#[the parental houndoom instincts are kicking in]
Did somebody say Pokémon AU??
I honestly have no clue if this has been done or not. But here' what I'd think a Pokémon AU would look like complete with Pokémon teams.
So for the most part everything follows the show with the added bonus of Pokémon being a thing. The Magnus Institute exists to investigate and catalogue paranormal and supernatural experiences that fall outside the range of regular Pokémon shenanigans. So in the beginning, Jon is an even more cynical ass that chalks everything up to being just typical ghost Pokémon messing with people. But there are greater forces at work that fall outside of even Arceus's range of understanding. And there is more to fear than just Pokémon lurking in the shadows.
Jon: He wasn't like most kids with grand dreams of being a Pokémon master. He was and still is much more content reading a book than training Pokémon. All the ones in his team caught him more than the other way around which is really just par for the course for Jon really. He also can’t be bothered to name any of them.
Absol: It just started following him after the brush with the Leitner and just refused to leave. It tries to warn Jon about bad situations but the man has zero self-preservation instincts. Essentially acts like a beleaguered mom looking after her self destructive toddler.
Rotom: It really just kinda came with the tape recorder.
Unknown: Jon didn't intentionally catch it. The unknown just live in the Archives and made themselves at home in his office until one finally just tapped into a pokeball conveniently left on his desk. It likes helping him find real statements in the Archives and tries to work with its brethren and Absol to warn Jon about incoming dangers. He’s just too buried in statements to see ominous warnings literally floating above his head.
Buneary: It was the first and only Pokemon he ever purposefully caught. It hated him when he caught it and it still hates his guts now but they both refuse to let the other go out of spite. Tim gets a kick about teasing him about it.
Purugly: His first pokemon given to him when his grandma's purugly had kittens. It spends all its time skulking around the archives just doing cat things.
Chandelure: He caught it in the woods as a litwik as a kid and used it as a reading light. He doesn't believe in the stories surrounding them stealing your life force but it definitely does and he’s just too hyped on caffeine to notice.
Martin: I imagine Martin as the breeder type who loves to nurture Pokémon from eggs and just overly spoil his entire team. He of course names all his pokemon after Romantic poets.
Joltik:  Used to belong to Jon before he gave it away after the Leitner incident. He really just kinda threw the ball as far as he could and it hit Martin upside the head. Jon doesn't realize that Martin was that kid or that that Joltik was his and it makes both of them very sad. The only pokemon he hasn’t named since he doesn’t know what Jon named it and it didn’t feel right to change it.
Araquanid: He named it Byron after Lord Byron. Pokémon who, depending on who you ask, either drowns unsuspecting Pokémon or cares for them. Fits Martin to a T if you ask me and he would take pity on a poor, misunderstood spider.
Sylveon: He named it Felicia after Felicia Hemans. He raised it from an egg he found in the backyard. It was also his first Pokemon period that he hid in his room because his mom didn't want any Pokémon in the house. When she did find it she begrudgingly allowed it. She always seemed to dote on it more than she ever did Martin himself...
Klefki: Named it Will after William Wordsworth. This little guy is half the reason Martin is able to get into half the places he does.
Chansey: Named Keats. Another Pokemon raised from an egg, it is just as doting as Martin is to the others in the archives. It is also consequently the most powerful member on his team.
Zorua: Named Percy after Percy Shelley. He initially thought he was catching a volpix when he caught it. He bonded with it over having to hide who he truly is too. It is the overprotective guard dog he deserves that no one realizes how dangerous it truly is.
Tim: his team is comprised of beautiful Pokémon that can absolutely kick anyone's ass at a moments notice. They are all as salty as they are beautiful. He names his pokemon after famous actors and actresses.
Roserade: Named Angelina after Angelina Jolie, it was the first Pokemon he ever caught, the two are a dazzling duo charming anyone that crosses their path.
Yamask: It showed up and started hanging around him after his brother was taken by the Stranger. After that, he knew without a shadow of a doubt his brother was dead. He dotes on it constantly because of it despite how much it creeps others out. He, of course, named it Danny.
Milotic: Named Kiera after Kiera Knightly, he evolved it from a feebas he hatched from an egg. He still treats it like his baby.
Lopunny: It was his first Pokémon. His brother gave it to him as a gift and he took it as a challenge to get it to like him enough to evolve. He named it Audrey after Audrey Hepburn.
Liepard: Its stealthy nature is extremely helpful when scouting locations and doing research for the institute. It also hates Jon as much as Tim does. He named it Jackman after Hugh Jackman.
Diancie: He inherited it from his bro after his passing. Danny found it while exploring an old cave and used to travel everywhere with him. It and Danny are still inseparable. Its name is Mila after Mila Kunis.
Basira: Her team is as practical as she is. They are all extremely powerful and could easily take down the entire league if she wanted to. She just doesn’t want to. Her no-nonsense attitude means she just doesn’t see the point in naming any of her pokemon.
Arcanine: What's a cop without their traditional canine companion? Her arcanine fell in love with Daisy's before they even had a clue they were made for each other and set them up in a very 101 Dalmatian style.
Serperior: Her first pokemon given to her from the local pokemon professor. They share the same unimpressed icy stare.
Mightyena: They are truly cut from the same cloth and is honestly more of her partner than her official partner.
Alolan Ninetails: Her strongest Pokémon and her fiercest protector. It loves playing mind games with people.
Umbreon (evolved during the Raynor incident. It seems especially keen on picking up on paranormal activities making it very useful to have on hand)
Mewtwo (cause if anyone has a legendary Pokémon, it's Basira. She caught it during one of the section cases she took and just didn't tell anyone)
Daisy: She is the “gotta collect them all” type of pokemon hunter. She catches any new pokemon she comes across and sends them to the local professor cause she has to fill that pokedex.
Arcanine: Second verse same as the first with this one of being a staple of being a police officer. It will look for any excuse to burn someone. The only person it likes besides Daisy is Basira and her Arcanine.
Houndoom: Her first pokemon she got as a houndour. She terrorized the neighborhood kids with it and is essential for her hunting down both new pokemon and perps. 
Treevant: She caught it as a phantump after it showed up as she was looking into a cold case. At least if she never was able to file an official report, she at least knew how the case ended.
Sawsbuck: She caught it as a deerling and was the first pokemon she ever caught. What kinda hunter hasn’t caught a deer right?
Espurr: She got it after the whole coffin incident. She just kinda cam across it by chance and felt a kinship with it about having to restrain a flood of overwhelming power it holds.
Lyanroc Midnight form: It is as vicious as she is when in full Hunt mode. 
Melanie: She is the one type kinda trainer and it’s, of course, ghost types. She is determined to prove the paranormal exists outside of ghost type pokemon.
Gengar: It was the Pokémon that started her fascination with ghosts and the first Pokémon she ever had.
Honedge: She found it when looking into that ghost train and couldn’t not catch it. When she’s threatening to stab someone, she uses honedge to do so.
Sableye: Found in an abandoned, haunted mine shaft.
Banette: Cause what kinda ghost hunter doesn’t have a haunted doll?
Gourgeist: She caught it as a pumpkaboo on her very first ghost hunting trip.
Spiritomb: Caught it poking around the wrong place at the wrong time she came across it and had to catch it cause if anyone would have a spiritomb, it would be her. It’s just as bloodthirsty as she is.
Sasha: Do I mean this team was made by Sasha or Not-Sasha? The answer is yes.
Mimikyu: The first pokemon she ever caught. Wait... wasn’t it supposed to be a pikachu?
Ditto: This one just speaks for itself.
Baynette: After she caught it she started reading up on the stories and pores surrounding certain Pokémon that put her on the path of working at the institute.
Gothitelle: It started crying nearly immediately after Sasha started working for the Institute but didn't buy into the wives tale about them predicting their trainer's deaths. It mysteriously disappeared after the Prentis incident.
Claydol: She found it wandering around artifact storage and felt bad for it.
Parasect: Her first pokemon. She really just found it as a paras in her parents' backyard as a kid and begged them to let her keep it. It evolved during the Prentis incident while trying to help her fend off the worms.
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pkmnsdarkqueen · 6 years
Send in two (or more) names and I’ll fill all this out about the ship!
Rate the Ship -  Awful | Ew | No pics pls | I’m not comfortable | Alright | I like it! | Got Pics? | Let’s do it! | Why is this not getting more attention?! | The OTP to rule all other OTPs
How long will they last? - Main!verse Karen would never let it start cause well, his experiments are sort of an issue for her. (even though the chemistry is really good! ;_; Au maybe?)
How quickly did/will they fall in love? - It may take Karen a good while since she wouldn’t take him seriously at first thinking it all to be a trick, or that he was just doing it for kicks 
How was their first kiss? - Literally none of Karen’s first kisses have been smooth, and this would likely go the same way. I feel like he’d try to do a one of those where you swoop in, gently do a face grab, and slip a kiss in. However Karen, due to being instinctively fight-only when surprised would grab his wrist and twist his whole arm. Then after an odd screaming match of him explaining he was just going for a kiss she’d let him go, profusely apologize, and offer to get him some ice. Then she’d slip in a shy kiss before going to get it. 
Who proposed? - Karen usually is worried about rushing things, and would wait for Archer to. 
Who is the best man/men? - The other execs of Rocket, proton and petrel keep insisting their the best man, and no one knows at this point
Who is the braid’s maid(s)? - Will is the maid of honor despite being a guy, Karen refuses to have it any other way. Clair, Cynthia, and Elsa also make up the bridal party.
Who did the most planning? - Karen honestly calls in Will and Elsa to help which seems like a good idea but they drive Archer nuts from time to time as they get into particulars such as insisting on certain shades of colors. 
Who stressed the most? - Karen won’t admit it or show it much but internally she has a million thoughts going on about everything and retreats more than usual to sort through her thoughts before she gets cold feet.
How fancy was the ceremony? - Back of a pickup truck | 2 | 3 | 4 | Normal Church Wedding | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Kate and William wish they were this big.
Who was specifically not invited to the wedding? - Giovanni since Karen doesn’t want to start arguments with him, or have Silver deal with all of that
How many children will they have naturally? - 2
How many children will they adopt? - 2, and Karen might try to suggest more.
Who gets stuck with the most diapers? - Karen
Who is the stricter parent? - Archer
Who stops the kid(s) from doing dangerous stunts after school? - Depends
Who remembers to pack the lunch(es)? - Karen, but the kids always ask Archer to do it since Karen just kinda puts whatever she thinks will keep till lunch in there
Who is the more loved parent? - Karen, she’s really good with kids
Who is more likely to attend the PTA meetings? - Neither of them do since Archer finds them pointless, and Karen is too aggressive to the overbearing moms
Who cried the most at graduation? - Neither cried
Who is more likely to bail the child(ren) out of trouble with the law? - Archer, Karen would prefer they live with the consequences, at least long enough to learn a lesson
Who does the most cooking? - Archer
Who is the most picky in their food choice? - Archer
Who does the grocery shopping? - Karen
How often do they bake desserts? - While Karen can’t cook she can bake, and does so once a week generally
Are they more of a meat lover or a salad eater? - Meat lover
Who is more likely to surprise the other(s) with an anniversary dinner? - Archer
Who is more likely to suggest going out? - Karen
Who is more likely to burn the house down accidently while cooking? - 100% Karen, no doubts on that
Who cleans the room? - Archer
Who is really against chores? - Karen, some of them
Who cleans up after the pets? - Karen
Who is more likely to sweep everything under the rug? - Karen
Who stresses the most when guests are coming over? - Archer
Who found a dollar between the couch cushions while cleaning? - Archer
Who takes the longer showers/baths? - Karen
Who takes the dog out for a walk? - Both of them, with houndooms in tow. It’s like a mini date for them
How often do they decorate the room/house for the holidays? - Karen decorates the heck out of the place for Christmas even though she isn’t religious. Halloween also gets a decent amount of love
What are their goals for the relationship? - Karen’s would be to raise a family, and Archer’s would likely be more focused on the partner aspect
Who is most likely to sleep till noon? - Karen
Who plays the most pranks? - Karen, and puns with bad jokes sprinkled in. She always wins April fools, always.
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