lilitophidian · 4 months
@radiomurdeer ;
⛧ Continued from here 《
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Maiden was a really perplexing character. She was throwing items to see if they would stay, having a true gum on your shoe moment as she played the merry-go-round loop for eternity.
Give or take, he was undoubtedly unusual in terms of logistics! Lacking genuineness, but if you looked at it in the correct way, it obviously gave her presence. Because of her reputation, no one knew what she meant, even when she meant it. She would rake her teeth along the region with care, but she would not break the tissue again.
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" Oh, the inquiries never stop. I understand desiring answers from higher forces, but can't we just live in the moment? "
Much talk for one who lives in the past. Perhaps she was having a horrible day. Normally, it indicated a n t a g o n i s m, so this was really a change of pace.
Despite his returning clasp, she released his slender form and dragged her fingers to the edge of his pants. It would gently work its way upwards, undoing any nicely tucked shirt. When she came across such a scarred surface, she would scrape her digits into his spine and drag upwards until she came across the symbol she had left on him years before, tracing such a region.
" I am assuming you merely say that because you want something in return. Alastor, you are always such a spoiled brat. Aren't you? I must SAY...I am not complaining in the slightest. And you really should eat more. You are withering away, my beloved Stag. "
Anyone with a semblance of intellect would recognize that she was clearly flirting with him and not in a false pretense.
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lilitophidian · 6 months
@multipalz ; Continued from here 《
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If Eve were a child, such as she acted, she would have been devoured on the spot with her bones preened of any ligaments that may have been hidden.
Fortunately, she wasn't.
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The younger soul's laughing elicited smiles from the dark queen, who kept her near and protected upon her shoulder.
" Oh, absolutely. I wish to show you something. Perhaps broaden your horizons. Don't worry a pretty little strand growing from your head. "
It was quite impressive. Eve had never been afraid of her. However, Lilith really hadn't given reason for such yet to come fruit.
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lilitophidian · 4 months
Continued from here 《
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The annoyance of another name would surface for a fleeting second before she focused on his appearance. A little touch here and there. " Perhaps back when people utilized poison in their cosmetic goods. It just will not suffice... I offered you a little more liberty. Perhaps too much. You have been quite the naughty boy, a little too big for your britches. "
She would gently admonish him. Despite her attempts to remain grounded for the time being, she exudes displeasure.
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Fingers become entangled in the chain. A quick yank brought him closer. MOTHER WAS DISSATISFIED WITH HIS AMBITIOUS ACTION, as seen by her narrowed eyes.
" Did I coddle you too much to make you believe you could do such things? I know I should not have expected you to comprehend the regulations, but you must not go for ANYONE who is higher than that of an OVERLORD. You would not want to get me in trouble, would you? The paperwork is very bothersome. "
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lilitophidian · 2 months
Continued from here 《
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Meer moments ago, the pulse was elevated.
The border between life and death was blurred, and it was uncertain if air from the lungs would continue to exist. A few wounds here and there, unaffected by the adrenaline rush, seeped blood from a few nicks.
She misplaced her gun, as well as her heels. What a pain in the ass. When the landscape was neither welcome nor familiar, Chicago was the superior playground. However, things alter. They changed, so you had to adjust to get anything done.
This man.
Whoever he was snatched her breath away; he had the upper hand over a rich girl from out of town. Names mingled to meet Magne's descriptions. What a charming show she could put on for strangers? Did you ever hear of her?
Certainly not a local.
Soaked to the brim with textiles that cling to the pale complexion. The dirt clung to skin as it shivered from the mild coolness in the air.
" I recognized an opening and seized it. Plus, you appear to be highly skilled with your hands. Why squander that on bracelets? "
Despite her best efforts to avoid falling again, she remains unconcerned. Was she trying to make a joke? Making light of the situation?
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lilitophidian · 4 months
Continued from here 《
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For one to fall in love with 𝔳𝔞𝔪𝔭𝔦𝔯𝔦𝔰𝔪. The enchantment in the swing of hands—everlasting love turns rancid and horrifying in every meaning of the play.
He is the circus' ringleader, and she is the star of the performance. It was always like that, wasn't it?
Even when it was his skull, she was cooing out Shakespearean tales.
Poetry to engulf you.
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Sideways glances, accompanied with a smile. In answer, there is a small snicker before lit hues pay forth under the lash. She would extend her satin-covered hand to him, regardless of the horrible blood that could have been trickling into the combination of whatever last bit and piece of this sick entanglement remained.
One had attempted. It was never completely discovered. More so in another, even while in denial.
darling. It's lovely to have you
𝖄𝖔𝖚 𝖜𝖊𝖗𝖊 𝖒𝖎𝖘𝖘𝖊𝖉 𝖒𝖔𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖗, 𝖇𝖞 𝖙𝖍𝖆𝖙 𝖔𝖋 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖋𝖆𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖗, 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖉𝖆𝖚𝖌𝖍𝖙𝖊𝖗, 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖑𝖉𝖗𝖊𝖓
She knew him like the back of her hand.
The wall was constructed using concrete and cement.
" Hello. "
So calming, so silky.
" Here and there. Everywhere. Doing my duties in the shadows. You know... My beloved, it was nothing personal....I assume you maintained yourself...Busy...Yes? I certainly hope that is the case. Does your bed still welcome the darkness ? "
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lilitophidian · 5 months
Continued from here 《
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When such a gift is unwrapped, one is not likely to be delighted. To be honest, many people would definitely reject this! Oh, what a pity after all the difficulty madame nightmare had gone through to achieve such!
Oh, she knew he was going to detest this.
Such would give another wiggle as the paper was progressively peeled, letting up an unholy muffled moan from inside. The struggle and wriggling intensified till a spit of knotted rope drooled on eventually emerged from the lips.
Sad distortion to resonate as soon as the air of light from unwrapping arrives.
" H...Help! She...S..Stuck me in here! I don't like the dark! Oh, that was so dreadful! "
That is amusing. The shit goblin was plastered with BLUSH and hog-tied, so he could not flee. Do not be fooled; he was enjoying every bit of this even in his static-y whimpered words.
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lilitophidian · 6 months
Starter for ; @d-ecrescendo
⛧ Girls just wanna have fun
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Normally, one rang with anger for the birds. Wanting to take out a shotgun and aim it at fluffy beings. Observing the fall from the skies at each blast.
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However... It seemed the fowl deemed herself worthy of being spared. The entertainment value of someone else's death. Ah, she knew she liked her as soon as she heard laughing when someone stumbled on their intestine.
And now she would approach. Wait for a spark of curiosity as she moved closer, allowing her hair to drift in appeasement.
" Darling lieutenant, I came to ask whether you would mind joining me for a little devilish fun. We do not have to discuss such matters, and I believe you would enjoy the amusement."
Ah, the obsidian queen to nourish everything you choose, locked in the closet like a skeletal corpse.
Just whatever did she simply have in mind?
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lilitophidian · 6 months
@voodoodaaddy ;
Continued from here 《
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Of course, she knew he was awake; otherwise, she would have infiltrated his sweet little dreams and caused him night terrors for hours.
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Give or take, and she would take time to observe him. Cat and mouse the traditional tiny scenery before she smiled when he saw her presence. She would linger to sit close to him and examine his intricate workings. How adorable he was, like a tiny old man or... Grandmother.
" Hm? What? Do not desire my company? Here, I thought you were always a gentleman. " Of course, she was teasing, but she was quite the frightening fucking lady, so it was no surprise he assumed she would require something from him.
Perhaps she did. But it did not appear to be lingering outwardly at this time.
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lilitophidian · 3 months
Continued from here 《
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Nativity rings are securely fastened between familiar clay bindings. Oh, why had not the Father discarded them long ago?
But one could disguise so effectively, even if they were just a few days older.
Holding back any malicious purpose in such words said by a man, she had no interest in anything other than the lingering desire for his death, which thumped in the back of her mind.
It screamed as it pounded at the membrane walls, painting the corners with violations.
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" Hmm....I'm sure he's fine. He has all of the angels' eyes on him. "
More so than the feminine existence. Rebellion crept through, which is less significant to the holy deity.
ᴄʟᴇᴀʀ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴛʜʀᴏᴀᴛ
ᴀɢᴀɪɴꜱᴛ ᴛʜᴇ ᴛᴇɴꜱɪᴏɴ
ᴏꜰ ᴛʀᴀᴜᴍᴀꜱ
The idle one will take the cake.
As she listened to Anixtey's pleas, she tilted her red-colored long locks to provide covering. She would hush her with her free hand, while other taken flesh reciprocated the entangled passion.
" You know... Eve. I am confident you are capable of achieving everything on your own... You have strength apart from Adam. But I will assist you nonetheless. "
A kind hand reaches for Cₗₒₛₑ, removing a strand of hair off skin kissed by sun Goddesses. She would disregard the rejection she felt for Father, feeling as if they were merely two of the same breed. The aura is the same whether of if the construct is made of clay, bone, or RIB.
" Come along. I will not let you go. "
Cooing before Taller took the lead as shepherd to guide lost small lamb. Any story can have unexpected turns and surprises.
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lilitophidian · 4 months
Continued from here 《
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It wasn't as if she had not expected a few angels to disrupt her beach time. Adam and Lute did not deviate from doing so on a regular basis.
Clearly, the young one had no idea that Heaven's paradise housed the MOTHER OF DEMONS. She would figure—at least if she was intelligent.
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" In the sense it'll be best if you don't go singing songs. Hm? I can smell Sera all over you and would prefer to avoid the inconvenience. Little Birdie, you have strayed far from your home. "
Well. If anything, that meant she was safe from becoming supper for the screeching owl-snakes. Safety in feminity, as well as not wanting to be harassed, prompted her to make deeper observations.
" Run along now. I wouldn't want you to get in trouble. "
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lilitophidian · 3 months
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Ah, her little Cauchemar—her little shit goblin. Was she really expecting anything less from him? He obviously enjoys snakes. She is nearly one! Crossing out mommy and daddy issues does not mask the facts.
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" I would surely hope you wouldn't fuck, Michael. And does this imply that you would let someone else bind you to a wall? Oh, how heart-breaking. "
Seemingly not touching on the dominance unless allowed space. All well, she's dripping wet with SARCASM!!!
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lilitophidian · 5 months
// 📚 + 📕
Mun VS Muse — send a symbol!
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I don't exactly have a favorite author, I'm kinda all over the place but if the book is dark as shit odds are I'm gonna be down to read it. I looooove poetry books, puzzle books, vampires, monsters, mysteries, horror all that good kinda stuff ya'know? I mean if I had to pinpoint an exact favourite in all time general? Alice in Wonderland is like my heart. Fr. Though I do collect vintage recipe books.
As for recent books I did get House of Leaves so far I absolutely adore it so thanks for the recommendation from my deer Lumen!! Still need to read more of it but I love how it looks honestly it's such a cool book.
Lilith has read every book she possibly can. I mean being as ancient as she is she's devoured every ounce of literature she possibly could. Mostly prefers the dark topics, though I feel like she loves a good feminist girl power book when it really comes down to it. As for her recent? She's been much too busy, with all those queenly duties.
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lilitophidian · 1 month
@aroyaltailor ;
Continued from here 《
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One would become accustomed to a woman's lunacy, which was so firmly ingrained in her own mental prison.
Could she be blamed?
Especially if you knew her genuine biography, the Goetia most devoted to her ladyship would undoubtedly be aware of such tales in light of the ludicrous defamation that surrounds her reputation.
Moods swinging back and forth, leaving one to wonder why or what she was doing at the end of it. Perhaps he...Messed up the stitching on her dress on a bad day. Perhaps he was the only one there and became the current target, with rings of crimson on his forehead. While she was bird-like in some manner, she had a grudge against anything like it—anything even vaguely similar to what caused her fate was open prey. A jargon to dwell in the depths of her unstable ego.
ʀᴇᴍᴀɪɴ ꜱᴜʙꜱᴇʀᴠɪᴇɴᴛ.
ᴅᴏ ɴᴏᴛ ꜰɪɢʜᴛ ᴇxᴄᴇꜱꜱɪᴠᴇʟʏ.
ᴡʜᴇɴ ʏᴏᴜ ᴅᴏ, ᴛʜᴇ ᴍᴏᴛʜᴇʀ ᴏꜰ ᴛʜᴇ ᴅᴀʀᴋ ᴋɪɴɢᴅᴏᴍ ʙᴇᴄᴏᴍᴇꜱ Qᴜɪᴛᴇ ᴜɴʜᴀᴘᴘʏ.
Due to a lack of power, his efforts appear to be ignored.
Knitted delicate brows as she inclined her head. Lost in some sort of universe, attempting to extract the grinded beef mush from its intestined film container. However, she would pause and relax her grasp before it became a
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" Hm? Oh. Yes. Excuse me, but I have not been able to exercise my nerves today, and you arrived at the wrong time and location. "
As if she was truly concerned. She would let him regain his breath, ruffle his feathers, and calm down after such a forceful move.
" I wanted to invite you to tea. "
Sure enough, there it was. The unpredictable force of nature that was M̵̨̖̠̘̲̀ͦ̿̈́̈̒͟͠ọ̷̦̳̗͙̹̟͖̗̟͙ͯ͋ͩ̀́̌͋͛ͬ̏͋͛ͫ̽ͤ̚͜͟͞͝͞͠ţ̳̀̈́ͪ̂͌ͨ͝͝_̡̡̞͔̣͚̗̣ͫͮͥ͒͐͒̎͋ͮ̃h̯̳͎͎̹͐̓ͮ͂͡_̧̘͂ͭ͒̄ͦ͡ͅe̢̢̹̘͎̥̣̠̩̜̓͂͋̔̈́̑̿ͭͨ́́͑̚͝ͅr̨̍ͮͫ_̧͖̼̫̘̜̘͗̎͗̇ͪ̓ͪͯͦ̌͑̉͟͜ L̙͍̭̃̋ͅï̛͔̠̖̙͇̪̫ͬ͂̐̑̅͋̅ͬ̂̚͢li̛̤̾̓̊_̸̵̸̶̢̫̺͙̖̘͇̝̻͇̠̮̘̾ͥͯ̎̄̊ͪͨ̇̋̓ͪ̑͘͢ͅt̵̵̶̵̨͍̺͕̲̲͎̖̪̼ͧ̇̋ͦ̿ͯͥ̇͘͞h̛̛͙̥̫͎̄̒́ͩͫ̋.
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lilitophidian · 2 months
Continued from here 《
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Allowance in shadows to cradle injured heart bird;
Approach with caution. Placing a hand on the shoulder, tilting the head in a nearly gentle manner. For once, THE SIREN'S WATERS DID NOT RIPPLE AGAINST THE CAPTAINS CHIEF MATE.
" You know as well as I do, I've come from every single realm at this point. "
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She would swivel her head to look at foul while jesting softly.
" It seems you may need something here. However, I do not intend to make a bargain...If you do not mind, I would like to propose another option. "
Feminity in need, screaming out to her. As always, it wouldn't matter if she'd find the answer. " It isn't forever. Don't let that taint you; I will be polite this time. "
Soothing in tone, one could get a high off her nurturing nature even if it rang in as false lullabies.
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0 notes
lilitophidian · 4 months
Continued from here 《
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Creating a subtle suggestion of defeat. A constant variable in ʜᴀᴛʀᴇᴅ.
A dance in WAR, spewing vitriol in the face of machismo. The incessant, snarled phrases of
F̵̛̥͐̅̎͋̈͋͊͑̚Ȕ̴̢̜̙̂͐̾͌̓̑͒̀͝ͅC̸̨̗͓̹͔͓̆͠K̸̲̈́͐͆̍͌̈͊ ̶̹͍̞̱͈̠̉̀̄̈́̈́͂̽̍Y̸͍̱͇̩̫̥̺͚͚̣͊̈́͊͑͛̀̽͑̽Ȍ̴̥̝̳͛̚͝U̵͉̗͚̩̤̜̻͙͂̓̇́͘̕͜͠͠͝ͅ ̸͚̉̆F̵̜̥̯̣̽́͌̀̄̊̉͆͝U̴̼͉̪͇̰̅͆̏̾̐͝͝Ç̵̰͈̪͇̭̏̓͒̀͘͝K̷̢̳̺̖̼̦̞̘̞̊͂̾ ̶̪͓̌̊Ý̷̲͈̦̳̪̜̤̽͘͜͝Ŏ̶̫̻̝̊̽̇̈́͋̉U̷̡̼͚̣̰͗́͗͒̕̕ ̷̣̯̠̺͍͌̅̀̾F̷̤̫̲̻̜̲͇͕̱̋̃͊̾̒͜͠͝Ų̵̠̿C̸̳͈̱̦̻̬͇̩̣͂̍̿̆̑̊̅̇̌̏K̸̹̙͎͓̫̳̊̓͆ ̵̛̝͙͉̝̪̣̣͖̙̀̒͘Ý̴̧̝̥͖̠̻̤̳̪͐̆̀͘̚O̸͇̙̞͖̹͈͍̪̾͆Ü̴̗͚̦̻̞͓̗̘
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" Oh, my darling brother-in-law. Did you assume this was for you? Are you so idiotic to imagine I would act in such a sloppy manner? "
Without hesitation, she'd wipe the blade off with her fingers. The taint of anything that may have happened is none of his FUCKING BUSINESS. In regards, she'd keep those true dagger eyes on his face. A slip of the blade conceals at thigh in elegant portions.
" So sweet. You think you're useful. "
Of course, despite their never-ending disregard for one another, they have a verbal chokehold. Secrets and explicit intents are unwritten in appearance.
" Ha...Ha...Don't make me laugh. I have accepted that we will not win whatever this is, at least not right now. So I would rather not drag the mess around my daughter anywho. I have far better things to do than mess about with you, Michael. "
If only there was a lamp made of angelic steel so that he'd have some brain damage. But she was quite certain he already did.
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0 notes
lilitophidian · 4 months
Continued from here 《
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A fairly common acquisition component in daily activities.
Crimson paint is used to spread over an alabaster canvas in beautiful patterns.
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In setting, she is sat across from him the irritation of what was once lingering in mind before such casualties paid tribute in ritualistic killings.
Acceptance of touch—why would she reject it from him? Especially not when he condoned such cruel actions.
" Delicious, you say? Well, I am afraid I might not be on the menu tonight. Perhaps someone else was. "
Jokingly, she would give him her glance, a grin that matched the attributes of beauty in femininity. One may easily alter oneself in a flash of mist....However, why not entertain?
" Hmmmm....Perhaps you are right. You are aware that I made a significant mess. Oh, what am I supposed to do? "
Hidden sarcasm before fingers connected to zip back in a tiny movement to inch downwards.
" You are aware that I tend to lose count over time? What is the sense of remembering if existence does not continue? "
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