#^ idk how this post sounds but I'm not being mean or ironic or overly positive either. like it was fun :) you know what I mean
g4rchomp · 1 year
my review of the mario movie
fun and entertaining with really really beautiful animations
bowser musical number(s). kids screaming laughing crying in the room
plumber sex joke within the first 10 minutes of the movie (in the french version at least)
embarrassing 'I need a hero' moment, you will never be shrek
on the topic of shrek: toad is basically just donkey
amazing orchestral music pieces from the games
3 real life songs that clearly say "we want to appeal to millennials who listened to their white dad's music"
dixie kong on screen for a few seconds <3 I love her so much
fun easter eggs you know are gonna appear in every IGN listicles for the next 3 months
fun overall :) kids around you will sing the bowser song for the next 5 days (practice your dramatic villain skills)
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