#{ I think this works since Mika IS a monster technically due to the fact he's a vampire. }
yuichiroswife · 2 years
Which Fairytale Archetype Are You?
The Monstrous Bride.
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 “Just as the ultimate goal of Arthurian quest finally defines itself as the Holy Grail, the object that can never be assimilated into the real world, so the ultimate woman of romance is a fairy mistress, or fairy queen.” — Helen Cooper. The monstrous bride is not necessarily monstrous, but she is, by definition, inhuman, which is part of her je ne sais quoi. Her happiness often depends on whether her groom knows her inhuman. If he does not, he is bound to find out before the story concludes, at which point he will either be repulsed by his wife's deceit and leave her, or attempt to make the relationship work, but fail, because he is operating under a misinterpretation of her nature. If he is aware of her inhuman identity, it will often be one of the factors leading to his attraction to her, and he will be rewarded with her love – but often at the cost of abandoning his previous life completely.
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Tagged: @crxstallium​
Tagging: @casketcat, @devotionobsessed​, and @rosxtenebrae​
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Chapter 11
Story Summary: Kayla and her sister Mika Anderson live with 5 demons. What Kayla doesn’t know that Mika is a demon who is trying to run away from a pained past. Tensions run high as James is trying to impress Kayla while Erik is being no help at all.
Chapter Summary: We learn about the devil’s Mika’s past. Why did she run away from her kingdom? She lived a hard life but she waits until she has her moment.
Word count: 1664
Ships: OrginalFemaleCharacter (Kayla x James), (Kayla x Erik), Unwanted (Mika x James)
Warnings: Battle fighting, yelling, blood 
Author’s Notes: I don’t have a title for this story. Give me names in the comments!  All Seduce me Characters belong to Michaela Laws
Mika’s POV
I am remembering a memory that I wish to forget.
Picture a happy family, there's a mother, a father, and a child that was born due to their true love.
I mock these stories as I would over hear my step mom tell my step sister.
My life was a horror show. We were an upper-class family that was in line to the throne under the demon lord. Devils like us are granted an opportunity because of our family’s history. My mother died giving birth to me or that’s what I was told. I was a slave working for my father as he hated seeing me due to the fact that I had my mother’s eyes.
This all changed when I turned 19. My world was about to get worse.
I got called to the throne room as I was needed for a family ‘meeting’. I walked along the cold stone walls as I made my way towards the grand room. The doors opened to reveal two unknown faces in the kingdom, they both had beautiful long hair as the mother wore extravagant clothing. The other looked two years younger than me as we locked eyes. I was interrupted by my father (fat ass is what I call him now)
“Hello, daughter” he spoke in a lifeless tone, “meet your new mother and step-sister, Caroline.”
I was in shock as I gave a polite nod towards the girl named Caroline.
“What’s your name?”
“Mika” I answered back in a dark tone
“I bet we are going to be best of friends.” She smiled back at me. I gave her a stare before fat ass got my attention.
“Mika,” he started not being able to look me in the eye’s “bring your new mother and sister to their rooms. From this day your duties are gone. Spend time with your mother, just stay away from my sight.” I nodded as we all climbed the stairs towards their room. The older blond lady pulled me aside as Caroline ran and jumped on the beds.
“Child, don’t resent me I know I will never be your real mother but remember.” She leaned in close, “Stay away from the throne, you don’t deserve it! Caroline will be a great queen.” “Goodnight dear,” She backed away into the room, I saw her golden hair swaying behind her.    
Several days turned into months as I lost my privileges as a lady, I was demoted back to a maid.  I started to hate father’s new ‘bride’ as she demoted my rights! What upset me the most about my family is that father was always around Caroline when they were teaching her how to dance and learning proper etiquette for being the heir to the throne. I even saw father introduce Caroline to the locals claiming that she was his perfect heir. One day fat ass made an announcement to the kingdom that he is giving Caroline the throne as his heir. I gasped in shock as that was my birthright! How dare this bitch take it away from me! On that moment I declared that I will be queen, no matter who gets in my way.
Time Skip
Today was the day that fat ass and Caroline were planning for months since her mother’s death. Today she will be sentencing to wed the eldest son of the demon lord. She has been preparing for this for the years since I met her on my birthday. Three years later, one week before the wedding Caroline stormed into the throne room. I hid under the table near the throne.
“Caroline, dear what’s wrong?” fat ass asked concerned, I rolled my eyes as he never cared about me.
“What’s this talk about me being the queen? Why can’t I marry for love, like my mother told me.”
“Dear, marrying for love, ha” He started to laugh as Caroline looked confused, “I didn’t marry for love dear, I did it for the political power!”
She stood back, shocked at his words. “I never loved any of your mothers!” He looked at the both of us with an evil eye.
“But father, I don’t want to wed the demon’s lord’s eldest son.” She raised her voice towards our father, “I want to marry for true love!” “It’s a princess duty to keep alliances within the kingdom; our kingdom will strive! We need a royal marriage to save the kingdom!?”
They have auguring for hours since we got word that the eldest demon son was seeking a bride. I was enraged as he mentioned that he never loved, he loved Caroline’s mother. He blamed me for her murder since one of my friends in the castle did it. I took it as he couldn’t touch me since I was technically a princess.
 I saw my sister, Caroline was wearing a beautiful red dress that was made from the finest cloth, her hair was shimming like the golden sun as my hair was the color of a moonless night. I was wearing a black dress that I made thanks to the other servants.
“If I can’t convince you then I will force you!” His voice boomed around the empty room which made my sister shudder and ran into the garden. After she left, I finally came out of hiding as I made my way towards the room where my father was.  
“Father,” I walked over to him as he looked frustrated, “I can take Caroline’s place, I can keep the kingdoms together. I can save us, I have a plan. Give me a chance.” I pleaded.
“There is no way that I am going to have a battered daughter of mine take my throne away from me!” Before I could react, he stood up and slapped me. The sound echoed around the room as it left an indent of a ring. It marked my skin as he stood above me unfazed by his actions. I had tears rolling down my face as this was my last chance to prove my worth.
 He sat back down at his fat squished in his chair. I left the room mocking my father as his back was away from me. I had a bone to pick with my sister as she was making a foolish mistake. I ran into the gardens as I ducked into the bushes near as I heard her voice talking with another.
“Please, Patrick we have to leave before I get wed,” I heard her voice, the other sighed “Caroline, I love you, I can’t live without you. I don’t care what your father says! We will leave tonight after dawn.”
I saw them hugging each other and whispering ‘I love you’ to each other. I stood unfazed at their vows as I was never taught to be compassionate. I was told to work my way up to the top and when you are there you have all the power.
“You traitor!” I yelled as I stepped out of the shadows. Their eyes went wide with fear that I caught them.
“Caroline, you are stupider than you think. All those years of preparing for this moment and you call it off?!”
“Please Mika, you don’t understand you are still not of age, you don’t understand the power of true love.” she tried to reason with me, but I was too upset. Tears started to form with my rage.
“Why? Cause I’m not ready! Remember Caroline, I am the eldest here! I am 23 as you are two years younger. I would be a great queen to this land, I will rule with an iron fist! I have been held back all my life from that bastard king and I won’t let anyone get in my way!!” I snapped as I saw fat ass running towards the three of us.
“Mika are you insane!” He yelled as he stood between me and Caroline, “I demand to know why you are being so arrogant!”
“Why?! Why! Do you care now you never did ever since you favored her and sent me to live with the servants!” I was finally at my limit of being treated like shit. I had my moment and I wasn’t going to let it go.
He didn’t have a chance to respond as I took my silver sword and I jammed it through his throat before my sister and ‘Patrick’ could scream I pulled out my sword and unmercifully stabbed them until I was covered with their blood. I grabbed fat asses crown and cape covered in his blood as I walked back into the throne room and took my rightful place as queen. *Cue evil laugh here*  
James POV
She started to laugh, it sounded cruel and unmerciful. She worked her way out of the corner with her own power.
“After all those years! I took my rightful place!! As queen.” Her eyes narrowed and turned blood red, “and you James, would have been my king but you had—other plans”
 My mind went blank as she was showing me a memory, I was back under my father. I saw a younger me just being told that my marriage to Caroline was broken due to the fact that she was murdered. I sat devastated as father came in and gave me books to read, he walked out of the room planning an attack on their kingdom. I sat with dark circles around my eyes from learning. I was waiting to be free. I wanted to tell my story, be with my brothers. The memory ends as I stood back from her. “It was you!” “You killed Caroline! For your own benefit! How could I learn to love a monster! I will never be yours!”
My brothers glanced towards me as I started to shake, “I wanted to be free from my duty’s!” “I wanted to fall in love not be forced into loving someone that I hate!”
Mika had an a-ha moment because she glared at me, “Now we understand each other! I needed you to alliance our kingdoms and if you weren’t going to come with me I had to take you with force!”
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