#[insert Dr Kimmerer's essay about Do you think the land loves you back]
kulapti · 11 months
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Oct 2023, pen & inks. Grass is not all the same.
Many people don't know that grasslands have fall colors. This is partly because over 75% of the prairie habitat on the North American continent has been destroyed by agriculture, systematic destruction, and more recently by urban sprawl. We have less than 1% of historic tallgrass prairie remaining. Please learn about these beautiful and rare spaces to help them, and if you get the chance, go see a prairie in national grassland or in a state or national park.
Aside from the sparkly ink, this illustration has a narrower color range than the Red Hills mixedgrass prairie it represents.
Species: Little bluestem (S. scoparium), big bluestem (A. gerardii), maidenhair (Sporobolus sp.), sideoats grama (B. curtipendula), blooming prairie blazing star (Liatris sp.), and the late season remnants of basketflower (Centaurea americana) and dwarf four-nerve daisy (Tetraneuris linearifolius).
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