#{ I've never been good at making playlists for my canon muses but I'll try my best! }
yuichiroswife · 2 years
Why did the author kill you off ?.
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Breaking Point.
They've been through so much, the one you love. They have suffered, and endured, and gone through hell and back. Maybe they've come close to breaking, maybe they've danced on the edge of sanity. But you've always been there to pull them back before they go to far. Alas, blood stains their hands as they put pressure on your wounds, the life fading from your eyes. Even now, even in this moment, you offer them whatever comfort you can. You're so proud of them, you love them so much. You know that they can get through this. Nothing could ever convince you otherwise. And yet, as your heart stops, their world shatters. You were the only thing that they could not afford to lose, and now their only goal is vengeance. Once they achieve that? Chaos will do.
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Tagged by: @crxstallium​​
Tagging: I’m too tired to tag anyone else anymore at this point so just steal it if you wanna do it and tag me.
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hvndredbattles · 3 months
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yoinked from: @nezemny
tagging: whoever wants to!
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what made you pick up the current muse(s) you have?━━ fandom brainrot lmao In all seriousness, though, I do tend to build my muses toward whatever genres or fandoms I'm currently most engaged with. On this blog in particular, it was definitely falling head-first into CoD.(Teddy being the exception, though she doesn't have info yet; she was inspired by a different piece of media (Wingwomen).)
is there anything you don’t like to write? ━━ Not generally in a way that has come up? I don't like children/pregnancy plots, just because they're not of interest to me, and I'm not generally into period drama type writing? And crack, I suppose.
is there anything you really enjoy writing? ━━ I'm an old fashioned whump/angst bitch. I like giving characters a good thrashing, be it emotionally or physically, and sticking them with other people, and seeing what comes out the other side. (Shaking the snowglobe, as it were.) I also really like working within established/plotted dynamics! Not necessarily that the whole trajectory is plotted out or anything, but developing a solid basis in which to work. I enjoy when characters settle into something, and then presenting circumstances that can reinforce or change those dynamics.
AND SPOOKY SHIT. God, I love me some serious, thriller/horror type spooky shit, even if it's not quite in line with the original media.
BUT ALSO I do just really enjoy writing with my friends.
how do you come up with headcanons? ━━ Uhhhh I mean. I almost never write canon characters (too intimidated by the prospect of fucking it up), so anything "headcanon" is actually just canon, technically? In any case, I tend to sit with the character and start prodding at a concept I want to know more about. I'll try to visualize it and set the character down in related situations to gauge reaction and then build from there, if that makes sense?
do you write in silence or do you play music? ━━ It depends. I do have curated playlists for some characters, and generally have a genre or fandom playlist that I can put on. Sometimes I struggle to focus on writing if I have other stimuli, but other times I need something else to split my focus so I can actually get work done
do you plan your replies or wing them? ━━ RP to me is improv. Very little planning, a lot of feeling it out as you go, informed by whatever you've got in your noggin about the character you're writing as.
do you enjoy shipping? ━━ It's not what I write for, but I do enjoy shipping on occasion! I think... iirc out of all my ships, I'm rarely the one to suggest it first, but I'm not avoiding it. It's another one of those vibes-based things where I sort of just need to feel it out as I go, and approve or pivot as I feel is honest and appropriate to the character involved. Very chemistry-based.
what’s your alias/name?   ━━ This is a funny place to put this question in the order of questions lshdfhsdf I'm Squid! I've been Squid for years and years, at this point; longer irl than online, actually. I've had other names and aliases, but this is the one I'm likely to stick with. It rings true to me.
favorite color? ━━ I don't? Have one? Idk man, greens are pretty sick, but I couldn't pick just one. But I also rly like gold and yellows!
favorite song? ━━ Such a "depends on the day" answer. Uhhhhh. Can't pick. Have this one: Gloves (with Matt McAndrew) - Saint Punk
last movie you watched? ━━ What a great question. It's-- OH! It was the new Chicken Run movie, which I watched with my beloved Hannah.
last show you watched? ━━ Does stuff on Dropout count? If yes, I've been burning through all their stuff, and have been currently working my way through Um, Actually. If not.... it's been. A While since I watched any television. It might have been 3 Body Problem? Which I haven't finished, because it was Stressful, but I was enjoying it!
last song you listened to? ━━ lshdfhsd I've got music on rn, cuz I was trying to find one I vibed enough with to share for the fave song question. I bounced around for a while, and then ended up back on the playlist I have it in, so sldhfhsd see favorite song for the song I last listened to.
favorite food? ━━ Macaroni and cheese!
favorite season? ━━ Fall, maybe? idk, they all have their pros and cons.
do you have a Tumblr best friend? ━━ A few! My bestest tumblr friend (and actually just one of my best friends) is @ru5t!
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