ventsofmyhellishlife · 10 months
i hate people's obsession with sex. i hate it. honestly. i can't imagine how it is to center your whole life around it. and i had amazing sex. but it's just soooo, ok, you know? like, i don't need it, ever. my bf is obsessed with it. so i basically have to do it constantly, even when i'm not really in the mood. just cuz he wants to. i would much rather just hug, kiss, cuddle. but noooo, sex is sooooo importaaaaaant. i hate it. i grew to hate sex more and more. sex went from something i could do if i wanted to, to something i need to do on a monthly basis. i despise it. i think sex is kinda ruined for me.
i have this thing where i love bodies. all bodies. all shapes, colors, yatta yatta. i'm fascinated tbh. and his body is no different, he has such a beautiful body. but if i say his body is beautiful he gets offended that i'm not calling him hot and gives me a cold shoulder. i hate this feeling. like i'm wrong for doing things this way. i hate myself at this point. fuck me ig.
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