to give a shit enough to argue with me anymore about it.
"What's the point of rehab if I'm just gonna end up kicking it at Doc's place?" Nikki asks me and I let out a breath.
"Because rehab will teach you coping mechanisms that Doc can't, Nikki. It won't take that long for you to get out if you just try your best at it." I reply and he scoffs. 
"So, what, you're babysitting me at Doc's until I'm done throwing up, shitting myself, and having hot and cold flashes and then shipping me off for a few weeks?" He cuts his dead eyes at me and Doc and I exchange looks.
"Well, it depends on how quickly you adjust to rehab and make a turn around, as to how soon you can get out...so it might be more than a few weeks." Doc informs him. "And Bob has already scheduled you and Viv an appointment with a marriage therapist."
"Well if I'm spending more than three weeks in rehab there's no point in working on our marriage." 
"The program you'll be in includes this particular therapist who's currently working on creating a schedule for Vivian to come visit you often and you two have your sessions bi-weekly." Doc states and Nikki rolls his jaw, looking at me.
"Is this what you really want? Your husband gone for weeks on end until some quack gives me a certificate and a gold star because I went 'X' amount of time without shooting up?" He harshly questions me and I rub my lips together.
I think of the reasons Nikki didn't spend more than three days in rehab the first time he went, was because A.) He refused to believe in a higher power, and B.) He didn't go to rehab because he knew he had a problem and wanted to get better, he went to rehab to appease the people around him because he felt we were twisting his arm until he gave up and cried "mercy" a.k.a "fine I'll go, just as long as you shut the fuck up and get off my back about it."
I look at him for a moment, studying his knotted hair, his yellow skin, his shot eyes, his weak appearance, before saying:
"I'd rather you hate me for a little while for getting you help, instead of waking up and trying to convince myself to continue to live in a world with no Nikki Sixx in it."
"We're not indestructible, Nikki." Tansy adds softly, knowing very well she and he both need help.
He doesn't say anything else.
She had Doc and I convinced she wanted help...but truth be told Nikki actually went to rehab while Tansy had Duff come get her from Doc's house.
She knew she had a severe problem, but the only time Tansy would "clean up" was when she gave her veins a break, out of fear of completely losing them, and was muscling smack. She would fall back on pills and lots of booze, then when some of her veins would start reviving themselves back from their smaller size, she would start up again.
I can't even say how much money she and her mother were paying people to keep quiet to the media. 
Nobody could know perfect Tansy Lyn, Playboy's Barbie Doll, was so broken inside that she repeatedly destroyed her body, let it rebuild, and wrecked it again. 
It must have been a punch in the face to her mom when Tansy came clean in '88 and admitted she had struggled with addiction and was going into rehab...and an even harder punch in the face when she came back in into the spotlight in 1989, dropping her stage name "Tansy Lyn" and dawning "Tansalyn Rose" after marrying Axl, and practically confessed every grimy detail of her obsession with hard drugs and alcohol since 1981, and why she started them to cope with what was happening behind the scenes of the brutal modeling industry. 
In 1990, her vision-come-to-life, "I Won't Just Smile", was born. It started as a campaign to raise awareness against sexual abuse, exploitation, and coercion in all corners of the modelling industry, then stemmed into an organization that offered free services to victims of addiction and abuse, from rehab to post-assault counseling and everything in between.
Years of Diane's hard work to create her daughter's untouchable persona, completely shattered.
I was just thrilled Tansy had turned her struggles around and used them to help others, but first, she would have to face a handful of overdoses, one of which nearly killed her, have a section of her liver cut out, and have a temporary pace-maker.
All of it just made Axl more strict about drugs. Not just for the sake of the band and the fans, but he was afraid some members of Guns in particular would pull Tansy back into the merry-go-round of addiction after she got clean.
"You're telling me I can't stay with him and Tansy?" I ask Doc harshly in a whisper once the four of us get to his house.
"You won't want to stay, Viv. I'm telling you, they're gonna pull out all the stops to get you to cave and get them some smack because they'll be in so much pain. I don't want you to see them like that and I don't want you to compromise their recovery." He explains.
"You think I would do that?!"
"I know you would if it came down to it." He states and I roll my jaw. "This isn't just little flu symptoms and some body aches. They will feel like they are going to die, they will look like they are going to die and I cannot trust you not to give in." His brutal honesty. "You'll be able to see them in about a week, they'll be better by then and then we can look at the next step. Got it?"
I just glare at him.
"Go kiss 'em 'bye' and fuck off." He says next, waving his hand at me dismissively as he goes to my car to grab Nikki's bag and his car to grab Tansy's.
I step back into the living room to tell them 'bye' but stop myself, deciding it's better to let Doc deal with Nikki's pissed off temper when he discovers I won't be staying with them.
Grabbing my car keys from the table by the door, I head the house.
When I get back to our house, I check the machine that's blinking a light to signal a missed call.
I go to the kitchen and get a glass of water as Slash's voice slurs through the speaker.
"H-Hey, Viv, um...uh...we..." I chuckle at his incoherent mumbling and step to the phone to call him back as another message starts playing where his left off.
"Viv," It's Duff. "Call us back as soon as you can."
I furrow my brows a little, about to dial them back until yet another message comes on.
"Viv, we got signed!" Steven's screaming has me dropping my water and the phone, joy coursing through the soles of my feet up to my hair, and I'm running around and screaming along with his recorded message loudly blaring his own excitement.
I run back to the phone and pick it up, dialing their apartment.
"We got signed!" Steven's voice is shouting at me before the phone even rings a single ring.
"When?! How?! By who?!" I say back.
"We'll tell you over dinner because guess who got $7,500 cash advances?! The same mother fuckers who've been stealing from strippers to get by, that's who!" He exclaims.
"Yeah, don't ever tell people you guys did that!" I say in the same tone. "Lemme change and I'll be over there, okay?"
"Okay." He replies, and I can just hear his smile through the phone.
I hang up and give one last scream of happiness before sprinting to get changed and leave.
Tom Zutaut, the same man responsible for giving Mötley Crüe their shot, had given the same shot to Guns N' Roses.
They had signed to Geffen Records, and although that was their second goal--the first was getting a band together--they knew the main goal was to release their first album, and hopefully, have it a success.
Before I can even knock on the door, it's swinging open and Steven's like a puppy, jumping around, waiting on me by the door.
I hug him tightly, trying to keep myself from crying with immense relief that they're one step closer--a giant step closer--to their dream.
When we pull away from each other, Duff holds his hand up for me to give him a high-five and I do, his fingers locking with my hand to pull me into a hug and I'm sandwiched between him and Steven momentarily.
A flash catches my eye and we pull away from each other to see a girl with short, blonde hair, that I've never seen before, holding a camera.
"That's gonna be a good one." She tells us, smiling at Duff as the Polaroid deposits.
Mandy Brixx, member of the punk band, Lotus Lame and The Lame Flames, was a cute girl with bleach blonde hair, beautiful brown eyes and a captivating smile...and was also Duff's first wife.
Mandy wasn't perfect, but she didn't disown Duff after he told her he had gotten me pregnant.
Even though he didn't cheat on her with me, and they had been broken up for about six months when he and I got involved, I know it hurt her knowing he had hooked up with the woman she was sure she didn't have to worry about when they dated. They ended up getting back together in 1988 and got married the same year.
They divorced two years later because something just "changed" and neither of them were happy, but I've always respected her because she was really good to Monroe.
His second wife, however, was crazier than a run over dog because she was always on something.
The last time I saw her in 1993, she had said something crass and rude to Tansy and before Tansy could reply, I was asking Linda, "were you born a cunt or does the crack just bring it out of you?"
She swung on me and I swung back. Except when I throw a punch, I make sure it lands.
Maybe she would've actually hit me if her equilibrium weren't as fried as her brain.
I would've kicked her ass if Duff and Matt Sorum hadn't pulled me off of her.
I hope she got her shit together after they divorced in 1995.
I guess bass players and crack-head models go hand-in-hand...
"Viv, this is my girlfriend, Mandy." Duff introduces me. "Mandy, this is my best friend, Viv."
"Hi, it's good to finally meet you." Mandy tells me with a gentle smile and I extend my hand to her.
"You, too." I reply as she takes my hand in her's, my eyes subtly flickering to Duff now that he's standing beside her, silently asking him when the hell he was going to tell me about his girlfriend.
"I'll tell you later." He mouths to me where she can't see and I just keep smiling as she strikes up conversation with me.
Once we get to the Rainbow, Steven and I are a few steps in front of Duff and Mandy, the blonde drummer letting out a little sigh.
"What is it?" I ask, nudging him.
"Just worried about Tansy." He admits, and I raise my brows. "It's not like that, Viv, I swear." He promises. "She's a cool person, is all. I wish she was here to celebrate this with us."
"I'm sure she'll be thrilled to hear about it when you're allowed to go visit her in rehab." I remind him. "Where's the guys?" I ask next as we step into the Rainbow.
"Slash is hanging out with this chick he met a couple weeks ago, Izzy's with his girl friend and I don't know where Axl is." He tells me and I nod. "So it's just a double date for us tonight." He grins widely, winking at me slickly.
After hours of just goofing off, talking, eating and demonstrating our celebration of Guns' stepping stone, Mandy's calling it a night.
"I'll call you later, Duff." She says to him as she grabs her jacket and he stands up to let her scoot out of the booth.
"Sounds good, babe." He replies, kissing her cheek.
"It was really nice to meet you." She tells me.
"It was nice to meet you, too." I reply.
"Bye." She smiles one last time at Duff, waving to Steven before leaving.
"When did you me--"
"Viv, lemme out." Steven interrupts me and I furrow my brows.
"Lemme out, there's a hot girl at the bar and she just waved me over. I wanna get laid. Lemme out." He pleads and I roll my eyes and scoot out so he can stand up.
He does so, heading straight to the bar to try his luck with a beautiful brunette.
And then there were two.
"You were saying?" Duff chuckles out when Steven's gone and I smile a little.
"When did you and Mandy meet?" I ask him and he lets out a breath of cigarette smoke.
"Uh, a month ago, maybe? She gave me her number and I went back and forth with myself until I convinced myself to call her." He explains. "We spent the weekend together so I guess we get along pretty good. She's a great girl."
"She seems nice." I tell him, tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear.
"Yeah, she is." He agrees, taking another drag of his cigarette.
I take a sip of my water and sit in the silence that falls over us before noticing he's staring at me.
"What?" I ask him.
"You wanna go somewhere with me?" He offers, putting his cigarette out.
"C'mon." He stands up, nodding to the door.
"But Steven--"
"--Is about to go mess around with that girl in the bathroom. He's not gonna be mad if we leave him." He adds. "C'mon, you'll like where we go."
"If you say so." I shrug.
He pays the bill and the two of us head back to their apartment so he can get his car.
I know I should have been at home by the phone, waiting for a call from Doc or Nikki or Tansy, but it was pointless to sit at home and worry when I couldn't do anything about it anyway.
When we get to where we're going, Duff is parking his car in the lot of an abandoned building, and I glance around to see there's not much traffic around us.
"Is this the part where you murder me?" I ask him and he busts out in laughter, shaking his head.
"This is where Mandy and her band rehearses." He explains.
"Why're we here?"
"I picked her up here the other day and noticed something you might like." He gets out the car and opens his trunk, pulling out a shopping bag.
"Duff..." I say, uneasy as we approach the rusted door.
"Shh, I got it." He digs in his jacket pocket and plucks out a worn key, unlocking the dead bolt and the door knob.
I follow him inside, and he switches on a light switch, only one light beam in the ceiling comes on, and in the large, dim room, I see a large mirrored wall, sleek but worn out wood floors, and I turn to see Duff holding out a brand new pair of pointe shoes to me.
I wasn't going to tell him I'd gone so long without dancing that I'd have to work my way back up to dancing on pointe, because he'd spent money for the shoes and they looked to be around my size and I didn't want to know how observant he had to be to estimate my shoe size in terms of ballet...so I did something I was really good at doing at that time in my life.
I kept myself from crying.
I knew Duff was going to be a constant encourager in my life when he held those shoes out to me and so easily, so confidently, said:
"You've supported and helped me get into my groove of things to start accomplishing my dream. Now, I'm helping you get back into your's."
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