#{ I'll probably take even longer for the playlist one with Mika though. }
yuichiroswife · 2 years
Why did the author kill you off ?.
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Breaking Point.
They've been through so much, the one you love. They have suffered, and endured, and gone through hell and back. Maybe they've come close to breaking, maybe they've danced on the edge of sanity. But you've always been there to pull them back before they go to far. Alas, blood stains their hands as they put pressure on your wounds, the life fading from your eyes. Even now, even in this moment, you offer them whatever comfort you can. You're so proud of them, you love them so much. You know that they can get through this. Nothing could ever convince you otherwise. And yet, as your heart stops, their world shatters. You were the only thing that they could not afford to lose, and now their only goal is vengeance. Once they achieve that? Chaos will do.
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Tagged by: @crxstallium​​
Tagging: I’m too tired to tag anyone else anymore at this point so just steal it if you wanna do it and tag me.
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